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Countenance of Divorce Detriments Sanctity of Philippine Family Life

Humanity helps the sanctity of family become better by the inculcation of teachings
on unity, humble, love, appreciation and understanding. The state protects the sanctity of
family life as stated in the Constitution- “The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and
shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution”. The Church
also seeks to uphold measures to maintain and strengthen the family life. If the State and the
Church are on the same trail, then who are we to oppose such preservation of sanctity of
family life? Who are we to make such decision, when ours is the power to prevent it?

Divorce is unscrupulous as it instigates disorder into the family. This disorder

conveys grave harm to the deserted spouse and to children traumatized by the separation of
their parents. For children, divorce is devastating. It inflicts negative impact to children as
this results to incidents of vices, susceptibility to illness, likelihood of dropping out of school,
engaging in criminal behavior, ongoing hostility and among others. They are more likely to
experience predicaments on social living which subsequently lead to depressed mood, lower
self-esteem and emotional distress. The resulting consequences of which is an unsuccessful
marriage of the children generations. With this implication, the next generation’s essence of
family will be distorted. Divorce is also associated with the emergence of marital disruptions
and hostilities between parents and children. It distorts family life as it incrementally
devastates the whole-being of each vital member of the family.

The family as a basic unit of the society needs to be protected and preserved as it
plays an essential role towards the alleviation of the society. Humanity should instill in their
minds that our role is to prevent divorce and not to encourage such. Separation of the spouses
leads to the distortion of the social, emotional and physical being of every member of the
family which consequently results to a devastated family life. With the devastation of family
life, society loss its asset towards betterment. Countenance of such will detriment the sanctity
of Philippine family life.

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