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AUTHOR: Honoel Ibardoloza

CHARACTERS : The greedy Rajah

People of the kingdom
Wisest of the wise man
Little Boy

SETTINGS : A palace or kingdom

Once there lived the greediest of Rajah. One day, while the Rajah was
sitting beside his biggest window, he saw the whitest of clouds. He called his
guards and shouted at them to tell the wisest man on how he could get the
whitest of clouds. The following day, the wisest of the wise men reported on how
he could get the whitest cloud. He asked the Rajah to build the biggest kite so he
could go up into the sky and grab the whitest cloud. And should have three times
bigger jewels. The most large kite was done. He went outside and the strongest
wind blew. He came nearer and nearer until suddenly he dropped. The jewels
made it heavy. He cuts it with the knife and it was raining jewels. The man who
are holding the kite let go of the rope to get some jewels. They didn’t notice that
the Rajah was flying away. A boy shouted that the Rajah was gone. They all
shouted with their loudest shouts.

The greediest Rajah asked the wisest man on how to get the whitest cloud.
The Rajah was in the kite up in the sky,when he out the jewels. The man who are
holding the kite let go of the rope to get some jewels. A boy shouted that the
Rajah was gone.

1. Don’t be greedy.
2. Try working hard to earn what you want.
3. Never push anyone too hard when you don’t want them to do
something to you, “don’t be harsh”.

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