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Red-Tailed Hawk Characteristics

Buteo jamaicensis Appearance: Brown with pale chests; distinct red

Size: Wingspan of 36”-48”
Red Tailed Hawk eat small mammals,
Call: 2-3 second call while soaring, sounds like
reptiles, and even other birds (up to the
size of a pigeon). Their hunting behavior
consists of the hawk either perched or Location: Spotted flying around and above
flying high above their hunting ground soccer and baseball fields
and diving for their prey once they have Season: Year-round
spotted it. Smaller prey is brought back
to the perch, while larger prey is
sometimes consumed on the ground.
Red-Tailed hawks tend to be monogamous and usually mate for life. Females lay anywhere from
one to five eggs per year and both the male and female hawks assist in incubating the eggs.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology
National Geographic
Pictures: Megan Leich and Katie Furlong

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