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G. J.

and J. D. R. Thomas I Lattice Energy and Chemical Prediction

Welsh College of
Advanced Technology Use of the Kapustinskii equations
Cardiff, Wales, U.K
and the Born-Haber cycle

The chemist is fascinated to see the (6, 7) to give equat,ions (3) and (4). respectively.
realizat'ion of chemical behavior previously predicted
by t'heoretical reasoning. Mendeleev established the
reasoning by the basic idea that "there must be some
bond of union between mass and the chemical elements"
( I ) . In order that chemical analogies should be pre-
served, he left gaps in his periodic classification and I n both equations, v is the number of ions in the mole-
predicted the properties of these missing elements with cule and cr = [ M / ( v / 2 ) ] . The Rfadelung constant,
remarkable accuracy. M, is independent of cr, since it is proportional to the
More recently, crystal chemistry has provided a number of ions in the chemical molecule. However, or
more quantitative basis for predicting chemical syn- is not identical for different lattice types and Kapustin-
theses. An early example of this is provided by the skii (5) found, empirically, that in passing from one
work of Grimm and Herzfield (8) where use was made of lattice type to another, the change in u was proportional
lataticeenergies of neighboring stable compounds in the to the change in interionic distance.
periodic table and, for some compounds, values calcu- With these modifications and by taking the Gold-
lated from the Born-Lande equation (3): schmidt ionic radii referred to the coordination number
6, giving (r+ r - ) for r , and the structural coefficient,
u = 1.745, for roclr-salt type lattices, the same value
is obtained for the lattice energy as by calculating it
where U is the lattice energy, N is Avogadro's number, with the aid of r, derived by X-ray measurements, and
M is the Madelung constant, z+ and z- are the valen- the Madelung structural factor, M, corresponding to
cies of the ions, e is the charge on the electron, r is the the given lattice.
interionic distance, and n is the electronic shells repul- Several of the quantities in equation (3) may be
sion exponent. grouped in a single proportionality coefficient sincen
The various lattice energies were used to predict has the average value of 9 and Ne2 = 329.7 kcal per A.
the stability of a number of hypothetical compounds. Substitution of these quantities gives rise to the eqna-
For example, it was predicted that the monohalides of tion'
the noble gases would be unstable in an ionic lattice and
would decompose into the constituent elements ( 8 ) . 256.luz+z-
The Born-Lande equation is dependent on an exact
U =
(r+ + r-)
kcal per mole

lcnowlcdge of crystal structure and hence of the Made- which permits the calculation of the energy of any type
lung constant. The same is also true of certain other of lattice with the aid of charges and radii only.
equations employed for the calculation of lattice ener- Similar transformation of equation (4) which includes
gies of compounds. One such equation is that of Born- the factor p = 0.345 A, characterizing the quantum
R l a ~ e r(41, mechanical repulsion forces, gives (8) the equation2
U = 287.2vz+z-
(r+ + r-) (r+ + ] kesl per mole
r-) (6)

an improved version of equation ( I ) , where p charac- An objection (7) to the Kapustinskii equations is the
terizes the quantum-mechanical repulsion forces act- replacement of r, the interatomic distance, by ( I + +
ing between the electronic shells of the ions and has the r-). This is because there are many salts in which the
di~nensionsof length. For most crystals p may be re- unlike ions are not touching as, for example, in sodium
garded as practically constant a t 0.345 A. iodide where the lattice spacing is determined by con-
tacts between the iodide, I-, ions. Also, the assign-
The Kapustinskii Equations ment of ionic radii can only be regarded as approximate,
For hitherto unknown conlpounds, it is imperative even in the case of the alkali halides (6). I n this latter
that a certain crystal structure be assumed before equa- respect, it is interesting to recall the statement made
t,ions of the type of (1) and (2) can be used. Kapustin- by Gibb and Winnerman (9) that "the actual radius of
skii (5) regarded such an assumption as unsatisfactory an ion is as uncertain as the radius of a fluffy ball of cot-
and proposed an equation with which it was possible to ton batting."
ext,end the sphere of calculations of lattice energies.
The development of this equation may be traced by 'Recalculation of the proportionality coefficient gives 25.5.7.
making a slight modification in equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) Reealcul.%tionof the proportionality coefficient gives 287 6 .

