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Internet Of Things Based Garbage Monitoring System

V. Mounika S. Ganesh U. Chakradhar V.Santhosh Kumar 1

D.Suresh kumar2
Associate proffesor
Deparment of Electronics And Communication Engineering.
Lendi Institute Of Engineering And Technology,Jonnada,Vizianagaram,India.

Abstract- This project IOT Based Garbage management is mainly handled municipal

Monitoring System is a very smart system which committees. When the garbage bins fill up for that

will help to keep our village and cities clean. We matter here we use ultrasonic sensors for the

see that in our cities public dustbins are indication of the garbage level in the dustbins. The

overloaded and it create unhygienic conditions sensors will be placed on the top of the bin which will

for people and that place leaving a bad smell. And help in sending the info to the municipal committee

this is leading to the rapid growth of bacteria and that the level of garbage has reached its maximum

viruses which are causing different types of level.

diseases .To overcome these situations efficient II. LITERATURE SURVEY

garbage collection systems are getting developed
The garbage management in cities has to be
based on IoT. These dustbins are interfaced with
effectively and efficiently implemented. The
Arduino base system having ultrasonic sensors
various proposals were put forward and some of
along with central system showing the Current
them already implemented. But it cannot be
status of garbage on display
considered as an effective one. So a survey was
Keywords- Arduino, Ultrasonic sensor, Led, done among different proposals and this survey
power supply ,thingspeak paper includes survey among different methods for
smart garbage management in cities using IoT.
Smart Garbage Management in Smart Cities using
IOT can be explained as a networking of physical IoT proposed a method as follows. The level of
object with the use of embedded electronic sensors garbage in the dustbins is detected with the help of
and software that allows these devices to send and ultrasonic sensors system, and communicated to the
receive data from each other. The IOT performs authorized control room through thingspeak .
sensing, gathering data, store the data and processing
by connecting physical devices to the internet. In this
paper we are going to purpose a system for the collect level of garbage in the dustbins is detected with

the garbage time to time if not possible then we are the help of Sensor systems, and communicated to the

connected one mechanism to it for the pressing authorized control room through thingspeak. In this

purpose. Because of mechanism, the dustbin has system, the Ultrasonic sensor is used for garbage

some space for more 2 days. In Indian cities, waste level detection by using ultrasonic sound waves.
thingspeak is used for communication purpose, to BLOCK DIAGRAM
send message to the higher officials when the
dustbin is not cleaned. Arduino board is used to
interface the sensor, LED and thingspeak The
ultrasonic sensor is act as level detector. The output
of level detector is connected to the microcontroller.
Depending on the microcontroller program .the
level of the dustbin is indicated by using LED and
then message is send to the higher officials. The
AT commands are used to facilitate the messaging
service through the thingspeak. This program is
burned in the microcontroller with the help of
Arduino software (IDE). These messages consist of
information of garbage levels of respective dustbins. WORKING
Depending on the information sent to control room, This System monitors the garbage bin and informs
the authority informs the concern person of the the level of garbage bins collection how many
respective area about garbage level. Then the garbage in the garbage bin. The system uses
concerned person makes sure that the garbage of that ultrasonic sensor placed over the bins to detect the
particular area is collected by sending the cleaning garbage level and compare it with the garbage depth.
vehicles. if garbage level is above threshold level their
IV. FLOW CHART Arduino gives information above bin level to A
Server is used to store data and shows of all dustbins
level on the web page. GSM used to send the text
message to the mobile. Text message contains
information about garbage level and location of a
particular bin.


Arduino Board:

Fig: Arduino board

Arduino is an open source hardware and software Thing Speak Channel you can publish data to the
company used for building electronics projects. channel, have Thing Speak process the data, and then
Arduino board uses the variety of microprocessor and have your application retrieve the data.
microcontroller. The Arduino board is the collection
of digital and analog input- output pins. Arduino Uno
is most popular board in Arduino family. Uno means
one in Italian and was chosen to mark the release
Arduino software (IDE).


Nodemcu is a wifi SOC (system on a chip)
produced by Espressif Systems. It is based ESP8266
-12E WiFi module. It is an highly integrated chip
designed to provide full internet connectivity in a
small package. It can be programmed directly
Fig: ultrasonic sensor through USB port using LUA programming or
As the name indicates, ultrasonic sensors measure Arduino IDE. By simple programming we can
distance by using ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound is establish a WiFi connection and define input/output
pins according to your needs exactly like arduino,
used in many different fields. Ultrasonic devices are
turning into a web server and a lot more.
used to detect objects and measure distances. The
sensor head emits an ultrasonic wave and receives
the wave reflected back from the target. Ultrasonic This project helps us to save time. It is more
Sensors measure the distance to the target by efficient over manual process. It is little bit
expensive but it saves continuous labour costs and
measuring the time between transmission and
human efforts. We could have been using Raspberry
reception. Pi instead of arduino system, but it is more costly
I. THINGSPEAK SOFTWARE: than arduino ATmega 2560.


Garbage monitoring systems are the needs of Smart

buildings. Smart waste monitoring and management
is the keen idea of smart city planners. Garbage
monitoring systems is a new idea of implementation
ThingSpeak™ is an IoT analytics which makes a normal dustbin smart using sensors
platform service that allows you to aggregate, for garbage level detection and sending message to
visualize and analyze live data streams in the cloud. the user updating the status of the bin. As soon as
ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data the dustbin is full it gives the information in LED
posted by your devices to ThingSpeak. Features of and sent the message to corresponding officials
Thing Speak include: real-time data collection, data
processing, visualizations, apps, and plugins. At the
heart of Thing Speak is a Thing Speak Channel. A I. FUTURE SCOPE
channel is where you send your data to be stored.
Each channel includes 8 fields for any type of data, 3
location fields, and 1 status field. Once you have a
There is a great scope for the
modifications of the Garbage monitoring system in
future. The system can be improved by adding new
functionalities like line follower robot to it, when the
bin is full directly it is dumping on tipper.

[1]B. Vinothkumar, K. Sivaranjani, M. Sugunadevi and
V.Vijayakumar,"IOT Based Garbage Management
System", International Journal of Scienceand Research
(IJSR), vol. 6, pp. 99-101, March 2017
[2] M. SandeepChaware, S. Dighe, A. Joshi, N. Bajare and
R. Korke, "SmartGarbage Monitoring System Using
Internet of Things(IoT)", International Journal of
Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics,
Instrumentation and Control Engineering ISO 3297:2007
certified, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 74-77,January 2017.
[3] S. Shukla and N. Shukla, "Smart Waste Collection
System based on IoT: Asurvey", International Journal of
Computer Applications, vol. 162, No 3, pp. 42-44, March

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