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A type of energy fueled by the transfer of electrons from positive and negative points within a

conductor. Electricity is widely used for providing power to buildings, electric devices, and
even some automobiles. ... Franklin was able to determine that lightning was a form
of electrical discharge.

An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle. It can be either free (not attached to any
atom), or bound to the nucleus of an atom. Electrons in atoms exist in spherical shells of
various radii, representing energy levels. ... The charge on a single electron is considered as
the unit electrical charge.

A proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every atom. The particle has a positive
electrical charge, equal and opposite to that of the electron. ... In the atoms of any particular
element, the number of protons in the nuclei is always the same.

Ohm’s law states that the voltage or potential difference between two points is directly
proportional to the current or electricity passing through the resistance, and inversely
proportional to the resistance of the circuit. ... This relationship between current, voltage, and ...
Current is a flow of electrical charge carriers, usually electrons or electron-deficient atoms. ...
Electric current can be either direct or alternating. Direct current (DC) flows in the same
direction at all points in time, although the instantaneous magnitude of the current might vary.
oltage is the electromotive force or the electric potential energy difference between two points
(often within the context of an electrical circuit) per unit of charge, expressed in volts
(V). Voltage, along with current and resistance, is used to describe the behavior of electrons.
1. Resistance depends on length of conductor. If length of conductor increases
resistance increases and vice-versa.
2. Resistance depends on area of conductor. If area of conductor increases resistance
decreases and vice-versa.
3. Resistance also depends on nature of material (rho factor in equation)
4. Although it is not explicitly clear from equation , resistance also depends on
temperature generally resistance increases with increase in temperature.

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