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UPSR 2019 - 30 days left

An Essay A Day Revision

Day 1 : Kidnapping - Year 5

Day 2 : Snatch Theft - Year 5
Day 3 : Bully - Year 5
Day 4 : House Break-in - Year 4
Day 5 : Fire - Year 4
Day 6 : Flood - Year 5
Day 7 : Annual Sports Day
Day 8 : School Trip - Year 4,5
Day 9 : School Camping - Year 5
Day 10 : School Gotong-royong - Year 5
Day 11 : Family Gotong-royong - Year 6
Day 12 : Jaywalking - Year 6
Day 13 : Drowning - Year 5
Day 14 : Family Moving In
Day 15 : Visit to orphanage - Year 6
Day 16 : Fundraising - Year 6
Day 17 : Helping Old People / OKU - Year 6
Day 18 : Recycle Campaign - Year 6
Day 19 : Saving Money - Year 5,6
Day 20 : Sharing Money at canteen - Year 5
Day 21 : Missing Child - Year 5
Day 22 : Toxic Waste Disposal - Year 6
Day 23 : Pickpocket at market - Year 4
Day 24 : Adventure Sports (BMX Race) - Year 5
Day 25 : Fallen tree on road - Year 5
Day 26 : School quarrel - Year 5
Day 27 : Lost and Found (found money) - Year 5
Day 28 : Food poisoning - Year 6
Day 29 : Toothache - Year 6
Day 30 : Vandalism - Year 6
Ajib was walking home when suddenly a masked stranger forcibly pulled him. He shouted loudly as his
friends were witnessing the incident tragically.

Fortunately, one security guard saw the nerve-racking incident and rushed to help the helpless Ajib. He
chased the strangers but they were speeding helter-skelter leaving the scene. They were about to
kidnap Ajib but luckily it was a close shave.

Minutes later, the policeman arrived and comforted Ajib. He praised the guard and Najib's friends for
their bravery and swift action. Ajib was grateful and he had regretted his carelessness.

Pic 1
-last Monday after the school, Mira Filzah waited for the bus alone
-day was getting darker n started to rain
-felt worried n afraid
-no sign the bus would be coming sooner
-she wanted to contact her parents but she left mobile phone at home

Pic 2
-suddenly a stranger came to her
-asked for the directions to go to the nearby famous beach
-she helped the stranger by giving the directions
-the stranger gave her some sweets n thanked her before leaving
-then she realized that she should not entertain any stranger
-she remembered her teacher who warned n advised her not to get close or entertain any stranger

Pic 3
-she started to cry loudly
-her friends coincidently came n consoled her
-she told what had happened
-her friends were shocked to hear her story
-they advised her to be more careful next time
-she regretted for her carelessness
-her friend lent her a mobile phone to call her father to fetch her
-her father arrived later n thanked her friends for accompanying his daughter
-he was very grateful n thanked her daughter's friends
-went home safely
-it was a miserable day for Mira Filzah

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