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The term ‘sociology’ was coined by

(a) Saint Simon
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Auguste Comte
(d) Durkheim
Ans. (c)
2. In which year the term ‘Sociology’ was coined?
(a) 1798
(b) 1815
(c) 1839
(d) 1857
Ans. (c)
3. French Revolution took place in the year
(a) 1789
(b) 1776
(c) 1798
(d) 1898
Ans. (a)
4. Sociology emerged in
(a) America
(b) Europe
(c) Asia
(d) Africa
Ans. (b)

5. The word ‘Sociology’ is made up of two words. These are-

(a) Societies and Logy
(b) Societia and Logistia
(c) Socious and Logos
(d) Socia & Logos
Ans. (c)
6. Society emerges out of
(a) community’s existence
(b) men’s existence
(c) problem’s existence
(d) relationship
Ans. (b)
7. Society symbolises the network of
(a) human relationships
(b) social relationships
(c) orientations
(d) inter-connections
Ans. (b)
8. ‘Society is the web of social relationships’ whose definition is this?
(a) Maclver
(b) H. Maine
(c) Pluto
(d) Aristotle
Ans. (a)
9. There are two types of definition of society. These are-
(a) Structural and interactional
(b) Functional and structural
(c) Evolutionary and diffusive
(d) Structural and evolutionary
Ans. (b)
10. Society is
(a) Natural
(b) Deliberate
(c) Practical
(d) Functional
Ans. (b)
11. Marriage is a/an
(a) important and universal social institution of society
(b) important basis for group formation
(c) helpful in strengthening the caste system
(d) helpful in calming down the anger of two conflicting groups.
Ans. (a)
12. In the Industrialised western societies, the chief aim of marriage is not only
procreation but
(a) companionship
(b) emotional and psychological support and companionship
(c) emotional and psychological support
(d) divorce
Ans. (b)
13. Marriage is considered to be necessary because
(a) This is the only way to acquire paternal property
(b) This is the only way of sexual gratification
(c) This provides societal sanction
(d) It is regularised and provides socially sanctioned sex gratification
Ans. (d)
14. In his book ‘People of India’ who said ‘that probably there has existed in man a
tendency to vary. This desire must have driven men to seek marital alliance with
strangers, unfamiliar and unknown to him’.
(a) Guha
(b) Ghureye
(c) Risley
(d) Westermarck
Ans. (c)
15. Risley have given this statement put in question No. 4 to support his views on
_______, regarding marriage.
(a) Exogamy
(b) Acculturation
(c) Preference and prohibition
(d) Cousin marriage
Ans. (d)
16. Who among the following was on the opinion that” A gift is a social substitute
for money among moneyless cultures.”?
(a) Ogburn and Nimkoff
(b) Mauss
(c) Frazer
(d) Polyan
Ans. (a)
17. The importance of the social division of labour as a criterion of social
development has been insisted by
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Emile Durkheim
(c) F. Engels
(d) Herbert Hyman
Ans. (b)
18. Whose statement is this?
“Jajmani relationships is the means by which the rich and powerful exploit the
poor and coerce the workers into sustaining the power of those who have the upper
hand and the higher rank.”
(a) M.N. Srinivas
(b) Mandelbaum
(c) Beidelman
(d) H. Maine
Ans. (c)
19. Kula exchange is associated with
(a) Tikopians
(b) Trobriand Islanders
(c) Krowe tribes
(d) Azande tribes
Ans. (b)
20. The basis of slave system is always?
(a) Political
(b) Economic
(c) Custom
(d) Social need
Ans. (b)
21. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the growth of traditional
(a) Community and associational life is kept loose without any prescribed basis of
social existence
(b) Perpetuation of tribal and caste affiliation
(c) Perpetuation of kinship and clanship
(d) Continuation of agriculture as the dominant activity.
Ans. (a)
22. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The percentage of the world’s population that live in cities is indeed very large
(b) Most of the world has been urban most of the time.
(c) Most of the world has been rural most of the time.
(d) India is a highly urban country
Ans. (c)
23. A characteristic feature of a rural community is
(a) Formal relationship
(b) Rational will
(c) Community sentiment
(d) A vast number of association
Ans. (a)
24. Who among the following was the first to distinguish between the state and the
(a) Locke
(b) R. Dahl
(c) Marx
(d) Max Weber
Ans. (a)
25. ‘The state originates and continues to exist for the sake of the best life’. Whose
opinion is this?
