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Chemrcol En~mcerrng Srience Vol. 40. No. 7, pp. IO6 I-1068. I985 ooos-2509/x5 23.00 + .

Printed in Great Britain. Pcrgamon Press Ltd.


G. S. DOBBY* and J. A. FINCH

Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, McGill University, 3450 University Street,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7

(Received 12 December 1982; Revised 4 January 1984; accepted 13 April 1984)

Abstract-Flotation columns are counter-current bubble columns that have recentlybeen applied to froth
flotation separation of minerals. A unique feature of a flotation column is the water stream applied at
the top of the column for the purpose of washing entrained nonfloatable particles from the floatable
bubble-particle aggregate, consequently permitting high upgrading in a single separation stage. The
objective of our work is the development of a scale-up methodology for flotation columns, and as a
first step toward this objective we have measured the dispersion parameters of large industrial columns.
Pulsed tracer tests were performed with both liquid and solid tracers on 0.46 and 0.91 m square columns,
each 13 m high. The liquid axial dispersion coefficient appears to be linearly dependent upon column radial
dimension. As well, it is confirmed that the axial dispersion coefficient of mineral particles is the same as that
of the liquid, and that the residence time of solid particles is unaffected by a bubble swarm.

lNTRODUCHON zone. Cleaning by froth drainage is not required and

An inherent limitation with the flotation of fine par- the sole purpose of a thin froth layer above the
ticles in conventional froth flotation cells is recovery of washwater addition point is the transport of concen-
hydrophilic (gangue) particles by mechanical entrain- trate over the column lip. Because of this unique
ment in the water reporting to the froth[ 11. The cleaning action, a flotation column can upgrade a fine
method of minimizing entrainment is to create a 5530 sized concentrate in a single step, where conventional
cm thick froth at the slurry surface. The froth permits flotation machines would require several sequential
the gangue to drain back to the pulp while retaining stages[2,3].
the hydrophobic particles which are eventually dis- The objective of our work is the development of a
charged over the cell lip. This cleaning action is seldom scale-up methodology for flotation columns. An im-
sufficient and sequential stage flotation is necessary. portant scale-up factor is the mixing characteristics of
The alternative approach to the cleaning of the recovery zone, because the particle collection
entrained particles has been introduced with column process that occurs in this zone is usually the rate
flotation. Industrial flotation columns are typically 13 determining step in the overall flotation process.
m high by 0.45 to 0.91 m square. A schematic diagram Particle collection is considered to be first-order with
of a flotation column is shown in Fig. 1. Three distinct respect to solids concentration if the bubble surface
zones are indicated. Feed slurry enters the column at is clean. Levenspeil[4] has shown that for a first-order
the top of the recovery zone, 9-l 1 m high, and flows rate process the conversion within a given sized
downward against a counter-current flow of l-2 mm reactor can be predicted using the values of the rate
dia. air bubbles. After collision, particles that are constant and the two reactor mixing parameters:
sufficiently hydrophobic will adhere to the bubbles and mean residence time and vessel dispersion number.
the bubble-particle aggregate will rise into the clean- As a first step in our scale-up study the axial
ing zone. The cleaning zone incorporates a unique dispersion parameters of both liquid and solids in the
feature; water is added from an array of perforated recovery zone of industrial flotation columns have
pipes located about 5-10 below the discharge lip. This been determined.
washwater drains downward and gives the cleaning
zone the appearance of a packed bubble bed. The DISPERSION THEORY
downward velocity of the washwater is regulated by
the difference between the tailings flowrate and the
For bubble columns operating at relatively low air
feed flowrate (or bias).
flow rates and with small bubbles, which corresponds
Gangue particles that are entrained in bubble
to the recovery zone of flotation columns, the plug
wakes or that shortcircuit from the feed point are
flow dispersion model has been shown to provide a
washed back from the cleaning zone to the recovery
good description of the axial mixing process[5, 61. if
*Now at Dept. Metallurgy and MaterialsScience, Univer- a tracer is injected near the top of a recovery zone of
sity of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. length L, the mass transport equation which describes

