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Activity 8

Definition of terms:

1. Declarers- a person who has filed an appeal to an adverse decision.

2. Aspect-a particular part or feature of something.
3. Solemnity- the state or quality of being serious and dignified.
4. Misleading-causing someone to believe something that is not true.
5. Enacted- to make into a law or statute.
6. Unenacted – a law that was submitted but was denied.
7. Law reports- may include arguments of counsel although this is rare and is usually
found only in older English law reports.
8. Formal enactments- the lawful process of passing a bill.
9. Set- put or bring into a specified state.
10. Codified- refer to the rules and regulations that have been collected, restated, and
written down for the purpose of providing civil order to a society.
11. Preponderate over- to be superior in power, force, influence, number and amount.
12. Predominant- being the most noticeable or largest in number, or having the
most power or influence.
13. Legislative enactment- a law passed by specifically by congress.
14. Sale of goods- a contract by which a seller transfers or agrees to transfer the
ownership of goods to a buyer in exchange for a money price.
15. Partnership- a form of business where two or more people share ownership, as
well as the responsibility for managing the company and the income or losses the
business generates.
16. Casts- to exercise one’s rights.
17. Statutes- a written law passed by a legislative body.
18. Wholesale codifications- a change in the phonological shape of
a morpheme, word, or other form when it functions as an element in a construction.

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