(a) Aristotle
(b) C.W. Mills
(c) R. Dahl
(d) W. Pareto
Ans. (a)
26. Who among the following is associated with authority?
(a) Hobbes
(b) Rousseau
(c) M. Weber
(d) Locke
Ans. (c)
27. The three-tier system of Panchayati Raj was recommended by
(a) Kaka Kalekar Committee
(b) Simon Commission
(c) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
(d) Jai Prakash Narain Committee
Ans. (c)
28. Functional theory of stratification propounded by
(a) Davis and Parsons
(b) Davis and Moore
(c) Parsons and Ross
(d) Goode and Hatt
Ans. (b)
29. Who among the following has emphasized upon the functional aspects of
(a) Durkheim, Weber, Parsons
(b) Marx, Weber, Davis
(c) Davis, Moore, Parsons
(d) Lenski, C.W. Mills, Parsons
Ans. (c)
30. The society has passed through the three stages of its development-theological,
metaphysical and the positive. This view was held by
(a) Max Weber
(b) H. Spencer
(c) F. Tonnies
(d) A. Comte
Ans. (d)
31. A social movement depends on
1. A goal
2. An Organisation
3. A programme
4. A set of value
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 1 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (a)
32. Whose definition is this?
‘Tribe is an indigenous unit speaking a common language, claiming a common
descent, living in a particular geographical area, backward in technology, pre-
literate, loyally observing social and political customs based on kinship.’
(a) A conference at Shillong in 1962
(b) Earth Summit at Rio in 1992
(c) Radcliffe Brown
(d) Indigenous People Conference, Sav Paulo 1937
Ans. (a)
33. Practice of welcoming guests, by spitting on their body is practiced by
(a) Azande
(b) Onges
(c) Sherdukpens
(d) Masai
Ans. (d)
34. Demographers do not take into account
(a) Age, sex and racial composition of the population
(b) Height and weight of the population
(c) Birth and death rate
(d) Density of population
Ans. (b)
35. What is meant by sex-ratio?
(a)The relation between male and female
(b) The ratio between the number of adult male and adult females in a population
(c)The ratio between number of female and number of male in a population
(d) The number of females per 1000 males in a population
Ans. (d)
36. The scheduled castes in India provide an example of a
(a) Formal group
(b) Reference group
(c) Social category
(d) Secondary group
Ans. (c)
37. Who gave the name ‘Harijans’ to the untouchables?
(a) Indian constitution
(b) B.R. Ambdedkar
(c) M.K. Gandhi
(d) G.S. Ghurye
Ans. (c)
38. According to whom the ‘self’ develops in a social context and is nurtured by
primary groups?
(a) Charles H. Cooley
(b) Ruth Benedict
(c) Mead
(d) Freud
Ans. (a)
39. Who viewed corporate group in relation to authority and termed it as Verband?
(a) Hobsbawm
(b) Sir Henry Maine
(c) Weber
(d) None
Ans. (c)
40. The value which cannot be determined graphically is:
(a) Median
(b) Mean
(c) Frequency table
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
41. The most frequent item of the series around which other items are densely
populated is known as:
(a) geometric mean
(b) arithmetic mean
(c) harmonic mean
(d) mode
Ans. (d)
42. What is the theoretical framework that focuses on the level of economic
development as the determinant of birth and death rates, referred to as?
(A) Malthusian Theory of population
(B) Optimum Theory of population
(C) Demographic Transition Theory
(D) Theory of social capillarity
Ans. (B)
43. Which of the following determine India’s fertility rate?
1. Religious importance of the male child.
2. Social security value of children
3. Economic value of children
4. Intrinsic value of children
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only
(D) 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans. (C)
44. Which one of the following is the first stage of the evolution of an institution?
(A) Tradition
(B) Ideology
(C) Collective Experience
(D) Mores
Ans. (B)
45. Identify the particular element that dominates in the material culture:
(A) Religion and Morality
(B) Science and Technology
(C) Custom and Tradition
(D) Folkways
Ans. (D)
46. Which among the following is the indicator of open stratification system?
(A) Ethnicity
(B) Caste
(C) Class
(D) Religion
Ans. (C)
47. Who among the following authors initially used the term ‘social physics’ for
(A) Spencer
(B) Comte
(C) Tonnies
(D) Weber
Ans. (B)
48. An author thought of ‘society to be consisting in the consciousness of kind’.
Identify from among the following:
(A) Cooley
(B) Ward
(C) Simmel
(D) Giddings
Ans. (D)
49. Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?