204 / Journal of Chemicol Educofion

Nevertheless, the lattice energies obtained by calcula- Table 1. Lottice Energies (kcal per mole) of the Alkali
tions using these equations compare favorably with Metal Fluorides and Iodides
those derived experimentally (by the Born-Haber Ex~eri- d a l c u l a t e d Values
cycle) and with those calculated from other equations
which take into consideration the lattice types. This (Born- Kapus- aid
Hsber tinskii Sherman Helm-
closeness is well illustrated by the dat,a for the alkali Cycle) Eq. (6) Eq. (1) holtz Huggins
metal fluorides and iodides as shown in Table 1. Where Salt (Ref. 7) (Ref. 8) (Ref. 10) (Ref. 11) (Ref. 13)
comparisons can be made, agreement is also reasonable LiF 241 228 239 240 244
for the transition metal(I1) chalcogenides (Table 2). NaF 216 212 214 215 215
Of course, the above equations cannot be expected KF 192 189 189 190 193
RbF 184 182 181 182 183
to produce values for the lattice energies that are as CsF 171 170 172 174 176
exact as those produced by more extended calculations. LiI 176 171 170 174 176
This is because all contributions to the lattice energy are NsI 165 161 160 164 164
KI 151 147 148 151 152
ignored except for the Madelung term, U M ,arising from RbI 147 141 143 145 148
the electrostatic attraction of the ions, and the repul- CsI 140 135 135 140 143
sive energy term, Un,allowing for the repulsive forces
between the ions. The additional contributions to
equation (2) are described in available literature (6, 7, Table 2. Lattice Energies (kcal per mole) of SomeTransition
15) and generally allow for van der Waals energy and Metollll) Chalcogenides
zero-point energy of the molecules in the crystal. Calculated Values--
However, lattice energies calculated from the refined Kmustinskii
equations do not differ greatly from those obtained by Ex~eri- 'Eas
mental (Moddy & Hare &
the more approximate methods (6, 7,15). (Born- Thomas Brewer
Equation (6) has also been refined by Kapustinskii Haber Ref. 1.9) (Ref. 14) Sherman
and Yatsimirskii (6,16) by the inclusion of an additional MCh . Eo.. (5)
" . . Eo.. (6)
. . Eo.. (1)
. . Eo.. (2)
. . (Ref.
. 10)
term to give MnO 911 931 880 916 890 912
FeO 937 953 899 937 907 944
COO 954 967 908 958 917 950
NiO 974 976 914 974 934 968
ZnO 964 957 901 9i7

although Yatsimirskii in a later publication, quotes a

different quantity for the additional term in equation
(7) which in fact is twice as great (I?), as shown in equa-
tion (8).

