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Neurobiology of Speech Production:
Perspective from Neuropsychology and
Sheila E. Blumstein1 and Shari R. Baum2
Department of Cognitive Linguistic and Psychological Sciences, Brown University and the Brown Institute for
Brain Sciences, Providence, RI, USA; 2School of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Centre for Research on
Brain, Language & Music, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada

55.1 INTRODUCTION framework for much of the neurophysiological research.

We then consider the proposed stages of production out-
For most of us, the production of speech appears to be lined, first reviewing phonological stages of production
effortless. And, yet, it is a multifaceted and complex pro- and then phonetic/articulatory stages of production,
cess that requires access to different components of the integrating results based on lesion and neurophysio-
language processing system. Although articulation of a logical studies. Together, they indicate that speech
word (i.e., patterns of articulatory movements of the production recruits a neural network that encom-
vocal tract) may be the endpoint, the process begins with passes the language network, including temporal,
the conceptualization of a word, the selection of its lexi- parietal, and frontal structures.
cal representation and corresponding sound properties
from the mental lexicon, and the mapping of these pho-
nological representations onto articulatory planning and 55.2 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE:
implementation stages. Additionally, the speaker does SPEECH PRODUCTION DEFICITS
not simply passively articulate speech, but rather he or IN APHASIA
she constantly monitors it on a moment-to-moment basis
to adapt his/her output in either the short-term or the Early research from the 1970s and 1980s suggested
long-term based on both auditory and somatosensory that the patterns of production in patients with aphasia
feedback received from the production itself. reflected different stages of the speech production pro-
Although the details may vary, current models of the cess. Patients with lesions to frontal structures displayed
functional architecture of speech production typically articulatory planning and implementation deficits, and
identify these different aspects of speech production in patients with lesions to posterior structures displayed
terms of different stages of production. These stages are phonological deficits. One of the presenting clinical fea-
considered to be functionally distinct and hierarchically tures long recognized in defining the aphasia syndromes
organized, with both feedforward and feedback mechan- is the nature of speech production output (Goodglass &
isms at each stage of processing (Figure 55.1). It is the Kaplan, 1972) (for discussion of clinical syndromes of
goal of this chapter to examine current data and models aphasia, see Chapter 73). In particular, patients present-
of the speech production process, drawing from both ing with Broca’s aphasia or apraxia of speech typically
neuropsychological and neurophysiological studies. To have nonfluent speech output characterized by distorted
this end, we first provide a brief historical perspective speech production, sound errors of various types, and a
drawn from the aphasia literature that has served as a diminution of the prosodic range of speech. In contrast,

Neurobiology of Language. DOI: 689 © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Concept deficits, those with Broca’s aphasia and patients with

apraxia of speech produced phonological errors similar
to those made by those with fluent aphasia with poste-
rior lesions (Blumstein, 1973; Canter, Trost, & Burns,
1985; Haley, Jacks, & Cunningham, 2013). For example,
Selection the patterns of phoneme substitution errors (e.g., pipe -
bipe) made by those with Broca’s, conduction, and
Wernicke’s aphasia were similar across groups, as were
the distributions of different error types such as pho-
neme substitutions (e.g., teams - keams), deletions
(e.g., brown - /bawn/), additions (e.g., papa -
Articulatory implementation /paprə/), and transpositions (e.g., degree - /gədri/).
Acoustic analysis revealed that both Wernicke’s and con-
duction aphasics showed increased variability in the
implementation of a number of acoustic parameters of
auditory/somatosensory speech, despite the fact that they showed normal pat-
terns of articulatory implementation (Baum et al., 1990;
Ryalls, 1986; Vijayan & Gandour, 1995). Taken together,
these findings indicate that speech production recruits
FIGURE 55.1 Functional architecture of stages of speech produc- an integrated functional and neural system, one in which
tion processes. Colors in pink indicate phonological processes; those damage to one area has consequences throughout the
in blue indicate phonetic processes. system affecting stages of production both upstream and
downstream from it.
patients presenting with Wernicke’s and conduction
aphasia show fluent, well-articulated speech output.
