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EDLD 5389

Professional Learning Strategy

Week 5 Final Assignment


Chassidy Williams

The general conciseness to Professional Learning is that its purpose is to equip and prepare
teachers with renewed skills that will benefit their students. Truly effective PL’s will foster
students academic growth, academic responsibility, critical thinking skills, in addition to
allowing students to develop creative autonomy. My why reflects self-guided learning and as I
mentioned previously, academic responsibly. My goal and intent is to prepare the teachers in
my district with technology skills that can be employed in the classroom. As the teachers
become well-versed with technology, we can then begin to implement my initial plan of student
e-portfolios. However, fundamental blended learning must be applied in the classrooms firstly.

Call to Action
My Call to Action video​ displayed a heart-felt assessment of my current district. The motivation
behind my CTA was based on the detrimental lack of technology on my campus in the
classroom. My district is influenced heavily on a fundamental reading curriculum that seems to
lack 21st century skills required for post high school. Other than the class that I teach, students
do not witness technology being blended into the classroom in any capacity. Not only is this
disadvantageous to our students, it is professionally unfavorable to the teachers. My Call to
Action video is a challenge to the district to cultivate transformation and move our schools
forward with a 21st century approach and dissolve the traditional teaching didactic.

Professional Learning Blueprint

My ​PL Blueprint​ is a thorough comprehensive plan that maps out my intent to introduce
technology into the classroom. These strategies are designed to assist teachers in becoming
successful with technology. Initially the goal was to increase student academic responsibility
through the use of e-portfolios. In turn, students cannot thrive or master a content area that
teachers are not comfortable and well-prepared with. By providing a step by step guidance for
teachers, PL blueprints would help alleviate some nervousness and trepidations with
introducing technology in the classroom. PL blueprints also promote dialogue and creative
ideas among teachers. PL blueprints are also the beginning of fostering collaboration.

Technology at best should be a tool to bring people together resulting in working smarter and
not harder. For years, teachers in my district have focused solely on a reading curriculum. As
the times have changed, so have the needs of our students. Because of this, my target audience
are our content and elective teachers. Teachers are constantly redirecting their students
because they are glued to their phones and missing critical information while lessons are being
taught. Instead of seeing their phones as a deterrence, we should use the very source that
holds their attention and place it into the curriculum. In order to achieve this goal of
incorporating tech in the classrooms, our teachers will require technology training. Teachers
must be knowledgeable on how to integrate technology and in what manner that looks like
specifically. That knowledge of technology and how to properly utilize and include it in the
classroom, is jointly directed to teachers learning needs. Specific content facilitation and
development plans are all vital components for teachers to be able to help students achieve
21st century skills that are essential for post secondary success.
Fostering Collaboration
Teacher collaboration can seem impossible at times. Between various personalities and
different learning styles, collaboration appears to do more harm than good. Speaking from
experience, one of the most effective ways to foster collaboration is to build a sense of unity
and community. When teachers don’t “feel” divided, the best working relationships are
formed. Despite all of the differences that can be thought of, I have witnessed that when
working relationships are formed, the campus thrives. When there is division, nothing can
grow. An additional way to foster collaboration is to form “safe spaces” for teachers. Allowing
teacher only meetings where creative ideas can form and actually be implemented, would
welcome collaboration. There is nothing more exciting to a teacher than seeing what they
suggested actually be utilized and/or sampled by staff and administrators. Creating an
atmosphere for shared goals and visions among teachers will encourage, excite, and invigorate
campus collaboration.

