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Depdtme of&hcdin

Naimt C4ital Regirn

scltoot-s DtvtsloN ofIlcE
Nuet.a Ecija St, Bago BoEy
qrezor City


mf,mota DUm

TO: Assislonl Schools Division Supedntendenls

Chiels, CID ond SGOD
Division/Disticl Supervbors
Pubfic Eernenlory ond Secondory Sct]ool Heods

,aofffie5 on lh€ Coodud d fearlilg Aclio,o Cel (fAC)

Attoched b o b.ochure on Leoming Aclion Cell which will help ttle sctDols
erfionce lheir condrrct of LAC-

For your informolion ond gu(lonce.

lmmediole ond wile disseminolion of this Memomndum is desired.

cEso v
Schools Suoerinlendenl
Orpolatxn! of Edu.rtlon
School- d Learning
Muond Crprirl Rqton
IA\ r3? 11{
Nu.Yr EclF St, grfo !.nt y
l. Key Stagee Qu.lon CIV
rgi}llftrrl Til
g. Learhing Area8

8. Gratle Levele !t? hio BEsT tr

4. Programs
6. Individual or SeU.managed
6.Pair or Partner Meet Up
L v nilllIl'ir (o
7. Multi.grade Schoole (LAc) !-t
Suggerted Scheduling
!\!:!!. n tsd llN,
Strateg{er o
1. Shortened Period What is Loarnlng Action Cell (LAC)? Es[[$*[,$ o
2. Parallel Scheduling
It ls a group ofteachers who rngage ln collebora'
3. Shared Claeees tive learnlnt sesslons to solve shared challentes
encountered in the school.
4. Modular Approach
6. Approved Weekend L.{C
Tiroe Theoretlcal Framework

Setting-up Regources {lll{in

l. Experts
2. Learning Materiale
o pad.loclcal
c llud.nt l..mlng
.nd hollatlc

3. Budget
4. Facilities
Four Types of Modalities t. Multl-lchool L6rrBlnt
l. School-baeed Grouo' a.Grouo L.lrnlns wlth Tclchcn frqm
2. School-based One-on-one gs"1, fi |',-?l;a I E? i,ifi 1li;ft"i3Pti"slT
Learning Activities Learning Activities it155i'tdiici'6ii lEttliidiinijIcamin.c ecttvitlca
Frcll a A I Clalr bservstlon Vlrltt wiih tCaahcrs lrom anothdr &hool ol tna
rning gctivity, .
Bamr di3hlcl. municioalnv, clustcr.
knowrs0geq0lo rn
tngtructrohal or B. ltlultl-achool or Dlatrlct Group L.amlng'
a A tvDa ol mulll-lchool lrarning ectlvlty that
or lnv;ivc! thr lc.ming lscilltttorr and l.ernlng
of to
rou Croupr lrom dlltcrant tchool! ln e diSlrlct
B, Domonatrrtlon T.rchlng and Rcturn lcern togrthar tl! grouP.

pro This type of loarnin0 activity C. F.clllt ton'Clrclc.Thi! i3 a l.emlng ro

suito e &hool typ6 whor6 th6rs ere teach- livhv whcrrbv thc lrarnino fecilltator3 ln thc
E:, gr3 who qualify aB a mentor or coach, or didila or a ciurtcr achool-s tog.thrr wlth th.
master teach6r3 who are knowladgsable in School Haadr gathcr to ditcut! tha progI!!l
,en a particular approoch, Ekill or contant arga. .nd lrluc. ot th.l.ernlng scllvltlal.

Evr lu.tlng LAC Sct.lonr:

8. Supported Self-Managed Learning Instructlon Th. tollowlng tr. b.lng .l..t.adl
Vrtlrtlon 1- A typc of onlon-ona loernlng activity that lnvolvos teechors to improve on e 1. Approprlstln!!t ol Procadurat
skill or study an unfamiller or nsw epproach or stratcgy tirsl on their own end then with a 2. Chrlty of loplc dlaqratld
pertnor or e small group of leach66, or subjact metter. Clarlty ol lnttructiont Providld
Vlrhtlon 2-A learning modality whereby taachars parlicipat6s in I facilitated team laarning 4. Pr.lontation tlo
5 Ura ot Verbal and Non'varbd Communlcrtion
but neads to leam en approach or Bkill lntroducad on his/har own du6 to certeln circum-
6, Contant M[tary
Etance8 (s.9,, pcrceivsd naod to indopendontly learn in detail topic lntroducgd; absoncoc in 7 hl.c[tlon ol ICT
achedulcd lacililatod teem lgerning ression. 8, Bullding of Rlpport

Structurang LAG Sessions Documonl.tlon ir tha procltt ol accomplith-

rno LAc documcntatlon toolt, for.nt. lnd audro'
uiirii matcrratt tnrt caDlur. th! indlvidual or col'
lac-trva rnlrohtl or rlallzation! chlllengea an'
countr.€d. ind Oood praclict! ot toachcrt rn tht
. Itttoaamaatatlo . Oo.itdt conduct ot LAC iltuont data lnd vcnu!, obisc-
trvcc or t!.ming ooEla toprc. nrma oi lraming
i.cllit.ior dl.cuirl-on hlghllghtr. Oood pradlclr
ahar6d, challanoat !h!rad,polntr
l..rncd,inalCht! or rellizltionl, major
toDrca, metala srrlrng and agraamantt ol whlt to
do naxt. nrxl atcal tnd altcnduca

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