Kapustinskii equations when compared with the experi-

mental (Born-Haber) values (18,lQ).
For calculation purposes, it is convenient to write equa- I n a subsequent discussion on the applicability of
tion (8) in the form equations (8) and (9), Yatsimirskii (17) claims that
these give, for triply-charged cations with eight elec-
trons in the outer shell, values for the lattice energy
that agree to within 3% of the experimental (Born-
Here again, the additional t e r n does not alter the re- Haber) values. Aluminum(II1) is an exception, the
sults appreciably; the effect of the doubled quantity error reaching 9% for the iodide. For compounds of
in equations (8) and (9) being to increase the calcu- the tetravalent elements, the discrepancies are some-
lated lattice energy of metal(1) halides by 5 kcal per what greater, but exceed 10% only for the iodides.
mole and of the much greater lattice energies of the Since many of the compounds studied have significant
met,al(III) halides by 30 kcal per mole. degrees of covalencies in their bonds, the low deviations
It is, however, difficult to have a clear idea of the ac- are remarkable.
curacy of these expressions, since direct experimental The discrepancies for compounds formed by other
computation of lattice energy has rarely been accom- types of cation are considerable and for such com-
plished and the accuracy of the magnitudes of the Born- pounds, where the cations have the electronic confignra-
Haber cycle of operations is also open to question, al- tions d6, dl0, and d1°s2,Yatsimirskii (17) has suggested
though these are gradually being improved. that the equation
Kapustinskii (6) claims that there is very little point U = Ui+C+E. (10)
in further improvement of the expressions for lattice
energy until the values of the ionic radii are known with is applicable. I n this equation, U is the lattice energy,
greater accuracy, although a sacrifice in accuracy is U t is that calculated by equations (8) and (9), E , is
more than compensated by the universal application of the energy of extrastabilization by the crystalline
the equations to compounds, hypothetical or otherwise, field, and C is the energy of formation of a partially
without knowledge of crystal architecture. covalent bond in the crystal. The significant factor
Compounds in their lattices vary from the ideal in the deviations between experimental (Born-Haher)
ionic state and Yatsimirskii has described proposals for values and those calculated by equations (8) and (9)
correcting the low values for lat,ticeenergies given by the are attributed by Yatsimirskii mainly to C which is
Volume 42, Number 4, April 1965 / 205
shown to be a function of the ionization potential and has been used to evaluate the electron affinity of the
electron &nity of the cations and anions, respectively, telluride, TeZ-, ion (IS) :
in the crystal lattice. Introducing corrections along
these lines has brought the agreement between experi- Te(,.) + 2e = Te2-l.,.l; AHgrs= 64 kesl
mental and calculated lattice energies to +2%.
The Born-Hober Cycle
Of course, these corrections for covalency introduced
by Yatsimirskii, follows the practice of several authors Although proton affinities and the enthalpies of
of using the low calculated values of lattice energies formation of complex ions can be evaluated, the prin-
compared with the high (Born-Haber) experimental cipal use of the lattice energies derived from the Kapus-
values to indicate the deviations from heteropolarity tinskii equations, both in the original and refined forms,
(7). has been in the prediction of the stability of various
Applications of the Kapustinskii Equations hypothetical compounds (IS, 20, 21, 22, 23). The
various derivations from the lattice energies, including
The applications of the ICapustinslui equations have those of electron affinities, are made with the aid of
been varied and apart from a check on the thermo- the Born-Haber thermodynamic cycle of operations
