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Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test/ Manual Dexterity Test

 assesses rapid eye-hand coordination and arm-hand dexterity (measures GROSS MOTOR SKILLS)
 applicable in shop and office occupations requiring quick movement in handling simple tools and production materials without differentiating size and shape.
 Up to four trials are highly recommended
 Demonstrate first!
 3 systems that MMDT incorporates:
1. The precision of movement 2. Defining the beginning and end points of the 3. The stability of the environment
 Instruction manual  Tablet of score sheets
 1 test board  Stopwatch
 60 black and red plastic disks  Testing table (28 and
 32 inches in height)
Scoring: total seconds required to complete the chosen number of test trials
TEST Description Starting position Procedure to tell the client Demonstration to be done by therapist
Placing Evaluate speed at which subject can  Place board on the table  You must begin on the right. If you are facing the subject across the board:
put the disks from the top board into 10 inches from the edge  Pick up the bottom disk and insert it into the  Demonstrate on your left.
bottom using dominant hand with the disks inserted top hole of the board.  Pick up top disk and insert into bottom hole of
into the holes in the  Now, you must pick up the next disk in the board.
board. column on the right, and so on.  Move from left to right.
 Lift up board and place  You will move from right to left on this test.  Continue to fill until two columns only. Then
directly in front of the  Once you complete one column, repeat the return where it was placed before.
disks. previous sequence in the second column  If the instructions should be repeated, point to
 Board should be about 1 until you have filled the entire board. the disks into the order that they should be
inch from the edge of the  You may hold the board with your free hand picked up and then point to the disks in order
table closest to the if you wish to do so. that they should be placed into the holes in the
subject.  You must make sure that all of the disks are board.
fully inserted into the holes of the board
before the trial is complete.
 If you dropped a disk, you must pick it up
and insert it into to proper hole before the
time is stopped.
Turning Evaluate speed subject can pick up  Place one board on table 1  With your LEFT hand, pick up the block from If you are facing the subject across the board:
disks with one hand and turn them with inch from edge closest to the upper right-hand corner.  Demonstrate on your BOTTOM LEFT corner.
the other hand before replacing disks the subject.  Turn the disk while passing it to your RIGHT  Demonstrate until you complete the top row.
into holes of the board.  Insert disks into holes in hand and return it into original hole in the
board with either red or board with the BOTTOM side facing up.
black side facing up.  You must work to your LEFT across the
board on top row.
 Now with your RIGHT hand, pick up the first
block in the second row.

KMJV the Unicorn

 Turn the disk while passing it to your LEFT
hand and return it into the original hole
with the BOTTOM side facing UP.
 You will work to your RIGHT until you
complete the entire row.
 As you work back to the LEFT in the row, you
will use your LEFT hand to pick up the disk
and your RIGHT hand to return it back to
the original hole.
 Working back to your RIGHT on the fourth
row, you must use your RIGHT hand to pick
up the disk and your LEFT hand to return it.
Displacing Evaluate how fast one can move blocks  Place one board on table 1  Begin at upper left-hand corner where disk
from one hole to another with either inch from edge closest to is removed.
hand. subject.  Fill the top, empty hole with the disk directly
 Insert disks into holes in below it.
board with either red or  Continue until bottom hole in first column is
black side facing up. empty.
 Remove disk from the  Then fill bottom hole of fist column with
upper left-hand corner. bottom disk of second column. Fill column
with the disk above empty hole.
 Continue this pattern across the entire
One-hand Evaluate how fast one can pick up disks Same as the placing test (Test  Begin on the right side of the top board.
turning and from top board, turn disks over and 1)  Pick up bottom disk and insert it onto top
placing place them into holes of the bottom hole of bottom board, nearest to the
board with only dominant hand. subject, while turning the disk over.
 Pick up next disk empty hole of top board
and turn it over while placing it in empty
hole below first disk in bottom board.
 Continue pattern along the first right
 Continue same pattern for consecutive
column moving right to left along the board
until entire bottom board is filled.
Two-hand Evaluate how fast one can pick up disks Same as the placing test (Test  Begin on the right side of the top board.
turning and form top board, two at a time (1 in each 1)  Pick up bottom two disks in the first column
placing hand), turn the disks over and place (one on top of the other), turn the disks over
them into the holes of bottom board. and insert them into top two holes in the
first of bottom board, nearest to the
 Pick up next two disks above empty holes on
top board, and place them in empty holes in
bottom board below previous two disks.

KMJV the Unicorn

Continue until first right column is
 Repeat sequence in following columns,
moving towards the left until entire bottom
board is filled.

O’Connor Finger Dexterity Test

 used successfully as a predictor for rapid manipulation of small objects, as in assembly line work
 useful in predicting success for instrument work, such as the assembling of armatures, miniature parts of clocks and watches, rapid hand eye work, filling vials and small lathe work
 Pegboard
 Pegs
 Manual
 Stopwatch
Proper positioning:
 subject must be seated comfortably at a table measuring approximately 75 cm in height.
 Place the test about 30 cm from the table's edge and to the subject's right if he/she is right-handed and vice versa.
Instructions (verbatim):
 The board in front of you consist of 100 holes, each hole is large enough to hold three pins.
 Pick up three pins at a time and fill the holes, placing three pins in each as fast as you can.
 Use only one hand.
 Start in the farthest corner from you working from left to right (right to left for left handed subjects) and work toward, like this (demonstrate).
 If you start in the corner nearest you, your sleeve of finger may catch the pins.
 Be sure to fill each row completely before you start the next. Do not skip around.
 There are enough pins in this tray so that if you drop one or two on the floor, you will still have enough left.
 Do not stop to pick them up. Begin only when I give you the command “Begin”, and do not stop until the entire board is filled.
 Have the examiner place 30 pins, this filling the top line of ten holes, for practice.
 Allow neither more nor less than the prescribed practice of filling the top ten holes, since this affects performance on the test.
 Tip the pins out, allow a moment’s rest.
 Instruct the subject to begin.
 Time accurately with a stopwatch, watching the number of seconds required to fill the board.
 Record the time separately for filling the first fifth holes and the second fifty.
 Total administration time varies, according to a person’s speed from about 8 to 16 minutes.
 The number of seconds which have been taken to fill the second half of the board is multiplied by 1.1.
 The mean of this value and the number of seconds taken to fill the first half of the board is computed.

KMJV the Unicorn


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