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Wiratama Jaya

Software Engineer

Date of birth : Malang, 24 Oktober 1999
Gender : Male
Religion : Catholic
Country : Indonesian
Status : Relationship
Address : Tutur RT 003/001
Tutur, Tutur, Pasuruan
Telephone : 085851226696
Email :
I am a person who likes to learn new things, I want to know many things. When
I work I need to focus and I am a person who always wants perfect results, so
sometimes I need a little long time to complete my task. I am a person who does
not like noise and I am sometimes bored. to overcome boredom I usually drink
coffee and a cigarette.

 Sanata Dharma University
Biology Education
 Senior High School 1 Simo
 Junior High School 1 Simo
 Elementary School Nongkojajar 1

 Game Developer My strengths are I like to learn
new things, I have a good
analytical thinking, and I like to
- Win the battleground competition pursue my target.
- Make a cheat engine My weakness are, I can lose my
focus when I have many
- Make strategy game distractions. Sometimes I takes a
long time to finish a job, because
I want to finish with perfectly. I
easily to bored, so i listen some
music to eliminate my bored


Microsoft Word Bahasa Indonesia

Microsoft Exel Bahasa Inggris
Ms Power Poin Accounting Program

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