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A Cylinder is a solid with circular base.

It can be of the shape of a pillar, a rubber tube, the trunk of a

tree, etc. The term circular cylinder is used to describe a right circular cylinder. A circular
cylinder having perpendicular base and height is known as a right circular cylinder.

The diagram given here is of a right circular cylinder:

In the above diagram, h = height of the circular cylinder

r = radius of base of circular cylinder

We can also say that a circular cylinder is a rolled form of a rectangle. The area of the rectangle that
forms the shape of a cylinder is called the curved surface area of a cylinder, since the rectangle forms
the curved surface of the cylinder.How?

It is explained here in the given figure:

When we cut a cylinder vertically, the cross section obtained is a rectangle. In other words, when a
rectangle is revolved around one of its sides, a cylinder is obtained.

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