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We are living in a society in which we are all learning from a diverse group of people. Every student
comes from a different background and has a different way of thinking. And have their own uniqueness. So,
teachers should understand, appreciate, respect and accommodate every learner. They must be aware of their
strengths and weaknesses.
It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embrace and celebrate the
rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. Learners different from the following perspective:
 Intellectual. Learners have different understanding, observations and interpretation. They have their own
creativity, strategies, design, and they reactions. It’s how they think differently in a group. Teachers
should know the personal background of their students, communicate with the parent in order to get in
touch what intellectual capacity does the student have.
 Culture. Every learner have their own cultural values, beliefs and ways of interacting so teachers must
acknowledge, respect and accommodate them.
 Learning Style or Preferences. Most people learn in different ways and have a style or a preference to
help them acquire new skills and knowledge and to remember things. Teachers understand that every
student learns differently. Teachers should identify the students as visual, auditory, reading/writing or
kinesthetic learners, and overall curriculum with these learning styles, will prove to be beneficial for the
entire classroom. Visual learners prefer the use of images, maps, and graphic organizers to access and
understand new information. Auditory learners’ best understand new content through listening and
speaking in situations such as lectures and group discussions. Read & Write – students with a strong
reading/writing preference learn best through words. These students may presents themselves as copious
note takers or avid readers and are able to translate abstract concepts into words and essays. Kinesthetic
learners’ best understand information through tactile representation of information. These students are
hands-on learners and learn best through figuring things out by hand
 Socio-Economic. Learners from different income levels and social backgrounds. Teachers should know
the family status of the students in order them what to do. Instead of buying projects, teacher must use
alternative way of learning in which the students are not necessarily buy things for their activities.

 Exceptionalities. Learners with exceptionalities is widespread and controversial. It includes mental

retardation, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, communication disorders, visual disabilities and
hearing disabilities. Teachers are more patient when it comes to exceptionalities learners. Special
Education Teachers are patient, understanding educators dedicated to give each learner the
tools and guidance needed to help them maximize success.
 Ethnic. Learners that display a unique set of cultural traits such as language and religion. Teachers should
 Racial. Learners that shares a set of genetic characteristics and physical features.
 Gender. Society’s set of expectations, standards and characteristics about how men and women are
supposed to act.
 Sexual Orientation. It includes gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual and asexual. Sexual orientation is about
who you’re attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually.
 Religion. There are significant differences in religious belief and practices. It has always been recognized
by people outside the smallest and most isolated communities. One religion is as good as any other.
 Geographical Area. Being able to go from one town or city to another and then another while travelling
just a short distance.
 Developmental. It was conceptualize as individual differences based on normal stages of human
development that includes cognitive, psychosocial and physiologic aspects.

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