1062 G. S. DOBBY and J. A. FINCH

r--Wash water they found k = 1 and n = 0.23. No mention was

made of the mode of bubble generation. Towel1 and
Concentrate Ackerman [ 111 operated in the concurrent mode, with
2 both gas and liquid injected through a sparger having
Feedy-1 a small number of relatively large holes (0.64 cm), on
columns of 0.4 and 1.07 m dia. and 0 5 us s 0.15 m/s.
They found k = 1.5 and n = 0.5.
A noncircular shape of the column radial section is
a complicating factor. Alexander and Shah[ 121
showed that a rectangular column 0.076 x 0.23 m in
cross-section gave a considerably larger axial
diffusion coefficient than a cylindrical column of
equivalent diameter (diameter of a circle having the
same area as the rectangle). Akita and Yoshida[l3],
Fig. 1. A flotation column, showing the three principle working with a 0.15 m square section bubble column,
zones: (1) recovery zone; (2) cleaning zone; and (3) thin determined that the liquid phase mass transfer
froth. Sample points used are indicated by 0. coefficient was the same as that of a cylindrical
column having a diameter equal to a side of the
its concentration at an axial distance from the injec- square. By extension, this would imply that the liquid
tion point, x, and time, t, is given by: axial dispersion coefficients were also similar.

a% ac ac
E,----u---=0 (1)
ax2 ax at Solid9
In column flotation it is the dispersion parameters
where EI is the liquid axial dispersion coefficient and of the solids, not the liquid, that is of prime impor-
u, is the interstitial liquid velocity. Radial dispersion tance. Several investigators[6, 14, 151 have suggested
is assumed to be zero, so the mixing conditions can that the axial dispersion coefficient of fine solids in a
be quantified by two parameters: the mean liquid bubble column is the same as that of the liquid, i.e.
residence time, 7,. and the vessel dispersion number, Em = E,, where E,.,+,is the solids axial dispersion
N, = E,/u,L. For a system where end effects are coefficient in a slurry having a volume fraction solids
absent the Laplace transform of eqn (1) is given 4. No upper particle size, or mass, for which this is
valid has been suggested. The other solids dispersion

II (2)
parameter, the particle mean residence time, rPpo,

should be a function of the terminal settling velocity of
F(s) = exp $ 1 - (1 + ~N,T,S))‘I* the particle in the hindered settling up+. For the case of
( [ a descending slurry which is not contacted with gas
where s is the Laplace operator. The corresponding bubbles, a measure of T,,+is:
time domain solution is a unique function of r, and

C(r) =[&J”exp[&-k-q)]. (3)

The effect of a bubble swarm upon this relationship
The effect of various physical and operating pa- is unknown and, to the authors’ knowledge, un-
rameters upon the liquid axial dispersion coefficient measured. It is suggested here that this effect is
in bubble columns has been reviewed by Shah, Stiegel minimal at the relatively low gas velocities
and Sharma[8]. They conclude that for cylindrical (0.01-0.03 m/s) employed in a Rotation column, and
columns E, is essentially independent of liquid veloc- that equation 4 is suitable for scale-up purposes.
ity and liquid properties such as viscosity, surface The particle terminal settling velocity, u,,,,,, will be
tension, density, etc. In a subsequent review article, estimated using the method developed by Concha and
Shah et al.[9] generalize the effect of column di- Almendra for spheres[ 161, subsequently corrected for
ameter, D, and superficial gas velocity, vs, upon Et hindered settling and nonsphericity. The terminal ve-
with E, = Dkvgn, where 1 Sk < 1.5 and 0.3 5 n 5 2. locity of a single sphere, u,, is given by:
As the present concern is with flotation columns
having a large radial dimension it is worthwhile to
u s 1 I’
2!$%[{1 +0.0921(~y’-2y2 (5)
examine the scarce quantity of published data on
large diameter columns.
Magnussen and Schumacher [ lo] experimented
with cylindrical columns having 0.04 < D 1. 1 m at
0.01 I vg 5 0.1 m/s while operating in the counter-
current mode. For columns with no internal baffling
Mixing characteristicsof industrialflotation columns 1063

