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Barandino, Nelin Dawisan BSA – V

Interviewee: WEGIE ANN D. TURLA (Private Practice)

Ms. Wegie Ann Turla graduated last year. She took up the degree in Bachelor of Science
in Management . She is currently working at VBP Back Office Solutions as a financial planning

The realizations I have on my interview on her work are first, it has been a good help
studying far from home for it will prepare you physically and emotionally in entering a
corporate job which is a far from your family since on her part her hometown is Calbayog and
she works in Cebu. Another realization is that working in a private company you should join
trainings while still being young for it will help you attain personal and corporate goals. Further,
don’t forget to connect to the world for it will keep you updated on different events. And also
make it a point to take a vacation once in a while to have a break from the stress brought by your
work. Lastly, to take time to reflect in everything you do.

Interviewee: RICHARD D. REDIL (Public Practice)

Mr. Richard Redil graduated last year. He took up the degree in Bachelor of Science in
Biology. He is currently working as a research assistant at the University of the Philippines
Tacloban College.

The realizations I had during the interview on him were first is that being a research
assistant, he was able to work with his past professors and the lessons during classes must not be
taken for granted for they will equip you on the journey of your work. Second, there are many
benefits that you can get when you are public employee ant these will inspire you to strive harder
in work to get the permanent position. Also, being a public employee welcomes you more
opportunities in life. He gave me an advice also not to be afraid to question things. Since it has
just been a year that he worked as a public employee, there are still things he doesn’t know and
he said that he was fortunate because those who accompany him welcome his questions and are
ready to help him grow in work and in life,

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