Nonetheless, these patients, and particularly those clini- 55.3 PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSES
cally diagnosed with conduction aphasia, make speech IN SPEECH PRODUCTION
production errors characterized by sound substitutions
and the misordering and transposition of sounds within There is a rich literature that has examined the
and across words. representations and processes involved in accessing
Studies examining the acoustic patterns of speech pro- words from the lexicon in spoken word production.
duction of these patients largely supported this dichot- Results from this research generally support the view
omy. Acoustic measures of a number of parameters of that words are represented in terms of abstract, con-
speech, including voice-onset time (VOT) in stop conso- text-independent, phonological (phonemic and/or
nants (Blumstein, Cooper, Goodglass, Statlender, & syllable-sized) units and that the mental lexicon and
Gottlieb, 1980; Gandour & Dardarananda, 1984; Kent & access to it is influenced by the phonological proper-
Rosenbek, 1983), amplitude of voicing in fricative conso- ties of individual words and the network of word
nants (Kurowski, Hazen, & Blumstein, 2003), murmur representations that share structural properties with
duration, amplitude of the first harmonic at consonant the word candidate (Dell, 1986; Gaskell & Marslen-
release in nasal consonants (Kurowski, Blumstein, Wilson, 1999). Information flow throughout the speech
Palumbo, Waldstein, & Burton, 2007), and temporal para- production system is considered to be interactive.
meters of consonant and vowel production (Baum, Activation of a lexical candidate activates its associated
Blumstein, Naeser, & Palumbo, 1990) showed that phonological units, and these phonological units, in
patients with frontal lesions displayed deficits. They also turn, boost the activation of the word candidate as
displayed deficits in laryngeal control as shown by well as those shared phonological units of other words
impairments in amplitude properties of nasals, fricatives, in the lexicon. With this view, the selection of the pho-
and prosody. In contrast, patients with posterior lesions nological representation of a word is modulated by the
showed normal patterns of production in the analysis of number of phonological “neighbors” a word may have
these parameters. (Dell & Gordon, 2003), and this has a cascading effect
Although this dichotomy between phonological and on its articulatory implementation (Baese-Berk &
phonetic stages of speech production is supported by Goldrick, 2009; Goldrick & Blumstein, 2006).
more recent neuropsychological and neurophysiological Evidence from aphasia has generally supported
studies, early on, studies of speech production in aphasia this view. Although these studies provide evidence
indicated that the picture was more complicated. These in support of many of the theoretical claims about
studies showed that in addition to phonetic (articulatory) the functional architecture of spoken word

production, most fail to provide information about articulation, or manner errors than combinations of these
or focus on the underlying neural substrates. features. These findings are consistent with early work
Additionally, there have been surprisingly few func- by Jakobson, Halle, and Fant (1967), who proposed that
tional neuroimaging studies examining these issues. a finite set of distinctive features can be used to charac-
With this limitation in mind, we now turn to a brief terize the phonological systems of language and the
review of the extant neuropsychological and neuro- acquisition or dissolution of language (Jakobson, 1968).
physiological findings examining phonological pro- Although it may be the case that phonological units
cesses in speech production. may be abstract and are represented independent of
the phonetic context in which they occur, there must
be a processing stage where the abstract sound shape
is coded into fine “episodic” details that take into
55.3.1 Nature of Representations account the context in which the sounds appear. These
Similar to individuals without brain damage, details are ultimately used for motor planning and exe-
patients with aphasia show sensitivity to the sound cution. Evidence from aphasia supports this two-stage
structure properties of the lexicon in spoken word pro- process (Blumstein, 1973).
duction. In a study of the production of speech errors Consider the words “pill” and “spill” in English. The
in picture description and picture naming tasks in 43 abstract representation of the /p/ in these two words is
aphasic patients (unselected for syndrome or lesion), the same. However, their phonetic realization differs;
Gordon (2002) showed that there were fewer errors /p/ in initial position in English is aspirated and has a
produced for word targets that had many lexical long VOT (i.e., [ph]), whereas /p/, following /s/ is unas-
neighbors than words that did not. These facilitative pirated and has a short VOT (i.e., [p]). It is of interest to
effects occur presumably because words from dense determine what happens when an aphasic patient sim-
neighborhoods share phonological structure with the plifies a consonant cluster, particularly what happens
target, and the phonological similarities among the tar- when a patient deletes the /s/ in a word like “spill.”
