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Word List

(adj) adjective (n) noun (pp) past participle (pron) pronoun

Abbreviations (adv) adverb (phr) phrase (prep) preposition (v) verb
(conj) conjunction (phr v) phrasal verb (prep phr) prepositional phrase (sb) somebody
(idm) idiom (pl n) plural noun (pres p) present participle (sth) something

Module 1 Work full-time \ÆfUl "taIm\ (adj) = working for beyond the limits (phr) = past the
the whole part of the working day possibilities of sb or sth poza
apply to \´"plaI t´\ (v) = to request sth na pełny etat, w pełnym zasi´giem
from sb in writing zgłosiç si´ do, wymiarze godzin bond \bÅnd\ (n) = a strong connection
zło˝yç podanie, aplikowaç gardener \"gA…dn´\ (n) = sb who takes and feeling of love and friendship
arrange \´"reIndZ\ (v) = to make the care of plants ogrodnik shared between people wi´ê
necessary plans and preparations medical researcher \ÆmedIk´l rI"s‰…tS´\ bring up \ÆbrIN "øp\ (phr v) = to raise a
for sth to happen zaplanowaç, (n) = sb who works to find cures child wychowaç
ustaliç, umówiç for diseases naukowiec zajmujàcy company \"kømp´ni\ (n) = the state of
au pair \´U "pe´\ (n) = a nanny from si´ medycynà being with others towarzystwo
abroad opiekunka do dziecka payable \"peI´b´l\ (adj) = that should dedicated to \"dedIkeItId t´\ (adj) =
mieszkajàca okresowo u rodziny i be paid płatny, wypłacany devoted and committed to
pomagajàca w domu z zamian za poorly-paid \ÆpO…li "peId\ (adj) = not oddany (czemuÊ), zaanga˝owany
wy˝ywienie, kieszonkowe i nauk´ earning much money słabo w coÊ
j´zyka opłacany demonstrate \"dem´nstreIt\ (v) = to
builder \"bIld´\ (n) = sb who makes qualification \ÆkwÅlIfI"keIS´n\ (n) = a show zademonstrowaç, pokazaç,
buildings budowniczy skill or quality needed for a job or zaprezentowaç
career prospects (phr) = the task kwalifikacja develop \dI"vel´p\ (v) = 1) to create;
possibilities of future success in a reference \"ref´r´ns\ (n) = a letter that 2) to grow; to progress tworzyç,
job perspektywy rozwoju is written by sb who knows me to opracowywaç; rozwijaç si´,
zawodowego describe me and say if I am rosnàç
degree \dI"gri…\ (n) = a course of study suitable for a job or course dorsal fin \"dO…s´l fIn\ (n) = the fin on
at a college or university; a referencje, rekomendacje the back of a sea animal that helps
certificate dyplom (ukoƒczenia salary \"sœl´ri\ (n) = payment for it to swim płetwa grzbietowa
studiów) professional or office work (usually encounter \In"kaUnt´\ (n) =
enclose \In"kl´Uz\ (v) = to put inside paid monthly) pensja an unexpected meeting spotkanie
załàczyç, dołàczyç (miesi´czna) feared \fI´d\ (adj) = causing fear; scary
estate agent \I"steIt ÆeIdZ´nt\ (n) = sb sales assistant \"seIlz ´ÆsIst´nt\ (n) = sb straszny, przera˝ajàcy
who works for a company that who sells things in a shop ferocious \f´"r´US´s\ (adj) = fierce dziki,
sells houses and land for people sprzedawca/sprzedawczyni przera˝ajàcy, niebezpieczny
poÊrednik w obrocie stockbrocker \"stÅkÆbr´Uk´\ (n) = sb gradually \"grœdZu´li\ (adv) = in a slow
nieruchomoÊciami who buys and sells stocks and manner over a long period of time
experience \Ik"spI´ri´ns\ (n) = the shares makler giełdowy stopniowo
growth of knowledge and skills tour guide \"tU´ gaId\ (n) = sb with a highlight \"haIlaIt\ (v) = to attract
which is acquired by doing sth lot of knowledge of a given area attention to sth important
doÊwiadczenie who takes groups of tourists podkreÊlaç, uwypuklaç
fashion designer \"fœS´n dIÆzaIn´\ (n) = sightseeing przewodnik hypnotise \"hIpn´taIz\ (v) = to put sb in
sb who designs clothes projektant turystyczny a sleep-like state zahipnotyzowaç
mody training \"treInIN\ (n) = preparation or immobility \ÆIm´"bIlIti\ (n) = inability to
firefighter \"faI´ÆfaIt´\ (n) = sb whose education for a sport, an academic move bezruch, znieruchomienie
job is to put out fires stra˝ak subject or a job szkolenie interaction \ÆInt´r"œkS´n\ (n) =
flexible \"fleksIb´l\ (adj) = able to well-paid \Æwel "peId\ (adj) = earning a interplay; communication
adapt to different conditions as lot of money dobrze płatny interakcja, dialog
they occur elastyczny interpret \In"t‰…prIt\ (v) = to decide on
flight attendant \"flaIt ´Ætend´nt\ (n) = 1a what the meaning or significance
sb who works on an aeroplane adapt \´"dœpt\ (v) = to adjust of sth is; to understand
helping passengers steward, przystosowaç, dostosowaç zinterpretowaç, zrozumieç
stewardessa aim to \"eIm t´\ (v) = to try or plan to marvel at \"mA…v´l ´t\ (v) = to be
florist \"flÅrIst\ (n) = sb who owns or do sth mieç na celu, dà˝yç do amazed by sth zdumiewaç si´,
works in a store which sells plants awareness \´"we´n´s\ (n) = knowledge podziwiaç
and flowers kwiaciarz, kwiaciarka or understanding of a particular mindless \"maIndl´s\ (adj) =
situation or subject ÊwiadomoÊç thoughtless bezmyÊlny

176 (WL1)
Word List

nightmare \"naItme´\ (n) = a bad border \"bO…d´\ (n) = the official line employee \Im"plOIi…\ (n) = sb who
dream koszmar that separates two countries or works for sb else pracownik,
observe /´b"z‰…v\ (v) = to watch states granica zatrudniony
carefully obserwowaç buyer \"baI´\ (n) = sb who buys a employer \Im"plOI´\ (n) = sb that you
operation \ÆÅp´"reIS´n\ (n) = a business house, a car, etc nabywca, kupiec work for pracodawca
venture działalnoÊç, firma candidate \"kœndIdeIt\ (n) = sb who is fill out \ÆfIl "aUt\ (phr v) = to write all
perception \p´"sepS´n\ (n) = the idea considered for a position kandydat the necessary information on a
that I have of sth postrzeganie, chair \tSe´\ (n) = sb in charge of a form wypełniç
rozumienie meeting/group przewodniczàcy fire \faI´\ (v) = to dismiss sb from a
pet \pet\ (v) = to stroke and touch an (rady), prowadzàcy (zebranie) job wywaliç/wyrzuciç z pracy
animal gently głaskaç cold-hearted \Æk´Uld "hA…tId\ (adj) = good-natured \gUd "neItS´d\ (adj) =
posture \"pÅstS´\ (n) = the position in unfeeling nieczuły, zimny naturally friendly dobroduszny,
which sb stands or sits; a body colleague \"kÅli…g\ (n) = sb that you przyjazny
position postawa work with kolega/kole˝anka gullible \"gølIb´l\ (adj) = being easily
predator \"pred´t´\ (n) = an animal z pracy tricked into believing sth that sb
that hunts and eats other animals commit myself (phr) = to promise to has said naiwny, łatwowierny
drapie˝nik do sth zobowiàzaç si´, hand in my notice (phr) = to tell my
prey /preI\ (n) = an animal that is zdeklarowaç si´ employer that I’m going to leave
hunted and eaten by other animals comrade \"kÅmreId\ (n) = a companion the job soon zło˝yç
zdobycz kompan, towarzysz wypowiedzenie
rewarding \rI"wO…dIN\ (adj) = fulfilling; congratulate on \k´n"grœtSUleIt Ån\ (v) have a heart of gold (idm) = to be
satisfying satysfakcjonujàcy, = to praise sb for an achievement kind and nice mieç złote serce
przynoszàcy zadowolenie pogratulowaç komuÊ czegoÊ limit \"lImIt\ (n) = the greatest
seek \si…k\ (v) = to try to accomplish conservative \k´n"s‰…v´tIv\ (adj) = not number/amount possible or
sth ubiegaç si´ o coÊ, dà˝yç do liking changes konserwatywny permitted granica, limit,
czegoÊ consumer \k´n"sju…m´\ (n) = sb who ograniczenie
snout \snaUt\ (n) = the long nose of buys things and services live on \"lIv Ån\ (phr v) = to find
some animals pysk, ryj konsument, klient money to sustain myself
status \"steIt´s\ (n) = sb’s social/ control \k´n"tr´Ul\ (v) = to have utrzymywaç si´ z
professional level status, pozycja, complete power over sb or sth moody \"mu…di\ (adj) = changing mood
stan rzeczy kontrolowaç frequently; becoming angry or
crew \kru…\ (n) = a group of people who aggressive suddenly kapryÊny,
1b work together on a ship or plane humorzasty
abandon \´"bœnd´n\ (v) = to desert załoga narrow-minded \Ænœr´U "maIndId\
porzuciç, opuÊciç customer \"køst´m´\ (n) = sb who buys (adj) = unwilling to accept other
a couch potato (idm) = sb who goods or services from a shop or people’s ideas ciasny,
spends lots of time sitting on the business; a shopper klient ograniczony, o wàskich
sofa watching TV leniuch cut down on \Ækøt "daUn Ån\ (phr v) = horyzontach
a pain in the neck (idm) = sb/sth to reduce ograniczyç, zredukowaç note \n´Ut\ (n) = a short letter notatka;
that is very annoying utrapienie deal \di…l\ (v) = to handle zajmowaç krótka wiadomoÊç
applicant \"œplIk´nt\ (n) = sb who si´ czymÊ, radziç sobie z czymÊ partner \"pA…tn´\ (n) = sb that I am
applies for a job kandydat (do direct \dI"rekt\ (v) = to be in charge of closely involved with in a business,
pracy), aplikant an organisation/activity kierowaç, marriage, etc partner
apply for \´"plaI f´\ (v) = to request sth zarzàdzaç, dowodziç patient with \"peIS´nt wID\ (adj) =
in writing ubiegaç si´ o, zło˝yç discontinue \ÆdIsk´n"tInju…\ (v) = to stop staying calm; being able to accept
podanie (np. o prac´) using or doing sth przerwaç, annoyance cierpliwy
as hard as nails (idm) = very tough zaprzestaç, zrezygnowaç z czegoÊ pension \"penS´n\ (n) = a retirement
twardy jak skała dismiss \dIs"mIs\ (v) = to ask sb to fund emerytura
attached to \´"tœtSt t´\ (adj) = joined leave a job zwolniç z pracy perfectionist \p´"fekS´nIst\ (n) = sb
to przywiàzany (emocjonalnie) earnings \"‰…nINz\ (pl n) = the income who refuses to do or accept
behind the times (idm) = old- from work zarobki, dochody anything that isn’t as good as it
fashioned staromodny, easy-going \Æi…zi "g´UIN\ (adj) = calm could possibly be perfekcjonista,
staroÊwiecki and tolerant beztroski, perfekcjonistka
benefit \"ben´fIt\ (n) = an advantage wyluzowany perks \p‰…ks\ (pl n) = advantages or
korzyÊç, po˝ytek emotional \I"m´US´n´l\ (adj) = having benefits, such as money or goods,
big-headed \ÆbIg "hedId\ (adj) = or causing strong feelings which I am given because of my
conceited zarozumiały uczuciowy, emocjonalny job dodatek (do pensji),
dodatkowa korzyÊç

177 (WL2)
Word List

permit \"p‰…mIt\ (n) = an official sentimental \ÆsentI"mentl\ (adj) = contract \"kÅntrœkt\ (n) = a legal
document which states that I may showing or expressing feelings in a agreement between two or more
do sth zezwolenie rather foolish way sentymentalny, people or businesses, or between
personnel \Æp‰…s´"nel\ (pl n) = staff uczuciowy, czułostkowy an employer and an employee
personel situation \ÆsItSu"eIS´n\ (n) = a state of kontrakt, umowa o prac´
post \p´Ust\ (n) = a job; a work position affairs sytuacja determined \dI"t‰…mInd\ (adj) = certain
stanowisko, posada soft-spoken \ÆsÅft "sp´Uk´n\ (adj) = that I am going to do, get or be
profit \"prÅfIt\ (n) = the money earned having a quiet voice o łagodnym sth zdecydowany,
from a business after its expenses głosie zdeterminowany
have been paid zysk, dochód specialise in \"speS´laIz In\ (v) = to study/ dungarees \ÆdøNg´"ri…z\ (pl n) = a one-
promotion \pr´"m´US´n\ (n) = a move work in one subject/type of business piece garment consisting of
to a more important position in specjalizowaç si´ w trousers, a piece of cloth which
your job awans take out \ÆteIk "aUt\ (phr v) = to obtain covers the chest and straps which
put by \ÆpUt" baI\ (phr v) = to save money a loan, a licence, etc by fulfilling go over the shoulders ogrodniczki;
odło˝yç, zaoszcz´dziç certain conditions uzyskaç, kombinezon
qualified for \"kwÅlIfaId f´\ (adj) = zaciàgnàç (np. kredyt) faint \feInt\ (v) = to lose consciousness
trained; having a degree, diploma, team \ti…m\ (n) = a group of people zemdleç
etc posiadajàcy odpowiednie who do sth together, especially fee \fi…\ (n) = money paid for a certain
kwalifikacje a sport zespół service opłata za usług´
quick-tempered \ÆkwIk "temp´d\ (adj) = thick-skinned \ÆTIk "skInd\ (adj) = not fluent \"flu…´nt\ (adj) = expressed easily
getting angry easily porywczy, hurt by criticism gruboskórny, and correctly in a foreign language
wybuchowy, nieopanowany odporny na krytyk´ biegły, płynny
quit \kwIt\ (v) = to leave a job, a team, ties \taIz\ (pl n) = connections wi´zi, (np. w posługiwaniu si´ j´zykiem
a school, etc zrezygnowaç, zwiàzki obcym)
(po)rzuciç trainee \ÆtreI"ni…\ (n) = sb employed at a footwear \"fUtwe´\ (n) = shoes, boots,
raise \reIz\ (v) = to increase podnieÊç, low level in a job in order to learn etc obuwie
zwi´kszyç the skills needed for that job graduate \"grœdZueIt\ (v) = to
relaxed \rI"lœkst\ (adj) = calm; not praktykant/praktykantka, complete my studies and leave
worried rozluêniony, sta˝ysta/sta˝ystka school or university koƒczyç
zrelaksowany under pressure (phr) = stressed pod studia, zostaç absolwentem
resign \rI"zaIn\ (v) = to formally presjà, w warunkach stresu member of staff (phr) = an employee
announce that I am leaving a post vacancy \"veIk´nsi\ (n) = a job or of a company pracownik, członek
or position zrezygnowaç, ustàpiç position which has not been filled personelu
responsible for \rI"spÅnsIb´l f´\ (adj) = wakat, wolna posada motivate \"m´UtIveIt\ (v) = to cause sb
being in charge of; having the warning \"wO…nIN\ (n) = a statement to behave in a certain way
duty to take care of sb or sth which informs sb that sth motywowaç, zach´caç
odpowiedzialny za unpleasant or dangerous is likely ponytail \"p´UniteIl\ (n) = hair tied back
retire \rI"taI´\ (v) = to stop working to happen ostrze˝enie so that it hangs down like a horse’s
and receive a pension przejÊç na tail koƒski ogon (typ uczesania)
1d pursuit \p´"sju…t\ (n) = an attempt at
rise \raIz\ (v) = to become higher adjust \´"dZøst\ (v) = to become more achieving sth poszukiwanie,
wzrastaç, podnieÊç si´ familiar with a new situation dà˝enie, poÊcig
run a business (phr) = to operate a przystosowaç si´ separate \"sep´r´t\ (adj) = kept away
company prowadziç firm´ animator \"œnImeIt´\ (n) = sb who uses from other people/things
run out of \Ærøn "aUt ´v\ (phr v) = drawings, puppets or models to oddzielony, odseparowany
to have no more of sth left make films animator, animatorka situated \"sItSueItId\ (pp) = located
skoƒczyç si´ (o np. pieniàdzach) (twórca filmów animowanych) poło˝ony, znajdujàcy si´ w
sack \sœk\ (v) = to fire sb from a job anorak \"œn´rœk\ (n) = a waterproof
wyrzuciç z pracy, zwolniç jacket ocieplana kurtka 1e
self-conscious \Æself "kÅnS´s\ (adj) = z kapturem, anorak catering company (phr) = a company
uncomfortable about what people approximately \´"prÅksIm´tli\ (adv) = that provides food for parties,
think about me skr´powany, roughly; about; around około, events, etc firma cateringowa
zakłopotany, nieÊmiały w przybli˝eniu (zajmujàca si´ aprowizacjà
sensible \"sensIb´l\ (adj) = based on backpack \"bœkpœk\ (n) = a bag that i obsługà)
logic rather than emotion you carry on your back plecak efficient \I"fIS´nt\ (adj) = able to do
sensowny, rozsàdny contemporary dance (phr) = modern tasks successfully without wasting
dance taniec współczesny time or energy wydajny,

