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Enrichment Class Registration

Ages 3-6/$70 per class

4’s Plus
This class is offered Friday afternoons from 12:30-3:00. This class is
intended for 4 year olds only who are looking to add an additional day
of the week to their current program. The children will continue to
have the same structured routine and activities throughout the day,
much the same as our 4’s programs. This extension will allow the
children to have an additional day working on the letter of the week,
writing and counting skills. The hope will be to sprinkle a few field
trips into the mix as well!

This class is offered Thursday mornings from 9:00-11:30. This class
focuses on the basics of Spanish. The children will be exposed to the
Spanish numbers, Spanish colors, and the basics (hello, what’s your
name, my name is etc.). Our Spanish Enrichment Class is meant to
introduce the Spanish language to our preschoolers in a loving
supportive environment.

3’s Plus
This class will be offered Friday mornings from 9:00-11:30. This
class is for 3 year olds ONLY. This will be an extension of our 3’s
program. The children will take part in activities and routine much the
same as the 3’s program; including art, circle time, free play, outside
time and one on one lessons with the teacher. This class is offered
ONLY to currently enrolled students and we will cap the class at 8-10

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