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All about that Downtime Life

If you wish to continue playing your character in these oneshots, using your downtime well
can help flesh out your character and prepare you for the next adventure. If you choose
nothing, it is assumed that you work a regular job living a modest lifestyle, buy nothing
besides daily need objects, and in general just chill out.

There are 3 things to decide:

1. Lifestyle
2. Shopping
3. Personal Activities

Currency Table:
1 copper piece= 1 copper piece
1 silver piece = 5 copper pieces
1 electum piece = 50 copper pieces
1 gold piece = 100 copper pieces
1 platinum piece = 1,000 copper pieces

1. Lifestyle
Considering the weight of your money purse and your ability to work choose one of the
following and roll a 1d100 for circumstance.

Pauper:​ You beg for your daily meals. You sleep on the streets, unless you can find
someone to put you up. You find yourself with the lowest of the low class and live their life of
simplicity and inherent risk. Location: Downtown, Market area, Hoya Park, Fishing Port. (0gp
per day/0 gp per month)

Poor: ​You buy two small meals a day. You stay in a cheap boarding house in which you
sleep in a shared room with 10 other people. You are subject to the same trials and hurdles
as the lower class in the city. Location: Downtown, Market area, Fishing port, agriculture
outlay. (1 sp per day/ 15 gp per month)

Modest:​ You stay in shared housing. You have your own small bedroom, but the cooking
and cleaning areas are communal. Sometimes you can choose who you stay with. You
experience what the majority of the inhabitants of the city experience. Location: Suburb,
Market area, Fishing Port. (1 gp per day/30 gp per month)

Comfortable:​ You have your own private space. You inhabit in the lower or second floor of
a two story building. You have your own bath and cooking area. You live in a somewhat
decent district. You have access to clean water. The people around you are proud yet still
modest. Suburb, Market area, Hoya Park. (5gp per day/150 gp per month)

Wealthy:​ You can rent your own small building or stay at a fine inn for affluent pilgrims and
traders. Not only do you have your own privacy, but you do not have to do your own cooking
and housework if you so choose. This allows you to make time spent crafting or studying to
be cut in half. The people around you are well off, affluent, and at times a bit posh. You
may need to invest money in some decent attire to socialize properly. Downton, Market
All about that Downtime Life

area, Hoya Park, Gappo Heights. (10gp per day/300 per month)

Extravagant: ​You stay in quarters meant for political emissaries and other well to dos. All
cooking and cleaning are done for you by staff. As before, the time spent crafting or
studying is cut in half because much of your daily chores are taken care of for you. You also
have a trusted servant you can send out on errands and to relay messages for you. People
you meet near your residence may be powerful and influential. You also have access to any
sort of kit you would need for crafting, potionmaking, etc. free of cost. (50gp per day/1,500
per month)

Royalty:​ Every whim and desire is fulfilled by a large staff of servants. Very few ever get to
live this lifestyle. You will stay at one of the beautiful bay homes in Hoya Heights, often
reserved for weddings and celebrations. You meet only the most affluent of individuals and
there is not a splotch of poverty in sight. You are well guarded and well provided for. You
can summon many interesting and useful individuals to your abode to assist entertain you.
You gain all the benefits of a wealthy and extravagant lifestyle. Studies and crafting take
even less time due to having so much support and access to such high quality materials.
(100gp or 1pp a day/ 3,000gp or 30pp a month)

Working takes 8 hours of your day, after which you are fatigued. You generally can’t craft, or
do some of the other time consuming personal activities in the same day. ​Depending on
the work, you may get bonuses to stats or gain proficiencies.

Working a regular job, You can live a modest lifestyle without paying the fee out of pocket.
Your salary pays for it. ​Being a member of a powerful organization (guild, temple) lets
you earn enough to support a comfortable lifestyle, and proficiency in the
Performance skill lets you earn enough for a wealthy lifestyle. You can’t work a job
and craft at the same time.

2. ​Shopping:
All is readily accessible in Blue Forest City except the Shady Dealer which requires
some snooping around. Please tell me what you want to buy. Prices vary.

3. Personal Activities
Crafting takes from morning until evening.
You can craft 5gp of objects in a day. The material costs you 2.5gp in order to make it.
You can craft 10 gp. Material cost is 2.5gp
You can craft 50gp of an item. Material cost is 0gp (included in lifestyle fee)
Royal​ you craft 150 gp of items in a day. Material cost is 0gp (included in lifestyle fee)
All about that Downtime Life

Example. Adventurer living Modest lifestyle.

A suit of full plate armor costs 1,500 gp, so it takes 300 days to make and requires
materials with a total value of 750 gp

Healing Ability Score Damage
1 full day of rest restores 1 ability point.
Recovering from serious illness disease or poison
Spend 3 days resting. If you are living a Wealthy or higher lifestyle take only 2 days
as you are being attended on by the top professionals. After this time has passed
roll a DC15 CON save. If you success remove one negative effect that stops you
from regaining hit points or for the next 24 hours gain advantage on saving throws
against one poison/disease affecting you.


Go to the library and read books, do experiments in your closet, hang around the ole
grape vine and see what rumors you pick up etc. Tell me what you’re looking for
and we’ll make some Investigation and maybe some Persuasion dice rolls to see
what you dig up.


Become proficient with a new language, set of tools, or weapon. 100 gp and one
month of time of intense study.

Completing this intense training process three times invokes an invitation from a
guild. Completing this process five times gains you proficiency in the performance
skill in this field and you become a respected craftsmen/fighter/etc.

Build a Stronghold/Buy a Home

Tired of being a tumbleweed? You can buy or build your own home sweet home.
A shack down by the river will cost you about 100gp while a nice comfy estate can
go anywhere up to 5,000gp Owning your own property generally reduces risks and
lowers the cost of living in the long run.


Go get shitfaced.
All about that Downtime Life

Something else in mind?

It’s DND, we can work something out.

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