178 (WL3)
Word List

financial security (phr) = having chaotic \keI"ÅtIk\ (adj) = in a totally beach resort (phr) = a holiday
enough money to keep us safe and confused state chaotyczny destination by the sea with hotels
free from worry bezpieczeƒstwo chatter \"tSœt´\ (n) = a noisy talk and other facilities nadmorska
finansowe trajkotanie, paplanina, gwar miejscowoÊç wypoczynkowa
hazardous \"hœz´d´s\ (adj) = dangerous cloak \kl´Uk\ (n) = a loose outer boast \b´Ust\ (v) = to feature a
niebezpieczny garment without sleeves peleryna desirable characteristic chlubiç si´,
living expenses (phr) = the money come to life (phr) = (of stories, etc) to szczyciç si´
we spend on food, bills, etc appear realistic o˝ywiç, sprawiç, breeze \bri…z\ (n) = a gentle wind
wydatki na ˝ycie ˝e coÊ wydaje si´ rzeczywiste wietrzyk, bryza
master \"mA…st´\ (v) = to become an entirely \In"taI´li\ (adv) = completely; cave \keIv\ (n) = a natural hole in the
expert at sth opanowaç (wiedz´, absolutely całkowicie, wyłàcznie side of a cliff or mountain jaskinia,
znajomoÊç czegoÊ) explore \Ik"splO…\ (v) = to examine; to grota
relevant \"rel´v´nt\ (adj) = important look into badaç, eksplorowaç challenge \"tSœlIndZ\ (n) = a difficult
or significant in a situation ghost tour (phr) = a tour round a situation that demands effort
dotyczàcy (czegoÊ), odnoszàcy place talking about/looking for wyzwanie
si´ (do czegoÊ) ghosts nocne zwiedzanie chant \tSA…nt\ (v) = to sing religious
połàczone z gaw´dami hymns or songs Êpiewaç,
Language Focus 1 o duchach intonowaç
admit \´d"mIt\ (v) = to let in wpuÊciç, highlight \"haIlaIt\ (n) = the most civil war (phr) = the occasion when a
zezwoliç na wejÊcie interesting or exciting part of an country splits into two opposing
allow \´"laU\ (v) = to make sth possible; activity punkt kulminacyjny; sides that fight against each other
to let; to permit pozwalaç, główna atrakcja wojna domowa
umo˝liwiaç jump out of my skin (idm) = to be so colonise \"kÅl´naIz\ (v) = (of a country)
approve \´"pru…v\ (v) = to judge sth to surprised that the body makes a to claim authority over an area
be right; to think well of sth sudden sharp movement and send citizens to live there
aprobowaç, pochwalaç, popieraç podskoczyç, wzdrygnàç si´ skolonizowaç, dokonaç
cater to \"keIt´ t´\ (v) = to satisfy sb’s (wskutek przera˝enia lub szoku) kolonizacji
needs obsługiwaç, zaspokajaç lose sight of (phr) = to no longer be commercial \k´"m‰…S´l\ (adj) = related
(czyjeÊ potrzeby) able to see sth straciç z pola to buying and selling things
detect \dI"tekt\ (v) = to become aware widzenia/z oczu komercyjny, handlowy
of sb/sth unclear or out of sight lush \løS\ (adj) = (of vegetation) confide \k´n"faId\ (v) = to tell sb sth
wykrywaç, dostrzegaç having many leaves and looking secret zwierzyç si´ komuÊ
discern \dI"s‰…n\ (v) = to see sth that is healthy and strong bujny, dotted with \"dÅtId wID\ (pp) = having
unclear rozeznaç si´, dostrzec dorodny things scattered in random
equip \I"kwIp\ (v) = to provide tools shadow \"Sœd´U\ (n) = a dark shape on positions in an area usiany,
that are needed for a particular a surface caused by sth standing upstrzony
purpose wyposa˝yç, zaopatrzyç between the light and the surface downside \"daUnsaId\ (n) =
si´ cieƒ a disadvantage wada, słaba strona
let \let\ (v) = to allow sb to do sth snatch \snœtS\ (v) = to take sth away elaborately decorated statues (phr)
pozwalaç from sb quickly and violently = stone figures with lots of
observe \´b"z‰…v\ (v) = to watch sb/sth złapaç, schwytaç, porwaç decoration bogato zdobione
carefully obserwowaç tree trunk (phr) = the body of a tree posàgi
perceive \p´"si…v\ (v) = to see and pieƒ drzewa emergency \I"m‰…dZ´nsi\ (n) = a serious
understand sth postrzegaç, underground vault (phr) = a long or dangerous situation that needs
uÊwiadamiaç sobie narrow chamber below ground immediate action nagły wypadek,
provide \pr´"vaId\ (v) = to give sb sth podziemna krypta sytuacja kryzysowa
that they need dostarczaç, unique \ju…"ni…k\ (adj) = being the only fascinating wall paintings (phr) =
zapewniaç one of its kind wyjàtkowy, very interesting pictures painted
supply \s´"plaI \ (v) = to give sb a niepowtarzalny on the walls fascynujàce
quantity of sth that they want or vegetation \ÆvedZ´"teIS´n\ (n) = plants, malowidła Êcienne
need dostarczaç, zaopatrywaç trees and flowers roÊlinnoÊç first-rate \Æf‰…st "reIt\ (adj) = excellent;
extremely good pierwszorz´dny,
Module 2 Travel & Shopping 2a doskonały
affect \´"fekt\ (v) = to have an impact gain independence (phr) = (of
a feast for the senses (phr) = lots for
on oddziaływaç, mieç wpływ na a country) to break free from
the eyes to see, the ears to hear,
appreciated \´"pri…SietId\ (adj) = another country’s rule uzyskaç
the nose to smell, etc uczta dla
recognised as valuable or niepodległoÊç
important doceniony

179 (WL4)
Word List

get by \Æget "baI\ (phr v) = to deal with light candles (phr) = to set fire to the vast \vA…st\ (adj) = extremely large
things well despite difficulties wick that runs through a solid ogromny, nieprzebrany, rozległy
dawaç sobie rad´, radziç sobie piece of wax zapaliç Êwiece waves lapping gently on the shore
finansowo loss of life (phr) = the fact that (phr) = when the sea is calm and
give in \ÆgIv "In\ (phr v) = to stop people die straty w ludziach the water gently touches the land
opposing a desire, a temptation, a magical atmosphere (phr) = a sense fale muskajàce delikatnie làd
wish, etc poddaç si´, ulec (np. of magic in the air magiczna within easy access of (phr) = not far
pokusie) atmosfera away from sth w niewielkiej
glorious \"glO…ri´s\ (adj) = magnificent monk \møNk\ (n) = a member of a odległoÊci od
cudowny, wspaniały; chlubny group of religious men who live
golden sands (phr) = yellow sandy away from society mnich 2b
beaches złote piaski monks chanting (phr) = members of account \´"kaUnt\ (n) = a formal
gorgeous \"gO…dZ´s\ (adj) = very an all-male religious group singing arrangement in which a bank
beautiful olÊniewajàcy, religious songs Êpiew mnichów holds money for a person or
zachwycajàcy nestled \"nes´ld\ (pp) = located in a safe, business konto
growing economy (phr) = the fact sheltered position close to sth else admit \´d"mIt\ (v) = to allow sb to
that a country becomes richer schowany, ukryty enter wpuszczaç (do Êrodka)
rosnàca, rozwijajàca si´ optimism \"ÅptImIz´m\ (n) = all-day \ÆO…l "deI\ (adj) = lasting 24 hours
gospodarka hopefulness optymizm całodobowy
guidebook \"gaIdbUk\ (n) = a book that overall \Æ´Uv´r"O…l\ (adv) = in general allow \´"laU\ (v) = to permit; to let
gives tourists information about w sumie, ogólnie pozwalaç, umo˝liwiaç
a town, an area or a country passer-by \ÆpA…s´ "baI\ (n) = a person allowance \´"laU´ns\ (n) = a sum of
przewodnik turystyczny (w formie who walks past sb or sth money paid regularly to a person
ksià˝kowej) przechodzieƒ zasiłek; dodatek; przydział
heritage site (phr) = an area/place pray \preI\ (v) = to speak to a god ancient \"eInS´nt\ (adj) = belonging to
protected by UNESCO because it is either to ask for help or give a distant past, especially before the
historically or culturally important thanks modliç si´ end of the Roman Empire
zabytek znajdujàcy si´ na liÊcie put up \ÆpUt "øp\ (phr v) = to stick or staro˝ytny
dziedzictwa UNESCO fasten sth to a wall so that it can appeal \´"pi…l\ (n) = an attractive or
highly recommend (phr) = to believe be seen przymocowaç, wznosiç, interesting quality czar, urok,
strongly that other people should dekorowaç atrakcyjnoÊç
see or experience sth goràco sample \"sA…mp´l\ (v) = to taste archaeological site (phr) = a place
polecaç próbowaç, kosztowaç that has ancient ruins which
inland \In"lœnd\ (adv) = in a direction sink back \ÆsINk "bœk\ (phr v) = to relax archaeologists are interested in
away from the sea and towards into a comfortable position stanowisko archeologiczne
the centre of an area of land zanurzyç si´, usiàÊç wygodnie bargain \"bA…g´n\ (n) = sth bought at a
w głàb làdu (np. w fotelu) cheaper price okazja, dobry
instalment \In"stO…lm´nt\ (n) = an snooze \snu…z\ (v) = to sleep lightly for interes
episode; a part of a series odcinek a short period of time drzemaç board \bO…d\ (v) = to embark; to get
(np. serialu lub powieÊci) soft breeze (phr) = a gentle wind on wsiàÊç (np. do pociàgu)
jet lag (phr) = a feeling of tiredness delikatny wiaterek budget \"bødZIt\ (n) = an amount of
and confusion after a long journey strike \straIk\ (v) = (of sth bad) to money available to spend bud˝et;
between places that have a time suddenly happen nawiedziç iloÊç pieni´dzy do wydania
difference złe samopoczucie (o nieszcz´Êciu, katastrofie) bumpy \"bømpi\ (adj) = (of a flight)
wywołane ró˝nicà pomi´dzy stroll \str´Ul\ (n) = a slow relaxed walk having irregular movements
strefami czasowymi spacer, przechadzka z turbulencjami (o locie),
just off the coast (phr) = not far from stunning \"stønIN\ (adj) = amazing; nierówny, wyboisty
the part of a country where the very attractive zachwycajàcy, cancellation \Ækœns´"leIS´n\ (n) =the
land meets the sea niedaleko oszałamiajàcy fact that a scheduled
wybrze˝a temptation \temp"teIS´n\ (n) = a desire journey/event is cancelled and
lantern \"lœnt´n\ (n) = a light with a to have or do sth that I probably does not take place odwołanie,
protective case and a handle shouldn’t have or do pokusa, ch´ç anulowanie (np. lotu)
lampion traveller’s cheque (phr) = a type of check in \ÆtSek "In\ (phr v) = to register
lasting impression (phr) = an effect money used by tourists czek as a guest at a hotel or as a
or admiration that continues for a podró˝ny passenger at an airport
long time trwałe wra˝enie treat \tri…t\ (v) = to behave towards sb zameldowaç si´ (w hotelu);
in a certain way potraktowaç zgłosiç si´ do odprawy (na

180 (WL5)
Word List

crater \"kreIt´\ (n) = a large hole in the hit the road (idm) = to set off on return \rI"t‰…n\ (adj) = (of a ticket) for a
ground caused by an object a journey wyruszyç w drog´ journey going away and coming back
hitting it with force; a large pit instalment \In"stO…lm´nt\ (n) = a small (bilet) w obie strony
forming the mouth of a volcano amount of money that one pays at rip-off \"rIp Åf\ (n) = sth that is not
krater specific times instead of all at once worth what I paid for it
credit \"kredIt\ (n) = a method of rata przepłacony zakup
paying for goods at a later time jam \dZœm\ (n) = a large number of rough \røf\ (adj) = (of the sea) with
kredyt vehicles close together and unable big waves burzliwy, niespokojny
day trip (phr) = a journey to a place to move korek uliczny seaside resort (phr) = a place close to
and back again on the same day land \lœnd\ (v) = (of a plane) to touch the sea where sb can spend their
jednodniowa wycieczka the ground wylàdowaç holidays nadmorska miejscowoÊç
delay \dI"leI\ (n) = the occasion when leaving \"li…vIN\ (pres p) = going away wypoczynkowa
we have to wait longer than wyjazd self-catering apartment (phr) =
expected for a scheduled event let \let\ (v) = to allow sb to do sth holiday accommodation with a
opóênienie pozwalaç kitchen where we can make our
departure lounge (phr) = a place live out of a suitcase (idm) = to be own meals mieszkanie z
where we wait before boarding a constantly travelling ˝yç na wy˝ywieniem we własnym
plane at an airport hala odlotów walizkach zakresie
discount \"dIskaUnt\ (n) = a reduction messy \"mesi\ (adj) = disorderly set off \Æset "Åf\ (phr v) = to start a
in the amount of money that I zabałaganiony, niechlujny journey wyjÊç, wyruszyç
have to pay for sth zni˝ka, rabat on board \Ån "bO…d\ (prep phr) = inside special deal (phr) = a product with
dock \dÅk\ (v) = (of a ship) to sail into an aeroplane or ship na pokładzie a reduced price specjalna zni˝ka
and stay at a port for a period of on display \Ån dI"spleI\ (prep phr) = in steep cliff (phr) = a high rock
time przybiç, zawinàç do portu a particular place for people to see formation strome urwisko
drive a hard bargain (idm) = to easily na wystawie stop off \ÆstÅp "Åf\ (phr v) = to take a
argue with determination to one-way \Æwøn "weI\ (adj) = (of a ticket) short break during a journey in
achieve a favourable deal stawiaç outward; not returning (bilet) order to do sth zrobiç sobie
twarde warunki w jednà stron´ krótkà przerw´ w podró˝y
embark \Im"bA…k\ (v) = to go on board outbound \"aUtbaUnd\ (adj) = on the take off \ÆteIk "Åf\ (phr v) = (of an
a ship or plane wsiadaç (do journey to somewhere (podró˝) do aeroplane) to leave the ground; to
samolotu, na statek) jakiegoÊ miejsca depart (o samolocie)
exchange rate (phr) = the value of a package holiday (phr) = a holiday wystartowaç, wznieÊç si´ w gór´
currency, used when changing it arranged by a travel agency tasty local dish (phr) = delicious food
into another currency kurs wakacje/urlop zorganizowane specific to a certain place or area
wymiany (walut) przez biuro podró˝y smaczne miejscowe danie
exit \"egzIt\ (n) = a place where we can pick sb up \ÆpIk "øp\ (phr v) = to collect tough \tøf\ (adj) = difficult trudny,
leave; the way out wyjÊcie sb (usually by car) and take them wymagajàcy
foreign currency (phr) = coins and somewhere odebraç kogoÊ (np. tourist attraction (phr) = a popular
banknotes used in a particular z dworca kolejowego) i podwieêç place that tourists visit atrakcja
country obca waluta gdzieÊ turystyczna
fund \fønd\ (n) = a sum of money purchase \"p‰…tS´s\ (v) = to buy kupiç, travel light (idm) = to travel with few
fundusz; datek nabyç belongings podró˝owaç
get on \Æget "Ån\ (phr v) = to board a put on hold (phr) = to delay; to z niewielkà iloÊcià baga˝u
bus, train, etc wsiàÊç (do postpone opóêniç, przeło˝yç na unspoilt countryside (phr) = a
autobusu, pociàgu) póêniejszy termin naturally beautiful area with no
guided tour (phr) = a journey around receipt \rI"si…t\ (n) = a piece of paper man-made alterations
a place that is led by a tour guide given to a customer by a shop dziewiczy/nieska˝ony krajobraz
wycieczka z przewodnikiem owner to show that the customer value \"vœlju…\ (n) = the price that is
have itchy feet (idm) = to want to has paid for the item(s) that they considered a fair amount for sth
leave a place and travel nie móc purchased paragon tu: dobra cena
usiedzieç na jednym miejscu refund \rI"fønd\ (n) = a sum of money weekend break (phr) = a trip
historic \hI"stÅrIk\ (adj) = being paid back to sb zwrot pieni´dzy somewhere for Saturday and
important in history historyczny retirement \rI"taI´m´nt\ (n) = the time Sunday wyjazd na weekend
(majàcy historyczne znaczenie) when a worker leaves his job and youth hostel (phr) = a place that is
historical \hI"stÅrIk´l\ (adj) = connected stops working completely similar to a hotel but with fewer
with the study or representation of emerytura facilities and cheaper room rates
things from the past historyczny schronisko młodzie˝owe
(który si´ wydarzył, miał miejsce)

181 (WL6)
Word List

2d cosy \"k´Uzi\ (adj) = (of a room) carbon dioxide (phr) = a gas in the
comfortable and pleasant, air we breathe dwutlenek w´gla
archway \"A…tSweI\ (n) = an entrance
passage in the form of an arch especially because it is small and child labour (phr) = the state of
wejÊcie zwieƒczone łukiem; warm przytulny employing children to work praca
brama deafening \"def´nIN\ (adj) = extremely dzieci
catch my breath (phr) = to pause loud ogłuszajàcy crime \kraIm\ (n) = an act which is not
during a strenuous activity to freezing \"fri…zIN\ (adj) = extremely legal and may be punished by law
breathe more regularly złapaç cold lodowaty przest´pstwo
oddech decline \dI"klaIn\ (v) = to become
Language Focus 2 worse obni˝aç si´, spadaç;
check sth out \ÆtSek "aUt\ (phr v) = to
investigate sth zbadaç, sprawdziç board \bO…d\ (v) = to get on; to pogarszaç si´
collapse \k´"lœps\ (v) = to fall down embark wejÊç na pokład (np. deforestation \di…ÆfÅrI"steIS´n\ (n) = the
zemdleç, zasłabnàç samolotu) cutting down of trees wylesianie,
courtyard \"kO…tjA…d\ (n) = an open area catch \kœtS\ (v) = to take a bus, a wycinanie lasów
surrounded by buildings or walls train, etc somewhere zdà˝yç, employment \Im"plOIm´nt\ (n) = the
dziedziniec złapaç state of being paid to work for a
embarrassment \Im"bœr´sm´nt\ (n) = change trains (phr) = to get off one company zatrudnienie
the feeling of being uncomfortable train and get on another to reach exploitation \ÆeksplOI"teIS´n\ (n) = the
or nervous za˝enowanie, a destination przesiàÊç si´ act of using sb/sth to my
zakłopotanie, skr´powanie (z jednego pociàgu na drugi) advantage wyzysk
guaranteed \Ægœr´n"ti…d\ (pp) = assured excursion \Ik"sk‰…S´n\ (n) = a short family planning (phr) = choosing
z pewnoÊcià, posiadajàcy journey made for pleasure, when to have children and how
gwarancj´ enjoyment or educational many to have planowanie rodziny
hand gesture (phr) = a signal/sign purposes wycieczka famine \"fœmIn\ (n) = a situation in
made with the hand ruch/gest fasten \"fA…s´n\ (v) = to attach sth which large numbers of people
r´kà firmly to another object or surface have little or no food, and many of
it’s the thought that counts (phr) = zapiàç (np. pas bezpieczeƒstwa) them die kl´ska głodu
the thought behind an action is flight \flaIt\ (n) = a journey made by figure \"fIg´\ (n) = a number liczba
more important than the action flying in an aeroplane lot fossil fuels (phr) = substances, such as
liczà si´ intencje give sb a lift (phr) = to give sb a ride coal or oil, which are made from
overjoyed \Æ´Uv´"dZOId\ (adj) = in my car somewhere podwieêç naturally destroyed parts of dead
delighted ogromnie ucieszony, kogoÊ animals or plants, and are burnt to
wielce uradowany journey \"dZ‰…ni\ (n) = the act of provide heat or power paliwa
overwhelming \Æ´Uv´"welmIN\ (adj) = travelling from one place to kopalne
having a strong effect on sb another podró˝ global warming (phr) = a rise in the
przemo˝ny, nieprzeparty miss \mIs\ (v) = to fail to catch a bus, a Earth’s temperature caused by
premises \"premIsIz\ (pl n) = all the train, etc spóêniç si´, nie zdà˝yç polluted gases globalne
buildings and land that a business na (np. autobus) ocieplenie
occupies in one place obiekt secluded \sI"klu…dId\ (adj) = (of place) greenhouse gases (phr) = gases that
promenade \ÆprÅm´"nA…d\ (n) = a paved quiet and private ustronny, are created from burning fossil
public road along the seafront odosobniony fuels and cause our atmosphere to
promenada, deptak trip \trIp\ (n) = a short journey heat up gazy cieplarniane
seafront \"si…frønt\ (n) = the part of a wycieczka, krótka podró˝ homelessness \"h´Uml´sn´s\ (n) = the
town on the coast next to the voyage \"vOIIdZ\ (n) = a journey on a condition of not having a home
beach bulwar nadmorski ship or in a spacecraft rejs bezdomnoÊç
shopaholic \ÆSÅp´"hÅlIk\ (n) = sb who is illegal downloading of songs/films
addicted to shopping zakupoholik Module 3 Our World (phr) = the act of downloading
sunstroke \"sønstr´Uk\ (n) = an illness affect \´"fekt\ (v) = to have an copyrighted material from the
caused by spending too much influence on sb/sth mieç wpływ Internet without paying for it
time in hot sunshine udar nielegalne pobieranie
na coÊ
słoneczny piosenek/filmów z internetu
basic needs (phr) = food, water,
2f warmth, etc podstawowe issue \"ISu…\ (n) = a matter kwestia,
blazing \"bleIzIN\ (adj) = burning potrzeby zagadnienie
brightly jaskrawy, oÊlepiajàcy, bullying \"bUliIN\ (n) = the act of using melt \melt\ (v) = to change from solid
palàcy, piekàcy my strength or power to hurt or to liquid when heated topnieç
breathlessly \"breTl´sli\ (adv) = in frighten weaker people (usually at overfishing \Æ´Uv´"fISIN\ (n) = the act of
a way that causes sb to pant bez school) tyranizowanie, zn´canie catching too many fish nadmierny
tchu si´, wymuszanie odłów

