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Lam-Ang Drills Part 6

1. The following are rules and procedures on group work except one.
A. Expected behavior of students in the group
B. Expected behavior of students not in the group’
C. Movement in and out of the group
D. Student participation

2. In the practicum phase of Educational technology in Basic Microsoft Word. What will be the
teacher’s expectation for the students except one?
A. Manage files and folder
B. Interlink documents
C. Create, open and save word documents and files
D. Learn the ability to execute the search engine

3. This type of questions is used to determine one’s knowledge in understanding

A. For Assessing Cognitions C. For Evaluating
B. For verification D. For Product thinking

4. In characteristics of hypermedia applications, it means the learner makes his own decisions
A. Learner control C. Learner wide range of navigation routes
B. Variety of media D. Variety of hypermedia

5. Teacher Ian discuss a topic about planet later on, Teacher Ian ask question stating define
revolution? “What types of questions according to level does teacher Ian ask?”
A. High Level C. Convergent
B. Low Level D. Divergent

6. In this part most learner controls the sequence and face of path depending on his/her ability
and motivation.
A. Variety of Media C. Learner control
B. Learner wide range of navigation routes D. Variety of hypermedia

7. We ask questions for the purpose to determine the exactness or accuracy of the results of an
activity. What type of question is it?
A. For Evaluation C. For Assessing Cognitions
B. For Verification D. For Product thinking
8. Teacher Dela Cruz ask he’s student this way, how can you demonstrate in making a
chocolate cake? What type of question did teacher Dela Cruz used?
A. For creative thinking C. For Product Thinking
B. For Evaluating D. For Verification

9. In the hypermedia, it includes more than one media

A. Variety of hypermedia C. Variety of media
B. Learner control D. Learner wide range of navigation routes

10. There are functions of homework a preparation for an in-depth discussion of the next lesson
A. Pre-learning C. Practice
B. Processing D. Extension

11. Using hypermedia, the following are useful to the teacher, except one.
A. Recall prior learning C. Provide learning feedback
B. Get the learner’s attention D. Establish positive interdependence

12. It is a set of principles that springs from a teacher’s own philosophy?

A. Teaching approach C. Teaching strategy
B. Teaching method D. Teaching technique

13. It is the essential requirements for Educational technology 2 practicum phase. Which has a
special computer classroom with adequate sets of computers.
A. Participation of computer
B. Assigned number of hours in conformity with the course requirement
C. Computer laboratory
D. Microsoft Windows

14. It is a particular style of a teachers use to accomplish an immediate objective

A. Teaching method ` C. Teaching strategy
B. Teaching technique D. Teaching approach

15. In this learning model, the central principle is to make the students go beyond the textbook
and curriculum.
A. Resource- based C. Inquiry- based
B. Traditional D. Discovery approach

16. In teaching Approaches, it is the teachers who is perceived to be the only reliable source of
information. What kind of teaching Approach is this?
A. Teacher-dominated C. Banking Approach
B. Teacher-centered D. Disciplinal
17. The following are the Research – Based learning model except one.
A. Teacher is a guide and facilitator
B. Emphasis on process
C. Focus on learning inquiring/ quest/ discovery
D. Teacher is expert and information provider

18. Teacher Analyn examine animal body parts. The cat has a backbone. The fish and also the
pig, have backbones. Then she defines vertebrates. What kind of method did teacher Analyn
A. Inductive method C. Project method
B. Deductive method D. Problem-Solving method

19. The following are the traditional learning model except one.
A. Textbook is key source of information C. Assessment is quantitative
B. Teacher is expert and information provider D. Emphasis on process

20. It is a teaching strategy that employ the scientific method in searching for information.
A. Inquiry method C. scientific method
B. Project based method D. Problem- solving method

21. The following shows a learning to pass the test except one.
A. Teacher Rhea review her student for the final test
B. Teacher Ray give sample questions drills in preparations for the mid-term exam
C. The students pass all the requirements for the first semester and review the pointers their
teacher give to them
D. Students acquire skills in answering HOTS questions.

