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NAME: Trishia Mae Navarra

AGE: 18
WEIGHT: 50 klg.
GOAL: Gain weight
Narrative Report:
After 3 months my goal is to gain weight and to have a proper
posture. To enhance my body and to be fit, I enroll to gym sessions
for me to have equipment for weight gaining and also it has an
advantage because there’s a gym instructor and he will guide or teach
me the steps on how to achieve my goal.
In the first 3 days I already perform 3 basic routines. I am
focusing on toning my chest, butt and leg. Since that I am gaining
weight, I can eat food without limitation. I am weighing 50 klg. And
my goal is to gain 4-5 more kilos for me to have a balance BMI.
Exercise Routine: weight lifting


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