182 (WL7)
Word List

overpopulation \Æ´Uv´pÅpjU"leIS´n\ (n) = contaminated \k´n"tœmIneItId\ (adj) = inland \In"lœnd\ (adv) = in a direction
the condition of having too many harmful because of chemicals or away from the sea and towards
people for the resources available radiation zanieczyszczony, the centre of an area of land w
in a place przeludnienie ska˝ony głàb làdu
ozone depletion (phr) = the declare \dI"kle´\ (v) = to formally issue \"ISu…\ (n) = a matter kwestia,
reduction of ozone in the announce ogłosiç, zadeklarowaç zagadnienie
atmosphere zmniejszanie si´ demand \dI"mA…nd\ (v) = to ask firmly lack \lœk\ (sing n) = an absence of sth;
warstwy ozonowej and forcefully za˝àdaç a shortage brak
polar ice caps (phr) = the huge depend on \dI"pend Ån\ (v) = to be negotiator \nI"g´USieIt´\ (n) = sb who
masses of ice at the North and affected or determined by sth mediates between two parties to
South Poles czapy lodowe na zale˝eç od, byç uzale˝nionym od reach an agreement negocjator
biegunach draw up \ÆdrO… "øp\ (phr v) = to write outline \"aUtlaIn\ (v) = to give the main
poverty \"pÅv´ti\ (n) = the condition of down or create a suggestion or ideas of sth zarysowaç,
being extremely poor ubóstwo, plan sporzàdziç, opracowaç przedstawiç w skrócie
bieda drought \draUt\ (n) = a long period of phenomenon \fI"nÅmIn´n\ (n) = sth
standard of living (phr) = the time in which no rain falls susza that happens and is studied
amount of money and comfort due to \"dju… t´\ (prep) = as a result of; because it is difficult to understand
that certain people have standard because of z uwagi na, z powodu, zjawisko
˝ycia dzi´ki proposal \pr´"p´Uz´l\ (n) = an idea; a
starvation \stA…"veIS´n\ (n) = extreme effect \I"fekt\ (n) = a result; a plan propozycja
suffering or death because of lack consequence efekt, rezultat, rainwater \"reInwO…t´\ (n) = water in
of food głód, Êmierç głodowa skutek the form of rain deszczówka
trap \trœp\ (v) = to catch; to hold in a emerge \I"m‰…dZ\ (v) = to become known remain \rI"meIn\ (v) = to continue to be
place uwi´ziç, zatrzymaç wyłaniaç si´, ukazywaç pozostaç
emergency shipment (phr) = a cargo representative \ÆreprI"zent´tIv\ (n) = sb
3a of emergency supplies awaryjna who acts on behalf of another
abandon \´"bœnd´n\ (v) = to leave a dostawa person or group of people
place, a thing or a person emigrate \"emIgreIt\ (v) = to leave my przedstawiciel
porzuciç, opuÊciç country in order to go and live in sea levels (phr) = the height of sea
at risk \´t "rIsk\ (prep phr) = in danger another country wyemigrowaç water compared to the land
w niebezpieczeƒstwie emotional \I"m´US´n´l\ (adj) = causing poziom wód
atoll \"œtÅl\ (n) = a landmass made strong feelings emocjonalny, significant \sIg"nIfIk´nt\ (adj) =
from coral atol (wyspa koralowa) uczuciowy important istotny, wa˝ny
attitude \"œtItju…d\ (n) = a way of entirely \In"taI´li\ (adv) = totally; fully significantly \sIg"nIfIk´ntli\ (adv) =
thinking and acting stosunek, w pełni, całkowicie considerably znaczàco, istotnie
postawa forefather \"fO…ÆfA…D´\ (n) = an ancestor sink \sINk\ (v) = to go below the
aware of \´"we´r ´v\ (adj) = knowing przodek surface of the water zatonàç
about sth Êwiadomy gas emissions (phr) = gas releases soil \sOIl\ (n) = the top layer of earth
be moved to tears (phr) = to be emisja gazów in which plants grow gleba
upset to the point of crying geological makeup (phr) = what sth spell \spel\ (v) = to mean; to result in
wzruszyç si´ do łez natural is made of, especially sth zwiastowaç, zapowiadaç
brutal \"bru…tl\ (adj) = cruel; violent concerning rock budowa state of emergency (phr) = a period
brutalny geologiczna when emergency measures are put
but for (phr) = if it hadn’t been for groundwater \"graUndÆwO…t´\ (n) = in place to safeguard people stan
gdyby nie water that comes naturally from wyjàtkowy
cholera \"kÅl´r´\ (n) = a serious, often under the ground wody gruntowe thermal expansion (phr) = the act of
deadly, disease of the stomach and grow crops (phr) = to cultivate plants getting bigger because of heat
intestines found mainly in tropical to eat uprawiaç roÊliny rozszerzanie si´ wraz ze
countries cholera home-grown food (phr) = edible wzrostem temperatury
citizen \"sItIz´n\ (n) = a member of crops grown in our own country uninhabitable \ÆønIn"hœbIt´b´l\ (adj) =
a country, city, etc obywatel lokalna/rodzima ˝ywnoÊç unsuitable for people to live there
claim \kleIm\ (v) = to believe sth to be homeland \"h´Umlœnd\ (n) = our native nienadajàcy si´ do zamieszkania
true twierdziç country ojczyzna vividly \"vIvIdli\ (adv) = clearly ˝ywo,
climate change (phr) = the fact that import \"Im"pO…t\ (v) = to bring into a barwnie, jaskrawo
the weather and temperatures country through legal means water shortage (phr) = not having a
change around the world zmiana importowaç sufficient supply of water to meet
klimatyczna inevitable \I"nevIt´b´l\ (adj) = certain needs niedobór wody
consequence \"kÅnsIkw´ns\ (n) = a to happen and can’t be prevented
result konsekwencja, skutek or avoided nieunikniony
183 (WL8)
Word List

3b downpour \"daUnpO…\ (n) = a sudden influence \"Influ´ns\ (v) = to have an

and unexpected heavy fall of rain effect on wpłynàç
active volcano (phr) = a volcano
ulewa injure \"IndZ´\ (v) = to hurt or wound
which may erupt at any time
endangered species (phr) = a class of zraniç, spowodowaç uraz
czynny wulkan
animals or plants which is in innocent \"In´s´nt\ (adj) = not guilty of
advanced \´d"vA…nst\ (adj) = very
danger of becoming extinct doing sth wrong niewinny
modern; ahead of the time
gatunek zagro˝ony wygini´ciem knock \nÅk\ (v) = to hit sth, such as a
zaawansowany, nowoczesny
eruption \I"røpS´n\ (n) = an instance of door, in a fast action in order to
affect \´"fekt\ (v) = to influence
hot rocks and ash exploding out of get attention zapukaç
wpływaç na coÊ
the top of a volcano wybuch, lost lives (phr) = dead people
aftershock \"A…ft´SÅk\ (n) = a tremor
erupcja ofiary w ludziach
after an earthquake wstrzàs
evacuate \I"vœkjueIt\ (v) = (of a group minus \"maIn´s\ (adj) = below zero
of people) to move away from a minus, poni˝ej zera
afterthought \"A…ft´TO…t\ (n) = an idea
place of danger to somewhere missed \mIst\ (pp) = being absent and
which was not originally intended
safer ewakuowaç making sb feel sad wyt´skniony
but was thought of later refleksja
exhaust fumes (phr) = gases released (o osobie nieobecnej, za którà si´
ash \œS\ (n) = the greyish-white or
by a vehicle when the engine is t´skni)
black powder created when a
running spaliny oil spill (phr) = the condition when an
volcano erupts popiół
experiment on \Ik"sperIment Ån\ (v) = oil tanker spills oil into the sea
awake \´"weIk\ (adj) = not sleeping
to carry out tests to learn sth or to wyciek ropy
przebudzony, czujny
discover if sth works or is true ozone layer (phr) = the part of the
be/get trapped (phr) = to get caught
eksperymentowaç na Earth’s atmosphere which protects
and held in a place byç
explosion \Ik"spl´UZ´n\ (n) = a forceful us from the Sun warstwa
uwi´zionym; wpaÊç w pułapk´
outburst of a bomb eksplozja, ozonowa
bitterly cold (phr) = extremely cold
wybuch pass \pA…s\ (v) = to be given to sb else
bardzo zimny
forecast \"fO…kA…st\ (n) = a prediction as an inheritance; to die; to pass
blizzard \"blIz´d\ (n) = a snowstorm
about sth based on given away przejÊç w czyjeÊ r´ce jako
with strong winds zamieç Ênie˝na,
information prognoza (np. spadek, odejÊç (umrzeç)
pogody) pay the price (phr) = to deal with the
casualty \"kœZu´lti\ (n) = sb wounded
frost \frÅst\ (n) = the cold weather consequences of an action
or killed in an event ofiara
conditions which allow a thin layer zapłaciç cen´
(wypadku, katastrofy)
of powdery ice to form (also called poison \"pOIz´n\ (v) = to make sth
chop down \ÆtSÅp "daUn\ (phr v) = to
frost) mróz dangerous by putting a lethal
cut down Êciàç
gain access to sth (phr) = to find a substance in it zatruç, otruç
clean up \Ækli…n "øp\ (phr v) = to make
way to get/have sth uzyskaç pollute \p´"lu…t\ (v) = to make air, soil
sth neat and tidy posprzàtaç,
dost´p do czegoÊ or water dirty zanieczyszczaç
greenhouse effect (phr) = an poor sanitation (phr) = substandard
collapse \k´"lœps\ (v) = to fall down
increase in the amount of carbon sewage and other systems for
zawaliç si´, zapaÊç si´
dioxide and other gases in the dealing with human waste złe
contaminate \k´n"tœmIneIt\ (v) = to
atmosphere considered warunki sanitarne
make a substance harmful by
responsible for global warming powder \"paUd´\ (n) = a substance
putting sth in it skaziç,
efekt cieplarniany consisting of very fine small pieces
gust \gøst\ (n) = a short and sudden proszek, puder
coral reef (phr) = a formation made
rush of wind poryw, podmuch prevent from \prI"vent fr´m\ (v) = to
of small sea creatures called coral
(wiatru) stop sth from happening
rafa koralowa
hurt \h‰…t\ (v) = to cause injury or pain zapobiegaç czemuÊ
corrected \k´"rektId\ (adj) = made
zraniç primary \"praIm´ri\ (adj) = main; the
right poprawiony, skorygowany
illiteracy \I"lIt´r´si\ (n) = inability to most important główny,
count on \"kaUnt Ån\ (v) = to rely on sb
read and write analfabetyzm podstawowy
liczyç na, polegaç na
improved \Im"pru…vd\ (adj) = better put forward \ÆpUt "fO…w´d\ (phr v) = to
damage \"dœmIdZ\ (v) = to harm; to
than before ulepszony, suggest przedstawiç,
injure uszkodziç
usprawniony, polepszony zasugerowaç
devastating \"dev´steItIN\ (adj) = highly
industrial waste (phr) = waste put out \ÆpUt "aUt\ (phr v) = to
destructive niszczycielski,
products from factories odpady extinguish ugasiç
przemysłowe racial discrimination (phr) = treating
dispose of \dI"sp´Uz ´v\ (phr v) = to
infect \In"fekt\ (v) = to affect with a sb differently because of their race
throw away unwanted things
disease-causing organism zakaziç or skin colour dyskryminacja
pozbyç si´

184 (WL9)
Word List

recognition \Ærek´g"nIS´n\ (n) = the law-abiding \"lO… ´ÆbaIdIN\ (adj) = global proportions (phr) = being
state of being able to identify following legal rules praworzàdny, extremely important; affecting the
sb/sth bycie rozpoznawalnym, przestrzegajàcy prawa whole world (o) rozmiarach
poznanie legitimately \l´"dZItIm´tli\ (adv) = globalnych, (o) zasi´gu
reject \rI"dZekt\ (v) = to not accept sth legally; rightfully zgodnie z globalnym
or agree to do sth; to turn down prawem, legalnie hunger \"høNg´\ (n) = the need for
odrzuciç malnourishment \Æmœl"nørISm´nt\ (n) = food głód
result from \rI"zølt fr´m\ (v) = to the state of being underfed irrigation system (phr) = a means of
happen as a consequence of sth niedo˝ywienie automatically watering plants and
else wynikaç z czegoÊ, byç czegoÊ merchandise \"m‰…tS´ndaIz\ (v) = crops system nawadniajàcy
skutkiem products for sale towar, produkty yield \ji…ld\ (n) = a harvest; the
rising \"raIzIN \ (adj) = getting higher morality \m´"rœlIti\ (n) = the belief amount of sth produced or grown
wzrastajàcy, rosnàcy that some behaviour is right and produkcja, uzysk, plon
ruin \"ru…In\ (v) = to destroy zrujnowaç some is wrong moralnoÊç
Language Focus 3
spoil \spOIl\ (v) = to damage; to do piracy \"paIr´si\ (n) = illegally copying
harm zepsuç computer programs, music, films, litter \"lIt´\ (n) = garbage; rubbish
sufferer \"søf´r´\ (n) = sb who suffers etc and selling them piractwo Êmieci
from an illness osoba (nielegalne kopiowanie plików) rubbish \"røbIS\ (n) = garbage; trash
cierpiàca/poszkodowana struggle \"strøg´l\ (v) = to experience Êmieci
throw away \ÆTr´U ´"weI\ (phr v) = to difficulty with sth walczyç, waste \weIst\ (n) = anything which
get rid of sth wyrzucaç, pozbywaç zmagaç si´ has been used and is not needed
si´ treatment centre (phr) = medical anymore odpady
torrential rain (phr) = very heavy rain centre oÊrodek leczniczy Module 4 Moods & Feelings
rz´sisty/ulewny deszcz waiting list (phr) = a list of people
trust \trøst\ (v) = to believe that sb is who have asked for sth which bite my lips (phr) = to press the soft
good and honest and will not is not immediately available but parts of the front of my mouth
harm me ufaç, wierzyç which they might be able to between the teeth przygryêç
turn off \Æt‰…n "Åf\ (phr v) = to switch receive in the future lista wargi
off; to stop wyłàczyç oczekujàcych bite my nails (phr) = to press the
upset \øp"set\ (v) = to make sb hard parts on the end of my
unhappy zmartwiç, zasmuciç
3e fingers between the teeth ogryzaç
wreck \rek\ (v) = to damage; to installation \ÆInst´"leIS´n\ (n) = putting paznokcie
destroy zniszczyç, powa˝nie some equipment in position or doubtful \"daUtf´l\ (adj) = unsure;
uszkodziç into working order instalacja, having doubts powàtpiewajàcy,
monta˝ pełen wàtpliwoÊci
3d landfill \"lœndfIl\ (n) = a large deep frustrated \frø"streItId\ (adj) = annoyed
addiction \´"dIkS´n\ (n) = an hole where large amounts of and discouraged sfrustrowany
uncontrollable desire to have sth rubbish are put wysypisko have a broad smile (phr) = to stretch
regularly uzale˝nienie renewable \rI"nju…´b´l\ (adj) = (of my mouth wide and/or show the
affordable housing (phr) = energy) generated by natural teeth in pleasure szeroko si´
accommodation that people on sources, such as wind, water and uÊmiechaç
low incomes can afford to live in sunlight odnawialny insecure \ÆInsI"kjU´\ (adj) = not
budownictwo socjalne confident about my abilities,
crack down \Ækrœk "daUn\ (phr v) =
3f knowledge, etc niepewny
to start dealing with bad or carbon emissions (phr) = carbon lower the corners of my mouth
illegal behaviour in a more dioxide gas released into the (phr) = to drop the outer edges of
severe way wziàç si´ za coÊ, atmosphere emisja dwutlenku my mouth lower than the rest
rozprawiç si´ z czymÊ w´gla robiç ponurà min´ przez
distribution \ÆdIstrI"bju…S´n\ (n) = the carpooling \"kA…pu…lIN\ (n) = the opuszczenie kàcików ust
process of sharing, spreading or practice of a group of people open mouth (phr) = having dropped
supplying sth dystrybucja taking turns to drive each other to the lower jaw (z) otwartymi (ze
gain employment (phr) = to find work, or drive each other’s zdumienia) ustami
paid work znaleêç zatrudnienie children to school, rather than point my finger at sb (phr) = to
health risks (phr) = dangers to our using separate cars naprzemienne extend my index finger in sb’s
health zagro˝enia dla zdrowia podwo˝enie si´ samochodem direction to draw attention to
increasingly \In"kri…sINli\ (adv) = more przez grup´ osób them wskazaç kogoÊ palcem
and more coraz bardziej, coraz

