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2019년도 2학기

(Advanced Fluid Mechanics)
 담당교수


공4호관 221호

전화: 821-5647


 Course Goal
To help you develop a strong foundation in the
fundamentals of fluid mechanics
 References

Fundamental mechanics of fluids, I. G. Currie

Incompressible fluid flow, R. L. Panton

Applied Fluid Mechanics for Engineers, Menhard T. Schobeiri

 Grading

중간 30%, 기말 40%, 출석 10 %, 숙제 20 %

 Homework

선별된 연습문제
I. Vector analysis (1-2 week)
-Review of basic concepts
-Transformation of coordinates
-Vector calculus
-Integral theorems
-Orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinates

2. Derivation of fundamental equations of fluid mechanics (3-4 week)

- Kinematics of deformable media
- Reynolds transport theorem
- Conservation of mass
- Momentum equation
- Energy equation (First law of thermodynamics)
- Thermodynamics of a fluid at rest
3. Basic equations of fluid motion (5-7 week)
- Inviscid fluids
- Newtonian fluids
- Incompressible fluids
- Boundary conditions

Midterm exam (8 week)

4. Special results for inviscid flows (9-11 week)

- Circulation and vorticity theorems
- Vortex lines and sheets
- Bernoulli equation and applications
5. Irrotational (potential) flow of an incompressible fluid (12-14 week)
- General properties
- Examples of 3D potential flows
- Flow past bodies of revolution
- Surface waves

Final exam (15 week)

 Formulation of the governing equations for a compressible viscous
 Continuum mechanics
 Some Necessary Mathematics
 Vectors and Cartesian tensors
 Gibbs and Einstein notation
 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
 Div, grad, and curl
 Gauss, Stokes, Leibnitz, and Reynolds
 Kinematics
 Lagrangian description
 Eulerian description
 Material derivatives
Kinematic decomposition of motion
 Solid body rotation
 Deformation (extension and shear)
 Principal axes of strain
 Conservation axioms
 Mass
 Linear momenta (Newton's second law of motion)
 Angular momenta
 Energy (first law of thermodynamics)
 Entropy inequality (second law of thermodynamics)
 Associated topics
 Stress tensor
 Conservative and non-conservative formulations
 Mechanical and thermal energy equations
 First integrals of linear momenta equations (Bernoulli‘s eq.)
 Integral forms
 Frame and material indifference
 Second law restrictions
 Stress-strain rate relationship for isotropic, compressible, Newtonian
 Stokes' assumption
 Boundary and interface conditions
 Complete set of well-posed dimensionless model equations
 Topics in vorticity dynamics
 Helmholtz vorticity transport equation
 Kelvin's circulation theorem
 Ideal rotational and irrotational vortices
 Bending and stretching of vortex tubes
 Vortex pairs and vortex sheets
 Wall generation of vorticity
 Topics in potential flow
 Stream functions and velocity potentials
 Mathematics of complex variables
Euler's formula
 Polar and Cartesian representations
Cauchy-Riemann equations
Contour integration and the Cauchy integral theorem
 Elementary complex potentials
Uniform flow
Sources and sinks
Point vortices
 Method of superposition
Rankine half body
Flow over a cylinder
 Blasius force theorem
 Topics in viscous laminar flow
 Fully developed, one dimensional solutions
 Hagen-Poiseuille flow
 Couette flow with pressure gradient
 Similarity solutions
 Stokes' first problem
 Blasius boundary layer problem
 Learning Objectives:
1. Write and manipulate fluid dynamics equations using tensor (indicial)
2. Explain the Lagrangian and Eulerian perspectives to fluid flow

 Topics and Outline:

1. Continuum hypothesis
2. Eulerian and Lagrangian viewpoints
3. Material, or substantial, derivative
4. Deformation tensor
 Continuum Mechanics
 Classical mechanics vs. continuum mechanics
 function of time vs. function of time & space
 Continuum systems are characterized by a finite number
of partial differential equations in which the properties of
the continuum material are functions of space an time.
 Consider a continuum as an infinite number of particles.
 Molecular (nano scale)
 Molecules move by Brownian motion and in general store
energy in translation, rotation, vibration, intermolecular
 At this scale, pressure is meaningless and properties
cannot be fixed at a point.
 We must consider the full range of intermolecular forces
and molecular motions.

