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! Entrevista a un Familiar!


Objetivo​: You will be able to interview any family member of your choice in español while also
recording your interview through flipgrid.

Criteria for Success

1. Practice your interview questions with the person you will be interviewing.
a. If your family member speaks Spanish, you may only speak Spanish
b. If your family member DOES NOT speak Spanish, give the questions in English first and
then ask them in Spanish.

2. Follow this link in order to record your video according to your class period.
a. Periodo 1: ​
b. Periodo 3: ​
c. Periodo 5: ​

3. Ask the following interview questions.

¡Hola! Gracias por esta entrevista.

1. ¿Cómo te llamas? (what's your name?)
2. ¿Cuál es tu ascendencia cultural? (what is your cultural background?
3. ¿ A qué te dedicas? (What do you do for a living?)
4. ¿Por qué es importante para ti la familia? (why is family important to you?)
Muchas gracias por su tiempo.

4. Review your video and SUBMIT!

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