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Mary Ann B.

Delos Santos

Contact #:09098039652


Educational Background My motivational Quotes

Age: 18 years 2006-2013: Malabago Elementary School

. old

Birthdate:August 6, 2001 2013-2017: Calasiao Comprehensive

“Do not fear failure but
National Highschool
Address:312 Malabago rather fear not trying.”
Calasiao Pangasinan 2018-2019:(present) Calasiao
Comprehensive National Highschool
Height: 5"2
Achievements : ― Roy T. Bennett,
1 Chronicles 16:11
Religion:Roman Catholic
5th honorable mention during my grade 6 Seek the LORD and his
Nationality: Filipino (elementary ) 2013 strength; seek his presence
Status:Single Consistent honor student since 2016

Motto in Life: Choosing your

weakness over your Strength Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the
is the most powerful version to Lord who goes before you.
He will be with you; he
emphasize your greatness that
will not fail you or forsake
fights even in Hardship you. Do not fear or be
My Skills
Good in Communication 70%

Reading Skills 50%

Writing Poems 89%

Memorization 90%

Singing 30%

Dancing 1%

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