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How did top manage to raise funds for the businesses he engaged in

-Itthipat obtained his own cash by being a weapon seller on an online game and also by selling his
father’s amulet to a pawnshop

Different characs that Top possessed

Nose – because Top was able to identify what kind of foods/snacks were trendy at that time and
something that every people would be able to enjoy

Mouth - He visited other stalls that sells Thailand chestnuts and asked different questions on each of
the vendors about how to efficiently prepare it, ways to empower the taste of the nut, and how to
identify the good ones and the bad ones.

Ears – When Top asked those questions to the vendors he paid attention to them and applied the things
which he learned from their answers. He also listened to the advices of the 7/11 and implemented them
inside his factory in order for it to be approved as sanitized/safe factory/area/workplace

Mind - Top was able to show innovation by thinking of a way to repack his seaweeds in a much more
convenient way to fit in 7 Eleven’s shelves.

Eyes – He never stopped thinking of other different ways to earn money, what to sell, and how to move
forward despite of all the mistakes and knockdowns he have already experienced. From being scammed
of the dvd players to going totally bankrupt, Top continued to mend his path through success.

From watching this movie I learned a lot of things from the movie about entrepreneurship or even in life
itself, such as:

- Just because you failed doesn’t mean you have to stop moving forward, You have to strive and strive

-Patience really is a must that no matter how many misfortunes is given to you still believe and wait that
better days will come eventually to you

-What we all need in doing something is passion because what’s the point of even continuing it when
you’re not even enjoying what you are doing. Passion, the strong commitment into starting something
and finishing it as well.

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