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How to Delete All Your c

Posted by Robert Hayes on August 13, 2019

With more than 50 million users around the world, swiping and matching like
nobody�s business, Tinder is the leading dating app in 2019. Since the app got its
start back in 2012, there have been more than 20 billion matches! If you�ve been on
the app for a while, you may get the impression that most of those 20 billion
matches are in your profile. Some folks can�t get enough matches while others have
the the opposite problem: more matches than they can handle. There are a few good
reasons you might want to delete a few (or all) of your matches:

Also see our article

Can I Use Tinder Without Facebook?

You�ve just swiped left on too many interesting people.

You have matches from every place you�ve lived and traveled to.
You want to give people who swiped left on you another chance.
You want to re-match with the same person to re-kindle an old flame.
You regret a few of the matches you�ve made on Tinder.
Someone who you�ve matched with has proven to be obnoxious or unpleasant in chat.
Whether you�re need to just get rid of one troublesome match or want to completely
purge your account, in this article I will show you how to do either one.


It�s much easier to delete an individual match than it is to delete all of them at
once. If you need to get rid of just one match, the process is very simple. To
unmatch someone:

Obviously, I can�t be matched with a Georgia girl.

Go to the person�s profile, then select the three-dot symbol in the upper right-
hand corner of your screen.
Next, tap �Unmatch.� This will remove you from that person�s matches, and remove
them from yours.

Note that this also blocks the match from communicating with you. Keep in mind that
unmatching is permanent, and cannot be undone simply. (You can, however, match with
that person again when you see them in your stack again.)


That takes care of that one person you wanted to ditch. But what if you want to
delete all of your matches at once, and get back to Tinder Zero? Your first
instinct might be to delete and reinstall the Tinder app on your phone, and you�re
on the right track � but by itself, deleting Tinder does nothing. Deleting the
Tinder application doesn�t delete your Tinder account. So all your matches and
messages will be there waiting for you when and if you re-download the app.

In fact, deleting your entire Tinder account is itself insufficient � but that�s
the first step to deleting all your matches. To delete your Tinder account, you�ll
have to go through Tinder�s app interface.

Open the Tinder app and, under your profile picture, tap �Settings.�
Once you�re in Settings, scroll all the way to the bottom.
Tap on �Delete Account.�Delete Tinder Account
The app will confirm that you want to delete your account in a series of screens.
The first screen will ask you if you wouldn�t rather just pause your account.
Pausing your account will not reset your matches.
Then, it will ask you to choose from one of six reasons for leaving. Finally, it
asks for feedback before mercifully allowing you to click the �Submit & Delete
Account� button. If you�re sure you want to get rid of your matches, press the

And just like that, your Tinder account is now gone. However, we still have to
delete your actual matches. Because every Tinder account is hooked up to a Facebook
account, when you sign up for a new Tinder account, your matches will be right
where you left them. So now you have to disconnect Tinder from Facebook.

Login to your Facebook account and click the little drop-down arrow in the top
right corner of the screen.
Click �Settings,� then click �Apps and Websites� in the left-hand column.
Find Tinder, check the box next to its logo, and click �Remove.�
Should you decide to rekindle things with the Tinder app, when you log into Tinder
again after you�ve deleted your account, a whole new account will now take its
place. You should go this route if you want to remove all your current matches and
want a do-over to make a fresh start. Keep in mind that if you�ve got a paid Tinder
Plus account, you have to cancel your payment for it separately, not through the
Tinder app. Payment cancellation is done through the platform you use � either the
Apple App Store or the Google Play Store app.

There you have it: you can now delete matches individually through the Tinder
application, or delete your whole Tinder account to delete all matches.

Worried that Tinder might delete you while you�ve deleted them? See our tutorial
article on whether or not Tinder deletes inactive accounts, and this article on
whether Tinder will automatically renew your subscription. Worried that turnabout
might already have been fair play? Check out our tutorial on how to tell whether
someone unmatched you.

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