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TOPIC : “ Why is it a good habit to have breakfast in the morning?

JASPHER : Aww. My stomach is really hurt.

CELINE : What’s wrong? Are you fine?

JASPHER : Not really, I get stomatch ache.

CELINE : Why? Did you forget to eat your breakfast?

JASPHER : Yeah. I woke up late so if i have my breakfast, i’ll be late.

CELINE : But do you know how important breakfast is?

JASPHER : Yes, I know. But i always get stomach ache if i don’t eat on time.

CELINE : Since when do you feel that ache?

JASPHER : Hmm.. Maybe since i was 5 years old.

CELINE : I think when you was 5 years old, you were not used to have breakfast. Am i

JASPHER : What’s your main reason why you didn’t have breakfast?

CELINE : Because when i was 5 years old i was very lazy to woke up early, so i always
pass my breakfast time.

JASPHER : Ahh i see. I think that’s really bad habbit.

CELINE : Yeah i know it. I will try to change it, but i think i can’t

JASPHER : You can! Trust me. You just need to try wake up earlier and have your
breakfast. Breakfast also can give you much energy.

CELINE : I will try it. Thanks for your suggestion.

JASPHER : It’s ok. You’re welcome.

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