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Short Essay

Q1: Mention 3 clinical uses and adverse effects for Atropine

Q2: Discuss CVS Pharmacological actions for both Atropine and Epinephrine
Q3: Mention 3 drugs used in treatment of closed angle glaucoma
Q4: Mention 4 metabolic actions for propranolol
Q5: Mention 5 uses for clonidine
Q6: Rationalize: Use of tamsolucin in BPH is better than prazocin
Q7: Mention 3 clinical uses for esmolol
Q8: Mention 3 clinical uses for pilocarpine and Neostigmine
Q9: Discuss CVS actions of Ach
Q10: Explain why the following:
A- Metoprolol is preferred in patient with angina and renal impairment
B- Phenylephrine is preferred in patient with Hypotension and PSVT
C- Dopamine is preferred in patient with Acute heart failure and renal impairment
Q11: Compare between 1st and zero order kinetics
Q12: Compare between competitive and noncompetitive antagonist
Q13: Compare between epinephrine and Norepinephrine (As regards their effects of BP and HR)
Q14: Compare between physostigmine and Neostigmine
Q15: Mention 2 characters of hypersensitive reactions
Q16: Mention 2 characters 2ry side effect
Q17: Mention 2 uses & adverse effects of B1 Blocker
Q18: Mention 2 uses of Alpha 1 blockers
Q19: Mention 2 contraindications for epinephrine
Q20: How to manage both OPC and atropine toxicity

1. Salbutamol replaced epinephrine in treatment of bronchial asthma because
A. It seldom induces tremors or tolerance on long term use.
B. Longer duration of action since it is not metabolized by MAO or COMT.
C. No cardiac complications in regular doses.
D. Can be given by many routes
E. All except A

2. The following indication/s of epinephrine is/ are entirely due to its  effect
A. Anaphylactic shock
B. Cardiac Arrest
C. To prolong action of local Anesthetics
D. Epistaxis
E. C and D

3. The following difference/s between propranolol & other β- blockers is/are True
A. Propranolol has membrane-stabilizing activity, thus not preferred in glaucoma as it induces corneal
B. Metoprolol is lipophilic with less Bioavailability and More CNS side effects
C. Carvedilol has vasodilator, useful in hypertension & in chronic heart failure.
D. Bisoprolol is cardio selective with less risk of Raynaud's phenomenon and less delay in recovery from
E. All of the above

4. The following adverse effect of β blockers is not due to β-1 blockade:
A. Bradycardia .
B. Heart failure.
C. Hypertriglyceridaemia.
D. Prolongation of insulin-induced hypoglycemia.

5. The following adverse effect of β blockers is not due to β2 blockade:

A. Bronchospasm.
B. Prolongation of insulin-induced hypoglycemia.
C. Cold extremities.
D. Hypotension

6. Non- selective βB with vasodilator effect 2ry to α blockade

A. Labetalol
B. Carvedilol
C. Metoprolol
D. Propranolol
E. A or B

7. A patient with severe hypotension is given epinephrine. Which of the following drugs antagonizes
both the vascular and cardiac actions of the drug?
A. Atenolol
B. Bisoprolol
C. Carvedilol
D. Metoprolol

8. Lipophilic beta blockers have a short duration of action Except :
A. Metoprolol
B. Propranolol
C. Atenolol
D. None of the above

9. β- mediated antihypertensive effects of bisoprolol do not include:

A. Decrease renin release
B. Resetting of baroreceptors
C. Negative inotropic & chronotropic effects
D. Vasodilatation of skeletal blood vessels

10. The following is/are not true concerning anti-anginal effects of β-blockers
A. Reduction in blood pressure
B. Reduction in heart rate & myocardial contractility.
C. Stimulation of lipolysis resulting in increased fatty acid utilization.
D. Coronary vasodilation increasing myocardial O2 supply in vasospatic angina
E. C and D

11. The following is/are true concerning anti-arrhythmic effects of β-blockers

A. Decrease SAN rate & AVN conduction
B. Slow automaticity of sympathetically-induced ectopic focus.
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

12. Metabolic actions of epinephrine include all of the following except:
A. Lipolysis by B1&B3 stimulation
B. Decreases Serum K by B1 stimulation
C. Inhibition of Insulin secretion by B2
D. Hepatic Glycogenolysis by B2

