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Nombre: __________________________ Fecha: __________________________ 

Unidad 8 Lección 1
Vocabulary: La Rutina Diaria

Talk About a Daily Routine

To go to bed → acostarse (o → ue)

To shave oneself → afeitarse

To take a bath → bañarse

To brush one’s teeth → cepillarse

To wake up → despertarse (e → ie)

To fall asleep → dormirse (o → ue)

To take a shower → ducharse

To wash oneself → lavarse

To wash one’s face → lavarse la cara

To get up → levantarse

To put on makeup → maquillarse

To comb one’s hair → peinarse

To put on (clothes), to get dressed → ponerse

To dry oneself → secarse

To dry one’s hair → secarse el pelo

To get dressed → vestirse (e → i)

*rizarse el pelo → to curl the hair  *arreglarse → to get ready

*alisarse el pelo → to straighten the hair  *encender (ie) la luz → to turn on the light
*apagar la luz → to turn off the light 

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Talk About Grooming

Toothbrush → el cepillo de dientes

Brush → el cepillo

Soap → el jabón 

Toothpaste → la pasta de dientes 

Comb → el peine

Hair dryer → el secador de pelo

Towel → la toalla 

*el desodorante → the deoderant  *el rímel → the mascara 

*la seda dental → the dental floss  *la sombra de ojos → the eyeshadow 
*el acondicionador → the conditioner  *el perfume → the perfume 
*la loción → the lotion  *la colonia → the cologne 
*el gel → the gel  *el despertador → the alarm clock 
*el lápiz labial → the lipstick 

Talk About a Typical Day

Generally → generalmente 

Normally → normalmente

Routine → la rutina 

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Other Words & Phrases

The country, countryside → el campo 

City → la ciudad 

To wait (for) → esperar 

To hope (for) → esperar 

To take a trip → hacer un viaje 

… by plane → en avión 

… by boat → en barco 

… by train → en tren 

… by bus → en autobús 

Hotel → el hotel 

To stay in → quedarse en 

Vacation → las vacaciones 

On vacation → de vacaciones 

*entrenarse → to train 
*caerse → to fall 
*casarse → to marry 
*enojarse → to get angry 
*entenderse (ie) bien → to understand  
each other well 
*entenderse (ie) mal → to misunderstand 
one another 
*llevarse bien → to get along well 
*llevarse mal → to get along poor 
*irse → to go 

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Grammar: Reflexive Verbs

● A reflexive verb is: un verbo en que la persona que hace la acción es la misma persona 
que recibe la acción. 
● We use REFLEXIVE VERBS when the subject in a sentence is the same as the object 
(or when the person DOING the action is the same as the person RECEIVING the 
● Many verbs can be used with or without reflexive pronouns, such as: 
○ lavar (to wash) & lavarse (to wash oneself) 
○ dormir (to sleep) & dormirse (to fall asleep) 
○ poner (to put / place) & ponerse (to put on (clothes))

● In a sentence or thought with only ONE verb, the reflexive pronoun is placed BEFORE
the verb (just like a D.O.P. would be)! 
● In a sentence or thought with an infinitive verb following a conjugated verb, the 
reflexive pronoun can be placed BEFORE the first conjugated verb, or attached into 
the END of the verb in the infinitive: 
○ I want to brush my teeth: 
■ Yo quiero cepillarme los dientes. 
■ Yo me quiero cepillar los dientes. 

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Grammar: Present Progressive (El Presente del Progresivo)

● In both ENGLISH and SPANISH, we use the present progressive tense to say that an 

action is happening at this moment. 

● To form the present progressive in Spanish, we use the correct present tense form of the 

verb estar + a present participle.

● To form the PRESENT PARTICIPLE of an -AR verb, we drop the -AR from the infinitive 

and add +ando. 

● To form the PRESENT PARTICIPLE of an -ER or -IR verb, we drop the -ER or -IR from 

the infinitive and add +iendo. 

Pronoun + ESTAR Present Participle Inglés

    I am running 
Yo estoy corriendo  

    She is sharing 
Ella está compartiendo  

    Y’all are selling 

Uds. están vendiendo  

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*when the stem of an ER or IR verb ends in a vowel, change -iendo to -yendo

Leer → leyendo Traer → trayendo

*the same IR stem-changing verbs that we learned last year (that are irregular in the 3rd

person in the preterite tense) KEEP THEIR stem-change in the present participle:

Pedir → pidiendo Dormir → durmiendo

Servir → sirviendo Vestir → vistiendo

Decir → diciendo Venir → viniendo

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Nombre: __________________________ Fecha: __________________________ 
Unidad 8 Lección 2
Vocabulary: Las Vacaciones

Talk About Vacation Activities

To camp → acampar

To picnic, to eat outside → comer al aire libre 

To hike → dar una caminata 

To barbecue → hacer una parrillada 

To windsurf → hacer surf de vela 

To surf → hacer surfing 

To ride a horse → montar a caballo 

Free time → el tiempo libre 

*el lago → the lake *el volcán → the volcano

*el río → the river *el árbol → the tree
*hacer una reservación → *el bosque → the forest
to make a reservation *la naturaleza → the nature
*tener una reservación → *la selva → the forest
to have a reservation *antiguo(a) → old
*el aeropuerto → the airport *avanzado(a) → advanced
*hacer una excursión → to go on a day trip *el calendario → the calendar
*mandar tarjetas postales → *la estatua → the statue
to send postcards *el monumento → the monument
*pescar → to fish *la pirámide → the pyramid
*el (la) turista → the tourist *la religión → the religion
*ver las atracciones → to see the attractions *las ruinas → the ruins
*visitar un museo → to visit the museum *el templo → the temple
*la montaña → the mountain *la tumba → the tomb 
*el palacio → the palace

