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Dental plaque is soft, thin, and solid layers which cover tooth enamel, gingival clefts, and
dental calculus. Most microorganisms which play a role in the formation of dental plaque are
Streptococcus mutans. if dental plaque accumulates too much, it can cause dental caries and
periodontal disease, so the accumulation of plaque needs to be inhibited. An alternative way to
inhibit the growth of dental plaque is soursop leaf extract. Soursop leaf extract can be used as an
antibacterial agent to inhibit the growth of dental plaque.


Soursop (annona murricatta L.) is one of typical fruits from the karibia, Central America. There
are so many benefits contained in this fruit. One part of soursop fruit that can be used for medical
treatment is its leaf. The antibacterial compounds contained in soursop leaf can inhibit the
growth of dental plaque. Antibacterial compounds contained in soursop leaf include flavonoids,
tannins, saponins, and alkaloids. alkaloids work by blocking enzymes that play a role in the DNA
replication process. Flavonoids work by damaging the cell wall of bacteria which consists of
lipids and amino acids, so that the nucleus of the bacterial cell will also lysis. The mechanism of
tannin compounds as antibacterial is through destruction of bacterial cell membranes due to
tannin toxicity. And saponins work by making membrane lysis bacteria.


dental plaques can be caused by the accumulation of microorganisms in the oral cavity.
Microorganisms which play an important role in the development of dental plaque are the
streptococcus mutans, which can be reduced by using soursop leaf extract (annona murricata L.).
Soursop leaf contains several antibacterial compounds that can inhibit the growth of dental
plaque. These compounds include flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and alkaloids.


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