 Continuum scale
 Ignore the discrete molecular nature of matter and
replace it by a continuous distribution, called continuum.
f f
, , f ( xi )
xi t xi
 When is the continuum scale valid?
 Size of flow system must be much larger than the mean
free path between molecules, λ:
 λ liquids ~ 10-10 m
 λ gases ~ 5*10-8 m
 Then, we define a property C at a point: e.g. concentration
C  lim
V 0 V

 This infinitesimal ΔV is still larger than λ3.

 At nano scale or in the upper atmosphere, the continuum

hypothesis breaks down (λ is large compared to scale of
interest. → Then, use kinetic theory of gases or statistical
mechanical approach.
 Space is 3D and independent of time
 A Galilean transformation: If the inertial frame has zero
velocity and the moving frame has constant velocity vo = uoi
+ voj + wok, the Galilean transformation
(x, y, z, t) → (x′, y′, z′, t′)

 Control volumes
 Fixed: constant in space
 Material: no flux of mass through boundaries, can
 Arbitrary: can move, deform, have different fluid
contained within
 Control surfaces enclose control volumes and have the
same three varieties as the above.
 Density is a material property which only considers point
 Definition of density

Here V is the volume of the space considered, N is the number of particles

contained within the volume, and mi is the mass of the ith particle.
 Scalar: Density ρ (x,y,z,t)
 Vector
 Velocity vector: v(x,y,z,t)=u(x,y,z,t)i+ v(x,y,z,t)j+w(x,y,z,t)k
(Gibbs notation)
 Tensors
 Stress tensor
 A quantity which associates a vector with a plane
inclined at a selected angle passing through a given
point in space.
 Viscous stress tensor (9 components)
 Gibbs and Cartesian Index Notation

 Gibbs notation for vectors and tensors typically uses

boldface, arrows, underscores, or overbars.
 Einstein developed a useful alternate index notation:
Cartesian index notation for Cartesian coordinate system.
A more general index system for non-Cartesian system.
 Gibbs and Cartesian Index Notation

 Gibbs notation: a = axi+ayj+azk

 The subscript 1, 2, 3 → x direction, y-dir, z-dir, respectively
 The orthonormal basis vectors i, j, k replaced by e1, e2, e3
 a1 
3  
a  a1e1  a2e 2  a3e 3   ai e i  ai   a2 
i 1 a 
 3

 a as 3*1 column vector. All vectors can be thought as

column vectors.
 For a row vector, aT
 Summation exists when two indices as known as a dummy
indices are repeated.
 Rotation of Axes

 Transformation (x1,x2)T→(x1’,x2’)T
 Counterclockwise rotation by α
 A point p (x*,y*)
 Rotation of Axes

 Notations
 (x1,x1’) denotes the angle between the x1 and x1’ axes
 (x2,x2’) denotes the angle between the x2 and x2’ axes
 (x3,x3’) denotes the angle between the x3 and x3’ axes
 (x1,x2’) denotes the angle between the x1 and x2’ axes
 In 2D,
 x1’ = x1cos(x1,x1’)+x2cos(x2,x1’)
 In 3D,
 x1’ = x1cos(x1,x1’)+x2cos(x2,x1’)+x3cos(x3,x1’)
 x2’ = x1cos(x1,x2’)+x2cos(x2,x2’)+x3cos(x3,x2’)
 x3’ = x1cos(x1,x3’)+x2cos(x2,x3’)+x3cos(x3,x3’)
 Rotation of Axes
 In matrix form

 l11=cos(x1,x1’), l12=cos(x1,x2’)

 In Gibbs notation,
x’ T=xT·Q or x’=QT·x
, where Q=lij the matrix of direction cosines and detQ=1
 Rotation of Axes
 “ Free index” j
 A free index can appear only once in each additive term.
 One free index (e.g. k) may replace another (e.g. j) as
long as it is replaced in each additive term.

 “Dummy index”
Whenever an index is repeated, as has the index i above, that a summation
from i = 1 to i = 3 is to be performed and that i is the “dummy index.”
Some rules of thumb for dummy indices are
• dummy indices can appear only twice in a given additive term,
• a pair of dummy indices, say i, i, can be exchanged for another, say j, j, in a given
additive term with no need to change dummy indices in other additive terms.
 Rotation of Axes
 “ Kronecker delta” δij

known as the substitution tensor

 “Identity matrix” I

 Direct substitution proves that the law of cosines can be

written as

 Inverse coordinate transformation

 Vectors
 The scalar quantities vi, where i=1,2,3 are scalar components
of a vector

 In Gibbs notation,

 Vector algebra
 Addition

 Dot product (inner product)

 Tensors
 A second order tensor, or a rank two tensor, is nine scalar
components that under a rotation of axes transform
according to the following rule

i and j are both free indices while k and l

are dummy indices.