get word and its neighbors provide a further boost to Will the resultant production of the /p/ be produced
the activation of the lexical target. That the effect is with an aspirated and long VOT, consistent with the
driven by lexical factors is further supported by the notion that the deletion of the /s/ occurred during pho-
fact that errors were more likely to result in words (of nological processing (i.e., before motor plans for a cluster
similar sound shape) than in nonwords (see also are implemented), or will it be produced with an unaspi-
Laganaro, Chetelat-Mabillard, & Frauenfelder, 2013). rated and short VOT, consistent with the notion that the
As indicated, the general consensus in the spoken production reflected the contextually determined pho-
word production literature is that words are represented netic realization of the cluster /sp/ followed by the dele-
in terms of abstract phonological units. These units may tion of the initial fricative? A study by Buchwald and
include both sound segments and properties of sound Miozzo (2011) measured the VOT productions of two
segments (i.e., phonological/phonetic features). aphasic patients who deleted /s/ in /sp/, /st/, and
Evidence suggesting that these units are segmental /sk/ clusters and compared these with the phonetic real-
comes from detailed analyses of the patterns of phono- ization of correctly produced stop consonants in both
logical errors produced by aphasic patients in spontane- singleton and cluster environments (i.e., “pill” and
ous speech as well as in more controlled tasks such as “spill”). Results showed two different patterns of pro-
repetition and naming (Blumstein, 1973; Lecours & duction, with one patient producing the initial stop con-
Lhermitte, 1969). Results show that phoneme substitu- sonant of the word with a long VOT (similar to the
tions, the most common error produced by those with realization of /p/ in “pill”) and the other producing it
Broca’s, conduction, and Wernicke’s aphasia involve the with a short VOT (similar to the realization of /p/ in
replacement of a single phoneme by another; whether “spill”). These findings suggest that the errors of the for-
this happens within a word, such as teams - /kimz/, is mer patient were phonologically based and the errors of
the result of misordering of sounds within a word, such the latter patient were phonetically based. Similar find-
as “degrees” - /gədriz/, or is a sound substitution ings were shown examining duration properties of nasal
between words, such as roast beef - /rof bif/. consonants when deleted in /sn/ and /sm/ clusters
Additionally, the pattern of substitution errors sug- (Buchwald & Miozzo, 2012).
gests that phonological features of sounds are funda-
mental representational units. In particular, the large
majority of substitution errors reflect the replacement of
55.3.2 Cascading Activation
a single phonetic feature, with very few errors occurring
between sounds distinguished by two or more features. During the stages of speech production, information
For example, there are more voicing, place of flows from the more abstract properties of speech to


more detailed phonetic representations required for errors on nonminimal pair words than minimal pair
articulatory planning and articulation. Recent research words and made phoneme substitution errors on the
with normal individuals has suggested that there is a target words that were largely single-feature substitu-
cascading flow of information with phonological prop- tions, and when such errors occurred, the production
erties of words influencing their fine-grained phonetic was more likely to be a word than a nonword.
realization (Goldrick, 2006). For example, it has been Perhaps more compelling evidence comes from a
shown that the implementation of voicing in stop con- recent study examining the origin of phonemic para-
sonants is influenced by whether the words have a phasias (i.e., phoneme substitution errors) in aphasic
voicing minimal pair (Baese-Berk & Goldrick, 2009; patients (Kurowski & Blumstein, in preparation). The
Goldrick & Blumstein, 2006). There is a longer VOT for question asked here was whether phonemic substitu-
initial voiceless stop consonants in words having a tion errors (e.g., [s] -[z]) reflect a planning error,
voiced minimal pair (e.g., “tart” versus “dart”) com- where the wrong phoneme is selected and ultimately
pared with words that do not (e.g., tar versus  dar). implemented correctly, or whether it reflects the simul-
A recent neuroimaging study (Peramunage, taneous selection and activation of a mis-selected pho-
Blumstein, Myers, Goldrick, & Baese-Berk, 2011) exam- neme and the original target phoneme. In this latter
ined the neural substrates of this lexically conditioned case, the resulting production, although perceived by
phonetic effect. While in the scanner, participants read the listener as a phonemic paraphasia (i.e., a clear-cut
words with initial voiceless stop consonants that either substitution error), is a hybrid, realized acoustically as
had or did not have a voiced minimal pair. None of a phoneme substitution but with an acoustic trace of
the voiced minimal pairs were included in the set of the original target phoneme. To examine this question,
words produced by the participants. Filler words acoustic measures were performed of voicing in the
beginning with a variety of consonants were also fricative consonants [s z] produced in a conso-
included. Acoustic analysis of the productions repli- nant vowel (CV) environment by seven aphasic parti-
cated the behavioral effects showing longer VOTs for cipants, three clinically diagnosed with Broca’s
voiceless stop consonants in words that had a minimal aphasia, three with conduction aphasia, and one with
pair compared with words that did not. fMRI results Wernicke’s aphasia. Results showed that the phonemic
revealed reduced activation for minimal pair words paraphasias of the patients left traces of the original
compared with nonminimal words in a neural net- target phoneme. These findings suggest that the
work, including the left posterior superior temporal production of phonemic paraphasias reflect the
gyrus (STGp), supramarginal gyrus (SMG), inferior simultaneous selection and activation of competing
frontal gyrus, and precentral gyrus. phonemes that subsequently influence articulatory
These findings suggest that lexically driven differ- planning and implementation stages downstream from
ences in the activation of phonological representations it (see also Baum & Slatkovsky, 1993; Buckingham,
in temporoparietal areas (posterior superior temporal 1992; Buckingham & Yule, 1987).
