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Juan Andrade –Gasd1-7


I like to play sports, I like to practice Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis and ultimate,
but I don't like to play football. I like music a lot, I like to play Guitar, Tenor
Saxophone, Bass, Piano, Violin and Chelo, but I don't like to play Clarinet
because the air level is very soft, I like to draw, portray and paint, but I don't like
to color, I like to read, but I don't like having to read by obligation. Since I get
bored too much, I really like to cook and I love pastries too much, I like to make
sculptures in chocolate, but I don't like the watering that is done. Commented [1]: no te gusta regar las plantas? No
entiendo a que te refieres
I really like all the food, I like carrot and tomato with salt and lemon, but I don't Commented [2]: carrots and tomatos
like to eat broccoli, it doesn't give me a pleasant sensation in the mouth, I like to
drink a lot of hot milk, but I don't like what It is formed by heating milk, I really
like rice pudding, but I don't like raisins, I like pasta and lasagna, although I
almost don't eat, I hate fast food, I'm not a fan of it, I really like it Chocolate, in Commented [3]: eat it
all its forms and taste. Commented [4]: like

I really like the pastry class because it is what I am passionate about, I really
like music, sport and art classes because with cooking they are my pillars in life,
I am not very good at Chemistry or Biology, but I am I like the subjects very
much, I like the mathematics and the social ones, the Spanish and the topics, I
don't like almost the physics class because there are many values to measure
certain things

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