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Improve English through Happy Potter Series

 Why read Harry Potter in English?

 Basic Harry Potter vocabulary for book 1 The Philosopher’s Stone.
 Listen and read along with me for the first 4 pages.
 An interesting article about the origins of some of the words J.K. Rowling uses.
 Writing tips from the Harry Potter books.
 A Harry Potter book 1 crossword.
 The answers to last week’s crossword
 What gif (short animation) will there be today?

Why read Harry Potter in English?

Of course, I know that most of the population of – at least Europe, America etc have seen the
Harry Potter movies. Furthermore*, a whole* generation grew up on it. So why am I
recommending reading the books in English to all English learners? Adults and children alike?
Harry Potter is a book about children at a magical school. However, it is not written in a style of
English for children. The vocabulary is not simplified – it is very varied and with the kind of
words adults use. If you know nothing at all about Harry Potter, I am going to let you in on the
secret* – there is a lot of evil in the book and terrible things. As the books progress the
atmosphere becomes more intense, dangerous and dark. It is extremely well written and takes
you on the adventure. As you can see it isn’t only for children.

I believe one of the best ways to improve your English is by reading (in English, of course). You
see vocabulary, develop your skills for guessing words and meanings from context, see the
patterns of phrasal verbs… Well, if you want to see more advantages of reading in English visit
my earlier article ‘Why you need to read in English.’

Watching Harry Potter help the world learn English

Expelliarmus! A Kaplan study has found that Harry

Potter films help people across the world learn

Research by Kaplan International Colleges revealed

that Muggles around the globe are improving their
language skills by watching the eight-part Harry
Potter movie series. The study showed that 79% of people said that watching films helped them
to understand English better and the wizarding adventures of Harry Potter were the most popular
movies for enhancing language learning.

Kaplan discovered that 24% of people increased their understanding of English from watching
the boy wizard while 11% claimed that the epic romantic disaster film Titanic helped their
learning. Seven percent said their language skills were boosted by Pixar's Toy Story.

Keith Hawk, Senior Staff Member at MuggleNet, said: "It is certainly not surprising to the
millions of 'Potterheads' that the Harry Potter films have been selected as the number one way to
learn English through the cinema."

The Harry Potter series will assist any child or adult willing to learn the English language
through the use of cinematic or literary mediums."

The research also revealed that those people who said Harry Potter helped them learn English
were more likely to want to travel to the UK to study the language.

London was one of the most-used filming locations for the series, featuring in every film from
the Philosopher's Stone to the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.

Kevin McCarthy, Head of Study at London & Partners, said: "London is a welcoming and
diverse city awash with familiar sites people would have seen on Harry Potter films such as
platform 9 3/4's at King's Cross and Leadenhall Market. There are so many instantly
recognisable places.

"The student-friendly capital is also a key place to come and learn English or take a course in
higher education, with hundreds of different courses and thousands of opportunities available to
learn both in the classroom and whilst exploring its culture and 300 free museums and

analysis protagonist and antagonist


Khusyfah, Mifta. 2016. Pembentukan Mantra pada Novel Harry Potter. Skripsi. Jurusan Sastra
Inggris, FakultasSastra, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (1) Aulia Apriana, S.S., M.Pd.;
(2) Evynurul Laily Zen, S.S., M.A.
Kata Kunci: proses pembentukan kata, novel Harry Potter, mantra.
Harry Potter merupakan serangkaian cerita fiktif yang ditulis oleh J. K. Rowling. Bahasa yang
digunakan oleh pengarang cukup unik, terutama dalam menciptakan kata-kata mantra. Mantra-
mantra tersebut berasal dari beberapa bahasa. Ada beberapa proses pembentukan kata yang
digunakan untuk membentuk mantra.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki struktur kata yang terdapat pada mantra Harry Potter.
Ada dua rumusan masalah, yaitu: (1) Apakah sumber bahasa yang digunakan pada mantra Harry
Potter? dan (2) Proses pembentukan kata apakah yang digunakan untuk membentuk mantra?
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari ketujuh seri novel
Harry Potter yang ditulis oleh J. K. Rowling. Langkah-langkah dalam menganalisis data adalah
menemukan sumber bahasa, mengidentifikasi kata gabungan, menganalisis proses pembentukan
kata, dan membuat kesimpulan sementara.
Setelah proses pengumpulan data, peneliti menemukan 79 mantra yang terdapat pada novel
Harry Potter. Sumber bahasa yang paling dominan digunakan dalam pembentukan mantra adalah
bahasa Latin yang jumlahnya sebanyak 32 mantra, diikuti oleh bahasa Inggris sebanyak 23
mantra, dan bahasa Spanyol sebanyak 5 mantra. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti focus pada proses
pembentukan kata yang terjadi pada mantra Harry Potter.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, saran ditujukan kepada mahasiswa linguistic dan peneliti yang akan
datang. Bagi mahasiswa linguistic, mereka mungkin terdorong untuk melakukan studi tentang
linguistic, terutama dibidang morfologi dan menggunakan buku-buku fiksi untuk mengambil
contoh-contoh kata yang dapat dianalisis secara morfologi. Bagi peneliti mendatang yang akan
melakukan penelitian dengan topik yang sama yaitu tentang proses pembentukan kata, mereka
dapat menggunakan penemuan ini sebagai referensi untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang
proeses pembentukan kata dan sumber bahasa yang digunakan dalam mantra pada novel Harry

Character development

the origins of some words in harry potter

Whether you're a wizard, squib, or just plain muggle, you're probably celebrating the Chosen
One's birthday today. And what better way to do it than by examining the origins of some of the
wonderful words J.K. Rowling used to create the world of the Boy Who Lived?

Rowling studied Latin at the University of Exeter, and she clearly got a lot of use out of that
study time: Most of Harry Potter's spells have their roots in classical Latin. Harry's signature
spell, Expelliarmus, is used to disarm an opponent, and, according to the Oxford English
Dictionary, combines the Latin expellere, "to drive or force out," with arma, which means
weapon. The summoning charm Accio is Latin for "I summon." And Expecto Patronum, which
wizards use to create an animal that drives away Dementors, translates to "I wait/hope for a

The author also repurposed regular words to suit her needs to rather delightful ends. According
to Wordnik, dumbledore is an 18th century English word for a bumblebee. ("Because Albus
Dumbledore is very fond of music, I always imagined him as sort of humming to himself a lot,"
Rowling once explained.) And to name the wizarding world's most obnoxious thief, Rowling
used the word Mundungus, which means "waste animal product; organic matter unfit for
consumption" or "poor-quality tobacco with a foul, rancid, or putrid smell."

These are just a few examples of excellent Harry Potter word origins. For more, head over to

The etymology of hp spell

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