(a) The study of individual behavior
(b) The study of cultures
(c) The study of society and social interaction
(d) The study of economics
Ans. (c)
50. C. Wright Mills once said that sociologists need to develop a sociological
__________ to study how society affects individuals.
(a) culture
(b) imagination
(c) method
(d) tool
Ans. (b)
51. A sociologist defines society as a group of people who reside in a defined area,
share a culture, and who:
(a) interact
(b) work in the same industry
(c) speak different languages
(d) practice a recognized religion
Ans. (a)
52. Seeing patterns means that a sociologist needs to be able to:
(a) compare the behavior of individuals from different societies
(b) compare one society to another
(c) identify similarities in how social groups respond to social pressure
(d) compare individuals to groups
Ans. (c)
53. Which of the following was a topic of study in early sociology?
(a) Astrology
(b) Economics
(c) Physics
(d) History
Ans. (b)
54. Sociology has been derived from the Latin word ‘Societus’ and ‘logos’, which
(a) Friend or companion and science
(b) Society and laws
(c) Sociability and science
(d) Society and science
Ans. (d)
55. It was as the founder of “Positive” movement that- achieved recognition as a
philosopher, and although modem sociologists do not consider his theories as
anything other than a series of interesting speculations, they recognize that he was
responsible for demonstrating the need for an objective systematic study of society.
(a) Auguste Comte
(b) Saint Simon
(c) Herbert Spencer
(d) Emile Durkheim
Ans. (a)
56. Modem sociological thought and theory, as distinct from the purely
contemplative or philosophical analysis of society, emerged in the:
(a) Late 17th century
(b) Late 19th century
(c) Late 18th century and early 19th century
(d) Early 18th century
Ans. (c)
57. Relationship central to sociology are those which involve:
(a) Friendliness
(b) Conflict
(c) Mutual recognition and the sense of something shared in common
(d) Kinship ties
Ans. (c)
58. Underlying seemingly unconnected, contradictory, chaotic happenings, there
are patterns and regularities. It is the focus of a sociologist to:
(a) Find and study them
(b) Try and change them
(c) Make them perfectly regular and patterned
(d) Study the best patterns
Ans. (a)
59. One important advantage of socialisation is that it takes one:
(a) Out of group life
(b) Leave one’s isolation
(c) Member of political system
(d) Realise the importance of wealth
Ans. (b)
60. ‘Group Mind’ was written by:
(a) Bonsanquest
(b) Mac Dougall
(c) Spencer
(d) Hegel
Ans. (b)
61. Differences can be those of:
(a) Capacity
(b) Non-capacity
(c) Non Interests
(d) Lack of aptitude
Ans. (a)
62. In society differences are always:
(a) Inborn
(b) Adopted
(c) Environmental
(d) Both adopted and natural
Ans. (d)
63. Who of the following had defined society as union in itself?
(a) Giddings
(b) A.W. Green
(c) R.M. Maclver
(d) John F. Cuber
Ans. (a)
64. Force theory about origin of society is not accepted because it is believed that:
(a) It is not historically correct
(b) State was given by God
(c) It creates feat in the minds of the people
(d) It is by now clear that state is expansion of families
Ans. (a)
65. According to_________, self and society are not identical.
(a) Cooley
(b) Mead
(c) Freud
(d) Marx
Ans. (c)
66. Socialism is a _____ not a process.
(a) Theory
(b) Virtue
(c) biological specialization
(d) state of nature
Ans. (a)
67. In society differences grow due to:
(a) Socialisation
(b) Non-specialisation
(c) Non-socialisation
(d) Isolation
Ans. (a)
68. Force theory about origin of society makes us believes that:
(a) Society was given by God
(b) Force brought society into existence
(c) Force has nothing to do with the emergence of society
(d) Force has no relevance with the coming of society
Ans. (b)
69. In India, the institution of family has a trend towards:
(a) Joint family
(b) Single family
(c) Patriarchal family
(d) Matriarchal family
Ans. (b)
70. These days in India the institution of marriage is weakening because:
(a) Our religious leaders are becoming rigid
(b) women are becoming economically sell-sufficient
(c) less number of people are liking to marry
(d) people prefer small size family
Ans. (b)