chemical data, the equations have opened up wider (24, 25). This is based on the first law of thermody-
horizons for the extension of the evaluation of lattice namics, and for a crystalline uni-univalent salt, M X ,
energies to ionic crystals not yet investigated by X-ray may he represented by the scheme
measurements, and frequently to compounds not yet
prepared. Before discussing these more obvious appli-
cations, there is the other use, where reliable thermal
Mf(O1 + X-(,)
data are available, of calculating the radii of ions. Such
a calculation is possible where the radius of either the
cation or anion is lacking. The radii calculated in
this way have heen termed "thermal" or "thermo-
chemical radii" (6). The first step, (i), is the complete breakup of the
An example of a radius thus evalu?ted is that of crystal, M X , into gaseous ions M + and X-, attended
theSnZ+ion, found to be 1.04 =t0.02 A as determined by an increase in the heat cont,ent which is the lattice
from the experimental lat,tice energies of tin(I1) sul- enthalpy, U +
2RT. For practical purposes, the
fide, oxide, and chloride (6). However, the lattice of quantity 2RT is neglected, being only about 1.2 kcal
these tin compounds vary from the ionic and, as noted per mole a t 29S01<. Thus, the increase in heat content
above and as is apparent by inspection of Table 2, corresponds to the lattice energy, U .
compounds with covalent tendencies give low lattice The second operation, (ii), is the simultaneous dis-
energies as computed from the Kapustinskii equations charging of the metal ion, If+, by union with electrons
when compared with the experimental (Born-Haber) to give gaseous metal atoms, M, and of the X- ions,
values. On making allowance for this feature, the by removal of electrons to give X at,oms. This stage
value of 1.17 A calculated by Yatsimirskii is probably is attended by an increase in the heat content corre-
more realistic (19). sponding to (E - I),where E is the electron affinit,y
Equation (6) has been used to calculate the thermo- of the X atom and I is the ionization potential of the
chemical radii of a large number of complex ions and metal atom.
radicals. Values for a selection of anions, assumed I n the third step, (iii), the gaseous metal is condensed
to have spherical symmetry are shown in Table 3. to the solid state and X atoms are combined to X9
There are, however, many ions where the structure molecules, and is attended by an increase in heat con-
is far from spherical. For these, "effective" ionic tent (-3 -'lzD), where S is the heat of sublimation
radii have been determined by equation (6) and the of the metal and D is the heat of dissociation of
"effective thermochemical ionic radius" of the [Ba- molecular 1%.
(H2O)IZ+ion has been found to be 1.61+0.01 A from The final step, (iv), corresponds to the interaction
various monohydrates of barium containing a range of the solid metal with gaseous Xz molecules, that is,
of anions of previously known dimensions, for example, in the forms they normally obtain at 298'1<, to reform
the halides, nitrate, cyanide, and chlorate (6). the crystalline salt, =I. The attendant increase in
Direct measurement of electron sffinities is difficult heat content, AH,, is the enthalpy of formation of the
and has only been done for a few elements. To over- crystalline salt, M X . Apart from AH,, all the other
come this problem, an important application of cal- quantities referred to in the cycle are also expressed
culated lattice energies is in the evaluation of electron in terms of 298'Ii.
affinities. Comparison of the values thus obtained It follows from Hess's law of constant heat sum-
for halogen atoms with those measured by comparing mation that
the rates of negative ion and electron emission from a U+E-I-S-1/2D+AHI=0 (11)
heated surface in the halogen vapor, and in other ways,
shows close agreement (15). The lattice energy of and hence that the value of any one quantity may be
sodium telluride, determined from equation (5) above calculated provided the other five are known.

