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The Origin of the Universe

How did the universe start?

Here are the theories about the origin of the universe:
1. Big Bang Theory
- It is the most accepted theory about the origin of the universe.
-It states that the universe started as a "singularity", an area predicted to be in the core of a blackhole with a very high
temperature and density, which compressed matter with its intense gravitational pressure.
- The first proponent of the theory was a Belgian priest, Georges Lemaitre.
- It was supported by Edwin Hubble, Arno Penzias, and Robert Wilson who presented pieces of evidence to support.
- Evidence: redshift, cosmic microwave background radiation, and presense of helium and hydrogen.
2. Steady State Theory
- It was proposed by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle.
- The theory suggest that the universe has always been there and always be present.
-The theory was then rejected after the discovery of redshift bu Hubble because it showed that the universe was not static, it
continuosly expanding.
3. Oscillating Theory
- The proponent of this theory was Richard Tolman.
- The ideas of this theory is that BigBang follows a Big Crunches in a never ending cycle.
- This theory was fallen out of favor because of this following reason:
*Universe is not closed and it will consequently expand.
*It ignores the second law of thermodynamics, which requires usable energy to continually decrease and for universe to
become more random and organize.
*It doesnt provide an explanation of the initial creation, rather it only pushes back further in time.
4. Inflationary Theory
- The proponent of this theory was Alan Guth around 1980's.
-It states that the universe start out as a rapidly expanding bubble of pure vacuum energy, with no matter or radiation after a
period of rapid expansion or inflation and rapid colliding.
5. Multiverse Theory
- A theory in which our universe is not the only one but states that many universe exist parallel to each other. These distinct
universe which in the multiverse theory are called parallel universe.
There are a lot of theories in the origin of the universe but these five theories was the common theory. Just find out the other

○ UNIVERSE - 13.8 billion years old

-belongs to MILKY WAY GALAXY
- sun( average star) as its center
- satellites of planets (moons)
○ SOLAR SYSTEM - 4.6 billion years old
○Mercury - nearest to the sun
○Venus - twin planet of Earth
○Earth - habitual planet
○Mars - dust red planet
○Jupiter - monster world of swirling gas with 66 moons (now 69 moons)
○Saturn - glistening rings of ice
○Uranus - white or ice planet
○Neptune - vivid color
1.The Planetisimal Theory
2. The Dust Cloud Theory
3. The Companion Star or Nemesis Star Theory
4.The Nebular Hypothesis - the accepted one.
●THE EARTH SYSTEM - terrarium
○Earth - complex and dynamic
●SYSTEMS - Air, Water, Land and Life.
●SUBSYSTEMS -Atmosphere ( blanket of air) , Hydrosphere ( ocean - basin of water), Geosphere,
Biosphere (life zone)
● LAYERS OF THE EARTH - crust, mantle, inner and outer core.
●ROCKS - any solid mass of minerals.
- naturally exist
1. Igneous - formed by the crystallization of molten magma.
2. Sedimentary - formed by weathering.
3. Metamorphic - formed by too much heat and pressure.
- are individual crystals of all the same stuff.
- cannot be created nor destroyed.

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