and supramarginal gyri) modulate subsequent articu-
latory processes in frontal areas (the inferior frontal
and precentral gyri). Moreover, they are consistent
with the view that reduced activation for minimal pair
words is a facilitatory process reflecting the overlap in
shared phonological properties between the target
word and its minimal pair (MP) neighbor. Of interest,
55.4.1 Articulation
a subsequent study (Bullock-Rest et al., 2013) examin- Identifying the neurostructural and neurofunctional
ing the effects of lesions to the SMG extending into the correlates of speech production at the articulatory pho-
STGp or to the inferior frontal gyrus on the production netic level requires an understanding of both speech
of minimal pair and nonminimal words using the motor programming and sensorimotor integration.
Peramunage et al. (2011) stimuli showed that both Until relatively recently, the majority of work on the
groups of patients demonstrated the minimal pair neural networks underlying overt speech production
effect. Of importance, this effect emerged for correct relied primarily on evidence from studies of patient
productions, suggesting that despite damage to the populations. In early years, symptomatology exhibited
network, Broca’s and conduction aphasic participants by stroke patients was coarsely correlated with lesion
were still sensitive to the lexical properties of the target sites based on CT scans (Baum & Boyczuk, 1999;
words and this, in turn, affected their phonetic output. Blumstein et al., 1980; Blumstein, Cooper, Zurif, &
Nonetheless, both groups showed a pattern of errors Caramazza, 1977). As imaging technology improved,
consistent with the view that they had a deficit in the so did the accuracy with which symptoms were associ-
spoken word production system. They made more ated with lesion sites (Baum et al., 1990). In what has

become a landmark study, Dronkers (1996) compared model’s components, Guenther et al. (2006) conducted
the lesions of 25 individuals diagnosed with apraxia of an event-related sparse sampling fMRI study in which
speech (in a chronic state) in an effort to identify a 10 speakers produced monosyllabic or bisyllabic
common area of infarct responsible for the phonetic stimuli based on orthographic representations (i.e.,
implementation deficit. The only lesion site common to reading aloud). Scans were acquired during silent inter-
all patients was in the precentral gyrus of the insula, vals after syllable production, timed to co-occur with
leading to the suggestion that this region was impor- the idealized peak of the associated hemodynamic
tant in articulatory coordination and control response function (HRF), and activation was compared
(Dronkers, 1996; see also Dogil et al., 2002; Wise, with passive viewing of a string of Xs. Activation was
Greene, Buchel, & Scott, 1999). However, more recent found in a widespread bilateral network including pri-
studies have implicated the pars opercularis, suggest- mary motor cortex, primary auditory and sensory corti-
ing that the insula is part of a network involved in ces, the cerebellum, left inferior prefrontal gyrus, SMA,
articulatory control (Hillis et al., 2004; Leonardo et al., SMG, and area Spt (Hickok & Poeppel, 2004)—all areas
2006). Easier access to high-quality functional neuroim- in keeping with the predictions of the model (see also
aging has permitted a far more detailed and broadly Blank, Scott, Murphy, Warburton, & Wise, 2002; Price,
encompassing understanding of the neural substrates Crinion, & MacSweeney, 2011; Price, Moore, &
of speech production to emerge. Frackowiak, 1996).