and a minerals system is excessive dye adsorption by the
solids. Prior to the RTD experiments, laboratory
p= 2
[ 4 (Pp -
P/)&g 1 adsorption tests were performed with Ruorescein in
slurries of molybdenum and zinc sulfide concentrates.
A reasonably small fraction (~20%) of the fluorescein
Then, u, can be corrected to account for the effect of was adsorbed. (In contrast, tests with two other dyes,
volume fraction solids, #I, using the empirical relation- Rhodamine WT and methylene blue, showed ~90%
ship developed by Richardson and Zaki[ 171: dye adsorption). As well, fluorescein was not adsorbed
by air bubbles in separate tests in which water and
2 = (1 - #)” (6) fluorescein were sparged with air in a laboratory
flotation machine. Fluorescein is light sensitive[20], so
where m = 4.65 for Re c 0.2, m = 4.35 ReV0.03 for collected samples were stored in the dark.
0.2r.Re<l.O, m=4.45Re-O.’ for l.O<Re<500 RTD’s of solid particles were determined with
and m = 2.39 for Re > 500. Since the volume fraction manganese dioxide as measured by atomic absorp-
solids will decrease with increasing x, due to capture tion of manganese. Manganese dioxide was selected
onto bubbles of many of the floatable particles, u,+ because it satisfied the following requirements of a
will generally increase during the particle descent. An solid tracer: (1) a low background concentration of
average value of u,+ is obtained by using the average the tracer in the tailings material; (2) a low flotation
of +(feed), at x = 0, and 4(tailings), at x = L, in eqn rate (i.e., it is hydrophilic); (3) a specific gravity in the
(6). Finally, us+ is modified to account for non- range of most sulfides (the MnO, was measured by
sphericity of the mineral particles. The shape adjust- pycnometer to be 5.19 g/cm3); (4) ease of analysis; and
ment factor used in this work is the sphericity, $J, as (5) reasonable cost. Laboratory grade MnO, was
given by Govier and Aziz[ IS], where + is the ratio of ground and classified to an upper particle size of 150
the surface area of a volume-equivalent sphere to the pm prior to the RTD experiments. From microscope
surface area of the particle. examination the sphericity, #, was estimated to be
Residence time distribution (RTD) was measured
using the unsteady state method of tracer impulse
injection to the top of the particle recovery zone of Column operation

the flotation column, followed by discrete sampling The tracer experiments were performed on two
of the tailings discharge and subsequent sample anal- flotation columns operating at Mines Noranda Lim-
ysis for tracer content. The parameter estimation itee, Division Gaspi, Quebec in a MO& concentrate
method was similar to that employed by Rice et upgrading circuit. Operation and performance of the
a1.[5, 61 which consisted of equating experimentally
columns have been previously described[2,3]. The
determined weighted moments to the theoretically two columns were 0.46 m (18 in.) square and 0.91 m
derived moments, which are functions of t and N. (36 in.) square. They shall be referred to hereon as I8
The weighting factor, exp(-st), gives less importance and 36 inch columns.
to the tail of the data. An optimum value of s was Operating conditions for the two columns at the
selected by a search routine which minimized the root time of the RTD tests are listed in Table 1. Air
mean square (RMS) error between the experimental holdup was estimated from direct measurement of
and theoretical curves, where RMS error = voidage on the 18 in. column when there was only
water and frotber in the column with no feed flow.
1/c ktcmi - cfi)2fi 9