185 (WL10)
Word List

raised eyebrows (phr) = with my distinguish between \dI"stINgwIS inescapable \ÆInI"skeIp´b´l\ (adj) =
eyebrows lifted up with the facial bItwi…n\ (v) = to tell the difference unavoidable nieunikniony
muscles uniesione brwi between two or more things initial \I"nIS´l\ (adj) = happening at the
rub my neck (phr) = to move my rozró˝niç mi´dzy beginning poczàtkowy
hand backwards and forwards over distress \dI"stres\ (n) = a medical term loud and clear (phr) = very clear and
the back of the neck for negative stress negatywny easy to understand głoÊny
trzeç/pocieraç kark stres; cierpienie, rozpacz i wyraêny
scratch my head (phr) = to run my embrace \Im"breIs\ (v) = to accept make sth worth it (phr) = to make
nails on the top of the head zaakceptowaç, przyjàç do sth deserve the effort I put into it
drapaç si´ w głow´ wiadomoÊci (o wysiłku) opłaciç si´
stand with crossed legs and folded energise \"en´dZaIz\ (v) = to give massage ball (phr) = a foam or
arms (phr) = to stand with all the energy to sb/sth dodaç wigoru, rubber ball which sb squeezes to
limbs tucked in and overlapping wzmocniç, pobudziç relieve stress kula do masa˝u
each other staç ze skrzy˝owanymi ensure \In"SU´\ (v) = to make certain mild \maIld\ (adj) = not severe
nogami i zało˝onymi r´kami upewniç si´, zagwarantowaç, łagodny, umiarkowany, delikatny
tense \tens\ (adj) = anxious; nervous zapewniç minimise \"mInImaIz\ (v) = to lower sth
napi´ty, spi´ty eustress \ju"stres\ (n) = a medical term bad to the lowest possible level
yawn \jO…n\ (v) = to open my mouth for positive stress lekki zminimalizowaç, zmniejszyç
very wide and breathe in more air (pozytywny) stres neurological disease (phr) = an
than usual ziewaç evolve \I"vÅlv\ (v) = to develop; to illness related to the nerves
change wyewoluowaç, zmieniç choroba nerwowa
4a si´ on the contrary (phr) = the opposite
accomplishment \´"kømplISm´nt\ (n) = face \feIs\ (v) = to deal with a problem of what has just been stated is true
an achievement osiàgni´cie that will affect me stawiç czoła, wprost przeciwnie
adrenaline \´"dren´lIn\ (n) = uporaç si´ z perceive \p´"si…v\ (v) = to see and
a substance that the body former \"fO…m´\ (adj) = the first of two understand sth postrzegaç
produces when we are angry, things previously mentioned physical exercise (phr) = activities to
scared or excited adrenalina pierwszy (z dwóch wymienionych exercise the body çwiczenia
alone \´"l´Un\ (adv) = without wczeÊniej elementów), ten fizyczne
considering anything else tylko, wczeÊniejszy positive effect (phr) = sth that has
jedynie fully functional (phr) = working a good influence pozytywny
beneficial \Æben´"fIS´l\ (adj) = helpful properly w pełni sprawny skutek
and good dobroczynny, korzystny handle \"hœndl\ (v) = to deal or cope practitioner \prœk"tIS´n´\ (n) = sb who
blood flow (phr) = the movement of with a problem or situation radziç practises medicine lekarz praktyk
blood around the body przepływ sobie professional assistance (phr) = help
krwi hard-earned cash (phr) = the money from sb who is a professional in
by far (phr) = more than the rest that I have worked hard to earn their field fachowa pomoc
niewàtpliwie, zdecydowanie ci´˝ko zarobione pieniàdze psychiatrist \saI"kaItrIst\ (n) = a doctor
chronic stress (phr) = long-term health benefits (phr) = positive of emotional problems psychiatra
anxiety długotrwały stres effects on our health korzyÊci psychologist \saI"kÅl´dZIst\ (n) = sb
continually \k´n"tInju´li\ (adv) = all the zdrowotne who treats illnesses of the mind
time wcià˝, ustawicznie hormone \"hO…m´Un\ (n) = a chemical psycholog
cortisol \"kO…tIzÅl\ (n) = a hormone in made by living cells, which makes push my body to the limit (idm) = to
the body kortyzol an organ of our body do sth go to the extent of my physical
counsellor \"kaUns´l´\ (n) = sb who hormon ability daç z siebie wszystko
gives advice on a specified subject immune system (n) = the system secrete \sI"kri…t\ (v) = to produce liquid
(e.g. personal or social problems) consisting of all the organs and wydzielaç
doradca, psycholog processes in our body, which sensation \sen"seIS´n\ (n) = a general
cure \kjU´\ (n) = a treatment or protects us from illness and feeling or impression wra˝enie,
medicine that makes a disease infection system immunologiczny odczucie
disappear lekarstwo in effect (phr) = in reality serve a function (phr) = to perform
disease \dI"zi…z\ (n) = a serious illness w rezultacie, w rzeczywistoÊci a task pełniç funkcj´
choroba in the short term (phr) = from now speed up \Æspi…d "øp\ (phr v) = to go
disheartened \dIs"hA…tnd\ (adj) = till a time in the near future na faster przyspieszyç
disappointed zniech´cony, krótkà met´ sth takes a heavy toll on sb (idm) =
przygn´biony industry \"Ind´stri\ (n) = all the sth has a seriously bad effect on sb
companies, factories and people
mieç fatalny wpływ na
that produce things for sale
186 (WL11)
Word List

strengthen \"streNT´n\ (v) = to make deserve \dI"z‰…v\ (v) = to earn sth progress \pr´"gres\ (v) = to improve or
sth stronger wzmocniç because of my good actions/ develop in skills, knowledge, etc
stress management practitioner qualities zasługiwaç na robiç post´py
(phr) = a doctor who helps people devastated \"dev´steItId\ (adj) = prolong \pr´"lÅN\ (v) = to extend; to
to deal with stress osoba extremely shocked and upset lengthen przedłu˝yç
profesjonalnie zajmujàca si´ zdruzgotany, załamany prompt \prÅmpt\ (v) = to encourage
leczeniem stresu divorced \dI"vO…st\ (adj) = having sb; to cause sth to happen as a
stress-related illnesses (phr) = ended a marriage rozwiedziony, reaction zach´ciç, skłoniç (kogoÊ
diseases related to the amount of rozwiedziona do czegoÊ); wywołaç,
anxiety in our life choroby engaged \In"geIdZd\ (adj) = having spowodowaç, doprowadziç do
wywołane stresem promised to marry sb zar´czony, pursue \p´"sju…\ (v) = to keep trying to
suffer from \"søf´ fr´m\ (v) = to have a zar´czona achieve sth realizowaç, dà˝yç do
disease skar˝yç si´ na, cierpieç na fall apart \ÆfO…l ´"pA…t\ (phr v) = to lose renovate \"ren´veIt\ (v) = to repair and
the heart beats (phr) = the heart my emotional calm załamaç si´ improve sth and get it into good
moves and pumps blood serce fall for \"fO…l f´\ (phr v) = to fall in love condition odnowiç
bije with sb zakochaç si´ w restore \rI"stO…\ (v) = to cause sth or sb
the risk of (phr) = the threat of sth fulfil \fUl"fIl\ (v) = to do what I said to be in a particular situation again
ryzyko, groêba that I would do spełniç, przywróciç, odnowiç, odbudowaç
to a large extent (phr) = mostly zrealizowaç satisfied \"sœtIsfaId\ (adj) = pleased
w du˝ym stopniu full of life (idm) = energetic pełen zadowolony
treat a condition (phr) = to take ˝ycia satisfy \"sœtIsfaI\ (v) = to be good
medicine or do sth to recover from gap year (phr) = a year taken off enough for a purpose spełniç,
a health problem leczyç university to gain life experience zadowoliç
schorzenie rok przerwy przed pójÊciem na seek \si…k\ (v) = to look for poszukiwaç
under circumstances of (phr) = studia self-centred \Æself "sent´d\ (adj) =
in a situation of w get promoted (phr) = to be given a thinking about myself all the time
okolicznoÊciach, w kontekÊcie more important job or rank in the egocentryczny
undoubtedly \øn"daUtIdli\ (adv) = in a organisation that I work for dostaç senior citizen (phr) = a pensioner
way which emphasises that sth awans senior
exists or is true niewàtpliwie, bez hand down \Æhœnd "daUn\ (phr v) = settle down \Æsetl "daUn\ (phr v) = to
wàtpienia to give sth to a younger family start having a quiet life
workout \"w‰…kaUt\ (n) = an exercise member because I want them to ustatkowaç si´
routine zaprawa, trening, have it przekazaç coÊ (w ramach sth is worth (phr) = sth is considered
çwiczenia spadku) to have a certain value coÊ jest
4b improve \Im"pru…v\ (v) = to become or warte
make sth better polepszyç, sort out \ÆsO…t "aUt\ (phr v) = to do what
a matter of life and death (idm) = a usprawniç is necessary to solve a problem or
very serious and life-threatening in the prime of our life (idm) = at organise the details załatwiç,
issue sprawa ˝ycia i Êmierci our physical peak w najlepszym ustaliç, uporzàdkowaç
attempt \´"tempt\ (v) = to make an okresie ˝ycia take care of (phr) = to look after sb
effort usiłowaç, próbowaç invaluable \In"vœlju´b´l\ (adj) = zajmowaç si´ czymÊ
break up \ÆbreIk "øp\ (phr v) = (of a extremely useful nieoceniony that’s life! (phr) = bad events will
couple) to split up rozejÊç si´, laid off \leId "Åf\ (pp) = having lost my sometimes happen and have to be
przestaç byç razem job because there is no more work accepted Takie jest ˝ycie!
breathe new life into sth (idm) = to for me to do zwolniony (z pracy) toddler \"tÅdl´\ (n) = a young child
refresh sth old tchnàç w coÊ ˝ycie, make sb redundant (phr) = to lay sb who has only just learnt to walk
o˝ywiç off zwolniç kogoÊ brzdàc, szkrab, dziecko uczàce si´
bring about \ÆbrIN ´"baUt\ (phr v) = to open up \Æ´Up´n "øp\ (phr v) = to start chodziç
cause sth to happen saying exactly what I think or feel upbringing \"øpÆbrININ\ (sing n) = the
spowodowaç, wywołaç otworzyç si´ way parents educate and treat
content \k´n"tent\ (adj) = fairly happy petrified \"petrIfaId\ (adj) = extremely their children as they grow up
and satisfied zadowolony frightened; paralysed with fear wychowanie
costly \"kÅstli\ (adj) = costing a lot of sparali˝owany strachem, value \"vœlju…\ (v) = to think sb or sth is
money kosztowny, drogi osłupiały important, and appreciate them
deal with \"di…l wID\ (phr v) = to try priceless \"praIsl´s\ (adj) = being worth ceniç sobie
and solve poradziç sobie a large amount of money voting age (phr) = being old enough
depressed \dI"prest\ (adj) = feeling very bezcenny to vote wiek uprawniajàcy do
sad and generally unhappy głosowania
przygn´biony, w depresji
187 (WL12)
Word List

widow \"wId´U\ (n) = a woman whose take up \ÆteIk "øp\ (phr v) = to start a live \laIv\ (adv) = happening now na
husband has died wdowa new activity zainteresowaç si´ ˝ywo
wind down \ÆwaInd "daUn\ (phr v) = to czymÊ release \rI"li…s\ (n) = a new CD or film
relax odpr´˝yç si´, zrelaksowaç tune \tju…nz\ (n) = a melody melodia that is available for people to buy
worthless \"w‰…Tl´s\ (adj) = having no untroubled \øn"trøb´ld\ (adj) = relaxed or see nowe wydawnictwo (np.
value or use bezwartoÊciowy beztroski, spokojny album z muzykà lub film)
4d wealth \welT\ (n) = the possession of a stage \steIdZ\ (n) = the raised area of a
large amount of money, property theatre that actors and performers
adolescence \Æœd´"les´ns\ (n) = the
or other valuable things stand on scena
period between childhood and
bogactwo, zamo˝noÊç works of art (phr) = pieces of art
adulthood okres dorastania
dzieła sztuki
adopted \´"dÅptId\ (adj) = (of a child) Language Focus 4
legally taken by a family to be decrease \dI"kri…s\ (v) = to become less 5a
looked after as their own zmniejszyç si´ absorb \´b"sO…b\ (v) = to interest sb a
adoptowany fulfil \fUl"fIl\ (v) = to make sth come great deal and take up all their
bond \bÅnd\ (n) = a legal written true spełniç, zrealizowaç attention and energy pochłaniaç
agreement or promise; a strong reduce \rI"dju…s\ (v) = to become (np. czyjàÊ uwag´)
connection zobowiàzanie; wi´ê smaller or less in price, number, animated characters (phr) = cartoon
confident \"kÅnfId´nt\ (adj) = assured etc obni˝yç, zredukowaç characters postaci z kreskówek
pewny, przekonany sample \"sA…mp´l\ (v) = to taste animation \ÆœnI"meIS´n\ (n) = the
debate \dI"beIt\ (n) = a formal próbowaç, kosztowaç process of making films in which
discussion on a subject on which serve \s‰…v\ (v) = to act as posłu˝yç drawings or puppets appear to
people have different views shrink \SrINk\ (v) = to become smaller move animacja
debata, dyskusja in size skurczyç si´ apply \´"plaI\ (v) = to use; to put into
energetic \Æen´"dZetIk\ (adj) = active practice stosowaç
aktywny, energiczny Module 5 Art aspect \"œspekt\ (n) = a feature; a
enhance \In"hA…ns\ (v) = to improve the characteristic aspekt
value, quality or attractiveness of art movement (phr) = an influential
authentic \O…"TentIk\ (adj) = real
sth ulepszyç, poprawiç, art style or trend kierunek w
autentyczny, prawdziwy
wzmocniç sztuce
box office hit (phr) = a film’s success
gene \dZi…n\ (n) = a section of DNA audience \"O…di´ns\ (n) = a group of
in terms of the number of tickets
which codes for an inherited people gathered to watch a play,
sold sukces kasowy
characteristic, e.g. eye colour gen film, etc widownia, publicznoÊç
catch up to \ÆkœtS "øp t´\ (phr v) = to
get the brain ticking (phr) = to get be inspired by (phr) = to be
progress to the same level or
my brain to start thinking o˝ywiç influenced by inspirowaç si´
standard as sb else nadrobiç,
umysł, pobudziç myÊlenie (czymÊ)
dogoniç, zrównaç si´ poziomem
inherit \In"herIt\ (v) = to be left money, be performed \bi p´"fO…m\ (v) = (of a
property, etc in sb’s will play) to be put on zostaç
come along \Ækøm ´"lÅN\ (phr v) = to
odziedziczyç wystawionym (o spektaklu itp.)
arrive; to appear pojawiç si´,
inseparable \In"sep´r´b´l\ (adj) = (of cast \kA…st\ (n) = all the actors in a film,
two or more people) unable to be play or show obsada
computer-generated imagery (phr)
separated nierozłàczny, (w filmie)
= images made by computer
nierozdzielny exhibit \Ig"zIbIt\ (v) = to show sth
graphics obraz generowany
nurture \"n‰…tS´\ (v) = to care for a publicly wystawiaç (np. dzieła
child while growing sztuki)
copy \"kÅpi\ (v) = to produce sth that
wychowywaç, piel´gnowaç exhibition \ÆeksI"bIS´n\ (n) = a public
looks like the original thing; to
obsessed with \´b"sest wID\ (adj) = event where paintings, sculptures,
imitate skopiowaç, naÊladowaç
thinking about sth all the time etc are shown openly wystawa
detailed \"di…teIld\ (adj) = having lots of
majàcy obsesj´ na jakimÊ punkcie focus on \"f´Uk´s Ån\ (phr v) = to
detail szczegółowy, drobiazgowy
poverty \"pÅv´ti\ (n) = the condition of concentrate on skupiaç si´ na
develop \dI"vel´p\ (v) = to make; to
being extremely poor ubóstwo full house (phr) = (of a theatre) with
create tworzyç, rozwijaç
social element (phr) = an aspect of all the seats reserved pełna
digital character (phr) = a character
sth that involves interacting with widownia
made with computer graphics
other people aspekt społeczny landscape painting (phr) = a painting
postaç wygenerowana cyfrowo
social environment (phr) = the of a scene in the countryside
enhance \In"hA…ns\ (v) = to improve sth
relationships that sb has with other pejza˝
ulepszyç, poprawiç, wzmocniç
people Êrodowisko społeczne lighting effects (n) = special visual
equipped with \I"kwIpt wID\ (pp) =
effects created by lights efekty
having specific equipment
wyposa˝ony w
188 (WL13)
Word List

expert in \"eksp‰…t In\ (phr) = sb who is make a dream come true (idm) = to visual effects (phr) = images created
very knowledgeable about a realise my goals spełniç marzenie by special equipment efekty
particular area ekspert w (jakiejÊ marker \"mA…k´\ (n) = a thing that wizualne
dziedzinie) shows the position or existence of widely \"waIdli\ (adv) = to a large
eyepiece \"aIpi…s\ (n) = the glass piece a particular quality or feature degree szeroko
in a telescope, microscope or znacznik, wskaênik 5b
camera okular motion capture techniques (phr) =
facial expression (phr) = the look on ways to film small movements to author \"O…T´\ (n) = sb who writes a
sb’s face showing what they think use in animation techniki book, an article, etc autor/autorka,
and feel wyraz twarzy rejestracji ruchu pisarz/pisarka
field of knowledge (phr) = a subject muscle \"møs´l\ (n) = a piece of elastic backing singers (phr) = the singers
area dziedzina wiedzy body tissue that can be tightened who accompany the main singer
full range (phr) = including all the or relaxed to produce movement wokaliÊci wspierajàcy
possible options pełny zakres mi´sieƒ book tickets (phr) = to reserve tickets
fusion \"fju…Z´n\ (n) = the joining of one-of-a-kind \Æwøn ´v ´ "kaInd\ (adj) = for a concert, a cinema, a journey,
two or more things to form one unique jedyny w swoim rodzaju etc zarezerwowaç bilety
fuzja, połàczenie production stage (phr) = the area in box office (phr) = the place where we
groundbreaking \"graUndÆbreIkIN\ (adj) a studio where a film or TV show is buy tickets for a film, a play, etc
= very new and different from produced strefa produkcji kasa biletowa
other things przełomowy realistic movement (phr) = a bring out \ÆbrIN "aUt\ (phr v) = to
headgear \"hedgI´\ (n) = apparatus movement that seems real release a music album or film
that we wear on the head nakrycie realistyczny ruch wydaç, opublikowaç
głowy record \rI"kO…d\ (v) = to put sounds and bring the house down (idm) = to
human expression (phr) = a way in pictures onto a tape, so that they make the audience laugh, clap or
which humans physically express can be seen and heard later cheer loudly for a long time
themselves ludzki wyraz (np. nagraç because they liked the
twarzy) reflector \rI"flekt´\ (n) = an object with performance dostaç owacj´
humanoid tribe (phr) = a group of a surface that reflects light broadsheet \"brO…dSi…t\ (n) = a large-
aliens who have humanlike bodies Êwiatełko odblaskowe sized newspaper usually
with two arms, two legs and a simulation camera (phr) = a special considered serious in content
head plemi´ istot camera used to film animated gazeta du˝ego formatu
człekopodobnych sequences kamera u˝ywana do call off \ÆkO…l "Åf\ (phr v) = to cancel an
influence \"Influ´ns\ (v) = to have an filmowania scen animowanych activity odwołaç
effect on sb wpływaç special effects (phr) = computer canvas \"kœnv´s\ (n) = a strong heavy
integrate with \"Int´greIt wID\ (v) = to graphics or technical skills used in cloth used by artists for painting on
mix or join with zintegrowaç, a play or film to create an illusion płótno (malarskie)
połàczyç efekty specjalne chapter \"tSœpt´\ (n) = each of the
interact \ÆInt´r"œkt\ (v) = to state-of-the-art technology (phr) = separate parts that a book is
communicate komunikowaç si´, the very latest technology divided into rozdział
oddziaływaç na siebie wzajemnie najnowsza technologia choir \kwaI´\ (n) = a group of people
landscape \"lœndskeIp\ (n) = an area of surrounding (phr) = the area around who sing in public, usually during
countryside or land of a particular sb or sth otoczenie church services chór
type krajobraz take sth a step further (idm) = to column \"kÅl´m\ (n) = an article on a
lead the way (idm) = to be the first to advance sth more zrobiç krok particular subject in a newspaper
do sth prowadziç, byç na czele dalej or magazine kolumna, szpalta;
lifelike \"laIflaIk\ (adj) = almost real jak the media \D´ "mi…di´\ (pl n) = felieton, artykuł
˝ywy, realistyczny television, radio and newspapers composer \k´m"p´Uz´\ (n) = sb who
light year (phr) = the distance that media, Êrodki masowego writes music kompozytor
light can travel in one year rok przekazu conductor \k´n"døkt´\ (n) = sb who
Êwietlny three-dimensional computer directs an orchestra dyrygent
limitation \ÆlImI"teIS´n\ (n) = a graphics (phr) = 3D pictures convincing \k´n"vInsIN\ (adj) =
restriction; stopping sth from produced on computers believable przekonujàcy
progressing further ograniczenie trójwymiarowa grafika coverage \"køv´rIdZ\ (n) = the
komputerowa reporting of a piece of news
live action scene (phr) = a scene in a
truly \"tru…li\ (adv) = really naprawd´, relacja, sprawozdanie
film with real actors and sets
prawdziwie current affairs (phr) = political events
scena realistyczna/z udziałem
virtual image (phr) = an image made and social problems discussed in
prawdziwych aktorów
by a computer that seems real the media sprawy
obraz wirtualny bie˝àce/aktualne
189 (WL14)
Word List