71. Who among the following does not fall under the category of community?
(a) Keralites in Delhi
(b) Trade union movement
(c) The people of U.S. origin
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
72. Which one of the following is not correct about institutional structure?
(a) There is rule to codify its working
(b) There are no codified rules of its working
(c) There are symbols which synthesize relationship
(d) It is bound with the others
Ans. (b)
73. Industry is institutional structure of an institution which by nature is:
(a) Political
(b) Cultural
(c) Economic
(d) Social
Ans. (c)
74. Pick up one which is not true of an institution:
(a) It is least concerned with customs and mores
(b) Customs and mores are its distinguishing feature
(c) It meets primary needs of the people
(d) It is very stable
Ans. (a)
75. Which of the following is not the characteristic of an institution?
(a) It must follow some well-established rules
(b) Its strength is based on obedience to rules
(c) These grow with the society
(d) These have no definite objectives
Ans. (d)
76. Who of the following has defined institution by saying that, “Institution is
definite organisation pursuing some specific interest in a specific way”?
(a) R.M. Maclver
(b) Ogbum
(c) Ginsberg
(d) E.A. Ross
Ans. (a)
77. Who of the following has said that “A social institution is a functional
configuration of culture pattern”?
(a) Kimball Young
(b) Maclver
(c) Ginsberg
(d) Gillin and Gillin
Ans. (d)
78. “Social institutions are sets of organised human relationships established by
common will” was said by:
(a) C.H. Colley
(b) E.A. Ross
(c) Kingsley Davis
(d) Sheriff and Sheriff
Ans. (b)
79. Which among the following constitutes a group?
(a) Vegetables sellers following one another into a lane.
(b) Members of a circus company engaged in performance.
(c) Children running out of the school after it is closed for the day.
(d) Partnership that has failed.
Ans. (b)
80. Indicate which of the following a group?
(a) Some members of Bar Association discussing matters concerning their
(b) Some surgeons discussing an important subject of surgery.
(c) An executive body of a trade union.
(d) A horse-man, a cyclist, and a pedestrian going along the road.
Ans. (d)
81. Member of a small trade union is:
(a) A social group
(b) An associational group
(c) A statistical group
(d) A primary group
Ans. (b)
82. Which of the following is not a characteristic of social group?
(a) Its members are conscious of shared membership.
(b) Its members accept certain rights and obligations.
(c) Its members are a casual collection of people
(d) Its members have a distinctive set of interpersonal relations.
Ans. (c)
83. George Simmel’s classification of group as monad, dyad, triad etc. is based on:
(a) physical proximity
(b) nature of membership
(c) social relations
(d) size
Ans. (d)
84. Who among the following introduced the concept of ‘imaginary reference
(a) New Comb
(b) Merton
(c) Klinberg
(d) Hyman
Ans. (c)
85. Who among the following have applied reference group theory in
understanding sanskritization process in India’?
(a) Damle and Lynch
(b) O. Lewis and Majumdar
(c) Marriott and Singer
(d) Srinivas and Beteille
Ans. (d)
86. Mark out the primary group among the following:
(a) Members of a trade union
(b) Family
(c) Students of history
(d) The social workers
Ans. (b)
87. Which among the following are reference groups?
(a) College going students
(b) Nuclear scientists
(c) Marine engineers
(d) All
Ans. (d)
88. Which among the following is not a secondary group?
(a) Political party
(b) A city
(c) Labour union
(d) Students in a class room
Ans. (d)
89. Which among the following do not constitute the reference group?
(a) Cambridge scholars
(b) Nov Ratans in the Court of Vikramaditya
(c) Urchins on the road side
(d) Members of the United Nations
Ans. (c)
90. Which among the following is secondary group’?
(a) Nurses attending upon patient
(b) Production efficiency council in a factory
(c) A picnic group
(d) Cooperative Society
Ans. (d)
91. According to Tonnies, neighbourhood is types of_____________.
(a) Community
(b) Gesellschaft
(c) Social group
(d) Primary group
Ans. (a)
92. Find out the incorrect match-
(a) Horizontal group – craft union
(b) Spatial groups – corporation
(c) Secondary group – corporation
(d) Primary group – political party
Ans. (d)
93. Striving for admission is a ___________ behaviour.
(a) reference group
(b) primary group
(c) in-group
(d) secondary group
Ans. (a)
94. Which among the following is institutionalized and involves the right to take
certain actions including decisions to issue commands?
