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Novia Dewi Mahanani
English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts
English Student Association
Semarang, Indonesia
Telp. +6282-3312-4929-3

In globalization era reading is a vital and fundamental need that cannot be eliminated from the world of education.
Unfortunately, the lack of students’ reading interest still becomes a frightening specter for the continuity education
in Indonesia. There are many negative impacts resulting from it, the worst is that it can trigger moral decline such
as the spread of hoaxes and the loss of a country. To prevent those, it is necessary to encourage students’ reading
interest. This research aims to describe the efforts undertaken SMK Negeri 1 Kendal in improving students’
reading interest. It uses descriptive qualitative approach, data collection technique through observation, interview
and documentation. There are four Informants; the headmaster of SMK Negeri 1 Kendal, head of library, literacy
school ambassadors, and deputy head of the curriculum field. The location of this research is in SMK Negeri 1
Kendal, Jalan Soekarno Hatta Barat KM.03 Kendal. The results show that there are six attempts: 15 minutes
reading before the lesson, reading corner, mini class library, literacy ambassador, library compulsory visit, and
bulletin SMK. The efforts made then realized in three stages of introducing, performing action, and motivation.
The efforts proved that there is an increase in students’ reading interest. However, it is not as smooth as expected.
The obstacles like the lack of supervision and motivation both from students themselves and from the school. So, it
can be inferred that students’ reading interest will experience a seasonal increase. It is better than no improvement
at all.
Keywords – efforts, reading, literacy

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