It is self-evident that the networks implicated in In a related study focused on the production of syl-
speech production include the cortical and subcortical lable sequences, Bohland and Guenther (2006) com-
regions involved in motor control more generally (i.e., pared patterns of activation during production of
primary motor cortex, supplementary motor area syllables varying in complexity based on number of
[SMA], regions within the basal ganglia, and the cere- onset consonants (in this case, syllable length was also
bellum). Numerous investigations over the past 15 modified) and syllable sequences of varying complex-
years have attempted to identify the specific roles of ity (i.e., the same CV repeated three times or three dif-
each of these regions and others, including areas ferent CVs appended to one another). Subjects were
within auditory and somatosensory cortices, because required to overtly produce the stimuli for a subset of
each contributes to the neural network subserving trials and to prepare to produce (but not actually do
speech production. We first review studies focused on so) in others (through use of a go/no go task). A con-
the production of syllables and syllable sequences, and junction analysis of all speech conditions again yielded
then we turn to sensorimotor integration in speech a broad bilateral network, including the bilateral cen-
production. tral sulcus, precentral and postcentral gyri, anterior
In comparison with the vast literature on word pro- insula, superior temporal cortex, medial premotor
duction (e.g., as reviewed in Indefrey & Levelt, 2000) areas (SMA and pre-SMA), the basal ganglia, thala-
and a growing literature on covert speech production mus, cerebellum, and left frontal operculum (Bohland
(e.g., Price, 2012, for review), far fewer neuroimaging & Guenther, 2006; see also Peeva et al., 2010). The
studies have investigated overt articulation. Based on increase in syllable complexity (which inherently
his well-developed DIVA model of speech production entailed an increase in length) yielded increased acti-
(Guenther, 1994, 1995), Guenther and colleagues have vation in medial premotor regions, the frontal opercu-
proposed and begun testing the neural bases of certain lum bilaterally, and the left posterior parietal lobe. The
aspects of the model (e.g., Bohland & Guenther, 2006; increase in sequence complexity yielded increased acti-
Guenther & Ghosh, 2003; Guenther, Ghosh, & vation in bilateral medial premotor regions, left frontal
Tourville, 2006; and others). Broadly speaking, the cortex, anterior insula bilaterally, left posterior parietal
DIVA model consists of two primary control systems— lobe, bilateral inferior posterior temporal lobe, bilateral
a feedforward system including areas involved in artic- cerebellum, anterior thalamus, and caudate nucleus
ulatory implementation (speech sound system and (Bohland & Guenther, 2006; but see Dogil et al., 2002
stored motor programs, hypothesized to be represented for data suggesting that increased complexity yields
in left ventral premotor cortex [PMC]), articulatory reduced activation).
positioning commands generated in motor cortex, and Based on these findings, the authors suggest that
timing coordinated in the cerebellum, and a feedback the inferior frontal sulcus may be the region where the
system that allows for error detection and monitoring motor programs required for the production of phono-
and sensorimotor integration based on both auditory logical units or syllables are represented. Given the
(temporal cortex) and somatosensory (inferior parietal increase in activation during complex sequences in the
cortex) input, with bidirectional links between the two left IFGpo (see also Papoutsi et al., 2009; Park, Iverson,
control systems (Guenther et al., 2006). In one of the & Park, 2011; Soros et al., 2006), the authors suggest
first tests of the hypothesized neural correlates of the that this region houses the “speech sound map”—the


phonetic codes for specific phonemes or syllables. The propose that the anterior insula is involved in prepara-
anterior insula—the region identified by Dronkers tion for speech, possibly in translating a phonetic “con-
(1996) as common to all her patients who presented cept” obtained from left IFG into articulatory motor
with apraxia of speech—was active in all overt speech patterns, whereas the left IFG represents the site of the
tasks, but activation was not modulated by sequence final stages of lexical retrieval that initiates the articu-
or syllable complexity (Bohland & Guenther, 2006; latory process. They further suggest that the basal gan-
see also Ackermann, Mathiak, & Ivry, 2004, but glia and cerebellum are involved in the selection and
see Frenck-Mestre, Anton, Roth, Vaid, & Viallet, 2005; implementation of motor programs, including timing
Riecker et al., 2000; Soros et al., 2006 for studies show- and the incorporation of sensory feedback, whereas
ing an absence of anterior insula activation during the premotor cortex combines the information from
speech production). According to Bohland and these two sources (basal ganglia and cerebellum) to
Guenther (2006), the anterior insula may have a role in convert into a specific movement (muscle contraction)
speech initiation (see also Shuren, 1993) but is not plan. The involvement of primary motor cortex relates
likely to be involved in the representation or imple- to actual execution via connections to lower motor
mentation of syllable sequences (for yet a different per- neurons (Eickhoff et al., 2009).