Table 3. Therrnochernical Radii of Tetrahedral Anions (6)

Ion 504'- CrOF C101- MnOl- PO4'- BF6- BeF,'- BiOP
Radius (A) 2.30 2.40 2.36 2.40 2.38 2.28 2.45 Io4-
2.49 2.68

206 / Journal of Chemical Education

Where proton affinities are required, the cycle is borofluoride ion, BF4-, in Table 3 may be used to cal-
varied slightly as illustrated by the following scheme culate the lattice energies of a range of other boro-
for the proton aflinity of ammonia from ammonium fluorides. These may then be used in a Born-Haber
chloride (26). sequence of operations to calculate the enthalpy of
formation of the borofluoride ion. A suitable Born-
Haber cycle is the following:

The changes in heat content in stages (i) and (iv) have

similar significance t o that described above for the un-
modified Born-Haber cycle. Stage (ii) is broken down Again stages (i) and (iv) have changes in heat content
into two subsidiary stages to cover the breakdown of of similar significance to that of the unmodified Born-
the ammonium, NH4+, ion. Thus (iia) is attended by Haber cycle. The increase in heat content correspoud-
an increase in heat content corresponding to PNES, the ing to stage (ii) is (-I +
E - AH,) where AHI is the
proton affinity of ammonia, while in stage (iib) the enthalpy change for the reaction (I)
increase in heat content is -I, where I is the ionization
potential of the hydrogen atom. The remaining in-
BFIW F-w BFuK+ +

crease in heat content in stage (ii) is, of course, E, the I and E having their usual significance. I n stage (iii)
electron affinity of the chlorine atom. the heat content increase is (-8 - '/%D- AH^^^,^,,),
Stage (iii) corresponds to an increase in heat content the terms having their normal significance.
amounting to I t is clear from this cycle that the enthalpy of forma-
tion of the borofluoride ion, AHJBF,,o,- is given by

