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Concurrent Forces in a Plane

jections of these forces on the x axis ,perpendicular to CD as shown, we

✓2P - Q cos 30° = 0
from which Q = 2✓2 P/.✓2 = l .63 P = 72.54 N
\\le see that by choosing one of the coordinate axes in each case perpen-
dicular to the line of action of an unknown force, we obtain an equation of
equilibrium containing only one unknown and thereby gain some simplifi-
cation. If the forces S 1 and S3 are required, they can easily be found by
writing the other two equations of equilibrium.
It is worthwhile to note that if the system of bars in Fig. 2.48(a) is dis-
turbed from the configuration of equilibrium shown, it will collapse. How-
ever, if the hinge C is connected to the foundation by another bar AC in
~ place of the forde Q, the system will be stable 'and the magnitude Q calcu-
lated above will simply represent the axJal force (te.nsion) in suc.h a bar due

n to the action of th~ otl1er applied force P.

A small ring A can slide with.out friction al~ng a cur,ved bar CD which has
a circular axis of radius a (Fig. 2.49). Determine the position of equilibrium
as defined by the angle a if the loads P and Q are acting as shown in the

,Fig, 2A9 \

Solution: Neglecting friction in the pulley at B, we conclude tha~ th~ string

AB is subjected to a tension numerically equal to Q. Then consldenng the
ring A as a free body, we see that it is a~ted _upo~ by the three forces P,_Q,
and the reaction Ra which acts in the radial d1rect1~n OA . T~ese three fmc~s
· ·1·b ·um· hence the algebraic sum of their projections on any axis
are m eqm 1 r1 , . • ct· · f h
must be equal to zero. Projecting them _onto an ax.1s m the ir~ction o t e
tangent to the circle at A (thus excluding the unknown reaction R0), we
Q cos £ - p ~in a = 0
which may be written in the form

Q cos a-- - 2P.

· sm a-· cos --a = 0
2 2 2
l J

Engineering Mechanics

Fron1 this equation, we obtain either,

. a
sin - = -Q . Q
that is, a= 2 arc sm P
2 (c)
2 2P
or cos a /2 = O that is, a= Jt (d)
. The value of a given by Eq. (d), corresponds to the case where the ring A
1s vertically under the center O and hence has no significance in this case·
the value of a given, by Eq. ( c) is· the one in which we are interested. Fo;
the particular case where p and Qare equal weights, Eq. (c) gives a= 60°.

Likewise for.QIP = 1, we obtain =44 °

6. The strings------ 4 point A and point B, respectively at
1 and 2 are attached to the
one end. The other end of the strings 1 and 2 is attached to a ring at point c.
Remaining strings 3 and 4 attached to the ring at one end and ride over
frictionless pulleys on the other end and cany loads P and Q respectively as
shown in Fig. 2.50(a). Find the tensile forces in the strings 1 2. The and
following numerical data are given: P = 800 N, Q = 1000 N, a= 60°, fJ ==
45° and Y= 30°.

:Y ;Y

1 2

a 4

r-.........__ ___.._ __ x
S4~ Q

Fig~ 2.5'?__/ (d)

Solution . We first mak !l frP.P. h d

the reaction s3 as show~-~ ~g Y2°J~h(:)b~ft P, hrepla~ing the s_tring 3by
x and y as h Th · · · en c oos1ng coordinate axes
s own. e equations of equilibrium (3) bee
- - S3 - lp = 0 . ome
giving S3 = P tension
Similarly, draw the free bod dia
Then choosing coordinates y gram oftbe bodyQ as shown in Fig. 2.50(c).
(3) become axes x a nd Y as shown, equations of equilibriUJJl

- -·
Engineering Mechanics _________ _
- - -- --·-· -·

Solution: The aneJe f) can be calculated from the triangle EFfl show .
F ig . 2.5 1(b). '"' n in
. -- - --........
cos /3= EH
EF = EC+ CF= r 1 + r 2 = 100 + 50 = 150 mm
and EH = Of - OG - Bl
01= a= 200 mm
and OG = r2 = 50 mm

. -a/ ·: E I =
Bl=Elsm BE- - = -'i 100 = 115.47 mm
2 a cos 30° cos 300
Bl= 115.47 sin 30° = 57.74 mm and
EH= 200-50-57.74 = 92.26 mm

= EH = 92.26 = 0 _615
cos /J EF 150
/3= 52.05°
Since the cylinders are smooth, the pressures at the various points of
contact must be normal to the surfaces. Removing the supporting walls and
floor and repalcing them _by their reactions R0 , Rb and Rd, we obtain the free
body diagrams for both cylindres as shown in Fig. _2.51(c) and (d). These
reactions are equal and opposite to the required pressures exerted by the
cylinders on the walls and floor. At the point of contact -between the two
cylindres, we have two equal and opposite forces R 1 and R~. which must act
along thetline EF joining the centers of the cylinders. When considering
the equilibrium of the upper cylinder, ~e take pnly .the force R 1 represent-
ing the reaction exerted by the lower cylinder; likewise when considering
the lower cylinder, we take only the force R 2 . We see now that the upper
cylinder is in equilibrium under the action of gravity force Q and the two
reactions R1 and Rd while the lower cylinder is in equilibrium under the
action of the four forces Rz, P, Ra and Rb. In each case, all forces are in one
plane and concurrent at the centers of the corresponding cylinder on which
they act.
We begi~ ·with a consi_deration of the equilibrium of the upper cylinder.
~ n choosmg the coordinate axes x and y as shown in Fig. 2.51, the equa-
tions of equilibrium (3) become
RC cos fl= Rd
Re sin fl= Q
Substituting the values for /3 and Q in the above equations and solving for
R" and Rd, we obtain

RC= Q = 800 _
sin 52.05 - 1014 ·52
sin /3
Rd= Rd cos /3= 1014.5 X cos 52.05° = 623.9 N

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