spective, see Moser et al. (2009) for data suggesting As suggested in the description of the meta-analysis
that the anterior insula has a role in speech implemen- reported by Eickhoff and colleagues, additional
tation for novel motor programs). A nearby region that regions that have been the focus of intense investiga-
did show sensitivity to complexity was between the tion regarding their role in speech production include
anterior insula and the frontal operculum; the authors several premotor regions, notably the pre-SMA, SMA
conclude that this region is involved in syllable proper, and dorsal and ventral premotor regions
sequence representation, perhaps as a site of integra- (Ackermann & Ziegler, 2010; Guenther et al., 2006;
tion of lower and higher level representations of Hartwigsen et al., 2013; Peeva et al., 2010; Saur et al.,
speech (Bohland & Guenther, 2006). 2008; Soros et al., 2006; Tremblay & Gracco, 2006). The
Other investigators have made similar but slightly pre-SMA has long been claimed to be important for
different claims about the role of the IFGpo. For speech initiation, based, in part, on evidence from
instance, based on a positron emission tomography lesion studies (Ackermann & Ziegler, 2010; Ziegler,
(PET) study comparing silent speech to oral (non- Kilian, & Deger, 1997) and data from investigations of
speech) movements, Price et al. (2011) suggest that the nonspeech motor control highlighting its role in move-
IFGpo (along with posterior superior temporal sulcus ment initiation (Shima & Tanji, 2000). Dorsal and ven-
[STS]) is involved in predicting acoustic and motor tral premotor areas have frequently been found to be
consequences of speech articulation, that is, in the activated during speech production and are presumed
feedforward (internal model) system—not altogether to be implicated in the conversion of phonetic codes to
different from Bohland and Guenther’s (2006) speech articulatory implementation or execution (Guenther
sound map, but with a somewhat different precise et al., 2006; Hickok, Houde, & Rong, 2011). Using
localization. This predictive coding would then, hypo- dynamic causal modeling (DCM) to explore effective
thetically, be passed on to temporal regions (posterior connectivity and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to
STS and planum temporale) where it could be used in examine anatomical connectivity, Hartwigsen et al.
an optimization loop to limit both perceptual and pro- (2013) investigated the roles of these frontal premotor
duction errors. The authors admit that functional con- areas during real-word and pseudoword repetition.
nectivity analyses would be required to confirm this The investigators hypothesized that if pre-SMA is truly
hypothesis. In this study, activation of the superior important in speech initiation, then the DCM model
temporal plane region was not found to be specific to with the best fit to the data should include “driving
speech production (i.e., it emerged during oral, non- input” into pre-SMA, with a strong influence of pre-
speech movements as well), suggesting this region SMA on dorsal and ventral premotor areas. The effec-
may play a more general role in sensorimotor integra- tive connectivity analyses did demonstrate such a pat-
tion (Price et al., 2011; see Hickok & Poeppel, 2004; tern, with a stronger influence of pre-SMA on the
Hickok, Okada, & Serences, 2009; Peschke, Ziegler, dorsal premotor region for pseudowords relative to
Eisenberger, & Baumgaertner, 2012). real words. DTI analyses revealed direct fiber connec-
In a meta-analysis of 19 fMRI and PET studies of tions between pre-SMA and both dorsal and ventral
overt speech production, Eickhoff, Heim, Zilles, and premotor cortex. Based on their findings, the authors
Amunts (2009) reported consistent activation in left propose that the pre-SMA is involved in the sequenc-
inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), the face region of primary ing of motor programs for articulatory initiation, the
motor cortex, the anterior insula, lateral premotor cor- dorsal premotor cortex is implicated in conversion of
tex, the cerebellum, and the basal ganglia. They an abstract sequencing plan to an actual motor-

articulatory plan (see also Alario, Chainay, Lehericy, & Lubker, & Gay, 1979, among many others); nonetheless,
Cohen, 2006), and the ventral premotor cortex pro- the extent of compensation varies depending on the
vides predictions of the auditory representations of nature of the perturbation and the specific speech
common speech sounds and syllables (Hartwigsen sounds targeted (Aasland, Baum, & McFarland, 2006;
et al., 2013; see also Guenther et al., 2006). Baum & McFarland, 1997, 2000). These findings suggest
One final brain region that clearly plays an impor- that speakers are generally able to adapt to modifica-
tant role in speech production is the cerebellum, which tions of somatosensory (kinesthetic or proprioceptive)
has connections to both basal ganglia and sensorimotor feedback to produce perceptually adequate speech.