(a) confidence
(b) strength
(c) authority
(d) force
Ans. (c)
95. According to Weber, the three types of leadership are:
(a) rational, feudal and capitalistic
(b) feudal, traditional and charismatic
(c) legal, traditional and charismatic
(d) none of the above
Ans. (c)
96. Social structure is a/an-
(a) structural coherence
(b) integration of ultimate values
(c) ritualistic expression
(d) functional arrangement
Ans. (d)
97. According to Parsons, society is a system having four basic functional prior
conditions, they are-
(a) adaptation, goal-orientation, integration and pattern maintenance
(b) education, socialization, social control and religion
(c) economic institutions, political institutions ideology and kinship
(d) none of the above
Ans. (a)
98. When universalism is combined with achievement values, the result is a social
structure of-
(a) universalistic-achievement pattern
(b) particularistic-ascription pattern
(c) universalistic-ascription pattern
(d) particularistic-achievement pattern
Ans. (a)
99. According to Weber the groups which are specifically concerned with
influencing policies and making decisions in the interests of their membership are
(a) Parties
(b) Communities
(c) Political Parties
(d) Relative Classes
Ans. (a)
100. According to H.M. Johnson, which one stands important for integration and
pattern maintenance?
(a) leadership
(b) morality
(c) marriage
(d) kinship
Ans. (b)
101. According to Weber, which are stems from an individual’s emotional stage at
a particular time?
(a) Affective action
(b) Reflective action
(c) Spring action
(d) Rational action
Ans. (a)
102. With whose name will you associate the ‘Voluntaristic theory of Action’?
(a) Parsons
(b) Weber
(c) Tonnies
(d) Durkheim
Ans. (a)
103. Sociology is the interpretive understanding of social action. This definition
was brought by-
(a) Max Weber
(b) Karl Marx
(c) C. Levi Strauss
(d) Henry Maine
Ans. (a)
104. Norms are:
(a) the conducts which incorporate value-judgments
(b) the standardized generalisations
(c) the conducts which are the guidelines of the expected behaviour
(d) not pattern setting limits or the behaviour of an individual
Ans. (d)
105. Which of the following statements gives correct explanation of norms:
(a) norms are those standards of group behaviour which the members must follow
(b) norms are those standards which are obeyed to bring diffusion among the
(c) norms are certain rules which are adopted to keep the individuals away from
any kind of interaction
(d) norms act against the modes of behaviour of the individuals
Ans. (a)
106. Norm is:
(a) actual behaviour
(b) a culturally shared definition of desirable behaviour
(c) behaviour desired by majority of the individuals
(d) standard of behaviour
Ans. (c)
107. Social norms refer to:
(a) all types of behaviour
(b) the most frequently observed behaviour in a society
(c) right type of behaviour
(d) those standards or rules which specify appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
Ans. (b)
108. Which among the following has influenced man’s faith and belief most?
(a) the habitats
(d) levels of culture achieved
(c) the expanding experience
(d) the in-born feeling
Ans. (d)
109. Institutional belief system:
(a) cannot at all be changed
(b) can be changed easily
(c) can be changed rarely
(d) can be changed only when few powerful in the society like that
Ans. (c)
110. Institutional belief system is one which is:
(a) adopted by only one institution
(b) adopted by few institution
(c) adopted by a particular Society
(d) discarded by all institution
Ans. (a)
111. Belief system in every religious system:
(a) has some symbolic expressions
(b) has nothing to do with symbols
(c) adopts symbols when necessary
(d) discards symbols at will
Ans. (c)
112. Which one of the following cannot be the cause of frustration in the belief
(a) untimely death of a relation
(b) heavy loss of property
(c) failure in meeting a group of friends
(d) more reward for less work
Ans. (d)
113. In religious belief system which one of the following is not true about Muslim
(a) it believes in one supreme God
(b) it believes in the theory of held and heaven
(c) it believes in truth and falsehood
(d) it believes in transmigration of soul
Ans. (c)
114. _____ is spontaneous, _____ is artificial.
(a) Fashion, culture
(b) Mores, custom
(c) Custom, fashion
(d) Culture, habit
Ans. (c)
115. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of deviant behaviour?
