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EEE 1 Meeting 6

Complex Numbers

Complex number: consists of a real part and an

imaginary part
Example: A = a + jb
A is a complex number with real part equal to a and
imaginary part equal to b. Note: j = √⁠−1 

Following are examples of complex numbers
expressed in rectangular coordinate form.
A = 3 + j4 B = 2.5 + j3.5
C = -0.5 – j3 D = -6 + j4.25

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The Complex Plane

A Cartesian Coordinate System where the abscissa

specifies the real part and the ordinate specifies the
imaginary part of a complex number
imaginary axis

j4 A=3+j4
j2 D=0+j2
real axis
-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8
F=-3-j3 B=2.5-j3.5
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Polar-Coordinate Form
Complex number: specified by a magnitude and

Consider the complex number: A = a + jb

From the figure: imaginary

|A| = √⁠​a↑2 +​b↑2  
and jb A
θ = tan-1 ​b/a 
Thus: θ
A = a + jb = |A|∠θ
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•  a rotaRng vector in the complex
•  rotates counterclockwise at an
angular frequency of ω rad/sec

Let: |A| be the magnitude of the phasor

and assume that at t=0, the phasor
angle θ=⍺

Real part of phasor=|A|cos(ωt+⍺)
Imaginary part of phasor=j|A|sin(ωt+⍺)

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Phasor Transformation
•  Transform the Rme domain funcRon f(t) = Fmcos(ωt+⍺) into the
phasor F(jω) = (Fm/√⁠2 )∠⍺ and use the la\er to solve for the
circuit quanRRes of interest.
•  TransformaRon adds an imaginary component to the sources in
the circuit. Thus, expect the current and voltage responses of
the circuit to also have imaginary components, i.e., the circuit
responses will also be phasors.
•  To transform a phasor back to the Rme domain, simply ignore
its imaginary component and retain only its real component.
•  So that we deal with effecRve values, divide the amplitude of all
sources by √⁠2 . The responses we get will also be effecRve
Phasor TransformaRon
f(t) = Fmcos(ωt+⍺) F(jω) = (Fm/√⁠2 )∠⍺
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Transform f1(t) = 311 cos(377t+60o) to a phasor:

F1(jω) = 220∠60o

Transform F2(jω) = 10∠20o into its Rme domain

f2(t) = 14.14 cos(ωt+20o)

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Consider a resistor. Let the current iR` R

through the resistor be
+ vR −
iR = Imcos(ωt)
from Ohm’s Law, we know that
vR = RiR = RImcos(ωt)
Transforming iR and vR to phasors:
IR(jω) = (Im/√⁠2 )∠0o and VR(jω) = (RIm/√⁠2 )∠0o
= RΩ
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Consider an inductor. Let the current

through the inductor be iL L
iL = Imcos(ωt) + vL −
from vL=LdiL/dt, we get
vL = - ωLImsin(ωt) = ωLImcos(ωt+90o)
Transforming iL and vL to phasors:
IL(jω) = (Im/√⁠2 )∠0o and VL(jω) = (ωLIm/√⁠2 )∠90o
V (jω) L
= ωL∠90oΩ = jωLΩ
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Consider a capacitor. Let the current
through the capacitor be iC C

iC = Imcos(ωt) + vC −
from vC=(1/C)∫iCdt, we get
vC = (Im/ωC)sin(ωt) = (Im/ωC)cos(ωt−90o)
Transforming iC and vC to phasors:
IC(jω) = (Im/√⁠2 )∠0o and VC(jω) = (Im/
( C√⁠2 ))∠-90o
VC(jω) 1 -j 1
= ∠-90 =
o Ω = Ω
IC(jω) ωC ωC jωC
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DefiniRon: RaRo of transformed voltage to

transformed current V (jω)
Z = Ω
We have already shown that:
•  For a resistor: ZR = R Ω
•  For an inductor: ZL = jωL Ω
•  For a capacitor: ZC = 1/jωC Ω = -j/ωC Ω

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DefiniRon: Magnitude of the Impedance

X = |Z| Ω

•  For an inductor: XL = ωL Ω
•  For a capacitor: XC = 1/ωC Ω

•  ZL = jXL
•  ZC = -jXC

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DefiniRon: RaRo of transformed current to

transformed voltage
1 I (jω)
Y = =
Z V (jω)

•  For a resistor: YR = 1/R = G Ω-1
•  For an inductor: YL = 1/jωL Ω-1 =−j/ωL Ω-1
•  For a capacitor: YC = jωC Ω-1

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DefiniRon: Magnitude of Admi\ance

B = |Y| Ω-1

•  For an inductor: BL = 1/ωL Ω-1
•  For a capacitor: BC = ωC Ω-1

•  YL = -jBL
•  YC = jBC

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Transformed Networks

•  Time domain expressions in a network are

transformed into their corresponding phasors
•  Passive elements are transformed into the
corresponding impedances (or admi\ances)

Because the equaRons specifying the impedances of

R, L and C are algebraic (no derivaRves or integrals),
we can use all methods of analysis developed for
resisRve networks, e.g. circuit simplificaRon, nodal
analysis, mesh analysis, Thevenin’s equivalent.
Frequency Domain Circuit Analysis
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1.  The phasor transformaRon being used was

defined based on the cosine funcRon and with
magnitude based on effecRve values. Other
phasor transformaRons exist.
2.  Frequency domain analysis cannot be used to
determine transients in AC circuits.

