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Arithmetic Skills. It deals usually with the nonnegative real numbers including sometimes
the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.

handling instructional limitations. It pertains to teachers skills and way of

overcoming instructional limitations such as insuffcinet materials and different learning
needs of learners.
Information Skills. it can be defined as the ability to perform mathematical tasks and to
effectively solve given mathematical problems.
Language Skills. It pertains to the ability of the Learners to understand the words used in the
problems. Deficiency with this skill would hinder the learners from doing proper course of action.
Number fact Skills. It is the ability to comprehend and accomplish series of activities
designed to foster fluency in number facts ... thus also enhancing their mental calculation and
problem-solving skills.
Problem solving is a fundamental means of developing mathematical knowledge at any
level. For this reason, it is one of the most important, if not the most important, aspect of
doing mathematics. Problem solving gives students a context to help them make sense out of
the mathematics they are learning.

staregies of teaching It refers to the structure, system, methods, techniques,

procedures and processes that a teacher uses during instruction. These are strategies
the teacher employs to assist student learning. Learning activities refer to the teacher guided
instructional tasks or assignments for students.

Working with mathematical problems. This pertains to teachers’ instructional

practices when teaching solving mathemtical problems which could occur during
discussion proper or during learning activities.

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