[ i-l
1 Test procedure
and c,,,~ is the measured normalized concentration at For each of the two tests, fluorescein and man-
time 1, and cfi is the fitted concentration, equation 3. ganese dioxide were mixed with water and added to
Hopkins et al. [ 191 show that a suitable range for the the column at a point close to the interface of zones
value rs is roughly 1.2-5.5; the values obtained in our 1 and 2 by pouring them, from the top of the column,
work all lie between 1.5 and 2.0. down a funnel and tube arrangement. Total injection
Using this technique, r and N were estimated from time was approximately 30 sec. for the 18 in. column
the experimental data. t could be compared with the and 60 set for the 36 in. column. Samples of tailings,
measured quantity L/u, and E was determined from concentrate and feed were taken over the next 60 min
E = JVL2/60r m’/s, where L is given in meters and T at the sampling points indicated in Fig. 1.
in minutes. To obtain liquid for fluorescein analysis the sam-
ples were settled and decanted. Manganese mea-
EXPERIMENTAL surements were performed on the tailings form the
Tracer selection 18 in. column test only. In preparation for manganese
Liquid RTD was determined using the dye fluores- analysis, each sample was filtered, dried, and screened
cein measured with a portable spectrophotometer. A into four size classes: +400-270 mesh, +270-200
problem that is often encountered when using a dye in mesh, +200-150 mesh and + 150-100 mesh.
1064 G. S. DOBBY and J. A. FINCH

Table 1. Column operating conditions

18 inch 36 inch
Feed flowrate (L/min) 120 380
Washwater flowrate (L/min) 35 190
Tailings flowrate IL/min) 150 530
Concentrate flowrate (L/min) 5 40
Interstitial liquid velocity, ua(m/s) 0.013 0.011

Feed wt% solids 3 2

Volume fraction solids, +Caverage) 0.006 0.004
Superficial gas velocity, ug(m/s) 0.014 0.018
Estimated air holdup, D 0.055 0.070

L, feed point to air spargei (ml 9.5 10.0

RESULTS were normalized and fitted to the dispersion mode1

Liquid RTD with the procedure previously described. Figure 3
The measured tailings and concentrate RTD curves shows that for both columns the fit is good, evidence
for the 18 and 36 in columns are shown in Fig. 2. that the Laplace solution to the open ended dispersion
Concentration of dye in the feed is also shown, indicat- mode1 is adequate to describe mixing in large flotation
ing that a small amount of dye from the concentrate columns. The fitted parameters are given in Table 2.
and/or tailings streams was recirculated from the The flotation column dispersion coefficients are
subsequent flotation stages to the feed of the column compared with previously published data on large
being tested. As shown in Fig. 2, the recycled quantity counter-current bubble columns in Fig. 4. The radial
is minima1 and can be safely ignored. The tailings data dimension of the square sectioned columns are charac-
terized by equivalent diameters (0.52 and 1.03m). The
5 L I F
interval-bars for the Magnussen and Schumacher[ lo]
data reflect that their measured dispersion coefficients
DYE were average values obtained over a wide range of gas
CONC velocity (0.01-0.1 m/s). Gas velocities in the 18 in.
1 -
MODEL : 2=1X min
N4 = 0.476


(Ppm) * FEED
t l DATA

12 0.08 - MODEL : 2= 12.6 min

18” C h NC= 0.276
9 0.06


TIME (mid
TIME (min)
Fig. 2. Dye concentration vs time for the tailings, concen-
trate and feed stream of the 18 in. and 36 in. square Fig. 3. Normalized liquid RTD obtained from the tailings
columns. stream of the 18 in. and 36 in. columns.
Mixing characteristics of industrial flotation columns 1065

Table 2. Liquid dispersion parameters

18 Inch 36 Inch

NI1, fitted 0.278 0.476

El, fitted Cmz/sl 0.033 0.060

T1* fitted Cmin) 12.6 13.2

*l* estimated from L/u, Cmin) 12.5 14.7

have been averaged over gas velocities from 0.01 to
0.09 -
0.033 m/s.
If the data at low superficial gas velocities are
- .Magmhsen datP considered, it appears that k = 1 for large columns,
. l Rice dataC5)
neglecting the effect of ug- It is proposed here that for
0.07- - Rice data(=) flotation columns with D > 0.2 m and operating at gas
E / velocities between 0.01 and 0.03 m/s (as is typical) the
(m*/s> following relationship holds:

005- EI = 0.0630 m’/s (7)

where D is the equivalent column diameter, in meters.


