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The Impact of The PeePoo Scheme on Education

Before the Peepoo scheme was introduced inside schools, there were
a lack of quality in the sanitation facilities. This was due to the lack of
toilets causing all of them to be dirty and full, resulting in them being
very hard to clean. As a result of these issues there are many
absences within these schools, with children suffering from diarrhoea
other diseases. Sadly, before this scheme was produced, each year
school children miss 272 million days because of these diseases,
which are overall caused by the lack of water, sanitation and hygiene.
This miserable issue had caused girls to often not turn up for school
during their menstruation and when they were going through
puberty due to the lack of clean and private sanitation areas.
This scheme has benefited the children along with their education as
they have stopped disease spreading around the school. The issue of
disease in the school also strongly affected their education as well as
their health since they would suffer pains and stomach aches in their
lessons. This distraction would cause them to not be able to focus on
their lesson and instead suffer from their constant pain.
Some schools use the waste from the Peepoo scheme to be passed
on to farmers and agricultural workers who would use the Peepoo to
make green vegetables grow more healthier.

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