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The state of flawlessness or excellence is known as perfection as per google.

I fail to understand
the concept of perfection. People strive for perfection all their lives, but I feel the idea of
perfection is overrated. I feel perfection is itself not perfect. PERFECTION FOR ME IS
DEFINED BY IMPERFECTIONS. I know and feel imperfections are underrated, Imperfection
as defined by the society, is a fault, weakness, or undesirable feature someone or something
possesses. Imperfection according to me is the most beautiful thing or feature or trait someone
can possess.

The idea of perfection is highly a utopian concept. But when we accept ourselves, our
imperfections, our flaws, our weakness and all the other undesirable features we move closer to
imperfection. Moving away, running away and not identifying oneself that people often striving
for perfection usually do. People every day strive for the utopian concept of perfection and fail
every day. Lastly, let's say perfection is a subjective concept If I offended you any way I am not
sorry because the expression is also subjective.

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