document \"dÅkjUment\ (v) = to record out of print \ÆaUt ´v "prInt\ (prep phr) = stunt \stønt\ (n) = a difficult or
the details of an event or process (of a book) its copies are no longer dangerous action wyczyn, popis,
udokumentowaç, zarejestrowaç being produced wyczerpany numer kaskaderski
dressing room (phr) = a room where (o nakładzie ksià˝ki) support \s´"pO…t\ (n) = help or
an actor gets into costume out of stock \ÆaUt ´v "stÅk\ (prep phr) = encouragement given to sb in an
garderoba (of a product) temporarily especially difficult situation
dubbed \døbd\ (adj) = having the unavailable in a shop wyprzedany wsparcie, zach´ta
sounds and speech on a film or TV outstanding \aUt"stœndIN\ (adj) = sweep the board (idm) = to win
programme changed to a different extremely good wyró˝niajàcy si´, everything that is available
language z dubbingiem wybitny zgarnàç całà pul´
earn a nomination (phr) = to be in paintbrush \"peIntbrøS\ (n) = a tool tabloid \"tœblOId\ (n) = a small-sized
the running for an award zdobyç with small pieces of hair used to newspaper containing light articles
nominacj´ paint a surface or create a picture and gossip tabloid, brukowiec
editorial \ÆedI"tO…ri´l\ (n) = the part of p´dzel malarski the centre of attention (phr) = sb
the newspaper where the editor perform \p´"fO…m\ (v) = to act or do sth that everyone is paying attention
writes his/her comments artykuł musical, theatrical, etc to entertain to centrum uwagi
redakcyjny/wst´pny an audience graç, braç udział viewing habits (phr) = what people
fiction \"fIkS´n\ (n) = sth that is not w przedstawieniu regularly watch on TV
true or real beletrystyka, literatura premiere \"premie´\ (n) = the first przyzwyczajenia widzów,
pi´kna showing/performance of a oglàdalnoÊç
gifted \"gIftId\ (adj) = having a special film/play premiera
talent or ability uzdolniony, prop \prÅp\ (n) = an object used by
utalentowany the actors performing in a play or acting talent (phr) = sb’s natural
glossy \"glÅsi\ (adj) = (of a magazine) film rekwizyt ability to act well talent aktorski
printed on shiny high-quality publisher \"pøblIS´\ (n) = the company breathtaking performance (phr) =
paper lÊniàcy, błyszczàcy, that produces a book, a magazine, an outstanding performance
ilustrowany a newspaper, etc wydawca wyst´p zapierajàcy dech
harmony \"hA…m´ni\ (n) = notes of put off \ÆpUt "Åf\ (phr v) = to delay w piersiach
music combined together in a doing sth until later odkładaç na countless awards (phr) = a large
pleasant way harmonia póêniejszy termin number of prizes rozliczne
headlines \"hedlaInz\ (pl n) = the put sth down to sth else \ÆpUt "daUn t´\ nagrody
words in large letters above a (phr v) = to think that sth is growl \graUl\ (v) = to make a deep
newspaper story tytuły prasowe, caused by sth else zło˝yç coÊ na rough sound in the throat, usually
nagłówki karb czegoÊ in anger warczeç, pomrukiwaç
highlight \"haIlaIt\ (n) the most rehearsal \rI"h‰…s´l\ (n) = a run-through in the flesh (idm) = face-to-face
interesting or exciting part of an of a play or dance before the osobiÊcie, we własnej osobie
event punkt kulminacyjny; performance próba main role (phr) = the leading part
główna atrakcja release \rI"li…s\ (v) = to make sth główna rola
in reality \In ri"œlIti\ (prep phr) = in available for people to buy wydaç, standing ovation (phr) = an audience
real life w rzeczywistoÊci opublikowaç standing up and applauding to
keep my feet on the ground (idm) = screenwriter \"skri…nÆraIt´\ (n) = sb who show their admiration owacja na
to remain practical and see things writes the script of a film or TV stojàco
as they really are twardo stàpaç story spans (phr) = a story covers a
show; a scriptwriter scenarzysta
po ziemi
sign up \ÆsaIn "øp\ (phr v) = to sign a certain period of time fabuła
melody \"mel´di\ (n) = a tune melodia
contract officially agreeing to do rozgrywa si´ w czasie
morning paper (phr) = the morning
sth, or to become a member of a supporting cast (phr) = the other
edition of a daily newspaper
club, etc zapisaç si´ actors apart from the leading ones
gazeta poranna
sing my heart out (idm) = to sing to aktorzy drugoplanowi
novel \"nÅv´l\ (n) = a long written
the best of my ability Êpiewaç unreleased \ÆønrI"li…st\ (adj) = (of a CD,
story with imaginary characters
z maksymalnym zaanga˝owaniem a film, etc) not available to the
and events powieÊç
single \"sINg´l\ (n) = an individual song public yet przedpremierowy
oils \OIlz\ (pl n) = paints made from oils
by an artist released for sale singiel upcoming \"øpÆkømIN\ (adj) =
farby olejne
steal the show (idm) = to get a lot of happening in the near future
on screen \Ån "skri…n\ (prep phr) =
attention or praise because I zbli˝ajàcy si´, nadchodzàcy
appearing on the cinema/TV
perform better than anyone else in venue \"venju…\ (n) = a place where
screen na ekranie
a show or other event przyçmiç a special event happens miejsce
on stage \Ån "steIdZ\ (prep phr) =
reszt´ obsady, skupiç na sobie (spotkania, koncertu, imprezy)
appearing on a theatre stage na
całà uwag´
190 (WL15)
Word List

worth renting (phr) = (of a DVD) burn my hand (phr) = to injure my chopped \tSÅpt\ (pp) = cut into small
deserving the money it costs to hand with heat doznaç oparzenia pieces with a knife siekany
rent it warty wypo˝yczenia dłoni colonist \"kÅl´nIst\ (n) = sb who goes
graze my knee (phr) = to scrape the to live in a country which is under
5f skin off my knee (usually by falling the control of a more powerful
genre \"ZÅnr´\ (n) = a particular type of down) otrzeç kolano country kolonizator
an art form gatunek (np. filmowy) have a cough (phr) = to force air out compound \"kÅmpaUnd\ (n) =
page-turner \ÆpeIdZ "t‰…n´\ (n) = a very of my lungs through my throat a chemical that combines two or
interesting book that makes us with a short loud sound kaszleç more elements zwiàzek chemiczny
want to keep reading it ksià˝ka have a fever (phr) = to have a high countless \"kaUntl´s\ (adj) = endless;
czytana jednym tchem temperature mieç wysokà numerous niezliczony
predictable \prI"dIkt´b´l\ (adj) = goràczk´ crushed \krøSt\ (pp) = ground or
expected; anticipated have a headache (phr) = to have a pressed until flat zgnieciony,
przewidywalny pain in the head cierpieç na ból zmia˝d˝ony
sequel \"si…kw´l\ (n) = a book, a film or głowy cyanide \"saI´naId\ (n) = a powerful
a play which continues the story of have a sore throat (phr) = to have a poison cyjanek
a previous version dalszy ciàg, pain in the space inside the front damp \dœmp\ (adj) = moist; slightly
kontynuacja (np. ksià˝ki lub filmu) of the neck mieç ból gardła wet wilgotny
simplistic \sIm"plIstIk\ (adj) = very easy have backache (phr) = to have a pain deadly nightshade (phr) =
to understand naiwnie prosty, in the back odczuwaç ból pleców a poisonous plant pokrzyk wilcza
nazbyt uproszczony have the measles (phr) = to suffer jagoda
spectacular \spek"tœkjUl´\ (adj) = from an illness which includes a deadly poison (phr) = a toxic
impressive widowiskowy, red rash and a high temperature substance that can kill Êmiertelna
spektakularny, imponujàcy byç chorym na odr´ trucizna
spooky \"spu…ki\ (adj) = frightening and have toothache (phr) = to have a deadly secret (phr) = information
ghostly nawiedzany przez duchy, pain in a tooth cierpieç na ból that is dangerous to know
upiorny, straszliwy z´ba Êmiertelna tajemnica
suspense \s´"spens\ (n) = a feeling of pull a muscle (phr) = to injure a decay \dI"keI\ (v) = to be gradually
worry or excitement about sth that muscle by stretching it too far so destroyed by a natural process
will happen napi´cie, nastrój that it is very painful naciàgnàç gniç, rozkładaç si´
oczekiwania mi´sieƒ discourage \dIs"kørIdZ\ (v) = to try and
tragic \"trœdZIk\ (adj) = extremely sad sprain my ankle (phr) = to cause an stop sth happening zniech´caç
as it involves suffering or death injury to the joint that connects enemy \"en´mi\ (n) = an opponent; sb
tragiczny the foot to the leg by a sudden who tries to harm us wróg,
movement zwichnàç nog´ w przeciwnik
Language Focus 5
kostce export \"ekspO…t\ (n) = a product sold
peak \pi…k\ (adj) = of the best, highest to another country produkt
or greatest level or amount szczyt eksportowany
(sezonu) a bite to eat (phr) = a snack coÊ na fall into a coma (phr) = to become
prime time (phr) = peak viewing times zàb unconscious for an indefinite time
godziny najwi´kszej oglàdalnoÊci accidentally \ÆœksI"dentli\ (adv) = not zapaÊç w Êpiàczk´
subtitled \"søbtaItld\ (adj) = having the on purpose; by mistake fatal combination (phr) = two or
words of a film character written in przypadkowo more things which when mixed
small captions at the bottom of almond \"A…m´nd\ (n) = a type of nut can kill Êmiertelna
the screen (especially when in migdał kombinacja/połàczenie
another language) z napisami apple pips (phr) = the seeds in the fool \fu…l\ (v) = to trick; to deceive
give sb/take top billing (phr) = (in a middle of an apple pestki jabłka oszukaç, wyprowadziç w pole
show, a film, etc) to be advertised bitter \"bIt´\ (adj) = having a sharp fungus \"føNg´s\ (n) = (pl: fungi) an
as the most important actor byç unpleasant taste gorzki organism that gets its food from
przedstawianym jako gwiazda cancer causing (phr) = having the decaying material grzyb
translate \trœns"leIt\ (v) = to change ability to cause the development harmless \"hA…ml´s\ (adj) = not
words into a different language of cancerous growths in the body dangerous nieszkodliwy
przetłumaczyç, przeło˝yç wywołujàcy raka, rakotwórczy heat-processed \"hi…t Æpr´Usest\ (adj) =
capture \"kœptS´\ (v) = to catch; to treated with heat poddany
Module 6 Food & Health trap pojmaç, schwytaç obróbce cieplnej
carcinogenic \ÆkA…sIn´"dZenIk\ (adj) = highly poisonous (phr) = very toxic
break my arm (phr) = to break a bone
likely to cause cancer rakotwórczy bardzo toksyczny
in my arm złamaç r´k´
chewed \tSu…d\ (pp) = crushed by the
teeth ˝uty
191 (WL16)
Word List

hydrogen cyanide (phr) = a powerful spy \spaI\ (n) = sb whose job is to find boil \bOIl\ (v) = to heat a liquid until
poison cyjanowodór out secret information about bubbles appear ugotowaç,
illegal \I"li…g´l\ (adj) = against the law another country or organisation doprowadzajàc do temperatury
nielegalny szpieg wrzenia
in particular (phr) = particularly; stem \stem\ (n) = the thin and long bruise \bru…z\ (n) = an injury
especially w szczególnoÊci, part of a plant on which the appearing as a purple mark on the
zwłaszcza flowers and leaves grow łodyga body siniec
innocent appearance (phr) = looking stomach upsets (phr) = stomach chew \tSu…\ (v) = to bite food and
like it can do no harm niewinny ache, diarrhoea and vomiting break it into small pieces ˝uç,
wyglàd rozstrój ˝ołàdka prze˝uwaç
lurk \l‰…k\ (v) = to hide and wait swallow \"swÅl´U\ (v) = to cause food cold \k´Uld\ (n) = an infection that
somewhere czaiç si´ to go from the mouth down into includes a cough, a runny nose
mushroom \"møSrUm\ (n) = a fungus, the stomach połykaç and sneezing przezi´bienie
i.e. a plant without flowers, leaves take a closer look (phr) = to look at come down with \Ækøm "daUn wID\
or green colouring, with a short sth more carefully przyjrzeç si´ z (phr v) = to get an illness
stem and a round top grzyb bliska zachorowaç na
oil \OIl\ (n) = a thick liquid used for thrive \TraIv\ (v) = to grow strong and cook \kUk\ (v) = to prepare food for
cooking oliwa healthy pi´knie rosnàç, rozwijaç eating by heating it gotowaç
organism \"O…g´nIz´m\ (n) = an animal si´ cope (with sth) \k´Up\ (v) = to deal
or plant organizm trace \treIs\ (n) = a very small amount with a situation successfully radziç
paste \peIst\ (n) = a soft, wet, thick of sth Êlad (niewielka iloÊç) sobie (z czymÊ)
mixture which can be spread easily tumour \"tju…m´\ (n) = a mass of cough \kÅf\ (n) = the action of forcing
pasta, papka diseased cells which might cause a air out of our lungs through our
peckish \"pekIS\ (adj) = slightly hungry lump or cancer guz throat with a short loud sound
nieco głodny victim \"vIktIm\ (n) = a person or an kaszel
poison \"pOIz´n\ (n) = a substance that animal that is injured or killed cramps \krœmps\ (pl n) = sharp pains
can be fatal trucizna ofiara in the abdomen skurcze
potentially fatal (phr) = able to kill in weak \wi…k\ (adj) = exhausted słaby craving (for sth) \"kreIvIN\ (n) = a
certain circumstances potencjalnie white button mushroom (phr) = the strong desire to eat sth in
Êmiertelny most common type of edible particular pragnienie (czegoÊ)
powder \"paUd´\ (n) = a substance fungus pieczarka creamy \"kri…mi\ (adj) = (of food or
consisting of very fine small pieces dwuzarodnikowa drink) thick and smooth or
proszek, puder containing a lot of cream
raw \rO…\ (adj) = uncooked surowy 6b kremowy, Êmietankowy
razor-sharp knife (phr) = a very sharp add \œd\ (v) = to put sth with sth else crunch \krøntS\ (v) = to eat sth by
cutting utensil nó˝ ostry jak or a group of other things dodaç making a loud crushing sound
brzytwa apply \´"plaI\ (v) = to put a substance chrupaç
recipe \"resIpi\ (n) = a list of onto a surface nakładaç, crunchy \"krøntSi\ (adj) = pleasantly
ingredients and a set of smarowaç hard or crisp so that it makes a
instructions telling us how to cook bake \beIk\ (v) = to cook bread or noise when we eat it chrupiàcy,
sth przepis kulinarny cakes in an oven piec w chrupki
remove \rI"mu…v\ (v) = to get rid of sth; piekarniku cure \kjU´\ (v) = to cause a disease or
to make sth disappear usunàç be a real pain in the neck (idm) = to illness to end or disappear with
seed \si…d\ (n) = a small hard part from be very annoying and irritating medical treatment wyleczyç
which a new plant grows ziarno byç prawdziwym utrapieniem cut \køt\ (v) = to divide into pieces
self-defence system (phr) = a means beat \bi…t\ (v) = to mix together using scissors or a knife pociàç
of protecting myself from attack rozbełtaç, ubiç cut down on \Ækøt "daUn Ån\ (phr v) =
system samoobrony be obsessed with sth (phr) = to to use or do less of sth ograniczyç,
Shiitake mushroom (phr) = a type of think about sth all the time mieç zredukowaç
edible fungus twardnik japoƒski obsesj´ na punkcie czegoÊ decrease \dI"kri…s\ (v) = to become less
(gatunek jadalnego grzyba) bite \baIt\ (v) = to close my teeth zmniejszyç si´, zmaleç
sliced \slaIst\ (pp) = cut into equal thin upon sth gryêç diarrhoea \ÆdaI´"rI´\ (n) = liquid body
pieces pokrojony na plasterki bland \blœnd\ (adj) = (of foods) waste due to illness biegunka
slip \slIp\ (v) = to lose my balance and tasteless mdły, nijaki, bez smaku fever \"fi…v´\ (n) = a higher body
fall while moving on a wet or icy bloated \"bl´UtId\ (adj) = (of a part of temperature than usual goràczka
surface poÊlizgnàç si´ the body) enlarged due to liquid flu \flu…\ (n) = an illness with
solanine \"s´Ul´naIn\ (n) = a poisonous or gas spuchni´ty, wzd´ty symptoms including a high
chemical solanina (brzuch) temperature and a runny nose
192 (WL17)
Word List

food poisoning (phr) = an illness oven \"øv´n\ (n) = a kitchen appliance snack \snœk\ (v) = to eat a small
caused by eating bad food used for baking or roasting food amount of food podjadaç,
zatrucie pokarmowe piekarnik zagryzaç
fresh \freS\ (adj) = (of food) made pain \peIn\ (n) = extreme discomfort sour \saU´\ (adj) = having a sharp,
recently Êwie˝y ból unpleasant, acidic taste like
fry \fraI\ (v) = to cook in hot oil or fat painkiller \"peInÆkIl´\ (n) = the vinegar or lemon juice kwaÊny
sma˝yç medicine that we take to relieve spread \spred\ (v) = to use a knife to
get in shape (phr) = to become fitter ourselves of physical pain Êrodek cover food with another, softer
and in better physical condition przeciwbólowy food rozsmarowaç
dojÊç do formy, zadbaç o lini´ pass out \ÆpA…s "aUt\ (phr v) = to faint sprinkle \"sprINk´l\ (v) = to add small
grate \greIt\ (v) = to rub food over a zemdleç, straciç przytomnoÊç quantities of sth to sth else tu:
sharp metal utensil so that it is cut peel \pi…l\ (v) = to remove the skin of posypaç, spryskaç
into very small pieces trzeç na fruit and vegetables obieraç ze stew \stju…\ (v) = to cook in liquid in a
tarce skórki closed dish dusiç
grill \grIl\ (v) = to cook by using very poach \p´UtS\ (v) = to cook gently in stir \st‰…\ (v) = to mix materials using a
strong heat directly above or boiling water dusiç (gotowaç spoon zamieszaç
below food sma˝yç na ruszcie, w małej iloÊci wody lub mleka) sweet \swi…t\ (adj) = containing a lot of
grillowaç pour \pO…\ (v) = to transfer a liquid sugar słodki
have a big mouth (idm) = to tell from one container to another take pleasure in sth (phr) = to enjoy
people’s secrets to others mieç nalaç, wlaç sth czerpaç z czegoÊ przyjemnoÊç
długi j´zyk prescribe \prI"skraIb\ (v) = (of a doctor) temperature \"tempr´tS´\ (n) = a
have a sweet tooth (idm) = to like to say what medicine or treatment measure of how hot or cold sth is
eating sugary food uwielbiaç sb should have zapisaç lekarstwo, temperatura
słodycze wypisaç recept´ thicken \"TIk´n\ (v) = (of a food
headache \"hedeIk\ (n) = a pain in the pull sb’s leg (idm) = to tease sb or substance) to become denser
head ból głowy fool them into believing sth that g´stnieç
heal \hi…l\ (v) = to become healthy isn’t true, as a joke nabraç kogoÊ throat \Tr´Ut\ (n) = the front inside
after an injury or illness wyleczyç put on \ÆpUt "Ån\ (phr v) = to gain part of the neck gardło
si´, zagoiç si´ (weight) przybraç (na wadze) throw \Tr´U\ (v) = to move the hand
hives \haIvz\ (pl n) = raised red bumps rash \rœS\ (n) = a dry red infected area quickly and let the object that I am
on the skin, usually as an allergic of the skin that is itchy wysypka holding go so that it flies through
reaction to sth pokrzywka reaction \ri"œkS´n\ (n) = an action or the air rzuciç
(choroba) feeling caused by sth reakcja, treat \tri…t\ (v) = to cure leczyç
hot and spicy (phr) = having a very oddziaływanie vision \"vIZ´n\ (n) = the ability to see
strong flavour ostro przyprawiony, recover from \rI"køv´ fr´m\ (v) = to go widzenie, wzrok
ostry i pikantny back to a normal physical or waist \weIst\ (n) = the part of the
lick \lIk\ (v) = to move my tongue mental state wyzdrowieç body above the hips talia, wci´cie
across the surface of sth lizaç relieve \rI"li…v\ (v) = to make sth whisk \wIsk\ (v) = to mix sth using a
melt \melt\ (v) = to change from solid unpleasant less intense, or cause it metal utensil (also called a whisk)
to liquid when heated topnieç, to disappear completely ul˝yç, ubijaç (trzepaczkà)
topiç si´ przynieÊç ulg´
migraine \"mi…greIn\ (n) = a severe rich (in sth) \rItS\ (adj) = (of a food) 6d
headache which affects one side of containing a lot of sth bogaty w crops \krÅps\ (pl n) = plants cultivated
the head and can cause distorted ripe \raIp\ (adj) = (of fruit) ready to eat in large amounts roÊliny uprawne
vision and nausea migrena, ostry dojrzały depressed \dI"prest\ (adj) = sad and
ból głowy rise \raIz\ (v) = to become higher unable to enjoy anything
mix \mIks\ (v) = to blend sth with sth wzrosnàç przygn´biony
else wymieszaç, połàczyç ze sobà roast \r´Ust\ (v) = to cook food in an gene \dZi…n\ (n) = a section of DNA
munch \møntS\ (v) = to chew food oven piec (np. mi´so w that codes for an inherited
noisily chrupaç; ˝uç, prze˝uwaç piekarniku) characteristic, e.g. eye colour gen
nausea \"nO…zi´\ (n) = a feeling of rotten \"rÅtn\ (adj) = (of food) intellectual property law (phr) = a
sickness and vomiting mdłoÊci, decayed; so reduced in quality rule which states that sb’s idea,
nudnoÊci that it can’t be used zgniły, invention, creation, etc can be
neck \nek\ (n) = the part of the body zepsuty protected by law from being
that connects the head to the salty \"sO…lti\ (adj) = containing a lot of copied by sb else prawo
body szyja salt słony własnoÊci intelektualnej
nose \n´Uz\ (n) = the part of the body sip \sIp\ (v) = to drink in small nutritionist \nju…"trIS´nIst\ (n) =
on the face that we use to smell amounts popijaç, sàczyç małymi a dietician dietetyk
with nos łykami
193 (WL18)
Word List