Fostering Self-Directed Learning

Self directed learning not only succeeds with students, but it works for teachers as well.
Self-directed learning results in motivation, boost confidence, and improves job performance.
Fostering self-directed learning is driven by fostering collaboration. Teacher led projects and
PL’s from teachers who are in the classroom daily, are beneficial because they aware of the
struggles their peers are facing day in and day out. Administration can try to empathize as much
as possible but they are not operating from the needs of a teacher. Therefore, teachers
facilitating self-directed learning will address those crucial needs of the classrooms that out of
classroom instructional coaches and admins may not be aware of. While I believe that
self-directed learning is encouraged by collaboration, this creative autonomy also promotes
self-efficiency in individually in teachers. Knowing that you are fully comfortable with
collaboration and self-sufficiency at the appropriate times, can elevate individual leadership
qualities that can result in teachers desiring to further their roles into administration.

Professional Learning Instructors

According to my ​PL Blueprint​, myself and my principal are the only 2 that will facilitate and/or
lead the PL’s in the initial stage. After conducting an anonymous survey among teachers
inquiring about their level of technology skills, it was concluded that none of our teachers
possessed technology skills are certifications that would allow them to effectively lead any PL
sessions. The principal and myself, are the only 2 on campus that have obtained a technology
application certification. In addition to that reason, the principal is largely being utilized as
support and to emphasis the importance of change and how that change will be of value to our
students as well as professionally beneficial to teachers.

5 Key Principles of Effective Professional Learning

In order to reframe the mindsets, there has to be new strategies and efficient support provided
to staff. The 5 Key Principles of Effective Learning provides an unconventional spin to the way
PL’s have been conducted in the past. The 5 Key Principles must be utilized in a way that is
specific to our campus and the uniqueness of my organization. The Key Principles are as
1. Significant Duration​ - Teachers will require enough time both collectively and
individually grasp and work out jitters that accompany new implementations as it
pertains to integrating technology in their curriculum. Therefore in the PL, I will be
assigning an I.T. support staff to each content department for the duration of the school
year. This is to show the teachers that the support is ongoing, not temporary.
2. Support​ ​in Implementation​ - It is not enough to just aid teachers with equipment and
technical support. It is imperative that we also extend support while implementing any
changes in the classroom. In the PL’s we will discuss and provide a solution to any issues
that arise in the classroom. Anything from student behavior issues, to technology not
fitting into a particular unit.
3. Engaging​ - PL’s must be actively engaging for teachers to grasp new methods enough to
feel comfortable trying the techniques in the classroom. As a result, PL activities will be
hands on and be administered in content specific PL’s.
4. Modeling​ - To see it, is to believe it! Visualization is one way to ensure that teachers will
correctly impose changes. In the PL activities, I will be demonstrating suggestions and
options teachers have with technology. Most importantly, these demonstrations will be
held in the classroom for a more effective outcome.
5. Personalized​- As I sit in PL’s, nothing is more discouraging as a teacher than
un-personalized content. As a technology application teacher, what pertains to the
math teacher does not apply to my set of classroom circumstances. For instance, the
way content teachers, i.e, math, science, english, or history have to do their lesson plans
are not the same for elective teachers. Therefore, I tune out. The PL activities will be
departmental and subject matter specific for teachers. Generic PL’s are not effective.

Below is a detailed timeline of the 2019-2020 Professional Learning for teachers
implementation of technology into the classroom at Texans Can Academy High School -Hobby:

