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Cerita legenda salatiga dalam bahasa inggris

In the area called Pandanaran, Rule a regent named Ki Ageng Pandanaran. He simply satisfy themselves
with wealth and blackmailing people by levying excessive taxes.

At one point he megambil property forcibly as a people unable to pay their tax debts.

'' Your tax arrears have accumulated, this kerbaumu terpakas confiscated '', said Ki Ageng Pandanaran
(while escorted by bodyguards who always carries a spear)
'' Do not Gusti, help me this bull the only mine '', said a commoner with fear.

One day, Ki Ageng Pandanaran met an old man, grass artisan.

'' The Old Man '', called Ki Ageng the old man she met.
'' Oh Gusti '', replied the old man.
'' Give me this grass, old man '', said Ki Ageng
'' This grass for our cattle Gusti ''. Replied the old man.
"You could harvest more later. Well this piece of money for you, "he continues Ki Ageng.

Unbeknownst Ki Ageng Pandanaran, the old man slipped back the money in a pile of grass will be taken.
Then the grass was taken by Ki Ageng Pandanaran. , That's how it happens repeatedly.

Until one day the Regent of the perpetration of the old man. And angry Ki Ageng to the old man.
"Poor people are arrogant! You refuse my gift! You have insulted the old man, "said Ki Ageng to the old
man, very angry.

At that moment, the old man suddenly transformed into Sunan Kalijaga agam leader who is respected
even by the kings. Then Regent Pandanaran was prostrate asking for forgiveness.
'' Ki Sunan, forgive all my oversight '', Ki Ageng apologized.
'' You're forgiven but I'm asking you to leave all over your wealth and follow me went rogue '', replied
Sunan Kalijaga while always exalt.
'' Well Ki Sunan '', continued Ki Ageng.

Ki Ageng Panandaran wife, too, without the knowledge of Sunan Kalijaga, Ki Ageng Pandanaran wife
carrying a baton containing gold and diamonds.

But on the way ... They were intercepted by sekawalan robbers.

"Treasure or alive '', the robbers armed robbery and Ki Ageng Sunan with a dagger. '' Give up your
property or lives lost! '', Said the robbers.
'' You will not get anything from me, because I did not bring anything '', Sunan Kali guard answered,
holding prayer beads to remembrance.
Without dinanya suddenly turn round Sunan, Sunan Kalijaga said, '' But a woman who walked behind
carrying gold and diamonds in tongkatanya ''.
Though Sunan did not know she was my wife who participated without the knowledge and do not know
the contents of inherent and innate. And that's the privilege of a guardian who gets pentujuk and the
intercession of God.

The robbers also get isri regent left behind because the wand is too heavy. They tried to snatch his stick.
Regent's wife screaming for help: '' Please-please! Restore my staff ''.
Regent's wife was trying to reclaim his stick: '' Do not! Please! Please! Restore my wand! ''. But the
robbers managed to escape with the wife's gold diamond regent. ''Please! Restore my stick! Said the
wife of the regent who are still trying to catch them but failed.

In front of Sunan Kalijaga. Ki Ageng Panandaran said, 'Excuse us Ki Sunan' '.

Sunan Kalijaga replied, "OK ''.
Sunan Kalijaga then said, '' I'm going to call this place Salatiga, because you have to make three mistakes

"First, you miser, second, you guys are so arrogant, and three you have miserable people. Hopefully this
place even become a good place and crowded later ''.

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