where DH1and Dcl, are the heats of dissociation of mo-

lecular Hz and Clp, respectively, and AHJ,,~,~,is the and the value obtained by Kapustinskii and Yatsimir-
enthalpy of formation of NHa(,). skii ($7) is -406 kcal per mole. Of course, all the re-
The proton affinity of ammonia is therefore given quired quantities in equation (IS) are readily available
by the relation in the literature except for AHI. It is this quantity
which is obtained from the Born-Haber cycle.
Reaction (I) corresponds to a change of hybridization
of the boron orbitals in boron trifluoride and to the
formation of a new bond to accommodate the fluoride
Using equation (12), a value of 209.4 kcal per mole is ion, F-. The enthalpy change, AHr, corresponding to
derived for the proton affinity of ammonia, the mean
these changes has been calculated to be -76 kcal per
value calculated by applying the four ammonium halides
mole for the borofluoride ion (7).
t,o the Born-Haher sequence being 214 kcal per mole (7).
Similar calculations have been made for the BHI- and
The method has been extended to the calculation of
the proton affinities of other species, such as, NHz-, HF2- ions (7) and the procedure can have general
application to include other species.
NH2-, HzO, OH-, 02-,SH-, and SZ- and it has been
suggested that values could be obtained for methyl- Thermodynamic Derivations Using the Kapurtinskii
amines if the relevant lattice energies were known (7). Equations in Conjunction with the Born-Haber Cycle
Approsinlate values could certainly be obtained if the
lattice energies were calculated by the Kapustinskii As already mentioned, the principal application of
equation (7). the Kapustinskii equations has been in t,be prediction
The thermochemical radius of 2.28 A quoted for the of the stabilities of hitherto unknown compounds.
The application of the equations, and subsequent treat-
ment of the lattice energy by the Born-Haher cycle to
Table 4. Comparison Between Calculated and Experi-
mental Enthalpies of Formation of the First Series Transition
Metal(ll) Chlorides and Oxides (Mn to Zn) Table 5. Comparison Between Calculated and Experi-
(The caloulhted values have been derived from t h e short Khpustinskii mental Enthalpies of Formation of Certain Copper(ll) Halides
esuhtmn (5)) and Chalcogenides
Metal Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn (The osloulated values have been derived from the short Kapustinskii
equation ( 5 ) )
Chlorides (MCld
( R e . sn -Hdide (Ref, my .-Chalaogenide (Ref. IS)%
Experimental -82 -78 Chlo- Bro-
(koal per mole) Cnooer ride mide Iodide Oxide Sulfide Selenide
Calculated -73 -59
(koal per mole) Experimental
Oxides (MO) koa1permole)-49 -40 -17 -37 -12 -7
( R d 13) Ca\dsted -8to +31 to +85to - 9 t o +51to +113to
Experimental -64 -55 (keal oer mole) +11 +48 +lo0 2 6 +37 +I04 +I55
(koal per mole) (for Feo.nO) Differences 41 to 71 to 102 t o to 63 to 120to
Calculated -68to -6Oto (kealpermole) 60 88 117 74 116 162
lkcal ner mole) -84 -74
* Experimental values t a k e r f r o m Ref.#Q.
Volume 42, Number 4, April 1965 / 207
obtain the heat of fonnation, is first of all tested on suitable adjustments being made for the chalcogenides.
known compounds and then applied to hypothetical
species. Such a series of calculations requires a knowl-
edge of cation and anion radii, ionization potentials,
electron affinity, and enthalpies of sublimation and The agreement between lattice energies calculated
dissociation appropriate to the compound. This data by the Kapustinskii equations (5) and (6) and the
is available, or determinable, for several series of com- experimental (Born-Haber) values has already been
pounds and has been used in the manner indicated for referred to ahove (Tables 1 and 2). This agreement
halides (ZZ), and chalcogenides (IS), of the first transi- naturally reflects itself in the enthalpies of formation
tion series and similarly (25, 28) for the lanthanide of the compounds and this is illustrated by the data
compounds. in Table 4 for the chlorides and oxides of the first
The next stage in the procedure is to use the appro- transition series.
priate enthalpies of formation derived from the lattice The calculated values in Table 4 represent the differ-
energies and application of the Born-Haher cycle, to ence between two large quantities (600 for the chlorides
calculate the enthalpy changes of various dispropor- and around 900 for the oxides) and in view of this, the
tionation reactions of which the following constitutes agreement is good. It is to be noted, however, that the
a series for metal (I), (11), and (111) halides: agreement is less good for the copper compounds.
This is attributed to the more covalent character and
in agreement with this view, the discrepancies are even
greater for the iodide (22) and selenide (IS) where, of
course, the polarizability of the anion is increased.
The increasing difference between the calculated and
Appropriate adjustments must be included for chalco- experimental values with increased polarizability of the
genides. anion is apparent from Table 5 .
The fundamental property that should be used for It is seen from Table 5 that the sequence is regular
predicting the ability of a reaction to proceed is, of thus giving support to the fact that some covalent
course, the free energy. However, for reactions in- binding is involved. The differences are particularly
volving condensed states only, the enthalpy change great for the copper compounds which are known to b?
can give an indication of its probable course. Such distinctly covalent in character, hut are not so pro-
predictions may be made for reactions M(I)b and nounced for other series, for example, the difference is
M(I1)b for the halides and also for M(I)a, M(II)b, between 4 and 20 kcal per mole for iron(I1) oxide and
and M(II1)a for sulfides, selenides, and tellurides. between 63 and 83 kcal per mole for iron(I1) selenide.
The remaining reactions involve a volume increase Predictions made on the basis of the reactions quoted
due to gas formation. This results in a consequent ahove are concerned with interconversions of the
increase in entropy, enhancing the enthalpy change to various species between different oxidation states of the
give a more negative free energy change, thus increas- metal constituent and, for this reason, there will he
ing the probability of the reaction in the direction some cancellation of errors (15, t3). I n fact, predic-
written. tions made on the basis of enthalpy changes determined
Iinowing the appropriate enthalpy of formation for from the Kapustinskii equations and the Born-Haher
t,he hydrogen halide or chalcogenide, enthalpy changes cycle have led to good agreement with fact. This is
for hydrogen reductions may also be calculated. For illustrated by the data for chlorides and oxides of
halides, these may be expressed in the following way, metals of the first transition series in Table 6.

