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CONDOM is a sheath-shaped barrier device that may be used
during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy and
spreading sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs) such as HIV/AIDS. It
is rolled onto an erect penis before intercourse and blocks ejaculated
semen from entering the body of a sexual partner. Condoms are also used
during fellatio and for collection of semen for use in infertility treatment. In
the modern age, condoms are most often made from latex, but some are
made from other materials such as polyurethane, polyisoprene, or lamb
intestine. A female condom is also available,often made of nitrile.

VASECTOMY is a surgical procedure for male sterilization and/or

permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are
severed and then tied/sealed in a manner so as to prevent sperm from
entering into the seminal stream (ejaculate) and thereby prevent

LACTATIONAL AMENORRHEA is the temporary postnatal infertility

that occurs when a woman is amenorrheic (not menstruating) and
fully breastfeeding.
CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS are a type of female hormonal birth
control method and are very effective at preventing pregnancy.
The Pills are small tablets that you swallow each day.

CERVICAL MUCUS METHOD also called the ovulation method and

the Billings ovulation method, is a type of natural family planning also
known as fertility awareness-based methods.

RHYTHYM OR CALENDAR METHOD are various methods of estimating

a woman's likelihood of fertility, based on a record of the length of previous menstrual cycles.
Various methods are known as the Knaus–Ogino Method and the Rhythm Method.
The Standard Days Method is also considered a calendar-based method, because when using
it, a woman tracks the days of her menstrual cycle without observing her physical fertility signs.
The Standard Days Method is based on a fixed formula taking into consideration the timing of
ovulation, the functional life of the sperm and the ovum, and the resulting likelihood of
pregnancy on particular days of the menstrual cycle. These methods may be used to
achieve pregnancy by timing unprotected intercourse for days identified as fertile, or to avoid
pregnancy by avoiding unprotected intercourse during fertile days.
Coitus interruptus, also known as the rejected sexual
intercourse,withdrawal or pull-out method, is a method of birth control in
which a man, during sexual intercourse, withdraws his penis from a
woman's vagina prior to orgasm (and ejaculation), and then directs his
ejaculate (semen) away from the vagina in an effort to avoid insemination.

symptothermal method is a means of natural family planning that

involves abstaining from sexual intercourse on days that a women is fertile,
or capable of getting pregnant.

Tubal ligation or tubectomy (also known as having one's "tubes

tied" (ligation)) is a surgical procedure for sterilization in which a
woman's fallopian tubes are clamped and blocked, or severed and sealed,
either method of which prevents eggs from reaching the uterus
for implantation. However, fertilization can still occur in the fallopian tubes.
Tubal ligation is considered a permanent method of sterilization and birth

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