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Talk About Buying Souvenirs

Inexpensive, cheap → barato(a) 

Quality → la calidad 

Expensive → caro(a) 

Too much → demasiado 

Market → el mercado 

Souvenir → el recuerdo 

*el dinero en efectivo → cash *la vitrina → the store window

*la tarjeta de crédito → credit card *gastar → to spend
*probarse la ropa → to try on clothes *la caja → cash register
*el probador → fitting room *la billetera → wallet
*el recibo → receipt *el cajero automático → ATM 
*la moneda → coin
*la talla → (clothing) size

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Jewelry & Handicrafts

Ring → el anillo 

Earring → el pendiente / el arete 

Handicrafts → las artesanías 

Goods / items → los artículos 

… wood → … de madera 

… gold → … de oro 

… silver → … de plata 

Ceramics → la cerámica 

Necklace → el collar 

Jewelry → las joyas 

Bracelet → la pulsera 

*la joyería → the jewelry store *único(a) → unique / one of a kind

*brillante → brilliant / shiny *estar hecho(a) a mano → to be made by hand
*el diamante → the diamond *ser de… → to be made of
*la tarjeta postal → the postcard *cuero → leather
*fino(a) → fine *metal → metal
*una ganga → a bargain *piedra → stone

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Nombre: __________________________ Fecha: __________________________ 

I’ll give _____ to you for _____ → le dejo ___ en ___ 

I can offer you... → le puedo ofrecer... 

May I see…? → ¿me deja ver…? 

How expensive! → ¡qué caro! 

I would like… → quisiera... 

To bargain → regatear 

*¿tiene otros(as)? → do you have others? *de nada → you’re welcome

*bello(a) → beautiful *disculpe → excuse me, i’m sorry
*demasiado(a) → too much *no hay de qué → don’t mention it
*con mucho gusto → with great pleasure *pase → go ahead
*con permiso → excuse me *perdóneme → forgive me

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Antes y después de viajar

*la agencia de viajes → the travel agency *el (la) pasajero(a) → the passenger
*el (la) agente de viajes → the travel agent *pasar por seguridad →
*confirmar el vuelo → to confirm the flight to go through security
*hacer la maleta → to pack the suitcase *la puerta → the door
*llamar a → to call *la salida → the exit
*viajar → to travel *la llegada → the arrival
*el boleto → the ticket *pasar por la aduana →
*el boleto de ida y vuelta → to go through customs
the round-trip ticket *el reclamo de equipaje → baggage claim
*el equipaje → the luggage *la tienda de campaña → the tent
*la identificación → the identification *la cabaña → the cabin
*el mercado al aire libre → *ver las atracciones →
the open air market to see the sights / attractions
*el itinerario → the itinerary *pescar → to fish
*la maleta → the suitcase *mandar tarjetas postales → to send postcards
*el pasaporte → the passport *el turista → the tourist (m.)
*la tarjeta de embarque → the boarding pass *la turista → the tourist (f.)
*el traje de baño → the bathing suit *el alojamiento → the accommodation
*abordar → to board *el ascensor → the elevator
*el (la) auxiliar de vuelo → the flight attendant *la habitación → the room
*facturar el equipaje → to check one’s luggage *la habitación doble → the double room
*hacer cola → to get in line *la habitación individual → the single room

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Grammar: Indirect Object Pronouns (Los Complementos Indirectos)

● *D.O.: direct object →

the object in the sentence that directly receives the action of the verb 

● *D.O.P.: direct object pronoun →   

the pronoun that takes the place of a D.O. 

● *I.O.: indirect object →  

To whom or for whom an action is done. 

● *I.O.P.: indirect object pronoun →  

the pronoun that takes the place of an I.O. 

Pronoun DOP IOP  

Yo me me me For / to me

Tú te you te For / to you

Él / Ella / Ud. Lo / la Him / her le For / to

him / her

Nosotros(as) nos us nos For / to us

Vosotros(as) os y’all os For / to y’all

Ellos(as) / Los / las Them / y’all les For / to

Uds. them / y’all

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Grammar: Double Object Pronouns

● When using a DOP and an IOP together in the same thought, this is called a 

double object pronoun. 

● When using DOUBLE OBJECT PRONOUNS, the IOP precedes (goes before) the 


● When you have an IOP and a DOP right next to each other, and they both start 

with the letter “L” (3rd person… LE or LES + LO, LA, LOS or LAS), the LE or LES 

turns into SE. 

My mom buys the souvenir → Mi madre compra el recuerdo.

My mom buys it → Mi madre lo compra. 

My mom buys the souvenir for me → Mi madre me compra el recuerdo (a mí).

My mom buys it for me → Mi madre me lo compra. 

You did the homework → Tú hiciste la tarea

You did it → Tú la hiciste

You did the homework for them → Tú les hiciste la tarea (a ellos)

You did it for them → Tú se la hiciste

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Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives (Los Adjetivos Demostrativos)

● Demonstrative Adjectives are used to specify or demonstrate to which items / 

objects / people you’re referring to. They’re the words this, these, that, those, etc. 

in English. 

● Demonstrative Adjectives change and are dependent upon proximity to the


● Demonstrative Adjectives must match the nouns they modify in gender and in 


  Here (aquí) There (allí) Alllllllllllll the way

over there

Masc, sing    
Este Ese Aquel 
this that (all the way over there) 

Fem, sing   Esa  

Esta Aquella 
this that (all the way over there) 

Masc, plural     Aquellos

Estos Esos  
these those  (all the way over there) 

Fem, plural    
Estas Esas Aquellas 
these those  (all the way over there) 

ESTO = this (in general). ESO = that (in general).   

AQUELLO = that all the way over there (in general). 

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