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Addition or Subtraction of
Complex Numbers
AddiRon or subtracRon of complex numbers most easily done in
the rectangular-coordinate form.

Given A = a + jb and B = c + jd, then
A + B = (a + c) + j(b + d)
A − B = (a − c) + j(b − d)
Example: A=8+j6 and B=4+j10
A + B = (8 + 4) + j (6 + 10) = 12 + j 16
A − B = (8 − 4) + j (6 − 10) = 4 − j 4

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Multiplication of Complex Numbers
Given A = a+jb =|A|∠θA and B = c+jd =|B|∠θB, then in the
rectangular-coordinate form, we get
AB = (a + jb)(c + jd) = a(c + jd) + jb(c + jd)
= ac + jad + jbc + j2bd
Since j2=-1, the product is
AB = (ac − bd) + j(ad + bc)

In polar form, the rule is “mulRply magnitudes and add angles”

AB = ( A ∠θA )(B ∠AB
θB ) = A B ∠(θA + θB )

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Given A=3+j4=5∠53.13o and B=4+j3=5∠36.87o
AB = (3 + j4)(4 + j3)
= 12 + j9 + j16 + j212 = j25 = 25∠90o
AB = 5(5)∠(53.13o + 36.87o ) = 25∠90o

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Division of Complex Numbers
Given A = a+jb =|A|∠θA and B = c+jd =|B|∠θB, then in the
rectangular-coordinate form, we get
A a + jb c − jd ac − jad + jbc + bd
= • =
B c + jd c − jd c2 + d2
A ac + bd bc − ad
= 2 2
+j 2
B c +d c + d2
In polar form, the rule is “divide magnitudes and subtract angles”
A A ∠θAA A
= = ∠(θA − θB )
B B ∠θBB B

Example: Given A=3+j4=5∠53.13o and B=4-j3=5∠-36.87o

A 5∠53.13o o
= o
= 1∠90 = j1
B 5∠ − 36.87
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Conjugate of a Complex Number
Defini<on: The conjugate of a Imag
complex number A=a+jb=|A|∠θA is jb A
defined as
A* = a − jb = A ∠ − θA a Real
-jb A*

Example: Given A=3+j4=5∠53.13o and B=-4-j3=5∠-143.13o

A* = 3 − j4 = 5∠ − 53.13o
B* = −4 + j3 = 5∠143.13o

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Network Reduction
Impedances in Series:

Z1 Z2 V( jω)
Zeq = = Z1 + Z2
V(jω) I( jω) I( jω)

Impedances in Parallel:
I(jω) V( jω) Z1Z2
Zeq = =
+ I( jω) Z1 + Z2
V(jω) Z1 Z2
I( jω)
- Yeq = = Y1 + Y2
V( jω)

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Example: Given
v(t)=100 cos 10t volts. Find i(t) + +
and vL(t). v(t) i vL 0.6H
- −
Transform the source
V( jω) = ∠0° = 70.71∠0° volts
Convert R and L to impedances

ZR = R = 8 Ω
ZL = jωL = j(10)(0.6) = j6 Ω

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The total impedance is
ZT = ZR + ZL = 8 + j6 Ω + +
V(jω) I(jω) VL(jω) ZL
- −
The transformed current is
V( jω) 70.71 ∠0o
I( jω) = =
ZT 8 + j6
70.71∠0o o
= o
= 7.071∠ - 36.87 A
From the inverse transformaRon, we get
i(t) = 10 cos(10t − 36.87°) A

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SRll in the frequency domain, From Ohm’s Law, we get
VL (jω) = I(jω)(ZL )
= (7.071∠ − 36.87o )(j6)
= (7.071∠ − 36.87o )(6∠90o )
= 42.43∠53.13o V

From the inverse transformaRon, we get

vL (t) = 42.43 2 cos (10t + 53.13o )
= 60 cos (10t + 53.13o ) V

Note: The current i(t) lags the source voltage v(t) by 36.87°

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We could also have applied voltage division to get the voltage
across the inductor.
ZL j6
VL ( jω) = V( jω) = (70.71∠0o )
ZL +ZR 8 + j6
6∠90o o
= o
(70.71∠0 )

= 42.43∠53.13° V

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