 The Gibbs notation for the above transformation

 Tensor expressed as two dimensional matrices.
 Tensors
 Alternating unit tensor: a tensor of rank 3, εijk

 An identity

 Some secondary definitions

 Transpose

 Symmetric
 Antisymmetric
 Tensors
 Some secondary definitions
 Decomposition

• Symmetric part of Tij

• Antisymmetric part of Tij
• Tij

 Tensor inner product Tij S ji  a

• In Gibbs notation
• e.g. inner product of any symmetric tensor D with any
antisymmetric tensor R is the scale zero.
 Tensors
 Some secondary definitions

 Other expressions
 Tensors
 Tensor product: two tensors
• For second order tensors,
• In Gibbs notation,
• The tensor product has one pair of dummy
indices and one dot. The tensor product is
equivalent to matrix multiplication in matrix
• The tensor product does not commute.
• In the Cartesian index notation,
the order of terms can be changed.
• The order of indices does not commute.
(the order of the indices is extremely important)
 Tensors
 Vector product: vector and tensor
• The product of a vector and tensor does not in
general commute
• Pre-multiplication

• Post-multiplication

 Dyadic product: two vectors

• As opposed to the inner product between two
vectors, which yields a scalar, the dyadic product yields
a tensor.
 Tensors
 Contraction
• e.g. the contraction of the second order tensor
Tij is Tii indicating that a sum is to be performed:

 Vector cross product

• Defined in Cartesian index and Gibbs notation as

• Expanding for i=1,2,3 gives

 Tensors
 Sample Cartesian element
• aligned with coordinate axes, along with tensor
components and vectors associated with each face

Tij: tensor components

t( ): vector
 Tensors Ti j
 Vector associated with a plane
• The first index associated with a face or direction
• The second index corresponds to the components of
the vector associated with that face
• ni: a unit normal vector associated with a given
direction and normal plane

Face 1
 Tensors
 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
• rotated so that its faces have vectors which are
aligned with the unit normals associated with the
faces of the element
 Tensors
 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
 For a three dimensional element, it is possible to
choose three planes for which the vector associated with
the given planes is aligned with the unit normal associated
with those planes.
 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

 In fluid mechanics, the stress tensor is symmetric

⇒all the eigenvalues are real and all the eigenvectors are real and orthogonal.
 e.g. the stress tensor
 symmetric
 The eigenvectors of the stress tensor can form the basis for an intrinsic
coordinate system which has its axes aligned with the principal stress on a
fluid element.
 The eigenvalues themselves give the value of the principal stress.
This is actually a generalization of the familiar Mohr’s circle from solid mechanics.
 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Example: Sketch of stresses being applied to a cubical fluid element. The thinner
lines with arrows are the components of the stress tensor; the thicker lines on each
face represent the vector associated with the particular face.


Eigenvectors nj() are mutually orthogonal.

 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
 Example (continued from the previous slide):

Sketch of fluid element rotated to be aligned with axes of principal stress, along
with magnitude of principal stress. The 1 face projects out of the page.
 Tensors
 Dual vector of a tensor
• Dual vector di of a tensor Tjk

Note that a tensor of rank 3, εijk is antisymmetric

 Gradient operator
 We will typically encounter quantities such as

 Gradient operator

Taking a derivative using a chain rule

 Gradient operator

Using summation convention

In Gibbs notation,

Take the transpose of both sides

Gradient operator:

When ∂i or ∇ operates on a scalar, it is known as the gradient

operator. The gradient operator operating on a scalar function gives rise
to a vector function.
 Gradient operator
When the gradient operator operates on a vector, in Cartesian index and
Gibbs notation, we have, following a similar analysis

The quantity ∂jvi is the gradient of a vector, which is a tensor. So the gradient
operator operating on a vector raises its order by one. Note that the Gibbs
notation with transposes suggests properly that the gradient of a vector can
be expanded as

Gradient operator operating on a tensor.

For tensors in Cartesian index notation
The gradient operator operating on a tensor raises its order by one as well.
 Divergence operator
The contraction of the gradient operator on either a vector or a tensor

For the divergence of a vector

⇒ The divergence of a vector is a scalar.

For the divergence of a second order tensor,

⇒The divergence operator operating on a tensor gives rise to a row vector.

 Curl operator
The curl operator can be written in three ways:

Expanding for i=1,2,3 gives

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