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Professor gaurad is an engineer who almost gave up his post at an institute at

Marseilles because he always felt ill at work, he decided against leaving. Then he discovered

that recurrent attacks of nausea only worried him when he was in office at top of building.

Thinking that there must be something in the room that disturbed him, he tried to trap it down

with devices sensitive to various chemicals and even with the Geiger counter , but he found

nothing till one day ,just as he was above to give up , he leaned back against the wall. The

court room was vibrating at a low frequency. The source of energy termed out to be and air

conditioning plant on the roof of building across the way and his office was at right shape and

right distances from the machine to resongnate in symphosing with it. It was their rhythm at

7cycles/sec that make him sick.

Fascinated by the phenomena the gavraud decided to build

machines produce infra sound so that he could investigate it further. In casting around for

lightly designs, he discovered that the whistle with a pen in it issued to all French generous

produce a whole range of low frequency sounds. So he built the police whistles 6 feet long

and powered it with compressed air. The technician who gave the giant missile his first trial

fell down dead on the spot. A post-mortem reveals that all this internal organs has been

mashed into jelly by the vibration.

Gauraud went ahead his work more carefully and did next test out of

doors with all observers screamed from the machine in concrete shelter when all was ready

they turned the ear slowly and broke the windows of every building within an half mile of

test sight. Later they learned to control the strength of infra sound generator more effectively

and designed as series of smaller machines for experimental work on the most interesting

discoveries of date waves of low frequency can be gained and truth generators focused on
particular point even 5 miles away produced a resonance that can knock a building down as

effectively as a major earthquake. These frequency 7 machines can be built very cheaply

I. Choose the right option:

1. Prof gauraud felt ill because
a) There were chemicals in room b) His office was too high up
c) He was affected by vibrations d) He was very sensitive man
2. He constructed a very large copy of police whistle because he wanted to
a) Produce low frequency sound b) Improved its design
c) Compare it with an organ d) See the effect had on people
3. The first experiment to the machine
a) Caused major earthquake b) Broke all the windows nearby buildings
c) Made the noise like organ d) Kill the man who switched on

4. Which of the following precautions was not taken by prof gavraud in his second
a) Observer were protected by concrete b) Experiment was done outside
c) Compressed air turned on slowly d) Smaller machines pursuit

II. Mention whether the following statements are True or False:

a) Prof gauraud left his job because he felt sick.
b) The cause of sickness was not in his room.
c) The air conditioning plant had nothing to do with this sickness.
d) The result of first and second trial was worried.
e) He did his second test indoors.
f) Later on he designed in a bigger generators

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