22. It is a teaching method requires students to present a concrete from the result of information
gathered about a concept, principle or innovation. What kind of method is this?
A. Inductive Method C. Deductive method
B. Project method D. Problem- solving method

23. What 3 Rs means?

A. Recitation, Rememorize, Random
B. Recall, Rein act, Represent
C. Reading, writing, Rithmetic
D. Reading, Remember, Retention

24. In Laws of Thorndike laws of learning, learning is strengthened when accompanied by a

pleasant or satisfying feeling
A. Laws of Effect C. Laws of Readiness
B. Laws of Recency D. Laws of Exercise
25. The following are the points to consider to improve one’s questioning technique except one.
A. Increase you own repertoire of types of question
B. Know your own style of questioning
C. Request a colleague to critique your own style
D. Explain the correct answer when the learners cannot arrive at it

26. In this function of homework is a preparation for an in-depth discussion of the next lesson
A. Pre-learning C. Checking for understanding
B. Processing D. Practice

27. Homework differentiated in terms of the following except one.

A. An extended practice C. Helps cultivate good study habits
B. Advance preparation for the next lesson D. Not an assessment tool

28. One of the functions of homework, Teacher gain insight into student learning.
A. Practice C. Processing
B. Checking for understanding D. Pre-learning

29. A function of homework used when teachers want students to reflect on concepts discussed
in class
A. Processing C. Checking for understanding
B. Practice D. Pre-learning

30. ___________ is also serves as laboratory for independent learning

A. Homework C. Project
B. Quizzes D. Portfolio

31. The following are the Principles in classroom Management

A. Consistent proactive discipline
B. Establish routines for all daily tasks and needs
C. Orchestrate smooth transitions and continuity of momentum throughout the day
D. Reinforce negative behavior

32. There are ways of dealing with discipline Problems the following are acceptable and
effective except one.
A. Use verbal reinforcers
B. Focus attention
C. Use non-verbal gestures
D. Give not students the freedom to express or explain agitated feelings
33. The following are the unacceptable and ineffective ways of dealing with Discipline Problems
except one.
A. Nagging and faultfinding
B. Scolding and harsh words as reprimand
C. Use of ridicule or sarcasm
D. Not keeping a student in a detention are

34. It Includes a verbal and physical behaviors of teachers that indicate to students that their
behavior is appropriate or inappropriate
A. Direct cost C. Teacher reaction
B. Home contingency D. Tangible recognition

35. A disciplinary intervention that involve a direct and concrete consequence for misbehavior
A. Teacher reaction C. Group contingency
B. Direct cost D. Tangible recognition

36. It is called the groundwork for a well- orchestrated classroom?

A. Transitions C. Group work
B. Routines D. Seat work

37. Some effective signal used by teachers are the following except one.
A. Raise your hand if you wish to participate C. 5,4,3,2,1 countdown
B. Freeze D. Talking among students

38. What type of questions according to level that require a single predictable answer?
A. High level C. Low level
B. Convergent D. Divergent

39. For him, award and competition are basis for motivation.
A. Comenius C. Plato
B. Socrates D. Quintillian

40. If one phase of the state is dominant, this could swing the balance of power according to what
A. Principle of Apperception C. Principle of Equilibrium
B. Principle of Power D. Principle of Moderation

41. Grows and fine motor development; this is the ability to use smaller muscles in the arm, hand
and fingers purposefully?
A. Gross motor development C. Fine motor development
B. Manipulative skills D. Locomotor skills

42. ‘Justice consists in giving to each person what is due to him.’ Which situation proves this
A. Compensating someone you injured in form of money.
B. Paying someone based on your agreement.
C. Inflicting pain to the kid who hurt your child.
D. Giving good deeds to people who were mean to you.

43. Who were considered as first teachers in primitive education?

A. Philosophers C. Priests
B. Shamans D. Monks
44. In Erik Ericson’s theory of psychosocial development, what is the virtue a child will gain if it
achieved a proper balance of autonomy vs shame and doubt
A. Hope C. Power
B. Love D. Will

45. The term we use when we refer to the inability of people to recall events that happen when
they are at the age of 5 years old
A. Babyhood memories C. Pre-conscious memories
B. child’s mental block D. Infantile amnesia

46. This developmental pattern is the pre-natal maturation from 5 months to giving birth, the fetus
grows from inside of the body outwards
A. Bottom up C. Proximodistal trend
B. Top down D. Cephalocaudal trend

47. This is Plato’s greatest masterpiece, supplemented by discussion in his 1

A. Memo Dialogue C. Politics
B. The Republic D. Social Justice

48. What level has a Three-year-old learner like Sonny reached when she acquired new skills such
as writing his name in paper?
A. Development C. Maturation
B. Zone of Proximal Development D. Learning

49. This developmental pattern is the postnatal growth from the conception to 5 months, the head
grows more than the body

A. Cephalocaudal trend C. top down

B. Proximodistal trend D. bottom up

50. Most children will remember the events that happen to them when they are young, at the age
of ________

A. 3 years old C. 7 years old

B. 5 years old D. 8 years old

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