cortex, as well as to premotor regions and the insula Recently, a great deal of attention has been focused on
(Ackermann, 2008). Unfortunately, it has received sub- speech adaptation to alterations of auditory feedback as
stantially less attention in the literature. However, well. As in the visual modality in studies of prism
based on studies of patients with cerebellar lesions, adaptation (Redding, Rossetti, & Wallace, 2005;
some recent neuroimaging data, and studies of non- Redding & Wallace, 1996; Rossetti, Koga, & Mano,
speech motor control, the cerebellum has been argued 1993), investigations have demonstrated adaptive
to be involved in the temporal organization and speech motor output in the face of auditory feedback
sequencing of syllables, as well as the control of speech that has been modified to yield what is perceived as a
rate (beyond a certain speed) (e.g., Ackermann, 2008; production error on the part of the speaker (Houde &
Ackermann, Mathiak, & Riecker, 2007; see also Ivry & Jordan, 1998, 2002; Jones & Munhall, 2005; Larson,
Keele, 1989; Ivry, Spencer, Zelznik, & Diedrichsen, Altman, Liu, & Hain, 2008; Larson, Burnett, Kiran, &
2002). Interestingly, parts of the cerebellum have also Hain, 2000; Purcell & Munhall, 2006; Shiller, Sato,
shown to be sensitive to speech perceptual demands, Gracco, & Baum, 2009). Adaptation in this context is
particularly in temporal discrimination (Ackermann, not complete, in that the speech output does not fully
2008; Mathiak, Hertrich, Grodd, & Ackermann, 2002, compensate for the perceived target error (Jones &
2004; Petacchi, Laird, Fox, & Bower, 2005). The precise Munhall, 2005). The reasons for incomplete adaptation
integration of cerebellar processing with cortical and are complex (Shiller et al., 2009), but the limited adap-
subcortical processing for speech production remains tive response indicates online sensorimotor integration
to be determined. and suggests a recalibration of perceptual and motor
responses (Baum & McFarland, 1997, 2000; Houde &
Jordan, 1998, 2002; Jones & Munhall, 2005; Nasir &
Ostry, 2009). Functional neuroimaging studies that
55.4.2 Sensorimotor Integration investigate the neural mechanisms involved in such
The integration of sensory and motor signals is a sensorimotor adaptation for speech are only beginning
crucial component in sensorimotor learning and the to emerge (Baciu, Abry, & Segebarth, 2000; Guenther
establishment of perceptuo-motor representations. et al., 2006; Ito, Kimura, & Gomi, 2005; Tourville,
Speech production is, by nature, a sensorimotor behav- Reilly, & Guenther, 2008); thus far, they support a
ior. Such behaviors require monitoring of input from broad cortical and subcortical network, including both
one or more sensory systems to update or modify left and right hemisphere regions underlying the adap-
motor plans, either on a moment-by-moment compen- tation process, as detailed here. Other approaches to
satory basis (online sensorimotor control) or via exploring the integration of perceptual and production
longer-term adaptation (sensorimotor learning). In processes have also been undertaken. For instance,
most models of speech production, sensorimotor feed- Hickok and colleagues (Buchsbaum, Hickok, &
back is compared with a predicted outcome to control Humphries, 2001; Hickok, Buchsbaum, Humphries, &
ongoing movement and program future articulation; Muftuler, 2003; Hickok et al., 2009, among others) have
this process of internal feedforward models (efference used nonword repetition tasks to tap into sensorimotor
copy) is proposed in one form or another in the DIVA integration processes. These studies have identified the
model of Guenther (1995) and in the state feedback Spt, a region in the planum temporale, as a critical hub
control model of Houde and Nagarajan (2011), among to this process (see also Hickok, 2014, for an overview).
others (Price et al., 2011). In one of the earliest neuroimaging investigations to
One means of addressing questions of sensorimotor use feedback manipulations to examine sensorimotor
integration is through empirical studies of imposed integration for speech, Tourville et al. (2008) made use
sensory-based manipulations. For example, it has fre- of an auditory feedback manipulation in the produc-
quently been demonstrated that the speech production tion of a series of consonant vowel consonant (CVC)
system is able to compensate for many perturbations to stimuli, all of which included the vowel /ε/. Within a
the vocal tract—both predictable and unexpected—to string of productions, an unexpected shift (up or
achieve phonetic goals (e.g., Abbs, 1986; Lindblom, down) of the F1 frequency in the vowel was induced


(following Purcell & Munhall, 2006; Houde & Jordan, bilateral distributed network that included frontal,
1998). Speakers compensated for the unexpected per- parietal, and temporal areas, as well as the cerebellum;
turbations, as expected. The neural regions that dem- interestingly, there was an increase in the role of the
onstrated increased activation under conditions of right hemisphere during the perturbed trials. Using
auditory perturbation and resulting compensation TMS to the left primary motor cortex, Ito et al. (2005)
included bilateral STGp, planum temporale, left ven- examined responses to unexpected jaw perturbation
tral motor and premotor cortex, and antero-medial cer- during speech and, not surprisingly, found an impor-
ebellum. Activation in these regions is consistent with tant role for that region in the compensatory response.