➔ September 2019​ - All teachers are introduced briefly on blended learning and watched a
video on the importance of technology in the classroom in addition to my Call to Action
video. There is also a discussion and Q&A and a survey given to teachers regarding their
level of technology skills.
➔ October 2019​ - All teachers watched a more in depth video on blended learning. Each
teacher is also issued a tablet which is the same tablet that their students will be using
in their classrooms.
➔ November 2019​ - All teachers are provided with various apps and online resources to
use and refer to while creating lessons plans and Marquez Reading material. Modeling
tech in the classroom is also demonstrated.
➔ December 2019​ - All teachers are issued a set of classroom tablets for students to use
for a soft roll out of technology in the classroom. Teachers are also provided with
technology agreements for their students to sign. Teachers are also informed that PL’s
going forward after returning from holiday break will be content specific until May 2020.
Modeling tech in the classroom is also demonstrated.
➔ January 2020​ - Math, Science and CTE teachers PL meeting is held in the training
classroom to demonstrate further modeling. Collaboration is also fostered by having
math teachers and science teachers work together to create technology lesson plans.
➔ February 2020​ - Social Studies, ELA and SPED teachers PL meeting is held in the training
classroom to demonstrate further modeling. Collaboration is also fostered by having
math teachers and science teachers work together to create technology lesson plans.
➔ March 2020​ - Math, Science and CTE teachers PL meeting is held in the training
classroom to demonstrate further modeling. Collaboration is also fostered by having
math teachers and science teachers work together to create technology lesson plans. At
this time, discussion and feedback is required based on how the students react to using
the tablets in class for our reading curriculum.
➔ April 2020​ - Social Studies, ELA and SPED teachers PL meeting is held in the training
classroom to demonstrate further modeling. Collaboration is also fostered by having
math teachers and science teachers work together to create technology lesson plans. At
this time, discussion and feedback is required based on how the students react to using
the tablets in class for our reading curriculum.
➔ May 2020​ - All teachers meet to take part in an end of year technology survey. Each
department will briefly demonstrate how they plan to use technology in their subject
matters for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. Teachers will also turn in their set of
classroom tablets. Discussion and feedback will also be welcomed and encouraged at
the end of year PL.

Resources and Media

The following resources and links were used in the 2019-2020 Professional Learning:
❏ Technology Skills Questionnaire​ - This survey was used to find out which teachers have
prior experience in technology or teaching with technology. In addition to the skill
check, the survey was used to assess the level of interest in using technology in the
❏ Importance of Technology in Education video​ - As previously stated, the teachers in my
district have not been required to utilize technology in the classroom. Therefore, there
is a detrimental lack of technology in our school other than the 2 CTE teachers (myself
included). This video was shown to teachers to kick off the “Why” and importance of
technology in education for our students and teachers alike.
❏ What blended learning looks like video​ - Surprisingly, some of our teachers have not
been exposed to blended learning. Others have been in our district for a couple of years
and have not utilized the concept for a while. This video was shown to all staff to give
them an idea or a refresher on what blended learning can and will look like.
❏ Apps and Resources - Each content teacher was provided with apps to research what
software they could effectively utilize for their students:
❖ Math
❖ Science
❖ English
❖ Social Studies
❏ Technology Use Agreements​ - Teachers and students will be required to fill out
technology agreements prior to the use of the internet. This is for the safety of both the
students and staff.
❏ Technology Lesson Plans​ - Teachers are required to create lesson plans following this
template when technology is being used in the classroom.
❏ End of year Technology Survey​ - This survey was used to make improvements for the
following school year in addition to assess to comfortability of teachers with using
technology in the classroom.

The resources and timeline provided are to support teachers with the beginning stages of
blended learning. Detailed instructions and guides are essential to helping teachers become
more effective in implementing change into the classrooms. PL’s will only be effective if we
move forward and try new strategies. Teachers must also be given creative autonomy on what
they do best, teaching. PL’s will never go away. And, they shouldn’t. Even teachers have to
commit to being life-long learners. However, it is a waste of time and resources if PL’s are do
not change as the times have. Teachers need support, not lectures.


why is technology important in education? (2014, February 16). Retrieved from ​​.

Blended Learning: Making it Work in Your Classroom. (2014, September 11). Retrieved from​.

Educatorstechnology. (2017, July 11). 12 Good Math Apps for High School Students. Retrieved from​.

10 Best ELA Tools for High School. (2019, April 24). Retrieved from​.

Burns, M. (2017, December 5). Class Tech Tips: 20 iPad Apps for Social Studies Classrooms. Retrieved from​.

Best Special Education Apps and Websites. (2019, April 30). Retrieved from
Teachers leading their own professional growth: Self-directed reflection and collaboration and changes in perception
of self and work in secondary school teachers ​(2000, March). Retrieved from

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