overweight \Æ´Uv´"weIt\ (adj) = having energy drink (phr) = a drink that tap water (phr) = water from the tap
excess weight majàcy nadwag´ contains a lot of glucose to give that we can drink woda z kranu
pass down \ÆpA…s "daUn\ (phr v) = to energy napój energetyczny traditional dish (phr) = a dish that
give sth to the next generation fast food (phr) = unhealthy food, has been eaten in a certain
przekazaç (z pokolenia na such as a burger, which is quick to place/way for a long time
pokolenie) cook or is already cooked, and is tradycyjna potrawa
potential \p´"tenS´l\ (n) = ability therefore served very quickly in a vast \vA…st\ (adj) = extremely large
potencjał, mo˝liwoÊç restaurant fast food; jedzenie ogromny, niezmierny
resist \rI"zIst\ (v) = to stop myself from serwowane vegetarian diet (phr) = a diet that
doing sth although I would like to w barach szybkiej obsługi does not include meat dieta
do it oprzeç si´, powstrzymaç od fizzy drink (phr) = a drink made with wegetariaƒska
czegoÊ carbonated water napój gazowany Civilisations &
helping \"helpIN\ (n) = a quantity of food Module 7
seed \si…d\ (n) = a small round or oval Science
object produced by a plant from enough for one person at a meal
ancient \"eInS´nt\ (adj) = very old
which new plants can grow ziarno porcja
hot dish (phr) = a dish that is served
Language Focus 6 associated with \´"s´USieItId wID\ (pp)
hot goràce danie
= one thing connected with
alcohol \"œlk´hÅl\ (n) = a liquid which illness \"Iln´s\ (n) = the fact or
another in sb’s mind kojarzony z
can make us drunk, and is also experience of being ill choroba
disappearance \ÆdIs´"pI´r´ns\ (n) = the
used in fuel and medicines alkohol immune system (phr) = the organs
fact that sth goes missing
allergic \´"l‰…dZIk\ (adj) = experiencing and processes in the body which
adverse effects when I inhale, protect us from illness and
evidence \"evId´ns\ (n) = proof dowód,
touch or eat a certain substance infection system odpornoÊciowy
uczulony injury \"IndZ´ri\ (n) = physical harm or
extraterrestrial \Æekstr´t´"restri´l\ (adj)
antibodies \"œntIÆbÅdiz\ (pl n) = damage to the body uraz,
= originating from another planet
proteins produced in the blood kontuzja
which fight diseases by attacking intolerant to \In"tÅl´r´nt t´\ (adj) =
hit headlines (phr) = (of a piece of
and killing harmful bacteria unable to digest a particular food
news) to be front-page news trafiç
przeciwciała in a normal way without feeling ill
na czołówki gazet
bacteria \bœk"tI´ri´\ (pl n) = small cierpiàcy na nietolerancj´ (na
occurrence \´"kør´ns\ (n) = an event
living organisms that can often produkty ˝ywnoÊciowe)
zdarzenie, zjawisko
cause a disease bakterie junk food (phr) = food with little to
ocean floor (phr) = the bottom of the
balanced diet (phr) = a diet that no nutritional value niezdrowe
sea dno oceanu
combines the proper kind and jedzenie o niskiej wartoÊci
press release (phr) = a public
amount of food needed to od˝ywczej
statement given to newspapers to
maintain health and growth portion \"pO…S´n\ (n) = an amount of
publish komunikat prasowy
zrównowa˝ona dieta food served in a restaurant porcja
sink \sINk\ (v) = to fall beneath the
breathing difficulties (phr) = the respirator \"respIreIt´\ (n) = apparatus
water zatonàç
condition of having problems that helps sb breathe respirator,
supernatural \Æsu…p´"nœtS´r´l\ (adj) =
moving air in and out of the lungs aparat do oddychania
not explained by science
trudnoÊci z oddychaniem serving \"s‰…vIN\ (n) = an amount of
comfort food (phr) = food that sb food enough for one person, as
eats to make them feel better coÊ shown in recipes porcja 7a
do zjedzenia na popraw´ nastroju sickness \"sIkn´s\ (n) = nausea; being accomplish \´"kømplIS\ (v) = to
course \kO…s\ (n) = each of the parts of about to vomit wymioty, mdłoÊci succeed in doing sth zrealizowaç,
a meal (starter, main course, side dish (phr) = a dish that ukoƒczyç
dessert, etc) danie accompanies a main meal dodatek accuracy \"œkjUr´si\ (n) = the state of
crash diet (phr) = a way of losing do dania głównego, przystawka being exact and correct
body weight quickly by eating soft drink (phr) = a non-alcoholic dokładnoÊç
very little intensywna dieta drink napój bezalkoholowy acre \"eIk´\ (n) = a unit of land equal
odchudzajàca sparkling water (phr) = fizzy/ to 4,047 square metres akr
dairy products (phr) = foods made carbonated water woda gazowana (jednostka powierzchni = ok. 4
from milk, e.g. cheese, yoghurt, still water (phr) = bottled water that tys. metrów kw.)
etc produkty mleczne, nabiał is not fizzy woda niegazowana aliens \"eIli´nz\ (pl n) = creatures from
digestive system (phr) = the set of symptom \"sImpt´m\ (n) = a sign that I another planet kosmici, obcy,
organs in our body that digest the have a particular illness symptom, istoty z innej planety
food we eat układ trawienny objaw

194 (WL19)
Word List

amplify \"œmplIfaI\ (v) = to make sth intriguing site (phr) = a fascinating workmanship \"w‰…km´nSIp\ (n) = the
louder/stronger wzmacniaç, place intrygujàce miejsce skill with which sth was made
powi´kszaç isolated \"aIs´leItId\ (adj) = far away wykonawstwo, fachowoÊç
astronomical calendar (phr) = a table from other people; secluded
showing the days, weeks and odludny, odosobniony
months of the year related to the landing strip (phr) = a piece of a cock and bull story (idm) = a
stars kalendarz asphalt used for landing planes made-up story; an outcome of
astronomiczny/gwiezdny pas do làdowania, làdowisko imagination bajeczka, zmyÊlona
awe \O…\ (n) = wonder podziw, massive \"mœsIv\ (adj) = very big historia
nabo˝na czeÊç masywny, ogromny abduction \œb"døkS´n\ (n) = a
be confronted \bi k´n"frøntId\ (v) = to perfectly aligned (phr) = accurately kidnapping porwanie,
face or meet sth zetknàç si´ lined up with sth ustawiony uprowadzenie
burial ground (phr) = a graveyard idealnie (wzgl´dem czegoÊ) be in the dark (idm) = to not know
cmentarz provoke feelings (phr) = to make sb the truth about sth nie mieç
clearly visible (phr) = easily seen have certain feelings wywoływaç o czymÊ poj´cia
wyraênie widoczny uczucia calm down \ÆkA…m "daUn\ (phr v) = to
coastline \"k´UstlaIn\ (n) = the part of puzzle \"pøzl\ (v) = to confuse sb become relaxed and quiet
the land that is next to the sea stanowiç zagadk´, dawaç do uspokoiç si´
linia brzegowa; wybrze˝e myÊlenia carving \"kA…vIN\ (n) = a shape or
construct \k´n"strøkt\ (v) = to build raise questions (phr) = to bring up pattern cut into stone, wood,
skonstruowaç, zbudowaç questions rodziç pytania glass, etc rzeêba
decompose \Ædi…k´m"p´Uz\ (v) = to rot razor blade \"reIz´ bleId\ (n) = a sharp come across \Ækøm ´"krÅs\ (phr v) = to
rozkładaç si´ tool used for shaving ˝yletka find by chance natknàç si´
defy explanation (phr) = to be religious significance (phr) = being przypadkiem, natrafiç (na coÊ)
impossible to explain nie important to a particular religion complicated \"kÅmplIkeItId\ (adj) = (of
poddawaç si´ wyjaÊnieniom znaczenie religijne a work of art) consisting of many
depict constellations (phr) = (of set eyes on (phr) = to see sth for the fine details skomplikowany,
pictures, etc) to show an first time zobaczyç/ujrzeç coÊ zło˝ony
arrangement of stars in the sky shake my head (phr) = to move my concrete evidence (phr) = definite
przedstawiaç gwiazdozbiory head from side to side potrzàsnàç proof definitywny/ostateczny
encode \In"k´ud\ (v) = to work coded głowà dowód
information into sth zakodowaç, sheer \SI´\ (adj) = and only this sam, conquer \"kÅNk´\ (v) = to defeat sb
zaszyfrowaç sama with an army podbijaç, pokonaç
energy field (phr) = an area around shrouded in \"SraudId In\ (pp) = hidden constellation \ÆkÅnst´"leIS´n\ (n) = an
sth which contains some by being covered with sth arrangement of stars in the sky
mysterious power pole spowity, otulony (czymÊ) konstelacja, gwiazdozbiór
energetyczne sth lives up to my expectations (phr) cover up \Ækøv´r "øp\ (phr v) = to not
exceed \Ik"si…d\ (v) = to be more than = sth is as good as I expected it to reveal zakryç, zatuszowaç
a number/limit przekraczaç be (coÊ) spełnia oczekiwania decline \dI"klaIn\ (v) = to grow smaller
faraway \ÆfA…r´"weI\ (adj) = being at sth makes my jaw drop (idm) = sth or worse pogorszyç si´; chyliç si´
a great distance from a certain makes me feel surprised, therefore ku upadkowi, traciç na znaczeniu
point daleki, odległy I open my mouth wide (coÊ) emit \I"mIt\ (v) = to give off emitowaç
feat \fi…t\ (n) = sth difficult which powoduje, ˝e szcz´ka opada encounter \In"kaUnt´\ (v) = an
requires skills to achieve wyczyn, speechless \"spi…tSl´s\ (adj) = unable to unexpected meeting spotkanie,
dokonanie speak because of surprise, shock or kontakt
gather \"gœD´\ (v) = to collect and put amazement oniemiały, niemy expand \Ik"spœnd\ (v) = to become
together zbieraç, gromadziç stand in the presence of (phr) = to bigger zwi´kszaç si´, rozszerzaç
giant stone monoliths (phr) = very be in the same place as sb/sth staç si´
large statues made of rock w czyjejÊ obecnoÊci exploration \Æekspl´"reIS´n\ (n) = the
gigantyczne kamienne posàgi summit \"sømIt\ (n) = the top of sth act of investigating a place
guard \gA…d\ (v) = to protect sth pełniç (usually a mountain) szczyt, badanie, eksploracja
stra˝, chroniç wierzchołek extend \Ik"stend\ (v) = to cover a
healing site (phr) = a place said to surreal \s´"rI´l\ (adj) = seeming particular area rozciàgaç si´
have powers to heal wounds and dreamlike and unreal fake \feIk\ (adj) = not real
cure diseases miejsce znane surrealistyczny nieprawdziwy, fałszywy
z uzdrowieƒ taunt \tO…nt\ (v) = to tease sb; to cause flourish \"flørIS\ (v) = to grow well
in disbelief \In ÆdIsbI"li…f\ (prep phr) = a reaction dokuczaç, szydziç kwitnàç, dobrze prosperowaç
without believing sth to be true wonder \"wønd´\ (n) = amazement
z niedowierzaniem zdumienie, zdziwienie
195 (WL20)
Word List

gravity \"grœvIti\ (n) = a natural force debris \"debri…\ (n) = broken pieces of Module 8 Education
that attracts objects to each other sth that has been destroyed
and makes things fall to the szczàtki nursery school \"n‰…s´ri sku…l\ (n) = a
ground grawitacja distant galaxies (phr) = collections of school for children between 3 and
hide sth behind closed doors (idm) 5 years old przedszkole
stars and planets that are far away
= to not reveal sth to the public primary school \"praIm´ri sku…l\ (n) = a
odległe galaktyki
school for young children, usually
ukrywaç coÊ przed opinià dome-shaped ceiling (phr) = the
aged 5 to 11 szkoła podstawowa
publicznà inside surface of a room when we
secondary school \"sek´nd´ri sku…l\ (n)
land \lœnd\ (v) = to come down to the look up that is rounded sufit
= the school that we attend
ground wylàdowaç w kształcie kopuły
between the ages of 11 and 18
launch \lO…ntS\ (v) = to send a experimental \IkÆsperI"ment´l\ (adj) =
szkoła Êrednia
spacecraft into the sky wystrzeliç relating to sth that has not been sixth form college \"sIksT fO…m ÆkÅlIdZ\
light year \"laIt jI´\ (n) = the distance tried or tested yet (n) = (in Britain) a school
that light can travel in a year rok eksperymentalny, doÊwiadczalny providing education for students
Êwietlny in depth \In "depT\ (prep phr) = in aged 16-18 (w Wlk. Brytanii)
mysterious powers (phr) = abilities or great detail dogł´bnie, szkoła Êrednia dla uczniów w
qualities that cannot be explained szczegółowo wieku 16-18 lat
tajemne moce literate \"lIt´r´t\ (adj) = able to read state school \"steIt sku…l\ (n) = a school
orbit \"O…bIt\ (v) = to travel around a and write piÊmienny, umiejàcy run by the government that
planet krà˝yç, okrà˝aç czytaç i pisaç provides free education szkoła
pass out \ÆpA…s "aUt\ (phr v) = to lose planetarium \ÆplœnI"te´ri´m\ (n) = a paƒstwowa
consciousness zemdleç, straciç place where moving images of the
przytomnoÊç sky at night are shown 8a
put forward \ÆpUt "fO…w´d\ (phr v) = to planetarium accessible \´k"sesIb´l\ (adj) = easily
suggest (a new theory) simultaneously \ÆsIm´l"teInI´sli\ (adv) = reached dost´pny
przedstawiç, zaproponowaç at the same time równoczeÊnie, critical thinking (phr) = developing
remote \rI"m´Ut\ (adj) = far away from jednoczeÊnie our own ideas by considering a
anything daleki, odległy soar \sO…\ (v) = to fly high above situation carefully myÊlenie
rotate \r´U"teIt\ (v) = to revolve wzlecieç, poszybowaç do góry krytyczne
obracaç si´ speculation \ÆspekjU"leIS´n\ (n) = curriculum \k´"rIkjUl´m\ (n) = the
shooting star \"Su…tIN stA…\ (n) = a star guessing the answers to a question subjects that are taught in a school
that moves quickly across the sky that I don’t have all the answers program nauczania
spadajàca gwiazda for spekulacja dedicate to \"dedIkeIt t´\ (v) = to
sighting \"saItIN\ (n) = an instance wonders of the universe (phr) = the devote to poÊwi´ciç
where sth strange is seen amazing things in space cuda environmental conservation (phr) =
pojawienie si´, zaobserwowanie wszechÊwiata protection of animals, plants and
solar system \"s´Ul´ ÆsIst´m\ (n) = a sun wreckage \"rekIdZ\ (n) = the remains of natural resources ochrona
and the planets around it Układ a vehicle after an accident wrak Êrodowiska naturalnego
Słoneczny expand /Iks"pœnd/ (v) = to increase in
space shuttle \"speIs ÆSøtl\ (n) = Language Focus 7 size, number, amount or
a human spacecraft prom design \dI"zaIn\ (n) = a drawing or importance zwi´kszyç, rozszerzyç
kosmiczny, wahadłowiec plan of sth projekt, rysunek former \"fO…m´\ (adj) = having
temple \"templ\ (n) = a place of invent \In"vent\ (n) = to think of and previously been in another state
worship Êwiàtynia make sth new wynaleêç poprzedni, były, wczeÊniejszy
the truth will come out (idm) = the pattern \"pœt´n\ (n) = an organised founder /"faUnd´/ (n) = sb who
truth will be made known prawda arrangement of shapes and lines established an institution or an
wyjdzie na jaw wzór, wzorzec organisation zało˝yciel
unlock \øn"lÅk\ (v) = to reveal sth; to peak \pi…k\ (n) = the highest level of freshman /"freSm´n/ (n) = (in the US )
explain sth ujawniaç, odsłaniaç sth szczyt a student in the first year at a high
unsolved \Æøn"sÅlvd\ (adj) = (of point \pOInt\ (n) = a specific place school or university nowy
a mystery) without answers miejsce, punkt student/uczeƒ; pierwszoroczniak
niewyjaÊniony, nierozwikłany recover \rI"køv´\ (v) = to get back sth fulfil \fUl"fIl\ (v) = to achieve a goal
worship \"w‰…SIp\ (v) = to idolise or lost odzyskaç spełniç, zrealizowaç
praise sth/sb czciç, wyznawaç sign \saIn\ (n) = a mark or shape that gateway /"geItweI/ (n) = the place that
has a particular meaning znak we go through to get access to a
7d certain area wejÊcie, brama
top \tÅp\ (n) = the highest part of sth
alien encounter (phr) = a meeting wjazdowa
góra, wierzchołek
with creatures from other planets get a glimpse of sth (phr) = to see a
kontakt z przedstawicielami uncover \øn"køv´\ (n) = to reveal
small part of sth; to see sth briefly
cywilizacji pozaziemskiej odkryç, odsłoniç, rozwikłaç
ujrzeç coÊ przelotnie