15. Epinephrine should be avoided in all of the following patients except:

A. Thyrotoxic
B. Diabetic
C. Hypertensive
D. Cardiac
E. On Alpha Blockers

17. Epinephrine induced hypokalemia is due to

A. Renin release
B. Hepatic Uptake
C. Broncho-dilation
D. A+B
E. All of the above

18. Vasodilator Beta blockers include

A. Carvidalol and Atenolol
B. Bisoprolol and Propranolol
C. Metoprolol and Labetalol

D. Labetalol and Carvidalol
E. None of the above

19. Cardio-selective Beta blockers include

A. Metoprolol and Atenolol
B. Propranolol and Labetalol
C. Carvidalolol and Labetalol
D. Atenolol and Bisoprolol
E. A+D
20. Metoprolol is characterized by all of the following except:
A. Extensive 1st pass metabolism
B. Frequent administration
C. Less Bioavailability
D. Suitable in hepatic impairment
E. More CNS side effects
21. Atenolol is characterized by all of the following except:
A. Irregular Absorption
B. Renal elimination
C. Long t½
D. More risk of Raynaud’s Phenomenon
E. Less CNS side effects
22. Propranolol Metabolic actions include all of the following except:
A. ⬆Plasma K during exercise
B. ⬆Plasma VLDL
C. ⬆ Plasma TG
D. ⬆ Plasma HDL

E. ⬇ Plasma Insulin
23. CNS therapeutic uses of propranolol include:
A. Essential tremors
B. Social anxiety disorders
C. Sexual dysfunction
D. A+B
E. All of the above
24. Beta blocker is useful in treatment of Open angle glaucoma and essential tremors due to:
A. B1 Blockade
B. B2 Blockade
C. CNS effect
D. A+B
E. All of the above

25. Propranolol induced Vasoconstriction include the following blood vessels

A. Coronary
B. Skeletal
C. Mesenteric
D. B+C
E. All of the above

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1. A patient presents at the ER with the following symptoms: rhinorhea, salivation, confusion,
lacrimation, urinary and fecal incontinence, bradycardia, muscle fasiculations and seizures. Which
of the following agents is most likely to be responsible for the patient’s symptoms?

A. Scopolamine C. Malathion
B. Pralidoxime D. Atropine
2. The following is not an adverse effect of cholinomimetics:
A. Bronchospasm C. Diarrhea
B. Tachycardia D. Aggravate peptic ulcer
3. Which drug is WRONGLY matched to its action in Organophosphorus Poisoning?
A. Atropine / for CNS and muscarinic effects
B. Diazepam / for Convulsion
C. Na Hypochlorite / for nicotinic effects
D. Pralidoxime / cholinesterase regenerator
4. Atropine is used as pre-anesthetic medication due to all the following EXCEPT:
A. It blocks the cardiac muscarinic receptors.
B. It decreases blood pressure.
C. It decreases vomiting.
D. It induces bronchodilatation and stimulates respiration.
5. The following is not an adverse effect of atropine
A. Confusion.
B. Bradycardia.
C. Dry mouth.
D. Blurred vision
E. Urine retention
6. Treatment of atropine poisoning does not include
A. Gastric lavage. C. Diazepam.
B. Neostigmine. D. Cooling blankets
7. Which of the following adverse effects would NOT be expected with scopolamine?
A. Blurred vision

B. Diaphoresis (increased sweating)
C. Constipation
D. Confusion
E. Xerostomia (dry mouth)
17. Drugs with atropine like action include all of the following except:
A. Pethidine
C. Promethazine
D. Doxylamine
E. Neostigmine
18. Irritable bowel syndrome is mainly treated by:
A. Ipratropium
B. Tropicamide
C. Tizanidine
D. Hyoscine Butyl Bromide
E. Scopolamine
19. OFC induced respiratory failure is mainly due to:
A. respiratory center depression
B. respiratory muscle paralysis
C. excess bronchial secretion
D. acute pulmonary edema
E. all of the above
Cross match:
20. Bronchial asthma A. Scopolamine
21. Motion Sickness B. Tropicamide
22. Renal colic C. Ipratropium

23. Fundus examination D. Hyoscine Butyl Bromide
E. Tizanidine
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