Table 6. Comparison of Calculated Behavior with Observed Behavior of Chlorides and Oxides of Metals of the First
Transition Series
Element Observed Calculated Observed Calculated Observed Cdeulated

208 / Journal of Chemical Educofion

Except for the copper compounds, the theoretical iodides of promethiurn(I1) aud t.huIium(I1). All these
predictions are in close agreement with experimental halides are known, as are also many others, including
fact and on this basis it has been suggested that it some fluorides, which are indicated by the calculations
might be worth while investigating the possibility of to be rather less stable (32).
preparing scandium(I1) bromide and iodide (22), With regard to the lanthanide(I1) chalcogenides,
scandium(I1) oxide, sulfide, and selenide (IS) and the selenides and tellurides of europiurn(I1) and yt-
nickel(II1) fluoride (22). Successful syntheses fol- terbium(II), and the tellurides of promethium(II),
lowing predictions from lattice energy calculations, samarium(II), and thulium(I1) are stable according
have, of course, been accomplished by Yatsimirskii (20) to the calculations (SO) and, except for the promethium
as long ago as 1948. compound, all are known (32). In addition, a range
of other lanthanide(I1) selenides and tellurides as
Stabilities of Lanthanide Halides and Chalcogenides
well as of oxides and sulfides are known (32) and from
Novikov and Polyachenok (23) have recently re- the trends (SO) it is apparent that many more await
ported a similar series of calculations, using lattice discovery.
energies determined by equation (8). These, cou- Rough estimates by Novikov and Polyachenok (23)
fined to lanthanide(I1) and (111) chlorides, confirm indicate that the monochlorides of the lanthanides are
the stability of the chlorides of samarium(II), eum- unstable in the solid and liquid states.
pium(II), and ytterbium(I1). Arising from this work, The possibility of preparing the dichlorides of the
it has been suggested that stable chlorides of prome- lanthanides by hydrogen reduction of the trichloride
thium(I1) and thulium(I1) may be obtained and, in (reaction M(1II)c) has also been studied (23) and the
addition to the less stable neodymium(I1) and praseo- results indicate practically complete reduction in the
dymium(I1) chlorides, it may also be possible to obtain case of the chlorides of samarium(III), europium(III),
the chlorides of dysprosium(II), holmium(II), and and ytterbium(II1) in accordance with practice. Par-
erbium(I1). While confirming the known stabilities tial reduction is indicated for the chlorides of neo-
of the lanthanide(II1) chlorides, the calculations do dymium(III), promethium(III), dysprosium(III),
not anticipate the formation of chlorides of lanthanum- holmium(III), erbium(III), and thulium(II1).
(11), cerium(II), gadolinium(II), or terbium(I1).
The calculations, using lattice energies derived from Lattice Energies and Crystal Field Stabilization
equation (6) (equation (8) increases these by about
3 per cent), have now been extended to include all the Reference has already been made above to the differ-
lanthanide(I1) and (111) halides and chalcogenides (SO). ences between experimental (Born-Haber) and calcu-
Table 7 illustrates the remrliable agreement between lated lattice energies being used to indicate deviations
the enthalpies of formation of the lanthanide(II1) from strict heteropolarity. There is another effect
oxides thus obtained and the literature (31) values. responsible for deviations, and is present in those
With the possible exception of ytterbium(II1) sele- crystals in which the metal ion has an unfilled d shell.
nide and the tellurides of samarium(III), europium(II1) Under the influence of the electrostatic field of the
and ytterbium(III), the enthalpy changes accompany- neighboring negative ions, the otherwise five-fold
ing reactions M(I1)b and M(II1)a confirm the known degenerate electron energy levels of the metal ion are
stabilities of the lanthanide(II1) halides and chalco- split to several new levels, depending on the symmetry
genides. The magnitudes of the enthalpy changes
of the crystal field, and the electrons first occupy the
also indicate that several of the lanthanide(I1) com- lowest levels in preference to the higher ones. This
pounds should be stable. These include the chlorides,
splitting produces a stabilization energy known as the
bromides, and iodides of europium(I1) and ytterbium- crystal field stabilization energy (c.f.s.e.).
(11), the bromide and iodide of samarium(II), and the
Several authors (33, 34, 56, 36, 37, 38) have drawn
attention to the fact that if the experimental (Born-
Haber) lattice energies of the divalent transition metal
Table 7. Comparison Between Calculated* Eq. (6) and
halides are plotted against their atomic number, a
Literature* Values of the Enthalpies of Formation of Lantho- minimum occurred a t the manganese(I1) salt. I n
nide(lll) Oxides (Lnz03) fact, by taking the change in energy as zero when the
(Values are in koal per male LnzOa) number of d electrons is 0,5, or 10 and drawing a smooth
Element La Ce Pr Nd curve through the lattice energies of the calcium, man-
Calculated* -400 to -396to -408 to -403 to ganese, and zinc salts, the c.f.s.e.'s are obtained as the
-448 -444 -456 -451 difference between the points on the smooth curve and