a role for both secondary auditory and motor areas in Also, examining compensation to unexpected blocking
the compensatory process. In another recent fMRI of jaw movement via a pneumatic device,
study investigating the neural substrates invoked dur- Golfinopoulos et al. (2011) reported increased activa-
ing speech adaptation (i.e., speech motor learning) to tion in right anterior SMG, pre-SMA, SMA, IFG, pre-
consistent auditory feedback perturbation, Gracco, central gyrus, thalamus, and cerebellum under
Sato, Shiller, and Baum (in preparation) found perturbed speaking conditions. They also investigated
increased activation during the adaptation (hold) effective connectivity and found increased connectivity
phase in bilateral IFG, premotor gyrus (PM), STS, pos- between left and right anterior SMG, as well as
terior STG, posterior inferior temporal gyrus (pITG), between left anterior SMG and right ventral premotor
right angular gyrus/posterior parietal gyrus (rAG/ cortex in the perturbed relative to the unperturbed
pPG), and left inferior parietal lobule/supramarginal conditions. Similarly, increased connectivity was found
gyrus (IPL/SMG). between right anterior SMG and right IFGpt, as well as
Based on these findings, coupled with results in bidirectionally between right ventral premotor cortex
prism adaptation studies implicating a role for inferior and right ventral primary motor cortex. The authors
parietal cortex in the control of adaptive movements conclude that bilateral anterior SMG is involved in
(Redding et al., 2005), Gracco and colleagues (Dangler, somatosensory error detection and correction (in keep-
Shiller, Baum, & Gracco, in prep; Shum, Shiller, Baum, ing with the DIVA model of Guenther (1995); see also
& Gracco, 2011) conducted two rTMS studies stimulat- Golfinopoulos, Tourville, & Guenther, 2010, and a
ing this region prior to an auditory feedback manipu- recent study by Schwartz, Faseyitan, Kim, and Coslett
lation/speech adaptation task. In a first study in which (2012), a voxel-based lesion symptom mapping analy-
inhibitory stimulation was applied to left SMG (Shum sis supporting the role of SMG in phonological error
et al., 2011), results revealed that those participants production in aphasia). Golfinopoulos et al. (2011) fur-
who had undergone transcranial magnetic stimulation ther suggest that whereas left IFG may be important
(TMS) to this region produced a significantly reduced for prelearned or automatized phonetic coding, right
adaptive response as compared with individuals who IFGpt may serve to maintain sensorimotor representa-
had undergone sham stimulation. In contrast, Dangler tions and assist in the adjustment of ongoing speech
et al. (in preparation) applied inhibitory TMS to the movements in response to sensory feedback
right hemisphere IPL and found a faster adaptive (Golfinopoulos et al., 2011). This latter suggestion
response subsequent to stimulation that was, however, appears inconsistent with that proposed by Gracco
of comparable magnitude in both experimental and and colleagues (2012); however, it must be borne in
control (sham) participant groups. The findings of mind that the experiments were investigating different
both experiments were interpreted to suggest that the types of compensatory responses, in one case in
left inferior parietal region plays an important role in response to unexpected somatosensory perturbation
sensorimotor adaptation and integration, whereas the (Golfinopoulos et al., 2011) and in the other in
right hemisphere homologue seems to normally inhibit response to static auditory feedback perturbation
activity in the left IPL; in other words, when right IPL (Gracco et al., 2012; Shum et al., 2011).
was inhibited, adaptation occurred more quickly
(Dangler et al., in preparation; Gracco et al., 2012;
Shum et al., 2011). 55.5 SUMMARY
There have also been several recent investigations of
the neural bases of sensorimotor integration with a It has been the goal of this chapter to review neuro-
focus on alteration of somatosensory feedback, rather psychological and neurophysiological studies of
than auditory feedback. For instance, Baciu et al. speech production. Together, this research has shown
(2000), as reviewed in Golfinopoulos et al. (2011), a complex tapestry that includes different stages of
made use of a lip tube to inhibit lip movement during production that ultimately map abstract phonological
rounded vowel production in an fMRI study. The structures onto articulatory commands. This produc-
static perturbation yielded increased activation in a tion system is integrated with both auditory and

somatosensory systems, allowing it to maintain stabil- Baum, S., Blumstein, S., Naeser, M., & Palumbo, C. (1990). Temporal
ity, and to adapt, as necessary, based on both immedi- dimensions of consonant and vowel production: An acoustic and
CT scan analysis of aphasic speech. Brain and Language, 39,
ate and longer-term perturbations. Speech production 33 56.
then requires both feedforward and feedback mechan- Baum, S., & Boyczuk, J. (1999). Speech timing subsequent to brain
isms where information flow is bidirectional. Not sur- damage: Effects of utterance length and complexity. Brain and
prisingly, then, the speech production system recruits Language, 67, 30 45.
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National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Buchsbaum, B., Hickok, G., & Humphries, C. (2001). Role of left
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