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Climate Change???

Should we put a question mark after Climate Change?

Well, the answer is why not.

The climate change bogey is being thrown at us since ages. There have been many instances of scientists
making unrealistic doomsday predictions regarding climate change. After the young Greta Thunberg’s
Emotional statement in UN (some also call it an Oscar worthy performance), one thing is for sure,
Climate Change may well become a hot topic of discussions for some time.
People like former US vice president Al Gore and Mr. Rajendra Pachauri even got Nobel Prize for their
climate change hoax in 2007 but in 2009 the Norwegian Nobel Committee rescinded the Peace Prize
amid overwhelming evidence that global warming is an elaborate hoax cooked up by Mr. Gore. There
may be a chance that even Greta Thunberg turn out to be a bigger hoax than Al Gore. But that’s future
to decide.

The fact is that the climate change and Global Warming is real but the extent to which it is being
exaggerated is not doing any good to the cause of our fight against climate change. No one can deny
that Ozone Layer got damaged due to Human Activities but we must also know that in last 30 years its
damage has recovered significantly and is getting recovered continuously.

As per World Poverty Clock Data, there are about 593,000,000 people in the world still living below
poverty line today. (The poverty threshold being 1.9$ per day i.e. approx Rs. 135 per day). As per World
Bank, in 2015, with the latest estimates, 176 million Indians were living in extreme poverty. At the
higher poverty line for lower middle-income countries, half the population, or 659 million people were
We must keep in mind that there will always be a fight between development and environment. The
fruits of development have not reached these people but the efforts are going on continuously. If at all,
we want to alleviate the poor out of their misery, the development has to reach them and for that we
will have to make compromises.
One cannot expect developing or underdeveloped countries like India, Bangladesh and Sub Saharan
Countries to only care about environment and leave the poor citizens at the mercy of God. Today the
“scam” of Climate Change perpetuated by Scandinavian Countries and Leftists is basically to pressurize
these poor countries to compromise with their development and source the expensive new technology
from these rich countries. (We must also note that per capita CO2 emission of India is 1.72 against 16 of
USA and 43 of Qatar).
So, when someone prods India about pollution and climate change, we must counter them with facts
that India, despite being a poor and developing country has taken many initiatives for sustainable
development. Some of these are as follows:
1. Introduction of Mass Transit System in almost all major cities.
2. Leader of World Solar Alliance
3. Continuous efforts are on to make Renewable Sources as the primary source of Power
4. Introduction of Electrical Vehicles.
5. Plantation of trees in record numbers
6. Installation of Waste Treatment Plants in all major cities
7. Swatch Bharat Initiative and making India ODF.
8. Heavy investment in making Coal Based Power less polluting.
9. Partial Ban of any new Coal Based Power Plant
Need of today is to not panic and not to create hysteria like the one being created by so called Climate
Warriors, which may seem like good optics and a ladder to an expected Nobel Peace Prize, but will infact
create much more resistance in countries (USA, Brazil are examples) against a combined effort. The
need is to share resources, share new technologies and make it easily accessible to the poor countries.
The need is to be cool and compose, think straight, act systematically and act methodically.

I believe in the power of Human Mind and Consciousness. And I also believe that Humans learn from
their mistakes. Humans are making continuous strides in making development more sustainable and I
believe that with the advent of new technologies in almost all fields and awareness among humans, the
future development is going to be much more environmentally sustainable and environment friendly.

India has always been a land, where Nature has been worshipped in various forms. Let us do our bit. Let
us assimilate modernity with our culture, let us adopt new technologies, let us try to adapt to a greener
way of living and let us strive to make our planet greener, cleaner, healthier and ready for our future

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sumit Maurya

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