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Great Horned Owl Characteristics

Bubo virginianus Appearance: Mottled gray-brown feathers;

reddish tinged face; white throat; distinct yellow
eyes; two feathered tufts on the top of head
The Great Horned Owl can be found
Size: 17''-25'' large; wingspan of 3'-5'
throughout North America, and
Call: Classic "hoot"
sometimes is present in South America.
It is known as an elusive bird, but its call Location: Perched in trees at dusk and nighttime
is easy to identify. The Great Horned
Owl can take down prey twice its size,
and commonly hunts falcons, other owls,
rodents, and frogs. Owls are nocturnal
animals but are sometimes seen at
dawn and dusk as well.

Fun Facts Sources

The Great Horned Owl is the quintessential owl Cornell Lab of Ornithology
depicted in comic books, movies, and books. World Wildlife Foundation
The Nature Conservancy
Picture: Megan Leich

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