Soli& RTD
The measured and fitted normalized data for Mn02
in the 18 in. column are given in Fig. 5. The error bars
OOI- +
. +* represent 2 two standards deviations, which accounts
b for both analytical and sampling error. Analytical
02 0* Q6 ae la relative standard deviation was 2% and background
Mn content was approximately 10% of the average Mn
D (ml
assay. Sampling error was estimated by the method of
Fig. 4. Liquid axial dispersion coefficient vs column di- Gy[21]. Table 3 summarizes the fitted parameters.
ameter for 18 in. and 36 in. flotation columns, and bubble Note that E,, does not vary with particie size. The
columns of Magnussen and Schumacher [lo] and Rice er
al. [5, 61.
average of the solids axial dispersion coefficients was
0.035 m’/s, compared with E, = 0.033 m’/s. It is
evident from this data that the axial dispersion coeffi-
and 36 in. flotation columns were 0.0 14 and 0.018 m/s cient of mineral particles in a flotation column is the
respectively, so it would be expected that the disper- same as that of the liquid.
sion coefficients of the flotation columns would fall at The predicted mean residence times of the four size
the lower end of the Magnussen data range. This is the classes are calculated in Table 4. The predicted and
case. Included in Fig. 4 is the data of Rice er a1.[5, 61 measured rPc vs d are plotted in Fig. 6. Agreement
for column diameters from 0.1 to 0.3 m. Their data between measured and predicted values is good.

Table 3. Fitted dispersion parameters for solids in 18 in. column

Size Interval dAVE- TPO N E RMS Error

(mesh) (WI) tmin) PO (x10=)

+400-270 44 9.7 0.239 0.037 0.31

+270-200 63 9.0 0.174 0.029 0.32

+200-150 88 7.3 0.186 0.038 0.43

+lSO-100 125 6.0 0.143 0.036 0.38

Solids Average 0.035 0.36

water 12.6 0.278 0.033 0.13

TGeometric mean of mesh interval (typically selected

because means are then related by JT as in original
screen series).

- Predicted
- Measured

8- \ *

6- \.

d, (urn)
Fig. 6. Mean particle(Mn03 residencetime vs particlesize,
predicted and measured. pp= 5.19, p = 0.013, JI = 0.8 and
do= 0.006.

Flow split
0200 -150 mesh A material balance of the fluorescein split and

hence water split between the tailings stream and the
concentrate stream can be obtained with the use of
the flowrates (Table 1) and RTD curves (Fig. 2). In
the 18 in. column, 99.8% of the measured fluorescein
reported to the tailings stream and in the 36 in.
column, 99.2% reported to the tailings. (In both
cases, approximately 18% of the dye was un-
accounted for and is assumed to have been adsorbed
by solids.) From a flow balance it was determined
that the concentrate water from the 18 in. column
was composed of 5% original feed water and 95%
wash water, while concentrate water from the 36 in.
column was 8% original feed water and 92% wash
water. The washwater is evidently very effective in
preventing feed water, and thus gangue particles,
from reaching the concentrate.

Mixing parameters of large flotation columns have
been determined under industrial operating condi-
tions. Results on these large columns show that the
liquid axial dispersion coefficient follows the de-
pendance upon column diameter as suggested by
Magnussen and Schumacher, El a D. The square
TIME (min) cross-sectioned flotation columns (using the equiv-
Fig. 5. Normalized MnO, RTD of the 18 in. column. (Not alent diameter) gave the same dispersion coefficients
all of the tailings samples taken were analyzed for man- as those determined by Magnussen and Schumacher
ganese.) for similar diameter cylindrical columns. This simi-

Table 4. Predictionof rpr for 18 in. column. Conditions: pMn0, = 5.19 g/cm’; $ - 0.8; or = 0.013 pp
(9’T f 2O); & = 0.006 (-2.5 wt% solids); pr = 0.0127 m/s; T, = 12.6 min

44 -0033 .0032 .82 -0026 -83 10.5 9.7

63 -0064 .0062 -77 -0048 -73 9.1 9.0

88 -0116 .0113 .76 .0086 .60 7.5 7.3

125 -0210 .0205 .70 -0144 .47 5.9 6.0

Mixing characteristics of industrial flotation columns 1067

larity between square and cylindrical columns also

agrees with the observation of Akita and
These experiments have also verified the obser-
vation by other researchers that axial dispersion
coefficient of solids is equal to that of liquid. Then,
for large columns at low air rates,