196 (WL21)
Word List

greenhouse \"gri…nhaUs\ (n) = a glass stimulate \"stImjUleIt\ (v) = to make sb conductor /k´n"døkt´/ (n) = sb who
structure used for growing and feel interested or enthusiastic directs a choir or an orchestra
protecting plants and vegetables about sth stymulowaç, pobudzaç dyrygent
szklarnia, cieplarnia syllabus \"sIl´b´s\ (n) = the topics deadline /"dedlaIn/ (n) = the time by
handle \"hœnd´l\ (v) = to control (a covered in a course of study which sth must be done
vehicle) kontrolowaç, obsługiwaç, program przedmiotu szkolnego ostateczny termin (zrobienia
radziç sobie tend to \"tend t´\ (v) = to look after czegoÊ)
hands-on learning (phr) = acquiring zajmowaç si´, opiekowaç si´ degree /dI"gri…/ (n) = a qualification
knowledge by actually doing sth thrive /TraIv/ (v) = to grow and given for successfully completing a
instead of just observing nauka develop well; to flourish pi´knie university course stopieƒ, tytuł
poprzez praktyczne działanie rosnàç, rozwijaç si´ (np. magistra)
laboratory \l´"bÅr´tri\ (n) = a room or tilapia fish /tI"lœpi´ fIS/ (n) = a diploma /dI"pl´Um´/ (n) = a document
building used for scientific common name for around a showing that we have completed a
research, experiments and hundred species of fish, originally course of study and practical
teaching laboratorium from Africa tilapia (gatunek ryby) training dyplom, Êwiadectwo
low income (phr) = having little train /treIn/ (v) = to practise a sport in distance learning (phr) = a system of
money to live on niskie dochody order to compete trenowaç education in which people study
marine science \m´"ri…n saI´ns\ (n) = vibrant \"vaIbr´nt\ (adj) = exciting; at home with the help of the
the study of sea life nauki o morzu active dynamiczny, t´tniàcy Internet, and email their work to
maritime culture \ÆmœrItaIm "køltS´\ (n) ˝yciem teachers edukacja na odległoÊç
= the traditions and technological dress rehearsal /"dres rIÆh‰…s´l/ (n) =
advances related to the sea kultura 8b the final practice of a play with the
morska accredit /´"kredIt/ (v) = to officially costumes, lights, etc as they will
measure \"meZ´\ (v) = to use a device declare that sth is of an acceptable be used in the performance próba
to discover the proportions, size or standard uznawaç, udzielaç generalna
amount of sth mierzyç pełnomocnictwa drop out /ÆdrÅp "aUt/ (phr v) = to leave
motivated \"m´UtIveItId\ (adj) = acquire skills (phr) = to learn new school, college or university
determined to achieve sth abilities zdobyç, przyswoiç (nowe without finishing my studies
zmotywowany, zdeterminowany umiej´tnoÊci) porzuciç, wycofaç si´, wylecieç
navigate \"nœvIgeIt\ (v) = to find my admit to /´d"mIt t´/ (v) = to agree that (ze szkoły)
way at sea by using a map sth is true przyznaç si´ do enrol on a course (phr) = to sign up
nawigowaç, kierowaç (np. (czegoÊ) for a series of lessons zapisaç si´
statkiem) arrange /´"reIndZ/ (v) = to organise for na kurs
occupy \"ÅkjUpaI\ (v) = to take up sth to take place at a certain time expel /Ik"spel/ (v) = to force sb to
space in an area zajmowaç and place ustaliç, zorganizowaç, leave school because of sth wrong
oyster \"OIst´\ (n) = a type of shellfish zaaran˝owaç they have done wyrzuciç, wydaliç
ostryga attend lessons (phr) = to go to (np. ze szkoły)
peers \pI´z\ (pl n) = the people of the classes ucz´szczaç na fail /feIl/ (v) = not to pass an exam
same age, profession or social lekcje/zaj´cia nie zaliczyç, nie zdaç
group rówieÊnicy boarding school /"bO…dIN sku…l/ (n) = a focus on /"f´Uk´s Ån/ (v) = to
public high school (phr) = (in the school where children can live and concentrate on sth skupiç si´ na,
USA) a free school paid for by the study during the academic year skoncentrowaç
government for children between szkoła z internatem grade /greId/ (n) = a number or letter
the ages of 14 and 18 (w USA) certificate /s´"tIfIk´t/ (n) = an official given for school work or in an
szkoła Êrednia dla uczniów document that we receive when exam, which shows how well sb
w wieku 14-18 lat we have completed a course of has done ocena
ratio /"reISi´U/ (n) = the relationship study or training Êwiadectwo, graduate /"grœdZueIt/ (v) = to
between two numbers or amounts zaÊwiadczenie, certyfikat successfully complete my
stosunek, proporcja cheat in /"tSi…t In/ (v) = to act in a education at university or college
regatta /rI"gœt´/ (n) = an event made dishonest way to gain sth, skoƒczyç studia
up of a series of boat races regaty especially in an exam or a game hand in /Æhœnd "In/ (phr v) = to give sb
renovated \"ren´veItId\ (adj) = changed oszukiwaç podczas (np. gry) a piece of work or an official
or repaired to return to good comprehensive school /ÆkÅmprI"hensIv document wr´czyç, dostarczyç
condition odnowiony, po sku…l/ (n) = a secondary school for headmaster /Æhed"mA…st´/ (n) = (in
remoncie boys and girls of all abilities aged Britain) the head male teacher at a
resounding /rI"zaUndIN/ (adj) = over 11 szkoła Êrednia school (w Wlk. Brytanii) dyrektor
impressive; great głoÊny, donoÊny, przyjmujàca wszystkich uczniów szkoły
odbijajàcy si´ szerokim echem bez wzgl´du na zdolnoÊci intensive course (phr) = a course
rowing \"r´UIN\ (n) = the sport of compulsory subject (phr) = a subject which involves a lot of work in a
moving a boat through the water which we must study przedmiot short period of time intensywny
using oars wioÊlarstwo obowiàzkowy kurs
197 (WL22)
Word List

learn poems by heart (phr) = to tutor /"tju…t´/ (n) = a teacher at a infringement /``In"frIndZm´nt/ (n) =
remember pieces of writing, which university or college opiekun violation naruszenie, pogwałcenie
usually rhyme, using only my naukowy, promotor, nauczyciel mature /m´"tSU´/ (v) = to develop
memory uczyç si´ wierszy na akademicki emotionally and behave sensibly
pami´ç vocational school /v´U"keIS´n´l sku…l/ dojrzewaç, dorastaç
lecture /"lektS´/ (n) = a formal talk (n) = a school which provides motivate /"m´UtIveIt/ (v) = to make sb
given in order to teach people training and teaches skills for want to do sth; to encourage
about a particular subject wykład particular professions szkoła motywowaç, zach´caç
major in /"meIdZ´r In/ (v) = (in the zawodowa practical /"prœktIk´l/ (adj) = useful
USA) to specialise in specjalizowaç praktyczny
si´ w (danym przedmiocie) 8d promote /pr´"m´Ut/ (v) = to encourage
mark /mA…k/ (n) = (in Britain) a grade abroad /´"brO…d/ (adv) = in a foreign promowaç, szerzyç
for academic work stopieƒ country za granicà recommend /Ærek´"mend/ (v) = to
participate in /pA…"tIsIpeIt In/ (v) = to adhere to /´d"hI´ t´/ (v) = to follow a suggest sb for a particular job
take part in uczestniczyç w set of rules przestrzegaç, rekomendowaç, zalecaç
prejudice /"predZUdIs/ (n) = an stosowaç si´ do reverse /rI"v‰…s/ (adj) = opposite to
unreasonable opinion about sth, balance /"bœl´ns/ (v) = to keep two what is usual or expected
which is not based on facts or different things in the correct odwrotny
experience uprzedzenie proportions równowa˝yç, settle /"setl/ (v) = to get used to living
pupil /"pju…p´l/ (n) = a child who is bilansowaç in a new place osiàÊç, osiedliç si´
being taught in a school uczeƒ (w be on cloud nine (idm) = to be very stifle /"staIf´l/ (v) = to prevent sth
szkole podstawowej) happy nie posiadaç si´ ze from developing dławiç, tłumiç,
qualification /ÆkwÅlIfI"keIS´n/ (n) = sth szcz´Êcia, byç w siódmym niebie pohamowywaç
which is awarded when we burden /"b‰…d´n/ (n) = a duty or undergraduate degree (phr) = an
successfully finish a course or pass responsibility that causes worry or academic qualification given by a
an exam kwalifikacje difficulty brzemi´, ci´˝ar university to sb who does not
recognise /"rek´gnaIz/ (v) = to know clique /kli…k/ (n) = a group of people already have a degree stopieƒ
sb/sth because I have seen them who spend a lot of time together licencjata
before rozpoznaç and are unfriendly to people who valid /"vœlId/ (adj) = logical or true;
run across /"røn ´krÅs/ (phr v) = to are not in their group klika, acceptable prawidłowy, wa˝ny,
meet sb that I know unexpectedly grupka sensowny
wpaÊç przypadkiem na kogoÊ, conduct /"kÅndøkt/ (n) = behaviour
spotkaç zachowanie 8e
run away /Ærøn ´"weI/ (phr v) = to leave culture shock (phr) = the confusion commute /k´"mju…t/ (v) = to travel to
suddenly wybiec, uciec that sb feels when they go to a and from work every day
run into /"røn Int´/ (phr v) = (of a foreign country szok kulturowy doje˝d˝aç (do pracy)
vehicle) to crash into sth wjechaç discipline /"dIsIplIn/ (n) = a code of constructive /k´n"strøktIv/ (adj) =
w/na behaviour controlled by rules and creative and useful konstruktywny,
run out of /Ærøn "aUt ´v/ (phr v) = to punishments dyscyplina twórczy
have no more of sth left (o czymÊ) dress code (phr) = rules about what diverse /daI"v‰…s/ (adj) = of a large
skoƒczyç si´, wyczerpaç clothes sb has to wear zasady variety ró˝norodny
single-sex school /ÆsINg´l seks "sku…l/ ubioru (w danej szkole lub firmie) merit /"merIt/ (n) = a good feature or
(n) = a school where either girls or equal footing (phr) = having the quality wartoÊç, zaleta
boys are taught szkoła wyłàcznie same opportunities na równej social interaction (phr) =
m´ska lub wyłàcznie ˝eƒska stopie, na tych samych zasadach communicating with people and
specialise in /"speS´laIz In/ (v) = to exceed /Ik"si…d/ (v) = to be more than reacting to them kontakty
focus on a particular subject robiç a particular amount przewy˝szaç, mi´dzyludzkie
specjalizacj´ z (czegoÊ) przekraczaç (jakàÊ wielkoÊç)
specialist school /"speS´lISt sku…l/ (n) = expectation /Æekspe"kteIS´n/ (n) = a Language Focus 8
a school which focuses on a hope that sth good will happen advantage /´d"vA…ntIdZ/ (n) = a positive
particular area of education, such oczekiwanie, nadzieja point; a benefit zaleta; przewaga,
as music or sports szkoła fall short of sth (phr) = to not reach korzyÊç
specjalistyczna the expected standard nie spełniç asset /"œset/ (n) = a person or thing
student /"stju…d´nt/ (n) = sb who is (oczekiwaƒ), nie dorosnàç do that is useful or valuable to sb/sth
studying at a university or college (czegoÊ) atut, zaleta
student (w szkole Êredniej i/lub grant /grA…nt/ (n) = money given to sb credentials /krI"denS´lz/ (pl n) =
na studiach) by the government to pay for their achievements and experiences
term /t‰…m/ (n) = each of the three education grant, stypendium which make sb suitable for a
periods of time that a school or impose /Im"p´Uz/ (v) = to force sb to specific job kwalifikacje,
university year is divided into accept sth narzucaç, wprowadzaç referencje
Word List

detention /dI"tenS´n/ (n) = a Bachelor of Science (phr) = a first economic benefits (phr) =
punishment where a pupil is made degree in a science subject advantages measured in financial
to stay at school after the other licencjat w zakresie nauk Êcisłych terms korzyÊci ekonomiczne
children have gone home kara background \"bœkgraUnd\ (n) = a generate \"dZen´reIt\ (v) = to create; to
zatrzymania po lekcjach person's upbringing, culture, produce wywołaç, wytworzyç
distinction /dI"stINkS´n/ (n) = having education and experience harmful to \"hA…mf´l t´\ (adj) = able to
the qualities which make sb pochodzenie społeczne, cause harm/damage to sth
excellent wyró˝nienie Êrodowisko szkodliwe dla
exercise /"eks´saIz/ (v) = to do cab \kœb\ (n) = a taxi taksówka host \h´Ust\ (n) = sb who has guests
physical activity çwiczyç display \dI"spleI\ (v) = to exhibit gospodarz
hold a competition (phr) = to
wystawiaç, pokazywaç imported products (phr) = goods
organise an event zorganizowaç
dispose of \dIs"p´Uz ´v\ (v) = to throw that are brought into a country
away sth that I don’t need or want from another country to be sold
in favour of (phr) = approving of or
pozbyç si´ (czegoÊ), wyrzuciç produkty importowane
agreeing with sth za czymÊ, na
korzyÊç, na rzecz (coÊ) landowner \"lœndÆ´Un´\ (n) = sb who
keep /ki…p/ (v) = to make sb stay in a ensure \In"SU´\ (v) = to make sure that owns a piece of land posiadacz
certain place przetrzymywaç sth happens upewniç si´, ziemski
lieutenant /lu…"tenant/ (n) = a military zagwarantowaç local customs (phr) = traditions and
rank porucznik establish \I"stœblIS\ (v) = to create or common practices in a particular
maintain /meIn"teIn/ (v) = to cause a introduce sth stworzyç, zało˝yç place miejscowe zwyczaje
situation to continue utrzymaç, knowledgeable \"nÅlIdZ´b´l\ (adj) = local produce (phr) = fruit and
podtrzymaç having a clear understanding vegetables that are grown in
opportunity /ÆÅp´"tju…nIti/ (n) = a about a particular subject znajàcy a place and eaten by the people
chance sposobnoÊç, okazja si´ na rzeczy there produkty lokalne/miejscowe
possibility /ÆpÅsI"bIlIti/ (n) = likelihood; laboratory equipment (phr) = tools locally-owned \Æl´Uk´li "´Und\ (adj) =
probability mo˝liwoÊç and apparatus found in a lab owned by the people who live in
practise /"prœktIs/ (v) = to do sth sprz´t laboratoryjny a place w posiadaniu miejscowej
repeatedly in order to improve on average \Ån "œv´rIdZ\ (prep phr) = ludnoÊci
trenowaç, çwiczyç how many times sth generally on average \Ån "œv´rIdZ\ (prep phr) =
quality /"kwÅlIti/ (n) = a high standard happens przeci´tnie, Êrednio how much time sth usually takes
jakoÊç operate \"Åp´reIt\ (v) = to function Êrednio, przeci´tnie
rank /rœNk/ (n) = the position that sb funkcjonowaç, działaç preserve \prI"z‰…v\ (v) = to keep sth in
has in the army, navy, police, etc proficient in \pr´"fIS´nt In\ (adj) = its current state zachowaç,
stopieƒ (w wojsku), ranga
skilled and experienced in sth chroniç
rebuild /ri…"bIld/ (v) = to build sth
biegły w recycle \Æri…"saIk´l\ (v) = to collect and
again after it has been destroyed
qualification \ÆkwÅlIfI"keIS´n\ (n) = a process things like cans, glass or
particular skill in or knowledge of a paper, so that they can be used
refresh /rI"freS/ (v) = to renew
odÊwie˝yç, odnowiç subject kwalifikacja again recyklingowaç
renovate /"ren´veIt/ (v) = to repair and recent \"ri…s´nt\ (adj) = having reduce \rI"dju…s\ (v) = to make sth
paint an old building so that it happened a very short time ago become smaller or less in price,
looks in good condition again najnowszy, niedawny number, etc zmniejszyç,
odnawiaç, remontowaç sample \"sA…mp´l\ (n) = a part of a zredukowaç
restore /rI"stO…/ (v) = to bring back sth whole used to show what the rest respect \rI"spekt\ (v) = to care about
to its former condition przywracaç is like próbka sb’s wishes, beliefs and rights
stage /steIdZ/ (v) = to organise and utensil \ju…"tens´l\ (n) = a tool or object szanowaç
present a play, a concert, etc used in a kitchen or laboratory reuse \Æri…"ju…z\ (v) = to use sth more
wystawiaç (sztuk´, spektakl) narz´dzie, przyrzàd than once u˝yç ponownie
ridge \rIdZ\ (n) = a long narrow piece
CLIL/Culture 1 CLIL/Culture 2 of raised land at the top of a
accurate \"œkjUr´t\ (adj) = correct and aware \´"we´\ (adj) = knowing about mountain grzbiet górski, graƒ
detailed trafny, poprawny sth Êwiadomy route \ru…t\ (n) = a way from one place
attain \´"teIn\ (v) = to gain; to achieve contribute to \k´n"trIbju…t t´\ (v) = to to another trasa
osiàgnàç give sth towards sth else rugged beauty (phr) = (of
attempt \´"tempt\ (v) = to make an przyczyniç si´ do czegoÊ countryside) rough and wild
effort to do sth usiłowaç, declare sth open (phr) = to officially natural beauty surowe pi´kno
próbowaç announce that sth is open ogłosiç scarce \ske´s\ (adj) = very little
otwarcie czegoÊ ograniczony, rzadki,

Word List

scenic glen (phr) = a naturally formation \fO…"meIS´n\ (n) = the act of supply \s´"plaI\ (n) = the amount
beautiful narrow valley (in sth being created tworzenie si´, available for use zasób
Scotland) pi´kna dolina górska (w formowanie surface \"s‰…fIs\ (n) = the exterior; the
Szkocji) geothermal energy (phr) = the top part of sth powierzchnia
sparsely-populated \ÆspA…sli "pÅpjUleItId\ power from the heat inside the surrounding \s´"raUndIN\ (adj) =
(adj) = having very few inhabitants Earth energia geotermalna around a place otaczajàcy
słabo zaludniony heat \hi…t\ (n) = the quality of being tribe \traIb\ (n) = a group of people of
support \s´"pO…t\ (v) = to help a hot goràco, wysoka temperatura the same race, language and
business to prosper by doing our heat source (phr) = sth that produces customs plemi´
shopping there or using the high temperatures êródło ciepła underground /Æønd´"graUnd/ (adv) =
facilities wspieraç highly-pressurised \ÆhaIli "preS´raIzd\ beneath the surface of the Earth
surrounded by \s´"raUndId baI\ (pp) = (adj) = under a lot of pressure pod pod ziemià
having a lot of sth all around wysokim ciÊnieniem water mass (phr) = an amount of water
otoczony (czymÊ) hot springs (phr) = the flow of hot masa wody
tour operator \"tU´r ÆÅp´reIt´\ (n) = a water from deep in the Earth water pressure (phr) = the force at
company that provides holidays in goràce êródła which water comes out of the
which travel and accommodation hunting ground (phr) = an area of ground or a tap ciÊnienie wody
are booked for you organizator land that is used by a group of CLIL/Culture 4
wycieczek, biuro podró˝y native people for hunting animals
acceptable \´k"sept´b´l\ (adj) =
uninterrupted \ÆønInt´"røptId\ (adj) = teren łowiecki
approved of do przyj´cia,
with nothing blocking the increase \In"kri…s\ (v) = to become
continuation of sth bez przerw, greater in number, level or amount
aggravate \"œgr´veIt\ (v) = to make
bez zakłóceƒ zwi´kszaç si´, rosnàç
worse pogorszyç, utrudniç
usage \"ju…sIdZ\ (n) = the amount of sth key component (phr) = a main part
aggression \´"greS´n\ (n) = hostility
that is used zu˝ycie of sth bigger kluczowy
CLIL/Culture 3 magma \"mœgm´\ (n) = molten rock
approach \´"pr´UtS\ (n) = a way of
active geyser (phr) = a hot water doing sth podejÊcie
spout from under the ground bullying \"bUliIN\ (n) = the act of using
near \nI´\ (v) = to get close to zbli˝yç
which erupts from time to time my strength or power to hurt or
si´ do
czynny gejzer frighten weaker people (usually at
occur \´"k‰…\ (v) = to happen zdarzyç
boiling point (phr) = the temperature school) tyranizowanie, zn´canie
at which sth starts to boil si´, wymuszanie
pathway \"pA…TweI\ (n) = a route/way
temperatura wrzenia bystander \"baIÆstœnd´\ (n) = a person
in which sb/sth can travel along
canyon \"kœnj´n\ (n) = a large valley who is standing near a place
with very steep sides kanion where sth is happening without
plumbing system (phr) = a series of
channel \"tSœnl\ (n) = a passage cut participating; an onlooker
pipes that allow water to move
into the surface or under the obserwator przypadkowy,
from one place to another sieç
ground, along which water flows przechodzieƒ
kanał curriculum \k´"rIkjUl´m\ (n) = a group
release \rI"li…s\ (v) = to set free
crevice \"krevIs\ (n) = a crack or of subjects studied in a school or
uwolniç, wypuÊciç
opening in a rock szczelina, rysa college program nauczania
remain \rI"meIn\ (v) = to continue to
date back \ÆdeIt "bœk\ (phr v) = to have deal effectively with sth (phr) = to
be pozostaç
started or have been made at a handle a situation well skutecznie
renowned for \rI"naUnd f´\ (adj) =
particular time in the past sobie z czymÊ poradziç
well-known for sth znany z
pochodziç z (jakiegoÊ okresu) defuse the situation (phr) = to
rock \rÅk\ (n) = the hard substance
diminish \dI"mInIS\ (v) = to decrease remove the tension from a
that forms the surface of the Earth
zmniejszaç si´, maleç situation rozładowaç sytuacj´
erupt \I"røpt\ (v) = (of a volcano/ develop relationships (phr) = to form
settle \"setl\ (v) = to start living
geyser) to have material exploring friendly/social connections with
somewhere permanently osiàÊç,
dramatically from inside people nawiàzywaç stosunki
osiedliç si´
wybuchnàç (o wulkanie) effective way (phr) = the best way
squeeze \skwi…z\ (v) = to make sth
establish \I"stœblIS\ (v) = to introduce a that achieves the goal skuteczny
pass through a very small space
new quality zało˝yç, otworzyç sposób
przecisnàç si´
extend \Ik"stend\ (v) = to continue over emotional well-being (phr) = good
supercharged \"su…p´ÆtSA…dZd\ (adj) = full
a particular distance or area mental health zdrowie
of lots of energy przesycony
rozciàgaç si´ emocjonalne

