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1. Overview
2. Treatment
3. Complications
Blepharitis is a common condition where the edges of the eyelids (eyelid
margins) become red and swollen (inflamed).

Blepharitis can develop at any age, and symptoms can include:

 itchy, sore and red eyelids that stick together
 crusty or greasy eyelashes
 a burning, gritty sensation in your eyes
 increased sensitivity to light (photophobia)
 swollen eyelid margins
 finding contact lenses uncomfortable to wear
 abnormal eyelash growth or loss of eyelashes in severe cases

In most cases both eyes are affected, but one eye can be more affected than the other.
The symptoms tend to be worse in the morning.

When to get medical advice
See your high-street optician (optometrist) if you have persistent symptoms of
blepharitis that aren't being controlled by simple eyelid hygiene measures.

They can examine you to check if the problem is caused by an underlying condition, or
may refer you to an eye specialist.

Contact your optometrist or GP immediately if you have any severe symptoms. If this
isn't possible, visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department.

How blepharitis is treated

Blepharitis is usually a long-term condition. Most people experience repeated episodes,
separated by periods without symptoms.

It can't usually be cured, but a daily eyelid-cleaning routine can help control the
symptoms and prevent permanent scarring of the eyelid margins.

There are three main steps to eyelid hygiene that should be performed once or twice a
 using a warm compress – to make the oil produced by the glands around your eyes more
 gently massaging your eyelids – to push the oils out of the glands
 cleaning your eyelids – to wipe away any excess oil and remove any crusts, bacteria, dust or
grime that might have built up

More severe cases may require antibiotics that are either applied to the eye or eyelid
directly, or taken as tablets.

Read more about treating blepharitis.

What causes blepharitis?

There are three main types of blepharitis:
 anterior blepharitis – where the inflammation affects the skin around the base of your
 posterior blepharitis – where the inflammation affects your Meibomian glands, found along the
eyelid margins behind the base of the eyelashes
 mixed blepharitis – a combination of both anterior and posterior blepharitis

Anterior blepharitis can be caused by either:

 a reaction to Staphylococcus bacteria – these usually live harmlessly on the skin of many
people, but for unknown reasons they can cause the eyelids to become inflamed
 seborrhoeic dermatitis – a skin condition that causes skin to become oily or flaky and
sometimes irritate the eyelids, causing the Meibomian glands to block

Posterior blepharitis is caused by a problem with the Meibomian glands, where the
glands get blocked by either debris, skin flakes or inflammation.

Sometimes blockages in the Meibomian glands are associated with a skin condition
called rosacea. If too much oily substance is being produced, this may be caused by
seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Mixed blepharitis, which is the most common, is caused by a combination of both

anterior and posterior blepharitis.

Blepharitis isn't contagious.

Blepharitis isn't usually serious, although it can lead to a number of further problems.

For example, many people with blepharitis also develop dry eye syndrome, where the
eyes don't produce enough tears or dry out too quickly. This can cause your eyes to feel
dry, gritty and sore.

Serious, sight-threatening problems are rare, particularly if any complications that

develop are identified and treated quickly.

Read about the complications of blepharitis

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Bayi dengan blefaritis pada bagian kanan

Klasifikasi dan rujukan luar

Spesialisasi Oftalmologi

ICD-10 H01.0

ICD-9-CM 373.0

DiseasesDB 1455

MedlinePlus 001619

eMedicine oph/81

Patient UK Blefaritis

MeSH D001762

[sunting di Wikidata]

Blefaritis merupakan infeksi pada kelopak mata, kemerahan, iritasi, kulit yang bersisik.[1] Blefaritis
dapat menyebabkan rasa terbakar dan rasa tidak nyaman ada mata, lalu ada serpihan dan kerak di
rambut mata.[1] Kondisi ini umum terjadi dan sering kambuh, dan dihubungkan dengan
kemunculan ketombe pada kulit atau eksem.4[1] Blefaritis yang parah dapat menyebabkan ulkus pada
bagian kornea.[1] Penggunaan produk shampoo anti-ketombe dapat meringankan blefaritis.[1]
Daftar isi

 1Klasifikasi
 2Penyebab
 3Penyembuhan
 4Referensi

Klasifikasi[sunting | sunting sumber]

Blefaritis dibagi atas dua jenis:

 Anterior : Terjadi di luar tepi depan kelopak mata dimana rambut mata menempel.[2]
 Posterior : Terjadi di bagian dalam kelopak mata dekat dengan bola mata.[2]

Penyebab[sunting | sunting sumber]

 Anterior : Untuk blefaritis anterior disebabkan oleh bakteri Gram positif Staphylococcus
aureus atau ketombe pada kulit sekitar mata dan alis mata. Blefaritis anterior dapat disebabkan
juga akibat alergi.[2]
 Posterior : Produksi minyak yang tidak teratur sehingga menjadi habitat bakteri.[2]

Penyembuhan[sunting | sunting sumber]

Berbagai cara dapat digunakan untuk menyembuhkan blefaritis:

 Kompres dengan air panas pada area sekitar mata, diikuti dengan gosokan dengan air yang
telah dicampur dengan shampoo bayi.[2]
 Membuat air mata buatan untuk lubrikasi area sekitar mata.[2]
 Menggunakan shampoo anti-ketombe pada area sekitar mata.[2]

Referensi[sunting | sunting sumber]

1. ^ a b c d e (Inggris) Peters M. A-Z Family Medical Enyclopedia. British Medical Association.
2. ^ a b c d e f g (Inggris) American Optometric Association. 2014. Blepharitis [terhubung
conditions/blepharitis?sso=y [28 Mei 2014].


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