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Why Getting a Bunk Bed for the Kids is the Best Choice

As a child, I have always dreaded sleeping at night. My imagination just gets the best of me after the
lights are out and this happens because I sleep all alone in my small bed. Now as a parent, buying
bedroom furniture for my kids is a major decision that we have to ponder upon. After much thought, we
agreed that buying a bunk bed for our kids come with more pros than cons.

First of all, we need all the space we can have. Getting a bunk bed is just one way to save space. More
importantly, the kids are basically not sleeping alone. This gives them the ease to slip into dreamland
fast with lesser thoughts of monsters under the bed. The confidence that they get from each other
actually helps them their much needed good night sleep.

Most of us grownups may take the importance of sleep for granted because it is one of the natural
things we do every day. But did you know that allowing regular healthy sleep may actually let you raise a

According to Dr. Michael Breus, good sleep is critical for children to develop and function properly.
Insufficient amount of sleep not only affects the child at night but also his days. Lack of sleep can leave a
child less mentally alert, lack focus and get easily tired. This can result to lack of creativity and irritability.
In fact, it does not only affect the child but also affects us parents!

There is also another article discussing the many ways sleep can improve creativity. When kids feel more
rested, they learn better and faster. Also, younger kids who sleep longer at night tend to be more
sociable and less demanding.

It is important to note that children do not simply outgrow sleeping problems and parents need to stop
it. Fear not because there are things that parents can do to improve their kids’ behavior towards sleep.
Here are some tips.

1. Provide a safe and secure place for the kids to sleep. In our case, their bunk bed provided this
and more.
2. Create an appropriate pre-bedtime routine. Studies show that establishing a sleep routine can
actually help children feel more relaxed and readily fall asleep.
3. Make reading together a part of your nighttime routine. Our bunk bed provides us a great time
to do just that because I acknowledge the benefits of reading to my kids.
4. Never let your kids spend the day in front of the television. Encourage your kids to have
sufficient physical exercise during daytime. There is actually a link between physical activity and
sleep, where sufficient exercise can actually let kids fall asleep better and faster.

To sum it all up, our choice of getting a bunk bed for the kids is a good one. Their bunk bed gave our kids
a safe and cozy place to sleep at night. We can read comfortably together before bedtime,
strengthening the bond between us. During day time, the kids can make play time more fun by being
more creative and turn the bed into their play ground. It is a choice that we will never regret, I say.

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