Word List

employment opportunity (phr) = a support group (phr) = a group of fall under \"fO…l ønd´\ (v) = to be
chance of a job szansa na people who meet to discuss a grouped into a certain category
znalezienie pracy specific problem and offer advice nale˝eç do (danej kategorii)
engage sb in sth (phr) = to involve sb and support grupa wsparcia fantasy novel (phr) = a story
in a converstation or activity sweep \swi…p\ (v) = to clean with a involving imaginary creatures
wciàgnàç kogoÊ w coÊ broom zamieÊç powieÊç nale˝àca do nurtu
get off \Æget "Åf\ (phr v) = to leave a tackle \"tœk´l\ (v) = to deal with fantasy
place opuÊciç, wyjechaç z uporaç si´, stawiaç czoło follower \"fÅl´U´\ (n) = sb who
goal \g´Ul\ (n) = an ambition; a target utilise \"ju…tIlaIz\ (v) = to use u˝ywaç supports a particular belief or
cel, ambicja follows a particular lifestyle
CLIL/Culture 5 zwolennik, naÊladowca
intervene \ÆInt´"vi…n\ (v) = to
intentionally become involved in a academic life (phr) = a career in the generations to come (phr) = the
difficult situation in order to field of education kariera na people who will be born in the
improve it or prevent it from uczelni future przyszłe pokolenia
getting worse interweniowaç application \ÆœplI"keIS´n\ (n) = the act geometric form (phr) = a form
isolated /"aIs´leItId/ (pp) = feeling of putting a substance onto a relating to standard shapes,
alone odizolowany, osamotniony surface zastosowanie, nało˝enie i.e. square, triangle, etc figura
job training (phr) = the chance to (np. farby) geometryczna
train for a certain type of work art enthusiast (phr) = sb who really in my prime (phr) = the time in my
szkolenie zawodowe likes art entuzjasta sztuki life when I am most active,
pavement \"peIvm´nt\ (n) = a long art movement (phr) = a particular productive or powerful w kwiecie
strip covered with flat stones at style of art kierunek w sztuce wieku, u szczytu rozwoju
the side of a road chodnik blend \blend\ (v) = to mix zmieszaç, influential \ÆInflu"enS´l\ (adj) = being in
peer support (phr) = help and advice wymieszaç a position of power over others
from people of our own age brush stroke (phr) = a mark left on a and therefore able to bring about
wsparcie grupy rówieÊniczej painting by a brush with paint on it actions that I desire wpływowy
premises \"premIsIz\ (pl n) = all the pociàgni´cie p´dzla initially \I"nIS´li\ (adv) = in the
buildings and land that a business categorise \"kœtIg´raIz\ (v) = to put beginning poczàtkowo
occupies in one place teren, obiekt things into groups according to inspire \In"spaI´\ (v) = to be the source
proactive strategy (phr) = a plan to certain criteria kategoryzowaç of an idea or motivation
take positive action before a coin \kOIn\ (v) = to invent a word inspirowaç
problem arises strategie ukuç, wymyÊliç (wyraz, zwrot) live on \ÆlIv "Ån\ (phr v) = (of a book,
profilaktyczne, zapobiegawcze commonly referred to as (phr) = film, etc) to remain popular trwaç,
reactive strategy (phr) = a plan to usually called powszechnie ˝yç nadal
take action once a problem has nazywany mock \mÅk\ (v) = to tease; to ridicule
arisen strategia reaktywna connotation \ÆkÅn´"teIS´n\ (n) = an drwiç, kpiç, przedrzeêniaç
(w odpowiedzi na negatywne implication konotacja, skojarzenie move on \Æmu…v "Ån\ (phr v) = to stop
zjawisko) construct \k´n"strøkt\ (v) = to build; to doing sth and start sth different
rejected /rI"dZektId/ (pp) = not create budowaç zajàç si´ (czymÊ innym)
accepted by our peers odrzucony decipher \dI"saIf´\ (v) = to work out notable \"n´Ut´b´l\ (adj) = remarkable;
rent \rent\ (v) = to regularly pay a sum what sth says or shows distinguished znakomity, wybitny
of money to use sth that does not odszyfrowaç, odczytaç pattern \"pœt´n\ (v) = a design wzór
belong to me, usually for define \dI"faIn\ (v) = to explain the place emphasis on (phr) = to
accommodation wynajmowaç meaning okreÊliç, zdefiniowaç stress/emphasise sth poło˝yç
school community (phr) = all the derive from \dI"raIv fr´m\ (v) = to nacisk na
students and teachers at a school come from wywodziç si´, predecessor \"pri…dIses´\ (n) = sb who
społecznoÊç szkolna pochodziç od had my job before me poprzednik
self-esteem \Æself Is"ti…m\ (n) = self- distinctive \dI"stINktIv\ (adj) = relatively \"rel´tIvli\ (adv) = to a
confidence; self-respect poczucie characteristic; easily recognisable certain degree stosunkowo,
własnej wartoÊci charakterystyczny, wyró˝niajàcy wzgl´dnie
social worker (phr) = sb who works si´ rely on \rI"laI Ån\ (phr v) = to depend
with members of the public to distort /dI"stO…t/ (v) = to twist the on sb/sth polegaç na
improve their social/living shape or change the appearance scope /sk´Up/ (n) = the area that
conditions pracownik socjalny of sth zaburzyç, zniekształciç sb/sth deals with zakres, zasi´g
source of income (phr) = a way of expressive \Ik"spresIv\ (adj) = showing subject \"søbdZIkt\ (n) = a topic; a
earning money êródło dochodu my feelings or intentions theme temat
ekspresywny, pełen wyrazu subject matter (phr) = the topic of a
painting, a book, etc tematyka,
Word List

tiny dot (phr) = a very small round fully understand (phr) = to round down to \ÆraUnd "daUn t´\ (phr v)
mark maleƒki punkt completely understand sth w pełni = to reduce an amount to the
trilogy \"trIl´dZi\ (n) = a series of three zrozumieç nearest whole number zaokràgliç
books, films, etc with the same highly-respected \ÆhaIli rI"spektId\ w dół
characters or subject trylogia (adj) = admired by a large number serviceman \"s‰…vIsm´n\ (n) = sb in a
unremarkable \ÆønrI"mA…k´b´l\ (adj) = of people wielce szanowany, military service (army, navy, airforce)
not particularly noteworthy cieszàcy si´ du˝ym szacunkiem wojskowy, ˝ołnierz, mundurowy
bezbarwny, nieciekawy home-delivered \Æh´Um dI"lIv´d\ (pp) = serving \"s‰…vIN\ (n) = an amount of
vivid /"vIvId/ (adj) = (of colours) bright sent to sb’s house dostarczany do food enough for one person
˝ywy, sugestywny domu porcja
witness \"wItn´s\ (v) = to be present in relation to (phr) = relating to serving size (phr) = the amount of
and see sth Êwiadek another thing wzgl´dem, food given to a person to eat
CLIL/Culture 6 w odniesieniu do porcje jedzenia, które sà
ingredient \In"gri…di´nt\ (n) = a food podawane
account for \´"kaUnt f´\ (phr v) = to
item used to make a particular social interaction (phr) = the act of
constitute stanowiç
dish składnik communicating with people
army \"A…mi\ (n) = an organised group
intensively \In"tensIvli\ (adv) = kontakty społeczne
of people armia
in a way that involves a lot of spread \spred\ (v) = to move outwards
average \"œv´rIdZ\ (adj) = common;
effort in a short time intensywnie in all directions rozprzestrzeniaç
typical typowy, przeci´tny
label \"leIb´l\ (v) = to put a piece of si´
be made up of \bi ÆmeId "øp ´v\ (phr v)
paper with information on sth substance \"søbst´ns\ (n) = a solid, a
= to consist of składaç si´ z
by law \baI "lO…\ (prep phr) = legally etykietowaç liquid or a gas with particular
prawnie, zgodnie z prawem lunch club (phr) = a place where characteristics substancja
calculate \"kœlkjUleIt\ (v) = to people meet to eat a midday meal technical /"teknIk´l/ (adj) = (of
determine a number or an amount klub organizujàcy spotkania przy language) scientific; difficult to
lunchu understand techniczny
from information that I already
have obliczyç manufacturer \ÆmœnjU"fœktS´r´\ (n) = a veteran \"vet´r´n\ (n) = sb who has
carbohydrate \ÆkA…b´U"haIdreIt\ (n) = a person or company that produces fought in a war and survived
food substance that gives the body sth for sale producent weteran
energy, usually found in sugar and mineral \"mIn´r´l\ (n) = a valuable or vitamin \"vIt´mIn\ (n) = a substance
starch w´glowodan useful chemical substance which is essential for normal growth and
claim \kleIm\ (v) = to state that sth is formed naturally in the ground activity of the body, which is
true twierdziç, uwa˝aç minerał obtained naturally from plant and
component \k´m"p´Un´nt\ (n) = any nutrient \"nju…tri´nt\ (n) = a substance animal foods witamina
part of which sth is made that helps animals and plants to
CLIL/Culture 7
komponent, składnik, element grow substancja od˝ywcza
consume \k´n"sju…m\ (v) = to eat or nutrition \nju…"trIS´n\ (n) = all the absorb \´b"zO…b\ (v) = to take sth in
drink sth spo˝ywaç, konsumowaç vitamins, minerals, etc necessary gradually wchłaniaç
consumer \k´n"sju…m´\ (n) = the for a body to grow and be healthy active volcano (phr) = a mountain
ultimate user of a product or od˝ywianie which could explode with lava at
service konsument nutritional benefit (phr) = the good any time wulkan aktywny
daily allowance (phr) = an amount of influence which food has on our analogy /´"nœl´dZi/ (n) = a comparison
sth given/allowed to be used per health korzyÊci od˝ywcze between two things/situations,
day dzienne spo˝ycie nutritional demands (phr) = the showing how alike they are
determine \dI"t‰…mIn\ (v) = to find out need for certain food substances podobieƒstwo, analogia
okreÊliç, zdefiniowaç to maintain health potrzeby associate with \´"s´USieIt wID\ (v) =
disability \ÆdIs´"bIlIti\ (n) = sth that ˝ywieniowe to think of sth in relation to sth else
takes away a normal ability, packaged food (phr) = food that kojarzyç (coÊ) z czymÊ
especially as a result of a birth comes in a packet, a box, etc carbon dioxide (phr) = a gas in the
defect, an accident or a disease ˝ywnoÊç pakowana air we breathe dwutlenek w´gla
niepełnosprawnoÊç, ułomnoÊç property \"prÅp´ti\ (n) = a special carbon-based substance (phr) = a
elderly people (phr) = very old quality that sth has cecha material having a high carbon
people starsze osoby protein \"pr´Uti…n\ (n) = a food content substancja oparta na
fat \fœt\ (n) = an oil substance found substance that is necessary for a w´glu
in some foods tłuszcz growing healthy body białko, chunk \tSøNk\ (n) = a large piece
food label (phr) = a piece of paper proteina kawałek
attached to food packaging stating recommended \Ærek´"mendId\ (adj) = collide \k´"laId\ (v) = to crash into sth
the nutritional information suggested; proposed as suitable zderzyç si´
etykieta produktu spo˝ywczego zalecany
Word List

comet \"kÅmIt\ (n) = a body of rock rocky core (phr) = a centre made of hang \hœN\ (v) = (past tense/past
and ice that moves around the Sun rock skalne jàdro participle: hanged) to kill sb by
at a great distance from it, and is solar system /"s´Ul´ ÆsIst´m/ (n) = the suspending them by the neck
seen on rare occasions from the Sun and the planets that go powiesiç (kogoÊ)
Earth as a bright line in the sky around it Układ Słoneczny hint \hInt\ (v) = to make a suggestion
kometa solid form (phr) = being completely in an indirect way sugerowaç,
comprise \k´m"praIz\ (v) = to be made hard all the way through kształt dawaç do zrozumienia
up of składaç si´, byç zło˝onym z stały/zbity institution \ÆInstI"tju…S´n\ (n) = a
concentration \ÆkÅns´n"treIS´n\ (n) = a tar \tA…\ (n) = a black sticky substance building where orphans, mentally
large amount or number of sth in smoła disabled or elderly people are
a specific area skupienie, transform \trœns"fO…m\ (v) = to change looked after instytucja, dom
koncentracja into sth else zmieniaç, opieki
diameter \daI"œmIt´\ (n) = the przekształcaç si´ minister /"mInIst´/ (n) = a position of
measurement from one side to the authority in the Church of England
vapour \"veIp´\ (n) = gas opar
other of a round object Êrednica pastor
volcanic activity (phr) = the
dust particles (phr) = very tiny pieces misery \"mIz´ri\ (n) = unhappiness
condition when a volcano rumbles
of dust drobinki pyłu nieszcz´Êcie, niedola
and gives off gases, ash and lava
ecosystem \"i…k´UÆsIst´m\ (n) = all the nudge \nødZ\ (v) = to push sb gently
aktywnoÊç wulkaniczna with my elbow szturchnàç
living things in an area and the water vapour (phr) = water in a gas
way they affect each other and the oatmeal \"´Utmi…l\ (n) = a breakfast
form para wodna food made from a type of crushed
environment ekosystem
CLIL/Culture 8 grain cooked with milk or water
eruption \I"røpS´n\ (n) = an explosion
from a volcano wybuch, erupcja advance \´d"vA…ns\ (v) = to go forward pale \peIl\ (adj) = having less colour
fiery streak (phr) = a blazing line przemieszczaç si´, posuwaç si´ than usual blady
ognista smuga naprzód polish \"pÅlIS\ (v) = to make sth shine
galactic \g´"lœktIk\ (adj) = relating to aim sth at sb (phr) = to point sth in polerowaç, czyÊciç
galaxies galaktyczny sb’s direction celowaç w kogoÊ position \p´"zIS´n\ (v) = to place sth or
gas \gœs\ (n) = a substance that is not astonishment \´"stÅnISm´nt\ (n) = sb somewhere umieszczaç,
solid or liquid (like the air) gaz extreme surprise zdumienie rozmieszczaç
gravity \"grœvIti\ (n) = a natural force bare \be´\ (adj) = (of walls) not pour \pO…\ (v) = to make a liquid flow
that attracts objects to one covered with anything goły, out of a container in a controlled
another and makes things fall to odkryty, odsłoni´ty way nalewaç
the ground grawitacja blow \bl´U\ (n) = a hit cios public \"pøblIk\ (adj) = provided for
infancy \"Inf´nsi\ (n) = the early stages cling onto sth (phr) = to hold sth everyone to use publiczny
of life wczesne dzieciƒstwo, tightly uczepiç si´, kurczowo si´ scientific breakthrough (phr) = an
niemowl´ctwo trzymaç important discovery in the field of
companion \k´m"pœnj´n\ (n) = sb that I science przełom naukowy
lava \"lA…v´\ (n) = molten rock lawa
spend time with or travel with split up \ÆsplIt "øp\ (phr v) = to separate
measure \"meZ´\ (v) = to have a
kolega, towarzysz sb from the person or people they
length, height, etc of mierzyç
compose \k´m"p´Uz\ (v) = to form; to are attached to rozstaç si´
orbit \"O…bIt\ (v) = to move around sth
construct stworzyç, stare at \"ste´r ´t\ (v) = to look at
okrà˝aç, orbitowaç skomponowaç, zbudowaç
outer space (phr) = the space that is sth/sb for a long time wpatrywaç
counter \"kaUnt´\ (n) = (of a shop, si´, gapiç si´
far away from our galaxy bank, etc) a long narrow surface starvation \stA…"veIS´n\ (n) = extreme
przestrzeƒ kosmiczna where people are served lada suffering or death because of a
outstanding \ÆaUt"stœndIN\ (adj) = depict \dI"pIkt\ (v) = to show or lack of food głód; Êmierç głodowa
amazing wyró˝niajàcy si´, represent przedstawiaç, ukazywaç suffer \"søf´\ (v) = to experience pain
wybitny desperate \"desp´r´t\ (adj) = feeling or unpleasant emotions cierpieç
particle \"pA…tIkl\ (n) = a very small that I would do anything to na, skar˝yç si´ na
piece of sth czàsteczka change a situation zdesperowany, tender \"tend´\ (adj) = (of age) young
pea-sized \"pi… saIzd\ (adj) = having the zdeterminowany tu: młody (wiek)
size of a pea wielkoÊci ziarna devour \dI"vaU´\ (v) = to eat sth with torture \"tO…tS´\ (n) = an act of causing
groszku great enthusiasm jeÊç łapczywie, pain tortura
pour out \ÆpO…r "aUt\ (v) = (of a liquid) pochłaniaç whisper \"wIsp´\ (v) = to speak in a soft
to come out wylewaç si´ excel /Ik"sel/ (v) = to do sth very well quiet voice szeptaç
primarily \"praIm´r´li\ (adv) = mainly wybijaç si´, osiàgaç znakomite wink at \"wINk ´t\ (v) = to close and
głównie, zasadniczo, przede wyniki open one eye quickly to convey a
wszystkim gaze \geIz\ (v) = to look steadily at message to sb mrugnàç do
proximity \prÅk"sImIti\ (n) = closeness sb/sth for a long time wpatrywaç
bliskoÊç poło˝enia si´


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