E,, = E, = 0.0630 m’/s. (8)

For the purposes of scale-up and design of flotation
columns equation 8 is quite adequate, even though
it does not take into account the effect of gas velocity.
Gas velocity in column flotation will probably vary
from 0.01 to 0.03 m/s so its influence on eqn (8) should Fig. 7. The ratio of mean particle residence time to mean
liquid residence time vs liquid velocity, assuming: 4 = 4.0,
be small.
p = 0.014, I& = 0.8 and $J = 0.059 (20 wt% solids).
The solids RTD tests have shown that the bubble
swarm has little effect on the mean residence time of
a mineral particle as determined simply by combining scholarship to one of us (G. Dobby), and the Department
the relative particle-fluid settling velocity with the of Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada, for equipment
liquid velocity. The weight fraction solids at the time funding. Valuable experimental asssitance was provided by
M. Leroux, University, and Noranda plant personnel. Help-
of the test (3%) was lower than in normal operation
ful discussions with M. Weber and A. R. Laplante are
(~5-15~~). As well, the air holdup was smaller than appreciated.
would be expected if bubbles approximately 1 mm in
diameter were being generated[6]. Nevertheless, the
outcome of the solids tests show that the RTD of
solids in a large flotation column can be predicted by tracer concentration
application of eqns (4) and (8); they provide good measured concentration, normalized
scale-up criteria. fitted concentration, normalized
As a consequence of being able to estimate rP+,.we column diameter, 111(for a square column, D is
can examine the effect that liquid velocity has upon the diameter of a circle with equivalent area)
the ratio rpr/7,. This is presented in Fig. 7 for the particle diameter, cm (unless otherwise noted)
hypothetical case of pP = 4.0, p = 0.014, $ = 0.8 and liquid axial dispersion coefficient, m2/s
C$= 0.059 (20 wt”/, solids). The diagram illustrates the solids axial dispersion coefficient, m*/s
sensitivity of rpq/rr to the mean liquid velocity, espe- acceleration due to gravity, cm/s*
cially for particles larger than 40 em. This could pose a column length, from tracer injection point to
problem in using laboratory flotation columns that are the bubbler at the bottom of the column, m
short, say 2-3 m, where u, must necessarily be kept low liquid vessel dispersion number, E,/uJ
in order to attain the same mean residence time of an solids vessel dispersion number, E,,/u,,+L
industrial, 10 m column. particle Reynolds number, ap~,d/p
maximum t of RTD
CONCLUSIONS interstitial liquid velocity, m/s
The results of tracer tests performed on industrial relative velocity of particles in a slurry with
columns have led to the following conclusions: volume fraction solids c$, m/s
velocity of single spherical particle, m/s
(1) For flotation columns with D > 0.2 m and velocity of spherical particles in a slurry with
operating at gas velocities between 0.01 and 0.03 m/s, volume fraction solids C#I,m/s
a reasonable expression for both liquid and solid axial superficial liquid velocity, m/s
dispersion coefficients is given by Epe = El = 0.0630 superficial gas velocity, m/s
m’/s, where D is the equivalent diameter of the axial distance from tracer injection point ( + ‘ve
column, in meters. downward)
(2) A good estimate of the mean residence time of fractional air holdup
particles in a bubble swarm (ug -Z 0.03 m/s) can be liquid viscosity, p
made from the expression TV = T~(u,/(u, + up,))_ liquid specific gravity, g/cm3
(3) The equations stated in 1 and 2 above provide particle specific gravity, g/cm3
a good criteria for scale-up of industrial sized flotation liquid mean residence time, min
columns. mean residence time of solids in a slurry with
(4) Washwater operation on the 18 in. and 36 in. volume fraction solids $I, min
flotation columns is very effective, allowing less than volume fraction solids in a slurry
1% of the feed water to reach the concentrate. particle sphericity =
Acknowhdgemenzs-The authors wish to thank Centre de
surface area of volume equivalent sphere
RechercheNoranda, Mines Noranda Ltee, for providing a surface area of particle
1068 G. S. DOBBY and J. A. FINCH

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