(a) It disturbs social equilibrium
(b) It contravenes social norms
(c) It is a departure from usual mode of behaviour
(d) It is a departure from newly developed set of behaviour
Ans. (d)
116. Public opinion as a means of social control is-
(a) A weak sanction
(b) An uncertain sanction, since no one can be sure of its unified stand
(c) Useless since nobody is ready to follow it
(d) Has no relation with social control
Ans. (b)
117. It is believed that conformity with the customs is-
(a) An automatic process
(b) An indifferently imposed process
(c) An artificial process in the sense that people follow customs to showoff
(d) With some conceivable amount of deviation.
Ans. (a)
118. Customs are those sanctions-
(a) Which are relegated by a single authority
(b) Which are regulated by the eldest person in the group
(c) Which are simply accepted by the members of the society
(d) Which are regulated by law
Ans. (c)
119. Which of the following cannot be called as the deviant individuals?
(a) Delinquent
(b) Saint
(c) Miser
(d) Hippie
Ans. (c)
120. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Deviance is in contradiction to social norms
(b) Deviance is the negation of the social behaviour and decency
(c) Deviance means the performance of activities which are not approved by the
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
121. Deviant behaviour-
(a) Brings the disintegrating forces in equilibrium
(b) Disturbs the equilibrium in the social life of the people
(c) Acts in contradiction to deviance
(d) Means the behaviour which is shown by diligent individuals
Ans. (b)
122. “The tendency on the part of one or more of the component factors to behave
in such a way as to disturb the equilibrium of interactive process”, is the definition
given by-
(a) W.G. Sumner
(b) Emile Durkheim
(c) R.K. Merton
(d) Talcott Parsons
Ans. (d)
123. “A motivated tendency of an actor to behave in contravention of one or more
institutionalised normative patterns” is a definition of-
(a) Deviant Behaviour
(b) Customary obedience
(c) Refusal-tendency
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
124. Freud’s ‘Id’ can best be translated as____________.
(a) Reason
(b) Hostility
(c) Desire
(d) Social conscience
Ans. (c)
125. According to Cooley, the concept of____________ refers to an individual
perception of self as determined by the way one imagines one appears to others or
as others perceive us______.
(a) Significant others
(b) Generalised others
(c) Looking-glass self
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
126. Which among the following is true of socialization?
(a) It socializes the individuals
(b) It makes society above individual
(c) It brings individuals into the social
(d) All the above
Ans. (d)
127. Whose name is associated with the process of Socialization?
(a) C.H. Cooley
(b) G.H. Mead
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) All the above
Ans. (d)
128. Which is true of socialization?
(a) It highlights values & manners within individuals.
(b) Socialisation includes both learning of new things and unlearning of
maladaptive behaviours
(c) Socialization is both intentional and unintentional
(d) All the above
Ans. (d)
129. Who among the following has brought the concept of ID, Ego and Superego?
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) G.H. Mead
(c) C.H. Cooley
(d) Maclver
Ans. (a)
130. The concept of T and ‘Me’ is attributed the name of-
(a) C.H. Cooley
(b) G.H. Mead
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) Maclver
Ans. (b)
131. Who has tabled the process of socialization through the process of playing at a
(a) O.H. Mead
(b) C.H. Cooley
(c) S. Freud
(d) T. Mazumdar
Ans. (a)
132. Whose name is associated with concept of significant others?
(a) C.H. Cooley
(b) G.H. Mead
(c) S. Freud
(d) Maclver
Ans. (b)
133. Whose name associated with the concept of generalized other?
(a) G.H. Mead
(b) C.H. Cooley
(c) Maclver
(d) S. Freud
Ans. (b)
134. Which among the following involves secondary cooperation?
(a) Trade Union
(b) Countries which joined to defeat Hitler in the Second World War
(c) The referee, players and spectators on the play ground
(d) All the above
Ans. (d)
135. Which among the following does not involve secondary cooperation?
(a) Religious organization
(b) Industry
(c) Trade Union
(d) Teacher-student relations
Ans. (d)
136. Which among the following involves secondary cooperation?
(a) Family
(b) Cabinet
(c) The Party Executive
(d) Trade Union
Ans. (d)
137. Which among the following is based on direct cooperation?
(a) Family
(b) Government
(c) Parliament
(d) General Assembly
Ans. (a)
138. In which of the following the principle of cooperation is not involved?
(a) Cooperative society
(b) United Nations
(c) Family Planning
(d) A intending to organise opposition against the cricket club
Ans. (d)
139. Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of Polygamy?