Literature* -428 -434 -436 -432
the actual experimental (Born-Haber) lattice energies.
Element Pm Sm Eu Gd Using this procedure, Yatsimirskii (36) on taking
Calculated* -414to -424to -433 to -428 to
-462 -472 -481 -476 the hydroxides, fonnates, oxides, carbonates, sulfates,
Lit,watureY -434 -434 -434 -434 chlorides, bromides, and iodides, found values of 9,
Element Tb DY Ha Er 30,32, and 27 kcal permole, respectively, for the c.f.s.e.'s
Cdculated* -431 to -468 to -446 to -432 to of iron(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and copper(I1).
-474 -516 -494 -4xn
These are in close agreement to the values found on
account of the fields of water moleoules (36). Also,
Element Tm Yb Lu the value of 32 kcal per mole for nickel(I1) is very near
Calculated* -418 ta -420 to -399 to
-466 -468 -447 that of 30 kcal per mole, obtained by Ladd and Lee (38)
Literature -452 -434 -450 in an independent but similar set of calculations. Com-
'Calculated Ref. $0. Literature Ref. $1. pounds from other sets of anions give different c.f.s.e.
Volume 42, Number 4, April 1965 / 209
values, for example, the selenide and fluoride ions in importance of lattice energy as a fundamental property
nickel(I1). - give values in excess of 40 kcal Der mole is thus confirmed, and the realization of this in recent
(36,278). years has led to increasing attention being given to
It has been found for fluorides of the metals of the the subject in modern textbooks.
first transition series that, after allowing for the c.f.s.e., The authors are grateful to J. M. Crahtree for Rus-
there is little difference between the calculated lattice sian-English translation services.
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the Born-Haber cycle (7). Discrepancies are large for Literature Cited
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responsible for the magnitude of the enthalpy change, (18) YATSIMIRSKII, K. B., "Thermachemistry of Complex Com-
in a series of halides, is in fact the lattice energy. I t is pounds," (Editor: KAPUSTINSKII, A. F.), U.S.S.R.
not surprising, therefore, that since the lattice energies Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1951.
of the fluorides are greater than for the other halides, (19) YATSIMIRSKII. , . ~ .,
K. B.. Zhur. Obshch. Khim.. 23. 180 (19531.
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Oxides also frequently exhibit the highest oxidation (22) BARBER, If., LINNETT,J. W., AND TAYLOR, N. H., J. Chem.
states of metals. However, here the advantage gained Soc., 3323 (1961).
(23) N ~ V I K U G.V , I., A N D POLYACHENOK, 0. G., Zhur. Neorg.
in having a much greater lattice energy than for the Khim., 8, 1567 (1963).
fluorides is mainly lost in the positive character of (241 BORN.M.. Verhandl. deut. uhvaik. Ges.., 21..13 (19191.
, ,
(I/%D - E) a t the rather large value of about +220 (25j HABE;, F:, ibid., 21, 750 ( i g i ~ ) .
kcal per gram atom of oxygen. (26) GRIMM,H. G., Handbueh d. Physik, 24, 518 (1927).
Obshch. Khim., 19, 2191 (1949).
Conclusion (28) IIooou, G. J., AND THOMAS, J. D. R., Unpublished work.
(29) LATIMER,W. M., "Oxidation Potentials," 2nd ed., Prentice-
Hall, Inc., New York, 1952.
Among other applications of lattice energy calcula- (30) MOODY, G. J., AND THOMAS, J. D. R., Unpublished work.
tions may be cited the formulation of dioxygenyl hexa- (31) WESTRUM, F., AND JUSTICE, H., "Rare Earth Resesrch-
fluoroplatinate (279) as 02+[PtF6]-and also the similar Proceedings of the Second Conference on Rare Earth
formulat,ion of the analogous xenon conlpound (40, 41) Research," (Editors: NACHMAN, J. F., AND LUNDIN, C. E.),
Gordon and Breach, New York, 1961, p. 161.
through lattice energies calculated by the Kapnstinskii (32) COTTON,F. A,, A N D WILKINSON, G., "Advanced Inorganic
procedure. Chemistry," John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1962.
Apart from applications in predicting the existence (33) ORGEL,L. E., PTOC. 10th Solvay C a f . Chem., Brussels, p. 289,
of hitherto unknown compounds, lattice energy calcula- (1956).
(34) GRIFFITH,J . S., AND ORGEL,L. E., Quad. Rev., 11, 381
tions, by equation (6), and subsequent operation of the (1957).
Born-Haber cycle have recently been used to determine (35) HUSH,N. S., A N D PRYCE,I f . N., J. Chem. Phys., 28, 244
the likely enthalpy of formation of platinum(I1) fluo- IlRSR>.
ride, the existence of which was doubted (48). The (36) YATSIMIRSKII,
K. B., Zhw. h'eo~g.Khim., 3, 2244 (1958).
value derived was about 30 kcal per mole and attempts (37) ORGEL, L. E., "An Introduction to Transitian-Metal
Chemistry," Methuen, London, 1960.
to confirm the existence of the difluoride have proved . . LADD,hZ. F. C., A N D LEE, W. H., J. Chem. SOL, 2837
to be unsuccessful in agreement with the positive value (1962).
obtained (42). (39) BARTLETT, N., AND LOAMANN, D. H., ibid., 5253 (1962).
I t is clear that the Kapustinsliii method of estimating (40) BARTLETT, N., Proe. Chem. Soc., 218 (1962).
the lattice energy from ionic radii, together with subse- (41) MOODY, G. J., AND THOMAS, J. D. R., "Noble Gases and
their Compounds," Pergamon Press, Ltd., Oxford, 1964.
quent application of the Born-Haher cycle, has proved j42) BARTLETT, N., A N D LOAMANN, D. H., J . Chem. Soc., 619
to he extremely useful in inorganic chemistry. The (1964).

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