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California Poppy Characteristics

Eschscholzia californica Appearance: Bright orange petals; blue gray

tinted fern-like foliage
Size: 4-12’’ in height
As the California poppies are native to
Location: All around campus
the United States and Mexico, they are
Season: Blooms in late Spring and Summer
well adapted to the little amount of
rainfall. They thrive in direct sunlight
while they close their petals in cloudy o Native
weather and at night. If winters are mild,
poppies are capable of living several
years as they organically sprout again in
the fall.

Fun Facts Sources

The California Poppy is the state flower of FS Fed
California! Garden Guides
Because of its bitter taste, most animals stay Pictures: D Leich and Megan Leich
clear of the California Poppy.

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