(a) in it, it is possible to have healthy children
(b) in it the chances of sex corruption are reduced
(c) in it the fragmentation of property is saved
(d) in it there is harmony in the family
Ans. (d)
140. In adelphic polyandry form of marriage the children are treated as the
offspring of the-
(a) youngest brother
(b) eldest brother
(c) maternal uncle
(d) none of the above
Ans. (b)
141. According to Morgan, which of the following is the correct order of evolution
of family?
(a) Monogamian family, consanguine family, punaluan family, syndasmian family
and patriarchal family
(b) Punaluan family, syndyasmian family, consanguineal family, patriarchal family
and monogamian family
(c) Consanguine family, punaluan family, syndayasmian family, patriarchal family
and monogamian family
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
142. The marriage relations in the matriarchal type of family are-
(a) transient in nature
(b) permanent in nature
(c) of double coincidence in nature
(d) similar to that of the patriarchal society
Ans. (b)
143. Primitive societies are characterised more by___________ terms in kinship.
(a) classificatory
(b) ambiguous
(c) descriptive
(d) deceptive
Ans. (a)
144. The descendants of common male ancestor are called__________.
(a) agnates
(b) cognates
(c) lineal kins
(d) collateral kins
Ans. (a)
145. “One is not born but rather becomes a woman”. Who said this?
(a) John Stuart Mill
(b) Betty Friedan
(c) Simone de Beauvoir
(d) Shulamith Firestone
Ans. (c)
146. One of the major causes of high maternal mortality rate in India is:
(a) Anaemia among Women
(b) Carelessness of doctors
(c) Illiteracy
(d) Adolescent pregnancies
Ans. (a)
147. Marx believed that western society had developed through the following main
epochs. They are –
(a) primitive communism, ancient society, feudal society and capitalist society
(b) savagery, feudalism and capitalism
(c) slavery, barbarism and feudalism
(d) feudalism, capitalism and’ socialism
Ans. (a)
148. Who first introduced the concept of alienation into sociological theory?
(a) Hegel
(b) August Comte
(c) Marx
(d) Herbert Spencer
Ans. (c)
149. In which of the following is there a reciprocal relationship and interaction
among men and groups within a cultural framework?
(a) Society
(b) Community
(c) Social group
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
150. Weber has identified various types of action which are distinguished by the
meanings on which they are based. They are-
(a) affective, emotional, and rational action
(b) emotional, traditional and rational action
(c) traditional, legal and charismatic action
(d) none of the above
Ans. (b)
151. Division of labour into occupations is called ____________.
(a) social division of labour
(b) occupational division of labour
(c) technical division of labour
(d) territorial division of labour
Ans. (a)
152. Division of labour within a particular enterprise is called-
(a) social division of labour
(b) technical division of labour
(c) occupation division of labour
(d) territorial division of labour
Ans. (b)
153. In large cities, the neighbourhood is largely a group ______ of characterised
chiefly by the fact that the members reside within a geographical area.
(a) loose families
(b) neigh-dwellers
(c) close relatives
(d) slum dwellers
Ans. (a)
154. A scientific distinction between the urban and the rural community can be
made on the basis of-
(a) density of population
(b) area covered
(c) occupation followed by the people
(d) none of the above
Ans. (d)
155. Dependency groups are____________
(a) 14 years and younger and 65 years and above
(b) 16 years and below and 60 years and above
(c) 18 years and younger and 60 years
(d) None of the above
Ans. a
156. Natural increase of population means___________
(a) the net difference between births and deaths
(b) population explosion
(c) the difference between migration and immigration
(d) the difference between birth rate and mortality rate
Ans. a
157. Rights which are given to the citizens by the constitution but which cannot be
touched by the state are known as
(a) legal rights
(b) moral rights
(c) political rights
(d) fundamental rights
Ans. d
158. Whereas for Marx history ultimately leads to, and ends with the communist
Utopia for Pareto history is a never ending
(a) process
(b) circulation of elites
(c) process of producing lion elites
(d) process of producing fox elites
Ans. b
159. Which Article of the constitution deals with specifying a particular tribe as a
scheduled tribe?
(a) Art. 342
(b) Art. 343
(c) Art. 344
(d) Art. 345
Ans. a
160. Article________ provides for a commissioner for scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes
(a) 338
(b) 339
(c) 340
(d) 342
Ans. a
161. A social movement depends on:
A. A goal B. A organisation
C. A programmeD. A set of values
(a) A and B
(b) A and C
(c) A and D
(d) A, B, C and D
Ans. (d)

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