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Answer these questions correctly.

Text for number 1 to 3.

Facilities: Rooms:
Living Room - Arimbi
Family Room - Arjuna
Rosalia Hotel Phone:
Jl. Kaliurang No. 54 Reservation : (+62-274) 558777
Yogyakarta Office : (+62-274) 558762
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. We can book our room by calling ………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Where is the location of the hotel?

Text for number 4 to 7.

Once upon a time, there was a king who was very powerful and rich. But he was always unhappy because he felt ill all the
time. No doctors knew how to cure him, nor did any medicine do him good.
One day, he called all his wise men to his palace and asked them what to do. “There is only one way,” said a very old man. “If
you can find a happy man, take his shirt and wear it, you will be soon cured.”
The king then asked his men to search for all the happy men. They travelled all over the country, but they could not find one.
There was nobody who was completely satisfied. Everybody had something to complain about.
The men were very tired of their long search, and did not know where to go home. Just as they were worrying about that, they
saw a poor workman who was singing merrily while he has at work.
“Are you happy?” They asked the man.
“Yes, I am as happy as a lark,” answered the man.
“Give us your shirt,” said the men. We’ll give you as much money as you need.” The workman then gave his shirt to the king’s

4. Why was the king always unhappy?

5. Who could cure the king?
6. “If you can find a happy man, take his shirt and wear it, you will be soon cured.”
The underlined word refers to ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Text for number 8 to 9.

Singapore International School (Indonesia)

English Chinese Bahasa Indonesia French

Language Week is a greatly anticipated event when students show their skills in
communication using various means allowing them to express themselves in different ways.
This year, with “Expression” as our theme, we will be holding competition such as
spelling B, Call My Stuff, Action Poetry Recital, Story Telling, Character Parade, Debates,
Skits and Essay Writing. Mascots from different book publishers will be in the library providing
information for students about books and offering reductions on books during the event
7. Language
How many languages
Week are going
will be held from 3to
rd be used in the
to 5th March Language Week event?
8. How long will the event last?
9. Complete the announcement below with the suitable words!
(a) ………………………, please. I’ll tell you good news. One of the
(b) …………………. in this class, Dwi Apri, is appointed as the student
who will join Math Olympiad. We must be (c) …………………….. of
him and support him. We (d) ……………………… he will be successful
in the Olympiad.

- proud - glad - come in

- students - hope - attention

10. Arrange the following words into a good paragraph.

- Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.
- When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, sometimes it causes a tsunami.
- At the Earth’s surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacing ground.
- An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic waves.
- The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.
- Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer or a seismograph.


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